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Two miners were fatally injured when a pillar bump occurred during retreat mining in a southern West Virginia coal mine. The mine was operating in the Eagle seam with overmining in the No. 2 Gas and Powellton seams. A coal bump is defined as a sudden and violent failure of coal caused by the release of stored strain energy in the pillar. While significant strides have been made by academia, industry,and regulatory agencies to better understand bump conditions and mitigation techniques, coal bumps represent a long standing, highly site-specific engineering problem in which the exact failure mechanism is not clearly understood. In this case history, a cut-by-cut analysis of retreat mining operations was conducted on the 4 East Main leading up to the pillar bump event. Numerical input parameters were derived from site-specific geologic information and mine geometry for the analysis of pillar stress conditions and energy release using LaModel. An overview of stress conditions in the panel was presented including a precursor event that occurred two crosscuts inby the bump site. The methodology presented in the paper for the evaluation of the fatal bump event can be used for the identification of bump prone conditions prior to development and retreat of a mining area.  相似文献   

This paper explores possible synergies between techniques used to minimise seismicity in deep South African gold mines and their applicability to control coal bumps. The paper gives a summary of the techniques used in the deep gold mines and a critical appraisal if these are useful in coal mines. The techniques typically include control of mining rate, preconditioning, optimisation of extraction sequences and centralised blasting. Of particular interest to the coal bump problem is an experimental limit equilibrium fracture zone model implemented in a displacement discontinuity code. This was recently developed for the gold mines to enable the interactive analysis of complex tabular mine layout extraction sequences. The model specifically accommodates energy dissipation computations in the developing fracture zone near the edges of these excavations. This allows the released energy to be used as a surrogate measure of ongoing seismic activity and addresses a number of the weaknesses in the traditional usage of this quantity as a criterion for the design of seismically active layouts. This paper investigates the application of the model to a hypothetical coal longwall layout and the specific problem of coal bumps.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Retreat Mining Pillar Stability(ARMPS) program was developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH) to help the United States coal mining industry to design safe retreat room-and-pillar panels. ARMPS calculates the magnitude of the in-situ and mining-induced loads by using geometrical computations and empirical rules. In particular, the program uses the ‘‘abutment angle" concept in calculating the magnitude of the abutment load on pillars adjacent to a gob. In this paper, stress measurements from United States and Australian mines with different overburden geologies with varying hard rock percentages were back analyzed. The results of the analyses indicated that for depths less than 200 m, the ARMPS empirical derivation of a 21° abutment angle was supported by the case histories; however, at depths greater than 200 m, the abutment angle was found to be significantly less than 21°. In this paper, a new equation employing the panel width to overburden depth ratio is constructed for the calculation of accurate abutment angles for deeper mining cases. The new abutment angle equation was tested using both ARMPS2010 and La Model for the entire case history database of ARMPS2010. The new abutment angle equation to estimate the magnitude of the mining-induced loads used together with the La Model program was found to give good classification accuracies compared to ARMPS2010 for deep cover cases.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago, the analysis of longwall pillar stability(ALPS) inaugurated a new era in coal pillar design.ALPS was the first empirical pillar design technique to consider the abutment loads that arise from full extraction, and the first to be calibrated using an extensive database of longwall mining case histories.ALPS was followed by the analysis of retreat mining stability(ARMPS) and the analysis of multiple seam stability(AMSS). These methods incorporated other innovations, including the coal mine roof rating(CMRR), the Mark-Bieniawski pillar strength formula, and the pressure arch loading model. They also built upon ever larger case history databases and employed more sophisticated statistical methods.Today, these empirical methods are used in nearly every underground coal mine in the US. However,the piecemeal manner in which these methods have evolved resulted in some weaknesses. For example,in certain situations, it may not be obvious which program is the best to use. Other times the results from the different programs are not entirely consistent with each other. The programs have also not been updated for several years, and some changes were necessary to keep pace with new developments in mining practice. The analysis of coal pillar stability(ACPS) now integrates all three of the older software packages into a single pillar design framework. ACPS also incorporates the latest research findings in the field of pillar design, including an expanded multiple seam case history data base and a new method to evaluate room and pillar panels containing multiple rows of pillars left in place during pillar recovery.ACPS also includes updated guidance and warnings for users and features upgraded help files and graphics.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitoring and numerical modeling in bump-prone U.S. mines. The focus is on induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata as highly stressed pillars punch into the roof and floor, causing shear failure and buckling of strata; under stiff stratigraphic units of some western US mines, these events could be accompanied by violent failure of pillar cores. Pillar punching eventually results in tensile stresses at the base of the pillar, facilitating transition into the post-failure regime; this transition will be nonviolent if certain conditions are met, notably the presence of interbedded mudstones with low shear strength properties and proper mine designs for controlling seismicity and dynamic loads. The study clearly shows high confining stress build-up in coal pillars resulting in up to twice higher peak vertical stress and high strain energy accumulations in some western US mines in comparison with peak stresses predicted using common empirical pillar design methods. It is the unstable release of this strain energy that can cause significant damage resulting from pillar dilation and ground movements. These forces are much greater than the capacity of most common internal support systems, resulting in horizontal stressinduced roof falls locally, in mines under unremarkable far-field horizontal stress. Attention should be placed on pillar designs as increasing support density may prove to be ineffective. This mechanism is analyzed using field measurements and generic finite-difference stress analyses. The study confirms the higher load carrying capacity of confinement-controlled coal seams in comparison with structurally controlled coal seams. Such significant differences in confining stresses are not taken into account when estimating peak pillar strength using most common empirical techniques such as those proposed by Bieniawski and Salamon. While using lower pillar strength estimates may be considered conservative,it underestimates the actual capacity of pillars in accumulating much higher stress and strain energies,misleading the designer and inadvertently diminishing mine safety. The role of induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata is emphasized in coal pillar mechanics of violent failure. The triggering mechanism for the violent events is sudden loss of pillar confinement due to dynamic loading resulting from failure of overlying stiff and strong strata. Evidence of such mechanism is noted in the field by observed red-dust at the coal-rock interfaces at the location of coal bumps and irregular, periodic caving in room-and-pillar mines quantified through direct pressure measurements in the gob.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating load distributions and ground responses around underground openings play a significant role in the safety of the operations in underground mines. Adequately designing pillars and other support measures relies highly on the accurate assessment of the loads that will be carried by them, as well as the load-bearing capacities of the supports. There are various methods that can be used to approximate mining-induced loads in stratified rock masses to be used in pillar design. The empirical methods are based on equations derived from large databases of various case studies. They are implemented in government approved design tools and are widely used. There are also analytical and numerical techniques used for more detailed analysis of the induced loads. In this study, two different longwall mines with different panel width-to-depth ratios are analyzed using different methods. The empirical method used in the analysis is the square-decay stress function that uses the abutment angle concept, implemented in pillar design software developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH). The first numerical method used in the analysis is a displacement-discontinuity(DD)variation of the boundary element method, LaModel, which utilizes the laminated overburden model.The second numerical method used in the analysis is Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua(FLAC) with the numerical modeling approach recently developed at West Virginia University which is based on the approach developed by NIOSH. The model includes the 2 D slice of a cross-section along the width of the panel with the chain pillar system that also includes the different stratigraphic layers of the overburden. All three methods gave similar results for the shallow mine, both in terms of load percentages and distribution where the variation was more obvious for the deep cover mine. The FLAC3 D model was observed to better capture the stress changes observed during the field measurements for both the shallow and deep cover cases. This study allowed us to see the shortcomings of each of these different methods. It was concluded that a numerical model which incorporates the site-specific geology would provide the most precise estimate for complex loading conditions.  相似文献   

