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The last two decades of the 19th century mark a crucial transition in the town‐planning history of Milan, as in many other European cities. This period left its mark on the urban structure; the parts of the city created under the 1880s plan have the clearest street plan, and the most coherent building typology. However, the significance of the work carried out in that period also relates to the progress of town‐planning practice, the relationship between development practice and planning style, the role of urban rent in the process of capitalist accumulation, and the relationship of public and private capital.  相似文献   

城市增长和城市最佳规模理论是城市发展的经济学理论基础,该理论对城市发展规划具有重要的指导意义.文章通过对有关城市增长的理论的阐述,分析了城市最佳规模理论对城市发展规划的影响,并通过中国西安城市发展状况实例的分析,得出了规划部门可以根据城市增长规模理论,统筹规划城市不同功能分区的建设规模和位置、确定城市基础设施和公共设施的建设规模、对公共与民间资本的投向进行合理的规划的结论,并根据城市增长理论与现实的矛盾,提出了在城市发展规划中应用该理论的建议.  相似文献   

深圳城市设计运作的路径演变是一个与城市发展高度契合的演变过程。文章阐述了深圳城市设计工作从空间控制工具,转变为发展策略,到如今进入存量用地再开发的时期,更加注重提升城市空间的质量和细节品位的演进过程。城市设计让城市更加有趣和有活力,而不是将城市变成只能鸟瞰的图案或是生产和消费的机器,这种价值观念的转变过程,或许对中国其他城市的城市设计管理有些许借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Local Agenda 21 is a part of a more comprehensive effort to bring about sustainable development. The latter requires far reaching changes in the attitudes of individuals towards current consumption and production practices that pose a threat to the world environment. The preparation of a Local Agenda 21 has required local authorities to carry out a dialogue with citizens, local organizations and private enterprises. Public dialogue is a crucial element of communicative planning, which results not only in tangible proposals for action but also engenders institutional capital. The aim of this article is to evaluate how local development authorities succeeded in building institutional capital during their programme for sustainable development. It does so in the context of the formulation of a Local Agenda 21 by the city authorities in Göteborg, Sweden.  相似文献   

As the oldest city of the New World, Santo Domingo has undergone major institutional, political, economic and urban restructuring in five centuries of urban history. This city profile article investigates first the historical urban development of the city and then scrutinizes contemporary urban policies and projects that respond to challenges of rapid growth, inequality, and vulnerability to climate change. The article highlights how centralized policies initiated by divergent political regimes have resulted in a segregated city where Presidents used urban space to leave their legacies without adhering to planning mechanisms. The article also uncovers how rapid growth and absence of urban planning have produced two city making approaches, the “formal” and the “informal” cities converging parallel to each other. Furthermore, as the capital city of a Small Island Developing State, Santo Domingo's recent urban policies are embedded in global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement; in this line, inequality and climate change vulnerabilities continue to be the city's main challenges in the 21rst century.  相似文献   

杨宇振 《新建筑》2013,(6):24-29
结合卡尔·马克思等人的相关论述,阐述和分析历史时期关于"城市"的多元认识,讨论与城市有关的五个方面;进而提出欧美城市设计历程与理论的另一种解释,阐述城市设计与物质、社会和观念生产之间的关系;结合资本的空间化与地方化,讨论清末民初早期现代化中国城市设计的状况。重点不在论述研究城市设计内部的理论,而存干讨论城市设计的外部关系及其生产的逻辑。  相似文献   

在中国快速和巨量城镇化进程中,城市正不同程度上经历着空间急剧拓展和街区肌理的剧烈变化,呈现在大尺度空间形态上,则体现为结构形态的尺度变化和显著外拓,平原型城市的普适性问题尤为突出。本文以郑州总体城市设计为样本,通过梳理平原型城市的国际规划理论和实践,对其整体空间形态的影响要素进行分析,尝试提出总体城市设计中平原型城市的空间形态规划理论和设计方法,以应对此类城市发展过程中典型的增长边界、城市骨架、结构模型等关键问题。  相似文献   

