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量子阱二极管泵浦的Nd:YVO4/Cr:YAG高重复率被动调Q激光器   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
量子阱二极管端面泵浦的Nd:YVO4激光器中,采用Cr:YAG作为可饱和吸收体,获得了1.06μm的高重复率被动调Q脉冲激光输出.在吸收泵浦功率528.3mW时,输出脉冲能量0.19μJ,宽度32ns,脉冲重复率达158.7kHz.  相似文献   

Multiphoton confocal microscopy using a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu TM  Chu SW  Sun CK  Lin BL  Cheng PC  Johnson I 《Scanning》2001,23(4):249-254
With its output wavelength covering the infrared penetrating window of most biological tissues at 1,200-1,250 nm, the femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser shows high potential to serve as an excellent excitation source for the multiphoton fluorescence microscope. Its high output power, short optical pulse width, high stability, and low dispersion in fibers make it a perfect replacement for the currently widely used Ti:sapphire laser. In this paper, we study the capability of using a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser in multiphoton scanning microscopy. We have performed the multiphoton excited photoluminescence spectrum measurement on several commonly used bioprobes using the 1,230 nm femtosecond pulses from a Cr:forsterite laser. Efficient fluorescence can be easily observed in these bioprobes through two-photon or three-photon excitation processes. These results will assist in the selection of dichroic beam splitter and band pass filters in a multiphoton microscopic system. We have also performed the autofluorescence spectrum measurement from chlorophylls in live leaves of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana excited by 1,230 nm femtosecond pulses from the Cr:forsterite laser. Bright luminescence from chlorophyll, centered at 673 and 728 nm, respectively, can be easily observed. Taking advantage of the bright two-photon photoluminescence from chlorophyll, we demonstrated the two-photon scanning paradermal and cross-sectional images of palisade mesophyll cells in live leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

在需要利用光的相干性的场合,如倍频、光参量振荡、全息以及光束的相干合成等对激光器输出的线宽有严格的要求,这时就需要对纵模进行选择。介绍一种小型化单横模单纵模激光二极管泵浦Nd∶YAG激光器,单脉冲能量3.6mJ,重复频率200Hz,脉冲宽度16ns,单横模、单纵模运转。该激光器采用谐振反射器和腔内倾斜标准具对纵模进行选择,试验结果与理论计算比较吻合。该激光器可用作窄脉宽高能激光器的种子源。  相似文献   

A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (1,064 nm, 100 ns) was used to machine 2?×?1.5?×?0.5-mm rhombus-shaped tool inserts from a 60?×?0.5-mm circular disk of polycrystalline diamond. A systematic experimental study was undertaken to examine the effects of pulse repetition rate, feed rate, and number of laser passes on kerf, material removal rate, recast layer, surface morphology, and surface roughness. The optimal laser parameters for generating two-dimensional tool profiles were an average power of 3 W, a pulse repetition rate of 2 kHz, a feed rate of 1 mm/s, and a total of 45 laser passes. The beneficial results were a material removal rate of 0.02 mm3/min, kerf width of 27 μm, cutting edge radius of 6 μm, and surface roughness (Ra) of 0.625 μm. Recast layer formation, undulations, and striations were observed in the laser-cut regions. These features were attributed to the presence of a molten layer of cobalt binder, and amorphous carbon and graphite transitioned from diamond. An intriguing feature is the presence of fine particulate matter ranging in size from nanometers to a few micrometers in the laser-cut regions. It is believed that phase transition of diamond and cobalt during laser machining created thermal expansion mismatch stresses sufficient to fracture the solid into fine fragments.  相似文献   

本论文结合实验需要,根据激光器的基本原理设计了一套脉冲固体激光系统。通过本论文。对固体脉冲激光器的一些基本原理。基本组成。调Q理论和选模理论有了更清晰的认识,并基本掌握了Nd3+:YAG脉冲激光器选择输出模式的方法。  相似文献   

Results of frequency stability of Nd:YAG lasers locked to resonances of high-Q Fabry-Perot sapphire interferometers are reported. The interferometers were mounted on a platform cooled down to the cryogenic temperature; this ensured high long-term laser stability in the Michelson-Morley experiment.  相似文献   

介绍一种纯风冷激光二极管泵浦的脉冲Nd∶YAG激光器,单脉冲能量250mJ,重复频率25Hz,脉冲宽度7ns,光光转换效率13.6%。激光器输出为准基模,垂直和水平方向的M2值测量结果分别为2.81和4.09。同样结构下将风冷系统换成风冷水冷结合方式,激光器脉冲能量345mJ,重复频率提高到50Hz,光光转换效率上升为15.2%。两种形式的激光器连续工作时间5min,并进行了高温+55℃和低温-25℃的环境试验。  相似文献   

