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为使我国烟草行业相关科研技术人员准确把握加热型无烟气烟草制品研发的技术特点,对2001~2012年国家知识产权局和欧洲专利局世界专利数据库有关加热型无烟气烟草制品专利进行了检索、统计和分析.结果表明:①2001~2012年国家知识产权局共公开264件加热型无烟气烟草制品专利.其中,电加热型专利251件,燃料加热型专利8件,理化反应加热型专利5件;②2001~2012年欧洲专利局世界专利数据库中有加热型无烟气烟草制品专利254件.其中,电加热型专利192件,燃料加热型专利45件,理化反应加热型专利17件;③国外企业在我国申请的加热型无烟气烟草制品专利有27件,其中发明专利24件,菲·莫公司12件,日本烟草公司5件;④近10年间我国烟草行业申请4件加热型无烟气烟草制品方面的专利,而且都是实用新型.国外烟草企业在加热型无烟气烟草制品领域的专利拥有量占优势,尤其是在含有可见的烟草物质的电加热型卷烟领域,在我国已初步形成了较为严密的专利布局,而我国烟草行业在加热型无烟气烟草制品的专利明显处于弱势地位,在该领域的研发力度有待加强.  相似文献   

危险评定方法已广泛用于烟草工业、政府和学术机构等领域,该方法是通过综合考虑烟草制品和卷烟烟气中有害成分的含量或释放量、有害成分毒理学资料和吸烟者暴露情况等,评定暴露烟草烟气有害成分后的危险概率。基于化合物危险评定的理念,根据各成分的危险度排序,为烟草的管控提供一种科学的评价方法。本文综述了国际上近年来通用的化合物危险评定方法的发展历程,及采用此方法对烟草制品和卷烟烟气有害成分进行定量评价的研究进展。  相似文献   

文章通过传统卷烟和加热不燃烧烟草制品烟气成分的对比,对传统卷烟和加热不燃烧烟草制品的减害性能进行分析,通过分析看出:(1)与传统卷烟相比,加热不燃烧烟草烟气气溶胶的烟草,特有亚硝胺、挥发性成分、酚类化合物等有害成分降低80%以上。(2)加热不燃烧卷烟气溶胶生理毒性低于传统卷烟。  相似文献   

加热不燃烧卷烟(加热烟草制品)以其抽吸质量与抽吸习惯与传统卷烟类似、释放有害成分少、无阴燃等特点而受到市场青睐。针对其入口烟气温度过高这一技术难题,本文汇总与分析了近年来的加热不燃烧卷烟烟气降温技术相关专利,总结了降温材料和降温结构的应用问题,展望了加热不燃烧卷烟降温技术的发展方向。   相似文献   

为了解国内外无烟气烟草制品专利申请的情况,把握无烟气烟草制品的研发趋势,为我国烟草行业无烟气烟草制品的研究开发与市场发展提供决策参考和技术依据,对国内外无烟气烟草产品技术专利进行了检索分析,并对国际大型烟草公司在无烟烟草方面的进展做了的调查。结果表明:(1)无烟气烟草制品技术专利申请量在2008、2009年这两年时间内取得了较大的进展;(2)2000年以后,无烟气烟草制品的研发热点转移到嚼烟、鼻烟领域;(3)国际大型烟草公司相继进入无烟烟草领域,无烟气烟草制品已成为各大烟草公司的研发热点。   相似文献   

[目的]分析电加热烟草产品烟气主要成分烟碱、甘油以及1,2-丙二醇的逐口释放行为.[方法]以不同长度滤嘴中空段、聚乳酸段以及醋酸纤维段的电加热烟草产品为研究对象,检测烟气主要成分烟碱、丙二醇与甘油的烟气逐口释放量,分析烟气逐口相对释放量与逐口释放量质量分数.[结果](1)不同滤嘴结构的烟草产品烟芯中烟碱、丙二醇与甘油的...  相似文献   