In the field of urban planning, public participation and inclusion of citizens have been practised and researched for many years. However, a focus on co-creative urban planning practices seems to have gained more focus over the last decade and calls for new urban planning practices, which allow experimentation and imagination, and at the same time take its outset in the existing networks in the city (such as visions, strategies, regulations and practices) when planning for the future. In this article, we investigate how a compositionist design programme can be translated into the practices of urban planners. We find that the notion of ‘democratic design experiments’ in many ways meet the demands of the increasingly complex field of urban planning and set out to explore how such a design programme can be applied in practice. We suggest ‘navigational practice’ as a way of describing how urban planners deal with ‘drawing things together’ in urban space and introduce ‘sensitivity’, ‘staging’ and ‘mobilization’ as interconnected elements of this practice. We exemplify the significance of these navigational practices by analysing two democratic design experiments in the area of urban waste management in Copenhagen. The article concludes that compositionist design is a powerful contribution to the framing of urban planning projects and that navigational practice can be a productive way of operationalising democratic design experiments in the urban context.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the evolution and spatial dynamics of condominium development in Toronto, the largest housing market in Canada and the site of a rapid take‐up of condominium tenure and construction over the last 40 years. The article probes the most influential policies that fostered and regulated condominium growth, and explores the implications for the continued restructuring of the city. A host of factors, including neoliberal state policies, have played a decisive role in fostering what we term condo‐ism, referring to an emerging nexus of economic development, finance, and consumption sector interests that have coalesced around condominium construction and culture. Policies have redirected growth to the urban core, channeled capital investments and young residents, and promoted gentrification, ultimately transforming the character of Toronto's central business district. The article explores these changes, and discusses their implications for contemporary emerging forms of capitalist urbanization and restructuring of the city.  相似文献   

从城市更新的契机入手,研究了奥运会作为城市大事件在城市发展中尤其是北京城市发展中的重大作用,同时对北京奥林匹克公园的规划设计方案做了深入的分析,对北京市城市建设的前景做出了合理的预测。  相似文献   

The city of Gaborone, like Botswana, the nation of which it is capital, is extraordinary in African terms. Here is a city lacking in mass poverty, extensive squatter settlements or recurrent civil strife: for all appearances, an orderly, affluent urban area. For these reasons, it is an important example of how planning authorities in a developing nation have managed urban growth. Gaborone has had opportunities other African cities have not. Thus it invites questions as to how these have been managed and expressed. A key issue which emerges is the co-location of informal, traditional and modern forms of land allocation both within Gaborone City and the peri-urban regions with which it is increasingly connected. This throws up a number of issues, including the inconsistent way in which planning authorities have managed this ‘balancing act’.  相似文献   

山海型城市是规划设计中常见的城市类型,在快速 城镇化过程中,其城市景观空间普遍面临高强度城市建设的严 峻挑战。当前国土空间治理背景下,如何在区域视角下结合数 字化城市设计技术方法,实现山海城格局整体保护,并彰显山 海特色城市景观,是中国山海型城市发展中的普适性问题。从 中国山海型城市的营城机制入手,梳理了山海型城市景观的共 性问题与挑战,并结合城市设计数字化技术提出“势-境-文貌”的山海型城市景观体系方法范式。最后以山东省威海市为 实践案例,提出山海型城市景观体系数字构建流程,并对区域 尺度下城市景观空间进行引导,以期提出具有普适性价值的山 海型城市景观体系方法。  相似文献   

论述了在柳州市中侨地王大厦设计中,从立足于城市中心传统街区的总体构想、与城市有机结合的交通流线组织、结合商业步行街优化商业价值、与城市环境一体化的立面造型设计以及住宅的绿化设计几个方面,探讨了在城市化进程中使高层建筑和城市空间有机融合的设计方法.  相似文献   