激光二极管(LD)泵浦腔内倍频Nd:YAG/LBO蓝光473nm激光器在不加入腔内特殊元件的情况下,往往倍频输出功率具有很大的高频噪声,即所谓的“蓝光问题”!这大大限制了473nm蓝色激光的应用!为了降低该激光器件倍频输出功率的高频噪声,采用了通过提高腔内基频光循环强度和缩短激光晶体以减小准三能级激光系统再吸收损耗的方法来实现473nm激光器的低噪声运转!实验中利用两个2W激光二极管耦合作为泵浦源及1.0mm厚的Nd:YAG材料作为激光晶体,在利用10mm长LBO材料作为倍频晶体的情况下,获得了输出功率为195mW的具有低噪声特性的473nm蓝光激光运转!实验结果表明:倍频输出功率(峰-峰值)/平均值小于1%!激光输出在1h内没有发生激光跳变现象发生并且无需腔内其它元件的引入。  相似文献   

采用垂直腔面发射激光端面泵浦Nd∶YAG获得了高能量的1 064 nm调Q激光输出。与边发射半导体激光相比,垂直腔面发射激光具有各向发散角相同、波长随温度漂移小等优点,更适合用作泵浦源以产生高效率、结构紧凑的激光。泵浦能量为200 mJ时,产生了最高45 mJ的1 064 nm激光输出,光光转换效率达到22.5%,激光脉宽为8 ns,发散角为1.2 mrad。基于模拟计算优化了Nd3+掺杂浓度,通过采用低浓度的Nd∶YAG晶体减小泵浦端面增益,从而有效抑制了影响调Q激光能量提高的自激振荡,为获得高能量的端面泵浦调Q激光输出提供了有效的技术手段。  相似文献   

Single-frequency traveling-wave Nd:YAG and Yb:YAG lasers combining the functions of intracavity second harmonic generation and birefringent filter on one nonlinear crystal are discussed. The lasers were developed for spectroscopy and metrology applications. Output characteristics and spectral tuning ranges of the lasers are presented.  相似文献   

Surface texturing by pulsed Nd:YAG laser   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Introducing specific textures on a tribological surface can contribute to friction reduction in sliding contacts. In the present paper, a pulsed Nd:YAG laser emitting at 1064 nm, was used against 100Cr6 steel samples in order to produce well-defined surface micro-pores, which can act as lubricant reservoirs, micro-hydrodynamic bearings as well as traps for wear debris. Due to the high flexibility of the laser system, structural features such as shape, size, density and depth can be varied easily by changing the laser parameters. To optimize the parameters of the laser surface texturing process, an investigation was performed using different pulse numbers, various pulse energies and two different modes (single- and multi-mode). The microtextures were characterized with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by topography techniques. The relationship between the laser processing parameters and qualitative and quantitative profile of the micro-pores was studied. Tribological testing of laser textured surfaces was performed in a low frequency–long displacement reciprocating sliding wear tester under boundary lubrication and results compared to un-textured case. Tribological comparison of textured, textured and lapped, and untextured surfaces shows only minimal influence of texturing for contact conditions investigated.  相似文献   

Pulsed Nd:YAG laser treatment of monocrystalline silicon substrate   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To minimize reflection and increase the opportunity for photovoltaic (PV) devices to absorb incident light, we produced rough-textured surfaces using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. We investigated the effect of various operating parameters on surface features and optical performance. The parameters investigated were pulse repetition frequency, pulse energy, and textured surface exposure time. Following laser surface treatment, no chemical solution etching or anti-reflective coatings were necessary. Reflectance values were measured by spectrophotometer. Structural properties including surface morphology and surface roughness of the textured surfaces were analyzed by a three-dimensional confocal laser scanning microscope. The resulting surface reflection curves indicated that, of the different laser machining paths, the vertical and circular paths produced identical optical properties in the samples. Surface reflection values decrease as the pulse energy and exposure times increase. By contrast, surface roughness increases with exposure time. An increase in pulse frequency reduces surface roughness, although the extent of the reduction depends upon the pulse energy. Following surface texturing of the monocrystalline silicon samples, the total reflection was reduced from 40% to approximately 10% of incident light. Our experimental results indicate that the rougher surfaces attained by laser surface treatment provide better light-trapping properties for PV devices.  相似文献   

为了确定染料调Q的Nd3+:YAG激光器发射的单次激光脉冲的偏振性,利用偏振分束立方体和双通道激光能量计,实验测量了激光脉冲经偏振分束后P偏振光和S偏振光的能量比,分析总结了激光器的偏振性.结果表明:激光器偏振性个体差异很大,不存在统一性;每一台激光器都有各自的偏振性,同一台激光器前后发射的激光脉冲的偏振性可能一致,也可能变化较小,也可能完全随机.产生偏振性的具体原因有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

Employing automatic gauges is one of the fundamental steps in advanced manufacturing system not only for assuring product quality, but also monitoring process stability. Statistical process control (SPC), therefore, is developed to detect the occurrence of assignable causes so that unnecessary quality costs can be avoided. However, it is necessary to provide a practical way to evaluate the monitoring capability of an automatic gauge for its application. That is, the monitoring capability study should be conducted before applying any automatic gauge on SPC application. The economic SPC chart then can be properly designed. Rather than conventionally considering the relationship between both manufacturing cappability and control limits, gauge capability is further and concurrently considered to analyze the monitoring error of an automatic gauge in this paper. After interpreting the effect of manufacturing capability, gauge capability, and control limits to construct the monitoring error model, furthermore, the engineer can then distinctly evaluate monitoring capability by the expected cost incurred in the SPC process. Also, genetic algorithm is successfully applied to determine the economic design of X-bar control chart with the realistic monitoring error model embedded.  相似文献   