研制了一套能够模拟口含型无烟气烟草制品烟碱在口腔释放的体外释放装置,并采用该装置对袋装口含型无烟气烟草制品烟碱及游离烟碱的释放进行分析.该装置主要包括溶媒存储瓶、恒流泵、恒温槽、预热线圈、保温管、恒温溶出池和释放液收集装置,其中恒温溶出池用来模拟人体口腔,通过恒流泵、恒温槽、预热线圈、保温管、恒温溶出池使烟碱在模拟条件下释放.该装置操作方便,稳定性好,能够有效地模拟口含型无烟气烟草制品在口腔的释放行为,区分不同产品间的烟碱释放差异,对口含型无烟气烟草制品的质量评价、烟碱调控以及烟碱生物利用度评价具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

近年来,电子烟、加热不燃烧烟草制品等新型烟草制品正在快速兴起。本文概述了新型烟草制品的主要类型和基本特征,具体介绍了新型烟草制品在国际市场的发展态势,提出了新型烟草制品将是烟草行业的第三次重大变革,可能会对传统烟草行业带来颠覆性影响的观点,回顾了近年来中国烟草围绕技术、装备、产品三个方面开展的新型烟草制品全产业链研发布局情况,最后对新型烟草制品的发展趋势、研发方向、市场前景和行业未来发展战略作了展望。   相似文献   

为考察加热不燃烧卷烟产品的香味成分释放情况,对市场占有率较高的3款产品进行抽吸,并采用GC/MS对主流烟气中的香味成分进行了分析,结果表明:(1) 3款产品抽吸时单位口数下酸性香味成分的释放量相对较低,中性及碱性香味成分释放量相对较高;(2)各产品单位口数下的香味成分释放总量为ILG;(3)与传统卷烟的典型香味成分比较,加热不燃烧卷烟烟气中来源于烟草本身的香气质及香气量均较低,且在烤烟型传统卷烟的特征香韵方面比较薄弱,可通过向烟支原料中增加烟草提取物,或者添加具有烘焙香、烟熏香味道的香精香料加以改善。  相似文献   

本文综述了离子色谱技术在烟草化学中的应用进展,以烟草化学成分、烟气化学成分、烟用材料、新型烟草制品为主要对象,对其无机阴离子、无机阳离子、有机酸、有机胺、糖类、醇类、氨基酸等多种物质的离子色谱检测技术进行汇总分析,并对应用前景进行了展望。旨在使人们了解离子色谱法在烟草检测中的重要性,为国内烟草制品的研制、成分监控和质量控制提供参考。  相似文献   

For decades, the tobacco companies have developed a worldwide campaign to oppose the creation of smoke-free environments. Public health efforts to promote clean indoor air have been uneven throughout the world, and in few places have such efforts faced as many challenges as in Japan. The Japanese market is dominated by Japan Tobacco, which is partly owned by the government, and Philip Morris International is also present in Japan. Japan Tobacco and Philip Morris International have developed campaigns promoting courtesy and tolerance that, until recently, seem to have resonated well with the public. The companies also have supported research promoting ventilation and have funded consultants to act as experts in the area of second-hand smoke exposure. Japan is a critical country to study, partly because of the strength of Japan Tobacco in the country and the growth of Japan Tobacco International in Southeast Asia and the rest of the world, and partly because of Japan's ratification of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. This paper uses tobacco industry documents to provide an overview of the tobacco industry's scientific and political efforts to stifle the development of clean indoor measures in Japan. Learning past industry strategies may assist policymakers and advocates in the development of future public health activities.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe tobacco industry consumer research to inform the development of more "socially acceptable" cigarette products since the 1970s. Methods: Analysis of previously secret tobacco industry documents. Results: 28 projects to develop more socially acceptable cigarettes were identified from Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, British American Tobacco, and Lorillard tobacco companies. Consumer research and concept testing consistently demonstrated that many smokers feel strong social pressure not to smoke, and this pressure increased with exposure to smoking restrictions. Tobacco companies attempted to develop more socially acceptable cigarettes with less visible sidestream smoke or less odour. When presented in theory, these product concepts were very attractive to important segments of the smoking population. However, almost every product developed was unacceptable in actual product tests or test markets. Smokers reported the complete elimination of secondhand smoke was necessary to satisfy non-smokers. Smokers have also been generally unwilling to sacrifice their own smoking satisfaction for the benefit of others. Many smokers prefer smoke-free environments to cigarettes that produce less secondhand smoke. Conclusions: Concerns about secondhand smoke and clean indoor air policies have a powerful effect on the social acceptability of smoking. Historically, the tobacco industry has been unable to counter these effects by developing more socially acceptable cigarettes. These data suggest that educating smokers about the health dangers of secondhand smoke and promoting clean indoor air policies has been difficult for the tobacco industry to counter with new products, and that every effort should be made to pursue these strategies.  相似文献   