Javier de Mesones-Cabello was an influential and active planner of the 1960s and 1970s in Spain, who passed away in December, 2016. His professional career as a self-taught urban planner was extensively linked to his academic and institutional activities. These connections supported the establishment of relationships with prestigious professionals working in urban planning practice. In planning the 1969 masterplan for the city of Valladolid, in Spain, de Mesones-Cabello made several intellectual references to the Greek urban planner Doxiadis. This masterplan covers a relatively unknown example of directional city growth in a European context. My findings elucidate the extent to which de Mesones-Cabello was influenced by Doxiadis, and the circumstances in which these ideas have continued to dominate thinking about Valladolid's urban development.  相似文献   

王飞  石晓冬  郑皓  伍毅敏 《城市规划》2017,(11):9-16,32
分析了北京新版城市总体规划面临的转型发展时代背景,介绍了新版总规的编制重点是系统回答"建设一个什么样的首都,怎样建设首都"这个核心问题.结合新版总规编制实践,分析了北京在优化提升"都"与"城"关系、"舍"与"得"关系、"一核"与"两翼"关系、城市规模与资源环境承载力的关系等10个方面的规划转型探索.  相似文献   

近代上海的崛起是诸多因素共同作用的结果,从城市发展的角度来看,租界有着不可磨灭的历史作用。租界规划建设所奠定的城市中心和城市结构,无疑促进了上海的现代化进程,其影响直至今天仍未消失。本文从规划的角度对上海租界的城市建设进行思考,以期从中寻求对现今的城市规划和未来的开发建设的启示。  相似文献   

开放式大学的校园空间规划模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈奕 《山西建筑》2009,35(17):38-39
以常州工学院常澄路校区的规划设计为引子,针对位于城市中心区的大学校园,在与城市、社区共享共建过程中,就如何打造依托城市建立校园,依托校园发展城市进行了论述,并且提出了一种适应校园面向社会开放的城市校园空间规划模式。  相似文献   

就现行城市规划体系框架下,城市设计与规划的层次关系、法律地位、编制及审批办法等问题,提出了城市设计与城市规划一体化、城市设计具有双重地位和属性、城市设计与城市规划层次对应的三个基本理念,由此进一步提出城市规划编制实践中的城市设计可以根据具体情况分为:将城市设计纳入规划编制体系运行;城市设计作研究性的基础工作,其成果纳入规划成果进编制和审批;城市设计作为专项规划单独运行等三种不同方式进行的规范运作思路。  相似文献   

Cities position themselves to compete in the global economy using large-scale entrepreneurial interventions, which have the potential to significantly alter urban landscapes (Harvey 1989). Within this broad urban entrepreneurial approach, it is useful to reflect on localised knowledge production processes and the actors and power embedded in them, which result in particular urban development outcomes in cities. This paper analyses a spatial planning exercise, the Back of Port (BoP) Project, initiated in Durban in 2007 by its administrative entity eThekwini Municipality, and produced by local consultants, which reflects a particular form of urban entrepreneurialism. The BoP Project aimed to increase the competitiveness of the Durban port through improving city infrastructure, addressing congestion at the port-city interface and ensuring economic growth in the city, in a highly contested and political space. The resultant knowledge production process and the spatial framework that was produced, were shaped by global urban policy and the politics and practices of local government, civil society organisations and the knowledge fields of specialist consultants. The BoP spatial planning exercise reveals how urban policy is unfolding in a city in the South, in response to global processes of urban economic development, national imperatives and local challenges. The research reveals that knowledges associated with an economic and functional discourse-coalition became hegemonic, whilst counter-hegemonic knowledges around social and environmental justice struggled to frame the spatial plan.  相似文献   

未央宫作为整个西汉帝国的政治中心,其选址、规模、宫城形制对整个汉长安城的规划设计起着极为重要的影响。学界关于未央宫的研究焦点多集中在宫殿本身,而对于未央宫宫城与汉长安城的空间布局关系则仍可深入探究。本文立足于汉未央宫和汉长安城建设的动态历史过程,以历史文献,考古成果为依据,探讨未央宫营建对汉长安城城市轴线、路网分布、功能分区、标志性建筑等方面产生的空间作用与影响,并以此揭示汉长安城以未央宫为核心构建的空间秩序,以及其所蕴含的都城空间规划整体思想与智慧。  相似文献   

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