为研究波箔过渡圆角这一结构特征对箔片气体轴承性能的影响,基于弹性变形理论,考虑摩擦力以及各波拱之间的相互作用,构建了考虑过渡圆角的波拱的弯矩方程组,推导出箔片的变形方程,得到单个波拱的变形与刚度计算公式. 与既有的无过渡圆角的箔片模型进行比较,验证了模型的有效性,并研究了过渡圆角和摩擦因数对箔片气体轴承结构刚度的影响;利用三角形载荷分布形式模拟气膜力分布,研究过渡圆角和摩擦因数对气体轴承结构刚度各向异性的影响. 结果表明:在固定区,随着过渡圆角半径的增大,波拱数量呈阶梯状减少,波拱刚度先增大后减小;在滑移区,波拱的刚度随过渡圆角半径的增大而降低,存在使波箔平均刚度达到最大的过渡圆角半径;随着摩擦因数增大,波拱刚度呈非线性上升趋势,有效降低了结构刚度的各向异性;随过渡圆角半径增大,结构刚度各向异性有所增强,但影响程度不如摩擦因数剧烈. 研究结果可为波箔气体轴承的结构设计提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Bumps and other types of dynamic failure have been a persistent, worldwide problem in the underground coal mining industry, spanning decades.For example, in just five states in the U.S.from 1983 to 2014,there were 388 reportable bumps.Despite significant advances in mine design tools and mining practices,these events continue to occur.Many conditions have been associated with bump potential, such as the presence of stiff units in the local geology.The effect of a stiff sandstone unit on the potential for coal bumps depends on the location of the stiff unit in the stratigraphic column, the relative stiffness and strength of other structural members, and stress concentrations caused by mining.This study describes the results of a robust design to consider the impact of different lithologic risk factors impacting dynamic failure risk.Because the inherent variability of stratigraphic characteristics in sedimentary formations,such as thickness, engineering material properties, and location, is significant and the number of influential parameters in determining a parametric study is large, it is impractical to consider every simulation case by varying each parameter individually.Therefore, to save time and honor the statistical distributions of the parameters, it is necessary to develop a robust design to collect sufficient sample data and develop a statistical analysis method to draw accurate conclusions from the collected data.In this study,orthogonal arrays, which were developed using the robust design, are used to define the combination of the(a) thickness of a stiff sandstone inserted on the top and bottom of a coal seam in a massive shale mine roof and floor,(b) location of the stiff sandstone inserted on the top and bottom of the coal seam,and(c) material properties of the stiff sandstone and contacts as interfaces using the 3-dimensional numerical model, FLAC3D.After completion of the numerical experiments, statistical and multivariate analysis are performed using the calculated results from the orthogonal arrays to analyze the effect of these variables.As a consequence, the impact of each of the parameters on the potential for bumps is quantitatively classified in terms of a normalized intensity of plastic dissipated energy.By multiple regression, the intensity of plastic dissipated energy and migration of the risk from the roof to the floor via the pillars is predicted based on the value of the variables.The results demonstrate and suggest a possible capability to predict the bump potential in a given rock mass adjacent to the underground excavations and pillars.Assessing the risk of bumps is important to preventing fatalities and injuries resulting from bumps.  相似文献   