为使我国烟草行业相关科技人员准确把握口用型无烟气烟草制品的研发现状,预测今后的发展趋势,对国家知识产权局1985-2018年公开公告的有关口用型无烟气烟草制品的专利进行了检索和统计分析。结果表明:(1)1985-2018年口用型无烟气烟草制品中国专利共计270件,其中发明233件、实用新型28件、外观设计9件。其中袋装口含型专利占50%以上,是目前口用型无烟气烟草制品专利的主流技术。(2)2008年以来,口用型无烟气烟草制品中国专利申请经历了活跃期和高峰期,国内烟草行业专利申请总量于2013年超过国外烟草公司,专利申请量以云南中烟工业有限责任公司和中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院领先。国外烟草公司申请的口用型无烟气烟草制品中国专利中,雷诺士烟草公司的申请量最多,其次是菲利浦·莫里斯烟草公司和美国无烟烟草公司,且均为发明专利。(3)袋装口含烟关键技术是产品配方、制备技术、包装技术等,含化烟关键技术是制备工艺、产品形态、产品配方等;袋装口含烟专利在包装方式、缓释技术、熟化技术等领域涉及较少,含化烟专利在缓释技术、成型技术等领域涉及较少。  相似文献   

Since the launch of Tobacco Control 20 years ago, there have been several changes in the tobacco industry worldwide. The goal of this commentary is to present some of the keys changes of the past two decades. This time is marked by mergers and acquisitions that led to the existence, today, of four major transnational tobacco companies: Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco. The possible role of the China National Tobacco Corporation in the world tobacco market is also discussed. In addition, in the past decade there was an increase in tobacco companies' investment in non-cigarette forms of nicotine delivery. The impact of these changes for tobacco control policy is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate how transnational tobacco companies, working through their local affiliates, influenced tobacco control policymaking in Argentina between 1966 and 2005. Methods: Analysis of internal tobacco industry documents, local newspapers and magazines, internet resources, bills from the Argentinean National Congress Library, and interviews with key individuals in Argentina. Results: Transnational tobacco companies (Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Lorillard, and RJ Reynolds International) have been actively influencing public health policymaking in Argentina since the early 1970s. As in other countries, in 1977 the tobacco industry created a weak voluntary self regulating code to avoid strong legislated restrictions on advertising. In addition to direct lobbying by the tobacco companies, these efforts involved use of third party allies, public relations campaigns, and scientific and medical consultants. During the 1980s and 1990s efforts to pass comprehensive tobacco control legislation intensified, but the organised tobacco industry prevented its enactment. There has been no national activity to decrease exposure to secondhand smoke. Conclusions: The tobacco industry, working through its local subsidiaries, has subverted meaningful tobacco control legislation in Argentina using the same strategies as in the USA and other countries. As a result, tobacco control in Argentina remains governed by a national law that is weak and restricted in its scope.  相似文献   