Development of controlled Nd:YAG laser for medical applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several medical fields are concerned with applications of thermal lasers such as neodymium-doped, yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG), argon, and CO2. However, quantification of the necrotic volume of Nd:YAG laser-induced damage is not possible at the time of treatment. Mathematic models and feedback control can help to optimize Nd:YAG laser treatments. We therefore formulated mathematic models for coagulation processes and developed an intelligent Nd:YAG laser system with closed-loop feedback control. Surface temperature evolution proved to be valuable data for real-time control of coagulation and ablation. Infrared thermometry provided the noncontact measurement of temperature. A computer stored the temperature data calculated by the mathematic model. Deviations of surface temperature during the treatment beyond established tolerances causes the Nd:YAG laser system to adjust the laser power automatically.  相似文献   

The increasing application on high laser power in industries required studies in the portion of pump radiation absorbed by laser media that exchanges to heat. Heat may cause thermal stress, stress birefringence and thermal lens effects. These effects can destroy the optical properties of the laser medium, decrease the beam quality and may lead to medium break. In this paper, the thermal and stress analyses of continuous and pulsed end-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser are studied using finite element method. Heat deposited in the slab is removed by cooling water, flowing on the largest faces of the slab, which surrounds the active media. The temperature and stress distributions of the end-pumped Nd:YAG slab are defined by coupled field methods in the ANSYS commercial finite element software. The value of maximum temperature and stress in the slab which is affected by an end-pumping are calculated. Finally the maximum pump-power range which can be applied to the slab is determined using the limit of maximum stress in the slab. The analyses are done in from transient to steady-state regimes for continuous pumping. Results show that deposited heat due to the pulsed pumping acts like a mechanical impact.  相似文献   

基于激光切片原理的分析,给出了厚硅片的高速激光切片方法,采用平凸腔补偿工作物质的热透镜效应,利用Nd∶YAG棒本身的自孔径选模作用,获得了光束质量因子M2等于4.19的50 W 1.064 μm激光输出。选取合适的扩束倍数、重复频率和出气孔直径,当切割0.75 mm厚的硅片时,切片速度达400 mm/min;当切割两层叠放的0.75 mm厚的硅片时,切片速度达到100 mm/min。切片的切口光滑,切缝较窄,重复精度高,切片质量好,达到用传统方法难以达到的切片效果。  相似文献   

Experimental analysis on Nd:YAG laser micro-turning of alumina ceramic   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Laser micro-turning is a micro-machining strategy to machine cylindrical workpiece of hard-to-process materials such as ceramics. Laser micro-turning method is in high demand in the present high-precision manufacturing industries because of its wide and potential uses in various engineering fields such as automobile, electronics, aerospace, and biomedical applications, etc. In the present research, the experimental analysis of Nd:YAG laser micro-turning of cylindrical-shaped ceramic material has been made to explore the desired laser output responses, i.e., depth of cut and surface roughness by varying laser micro-turning process parameters such as lamp current, pulse frequency, and laser beam scanning speed. Single laser beam has been utilized for successful micro-turning operation. Experimental results revealed that the laser machining process parameters have great influences for achieving desired laser micro-turned depth and surface roughness characteristics during laser micro-turning of alumina ceramics. SEM and optical photographs have also been analyzed for better understanding of the laser micro-turning process for different parametric settings.  相似文献   

Resin-bonded cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheels are widely used in industry due to their good grinding ability. There is, therefore, a need to find a good method suitable for the dressing of these wheels. This paper presents a new method dressed by an acoustic-optic Q-switched Nd: YAG laser based on thermal interaction, which is unlike the conventional mechanical dressing methods based on force interaction. The mechanism of the selective removal of the bond was analysed. Experiments of a single pulse ablation on the resin bond and the CBN grains, and the laser dressing of resin-bonded CBN wheels with different dressing parameters have been carried out. The grinding force has been compared for the conventional mechanical dressed wheel and the laser dressed wheel. It is shown that the resin-bonded CBN grinding wheel is suitable for an acoustic-optic Q-switched Nd: YAG laser dressing with radial irradiation, which is better than a continuous wave (CW) laser dressing with radial irradiation and conventional mechanical dressing methods.  相似文献   

采用Nd:YAG激光焊对304不锈钢和5052铝合金进行异种金属焊接,分别以峰值功率、焊接速度、离焦量和脉冲频率等工艺参数设计24组工艺试验,并对比分析未熔合、熔合和焊穿3种焊缝表面表征。运用激光点位移传感器测量焊缝高度,探索焊缝高度随激光功率等工艺参数的变化趋势,得出钢-铝焊缝3种表面形貌的工艺参数区间。分析结果表明,焊缝的表面形貌是由激光单点能量、离焦量和脉冲频率等因素共同决定,焊缝高度与峰值功率、焊接速度、离焦量和脉冲频率等工艺参数有一定的变化规律。  相似文献   

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