Irregular shape workface would result in the presence of coal pillar, which leads to high stress concentration and possibly induces coal bumps. In order to study the coal bump mechanism of pillars, static and dynamic stress overlapping(SDSO) method was proposed to explain the impacts of static stress concentration and tremors induced by mining activities. The stress and deformation in surrounding rock of mining face were analyzed based on the field case study at 1303 workface in Zhaolou Coal Mine in China.The results illustrate that the surrounding rock of a workface could be divided into four different zones,i.e., residual stress zone, stress decrease zone, stress increase zone and original stress zone. The stress increase zone is prone to failure under the SDSO impact loading conditions and will provide elastic energy for inducing coal bump. Based on the numerical modelling results, the evolution of static stress in coal pillar as the size of gob increasing was studied, and the impact of dynamic stress was investigated through analyzing the characteristics of tremor activities. The numerical results demonstrate the peak value of vertical stress in coal pillar rises from about 30 MPa with mining distance 10 m to 52.6 MPa with mining distance 120 m, and the location of peak stress transfers to the inner zone of coal pillars as the workface moves forward. For the daily tremor activities, tremors with high energy released indicate high dynamic stress disturbance on the surrounding rock, therefore, the impact of dynamic stressing is more serious during workface extension period because the tremor frequency and average energy after workface extension are higher than those before the workface extension.  相似文献   

The method of determining coal pillar strength equations from databases of stable and failed case histories is more than 50 years old and has been applied in different countries by different researchers in a range of mining situations. While common wisdom sensibly limits the use of the resultant pillar strength equations and methods to design scenarios that are consistent with the founding database, there are a number of examples where failures have occurred as a direct result of applying empirical design methods to coal pillar design problems that are inconsistent with the founding database. This paper explores the reasons why empirically derived coal pillar strength equations tend to be problem-specific and should be considered as providing no more than a pillar strength ‘‘index." These include the non-consideration of overburden horizontal stress within the mine stability problem, an inadequate definition of supercritical overburden behavior as it applies to standing coal pillars, and the non-consideration of overburden displacement and coal pillar strain limits. All of which combine to potentially complicate and confuse the back-analysis of coal pillar strength from failed cases. A modified coal pillar design representation and model are presented based on coal pillars acting to reinforce a horizontally stressed overburden, rather than suspend an otherwise unstable self-loaded overburden or section, the latter having been at the core of historical empirical studies into coal pillar strength and stability.  相似文献   