The 1972 U.S. surgeon general's report The Health Consequences of Smoking was the first to include a warning about exposure to second-hand smoke. Because the tobacco industry has a record of withholding the results of their research from the public, we searched the internal tobacco industry documents and compared internal industry research on second-hand smoke to what the industry published in the open scientific literature through 1972. We found chemical analyses, sensory evaluations, and discussions of sidestream cigarette smoke (the smoke emitted by the cigarette between puffs, the main component of second-hand smoke), beginning in 1929. American Tobacco Company research in the 1930s indicated that, compared with mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke was produced in larger quantities and contained, per cigarette, 2 times more nicotine and 12 times more ammonia. Research funded by the Tobacco Industry Research Committee in the 1950s revealed that sidestream smoke contained, per unit cigarette, higher concentrations of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, per unit mass, including four times more 3,4 benzopyrene. In 1956 and 1957, respectively, Philip Morris and R. J. Reynolds also began to research sidestream smoke. In 1961, Philip Morris began to do sensory evaluation and modification of sidestream odor during product development. This sensory evaluation of sidestream smoke was the first biological testing of sidestream smoke by a tobacco company. Prior to the release of the 1972 U.S. surgeon general's report, the tobacco industry published the majority of its findings in the open scientific literature and does not appear to have perceived second-hand smoke as a threat to human health.  相似文献   



To examine whether adolescents'' exposure to youth smoking prevention ads sponsored by tobacco companies promotes intentions to smoke, curiosity about smoking, and positive attitudes toward the tobacco industry.


A randomised controlled experiment compared adolescents'' responses to five smoking prevention ads sponsored by a tobacco company (Philip Morris or Lorillard), or to five smoking prevention ads sponsored by a non‐profit organisation (the American Legacy Foundation), or to five ads about preventing drunk driving.


A large public high school in California''s central valley.


A convenience sample of 9th and 10th graders (n  =  832) ages 14–17 years.

Main outcome measures

Perceptions of ad effectiveness, intention to smoke, and attitudes toward tobacco companies measured immediately after exposure.


As predicted, adolescents rated Philip Morris and Lorillard ads less favourably than the other youth smoking prevention ads. Adolescents'' intention to smoke did not differ as a function of ad exposure. However, exposure to Philip Morris and Lorillard ads engendered more favourable attitudes toward tobacco companies.


This study demonstrates that industry sponsored anti‐smoking ads do more to promote corporate image than to prevent youth smoking. By cultivating public opinion that is more sympathetic toward tobacco companies, the effect of such advertising is likely to be more harmful than helpful to youth.  相似文献   

Carter SM 《Tobacco control》2002,11(2):112-118
Mongoven, Biscoe & Duchin, a specialist firm based in Washington DC, has honed a niche as expert intelligence gatherers, helping tobacco companies such as Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds to damage tobacco control efforts, including the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility and the tobacco industry: hope or hype?   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) emerged from a realisation among transnational corporations of the need to account for and redress their adverse impact on society: specifically, on human rights, labour practices, and the environment. Two transnational tobacco companies have recently adopted CSR: Philip Morris, and British American Tobacco. This report explains the origins and theory behind CSR; examines internal company documents from Philip Morris showing the company's deliberations on the matter, and the company's perspective on its own behaviour; and reflects on whether marketing tobacco is antithetical to social responsibility.  相似文献   

"British American Tobacco strongly believes children should not smoke, and smoking should only be for adults who understand the risks associated with it. Our Group companies support and run programmes worldwide tackling underage smoking, and we are committed to pooling our resources and experience globally with others in the tobacco industry--and with governments and NGOs--to help prevent youth smoking. Along with the other two largest international tobacco groups--Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco International--our Group companies have funded and supported more than 130 Youth Smoking Prevention (YSP) programmes in more than 70 countries. We fully support laws and regulations on a minimum age for buying tobacco products, and penalties for retailers who break the law. Our company policy worldwide is not to market to anyone under 18 years old, or more if the law in a particular country sets the age higher."--BAT website November 2003.  相似文献   

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