Longwall mining has existed in Utah for more than half a century. Much of this mining occurred at depths of cover that significantly exceed those encountered by most other US longwall operations. Deep cover causes high ground stress, which can combine with geology to create a coal burst hazard. Nearly every longwall mine operating within the Utah's Book Cliffs coalfield has been affected by coal bursts. Pillar design has been a key component in the burst control strategies employed by mines in the Book Cliffs.Historically, most longwall mines employed double-use two-entry yield pillar gates. Double-use signifies that the gate system serves first as the headgate, and then later serves as the tailgate for the adjacent panel. After the 1996 burst fatality at the Aberdeen Mine, the inter-panel barrier design was introduced.In this layout, a wide barrier pillar protects each longwall panel from the previously mined panel, and each gate system is used just once. This paper documents the deep cover longwall mining conducted with each type of pillar design, together with the associated coal burst experience. Each of the six longwall mining complexes in the Book Cliffs having a coal burst history is described on a panel-by-panel basis.The analysis shows that where the mining depth exceeded 450 m, each design has been employed for about 38000 total m of longwall panel extraction. The double-use yield pillar design has been used primarily at depths less than 600 m, however, while the inter-panel barrier design has been used mainly at depths exceeding 600 m. Despite its greater depth of use, the inter-panel barrier gate design has been associated with about one-third as much face region burst activity as the double-use yield pillar design.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH) conducted a comprehensive monitoring program in a room-and-pillar mine located in Southern Virginia. The deformation and the stress change in an instrumented pillar were monitored during the progress of pillar retreat mining at two sites of different geological conditions and depths of cover. The main objectives of the monitoring program were to better understand the stress transfer and load shedding on coal pillars and to quantify the rib deformation due to pillar retreat mining; and to examine the effect of rib geology and overburden depth on coal rib performance. The instrumentation at both sites included pull-out tests to measure the anchorage capacity of rib bolts, load cells mounted on rib bolts to monitor the induced loads in the bolts, borehole pressure cells(BPCs) installed at various depths in the study pillar to measure the change in vertical pressure within the pillar, and roof and rib extensometers installed to quantify the vertical displacement of the roof and the horizontal displacement of the rib that would occur during the retreat mining process.The outcome from the monitoring program provides insight into coal pillar rib support optimization at various depths and geological conditions. Also, this study contributes to the NIOSH rib support database in U.S coal mines and provides essential data for rib support design.  相似文献   

Underground coal mining in the U.S. is conducted in numerous regions where previous workings exist above and/or below an actively mined seam. Miners know that overlying or underlying fully extracted coal areas, also known as gob regions, can result in abutment stresses that affect the active mining. If there was no full extraction, and the past mining consists entirely of intact pillars, the stresses on the active seam are usually minimal. However, experience has shown that in some situations there has been sufficient yielding in overlying or underlying pillar systems to cause stress transfer to the adjoining larger pillars or barriers, which in turn, transfer significant stresses onto the workings of the active seam. In other words, the overlying or underlying pillar system behaves as a ‘‘pseudo gob." The presence of a pseudo gob is often unexpected, and the consequences can be severe. This paper presents several case histories, summarized briefly below, that illustrate pseudo gob phenomenon:(1) pillar rib degradation at a West Virginia mine at 335 m depth that contributed to a rib roll fatality,(2) pillar rib deterioration at a Western Kentucky mine at 175 m depth that required pillar size adjustment and installation of supplemental bolting,(3) roof deterioration at an eastern Kentucky mine at 400 m depth that stopped mine advance and required redirecting the section development,(4) coal burst on development at an eastern Kentucky mine at 520 m depth that had no nearby pillar recovery, and(5) coal burst on development at a West Virginia mine at the relatively shallow depth of 335 m that also had no nearby pillar recovery. The paper provides guidance so that when an operation encounters a potential pseudo gob stress interaction the hazard can be mitigated based on an understanding of the mechanism encountered.  相似文献   

The rock mass rating(RMR) has been used across the geotechnical industry for half a century. In contrast,the coal mine roof rating(CMRR) was specifically introduced to underground coal mines two decades ago to link geological characterization with geotechnical risk mitigation. The premise of CMRR is that strength properties of mine roof rock are influenced by defects typical of coal measures stratigraphy.The CMRR has been used in longwall pillar design, roof support methods, and evaluation of extended cuts,but is rarely evaluated. Here, the RMR and CMRR are applied to a longwall coal mine. Roof rock mass classifications were undertaken at 67 locations across the mine. Both classifications showed marked spatial variability in terms of roof conditions. Normal and reverse faulting occur across the mine, and while no clear relationships exist between rock mass character and faulting, a central graben zone showed heterogeneous rock mass properties, and divergence between CMRR and RMR. Overall, the CMRR data fell within the broad envelope of results reported for extended cuts at Australian and U.S. coal mines. The corollary is that the CMRR is useful, and should not be used in isolation, but rather as a component of a strata control programme.  相似文献   

The variation in bedding thickness of the weak immediate floor has long been a challenge in the Illinois basin coal mines when it comes to floor stability. The vertical thickness of the immediate floor is not constant throughout the mines and can vary over short horizontal distances. The biggest misconception from a design standpoint is to use the maximum or average thickness found from core logs taken from various locations on the mine property. The result of this practice is oversized pillars in the areas where the weak immediate floor has thinned vertically. This over-design leaves coal in situ which could have otherwise been extracted. This paper presents a plane strain numerical model to illustrate the effect of a change in bedding thickness of a weak immediate floor across one or two coal pillars. The floor bearing capacity of the variable floor below each pillar where then compared to the consistent floor. The results show that the varying bedding thickness of weak underclay has an impact on the bearing capacity of the floor.Geometrically with the decrease in bedding thickness for constant pillar width, the B/H ratio increases exponentially. The influence of varying bedding thickness on the floor bearing capacity is apparent at higher B/H ratios. The floor bearing capacity under a single pillar is in variable floor model if the average thickness remains constant. For single pillar, the average of the bedding thickness can be considered and for pillars in a panel, and a safety factor has been proposed to take into account this change in bedding thickness.  相似文献   

The mechanism of mine water inrushes in coal mines in China differs considerably from that in other countries. In China, most water inrushes occur from floor strata, where the water-inrush sources are karstic limestone aquifers. Our study describes the mechanism of mine water inrushes through a fault in the mine floor using principles of strata mechanics and the path of water inrush from an aquifer to the working face. A criterion to judge whether a ground water inrush will occur through a fault or not is also described, together with a case history of water inflow in the Feicheng coalfield, China.  相似文献   

In 2016, room-and-pillar mining provided nearly 40% of underground coal production in the United States.Over the past decade, rib falls have resulted in 12 fatalities, representing 28% of the ground fall fatalities in U.S.underground coal mines.Nine of these 12 fatalities(75%) have occurred in room-andpillar mines.The objective of this research is to study the geomechanics of bench room-and-pillar mining and the associated response of high pillar ribs at overburden depths greater than 300 m.This paper provides a definition of the bench technique, the pillar response due to loading, observational data for a case history, a calibrated numerical model of the observed rib response, and application of this calibrated model to a second site.  相似文献   

Quantifying the rockburst consequence is of critical importance to reduce the hazards with preventative measures in underground mines and deep tunnels. Contours of energy components within a pillar model are plotted at different rockmass damage stages, and plastic strain work and released energy are proposed as indicators of rockmass damage consequence. One pillar model under different loading stiffness is simulated to assess indicators of pillar burst and the resulting damages. The results show the rockmass damage under soft loading stiffness has larger magnitude of plastic strain work and released energy than that which is under stiff loading stiffness, indicating the rockburst consequence can be quantified with plastic strain work and released energy in numerical models. With the quantified rockburst consequence,preventative measures can be taken to avoid severe hazards to mine safety.  相似文献   

The room and pillar method is usually used to extract coal from shallowly buried seams with thin bedrock. This results in a very low production efficiency and in a low degree of extraction. In recent years short-wall continuous mechanical mining has been extensively used in many situations except shallowly buried coal seams with thin bedrock. The principles governing movement of the overlying strata above the 2.<,2. coal seam were deduced from in-situ experience, laboratory data, calculations and computer simulations. The thicknesses of the bedrock in the Shendong Coal Field where the coal is shallowly buried are classified into 5 types: <10 m, 10-15 m, 15-25 m, 25-35 m and >35 m, which was done using fuzzy clustering results. A series of reasonable,relative parameters in each category have been calculated and analyzed. One proposed way to perform short-wall continuous mechanical mining in shallowly buried coal seams is given. This is significant for coal mines with similar geological conditions.  相似文献   

为了进一步研究和评价矿井冲击地压特征,结合平煤四矿丁5,6煤层阐述了煤岩冲击倾向性测试方法、测试过程及测试结果,根据测试结果在丁5,6煤层中选取了一些特征点,结合开采条件对这些特征点进行赋值,最后运用科学绘图软件绘制了丁5,6冲击动力灾害危险区域划分图,从图中可看出大部分区域为弱冲击倾向,在西翼19160和19180间的窄煤柱区域由于受到两侧采空影响,应力集中很高,具有强冲击倾向,在煤层合并线及煤柱拐角处以及上山煤柱边缘具有中等冲击倾向,为矿井制定有针对性的防治措施提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

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