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基于积分球原理,提出了一种利用积分球进行光谱辐亮度响应度定标的新方法,消除了利用积分球定标的传统方法中由于漫反射板的双向反射率分布函数(BRDF)的测量不确定度大对定标精度的影响,极大地提高了定标精度。利用该方法标定了在研的空间遥感临边成像光谱仪原型样机的光谱辐亮度响应度,分析了定标不确定度,定标合成不确定度为2.6%。将该方法的定标结果与采用标准灯联合漫反射板的定标结果进行了分析比对,结果表明,二者在3%以内相符。引起两种定标结果偏差的主要原因是漫反射板BRDF测量的不确定度。  相似文献   

中波红外探测器辐射定标的简化方法   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高红外辐射定标效率,提出了简化的辐射定标方法。首先,提出带有积分时间变量的辐射定标数学模型,通过探测器像元响应灰度值随积分时间的变化曲线以及随黑体辐射亮度的变化曲线确定了辐射定标模型的具体形式,并介绍了模型中各参数的物理意义。接着,在不同环境温度下进行辐射定标实验,绘出辐射定标模型中各未知参数随环境温度的变化曲线,实验结果验证了辐射定标模型的正确性。然后,在这个模型的基础上提出了简化的辐射定标模型,即使用一元线性回归分析方法选择两个定标点,在两个典型的积分时间下采集这两个定标温度点的共四幅图像,经处理即可获取辐射定标模型的各未知参数。最后对通过辐射定标模型计算得到的辐射定标数据与实际定标获取的辐射定标数据进行比较分析。实验结果表明:计算值与定标值之间的误差优于1%。辐射定标模型准确,可以极大地提高辐射定标的效率。  相似文献   

黄思佳  袁银麟  翟文超  郑小兵  雷正刚  林宇 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(12):20220509-1-20220509-10
噪声等效光谱辐亮度(NESR)是代表红外遥感器极限探测能力的关键性指标。高灵敏红外遥感器的NESR定标需要高稳定、高均匀和充满视场的红外辐射光源,其光谱辐亮度的不确定度应当显著低于红外遥感器的NESR。针对一种新型的级联积分球型大孔径NESR定标系统,开展了NESR定标不确定度的实验测试研究,评定了绝对光谱辐亮度的量值溯源、积分球输出的均匀性和稳定性等11种不确定性因素的影响。测试结果表明,在规定的303~308 K亮温范围内,主积分球光谱辐亮度的相对不确定度优于0.34%,6~15 μm波段的NESR定标不确定度优于0.1~0.0037 μW·cm?2·sr?1·μm?1,验证了新型定标系统应用于高性能红外遥感器NESR定标的可行性。  相似文献   

A new set of linear constraints for designing broad-band time domain element space antenna array processors is presented. The set of linear constraints is used to ensure that a desired look-direction response of the processor over a frequency band of interest can be closely approximated. The design technique is posed in such a way that three types of presteering can be handled: no presteering, coarse presteering, and exact presteering. The elimination of presteering time delays or the possibility to use coarse presteering is an attractive feature in a digital implementation of antenna array processors. The relationship that the new processor has to other broad-band processors is also established. Furthermore, the approach enables various types of errors and mismatches between signal model and actual scenario to be incorporated in the problem formulation.  相似文献   

The Polarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectance (POLDER) spatial polarimeter was onboard the Advanced Earth Observation Satellite (ADEOS) satellite that flew from August 1996 to June 30, 1997. POLDER measured both multidirectional reflectance and polarization in visible and near-infrared spectral bands with a very wide field of view. An accurate absolute radiometric calibration is essential for the scientific exploitation of radiance measurements of the Earth. POLDER inflight radiometric calibration has been performed at the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), French National Space Studies Center, from measurements taken only on well-characterized targets. This paper presents the results of the POLDER in-flight radiometric interband calibration over clouds for channels 443 and 490 nm. The method is based on the comparison of measurements to simulations. Selected measurements correspond to observations over oceans for high, thick convective cumulonimbus and for low, thick stratocumulus. Simulations are calculated using the discrete ordinate computing method. An error budget considers the sensitivity of this calibration method to cloud microphysics, to cloud top altitude, and to aerosols and gaseous loading. Calibration results are discussed for different simulated cloud models  相似文献   

空间遥感紫外光谱辐射计辐照度定标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建了由150 W大功率氘灯、1 000 W石英卤钨灯及球面反射镜组成的平行光光谱辐照度定标单元,解决了多数光谱辐射计由于在紫外波段响应度低、信噪比小导致的定标困难,也满足了空间遥感类光谱辐射计的辐照度定标要求.分两个波段标定了紫外光谱辐射计160~400 nm波段光谱辐照度响应度,其中160~250 nm定标不确定度4.7%,250~400 nm定标不确定度2.7%.  相似文献   

Space photographic instrument has been widely usedin aerial andastronavigationsurvey.Image calibrationisa veryi mportantjobfor theinstrument beforeit was ap-plied to measurement .When the i mage surface can becalibrated correctly, the instrument will operate at agood status and obtain high qualityi mage.The purposeof characterizing the i mage of instrument is to gain theinterdependence of both coordinate systems in i magesurface and instrument . The two coordinate systemswill keepinthe same di…  相似文献   

This paper presents analytical results of the diurnal variations in Ku band rain attenuation along earth–space paths at four locations in Southeast Asia and proposes a new model that can predict rain fade in a short period of every 2 h daily. Data from four radiometers and four rain gauges over a 3 year period were analysed to obtain the characteristics of diurnal variations in rain attenuation and rainfall as well as cumulative attenuation distributions in every 2 h interval. The results of this analysis are applied to develop an intensive prediction model using the knowledge of rainfall and attenuation statistics. This model is tested with the measured data and is found to be useful for the design of a more efficient Ku band satellite system especially between 99 per cent and 99·9 per cent link availability in an area of heavy rainfall. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对近红外1550 nm单光子雪崩光电二极管(single photon avalanche photodiode,SPAD)的特性,为精确测量其参数性能,设计了高精度偏压控制电路及偏流检测电路系统。该系统以FPGA为控制核心,通过上位机软件下发偏压控制参数,采用高精度器件并经过电压放大滤波等操作实现对SPAD偏压的精准控制。采用电流检测器件,通过恒流源补偿的方案将偏流值检测转换成电压值的检测,利用模数转换器件进行电压采集上传给FPGA,上位机软件通过数据拟合推导得到最终的偏流值。通过实验测试验证了电路的可行性,偏压控制精度小于30 mV,输出电压纹波小于100 mV,偏流检测上传稳定。该偏压控制及偏流检测系统设计具有结构简单、偏压设置精度高、超低纹波、控制灵活的优点,已经应用于近红外1550 nm SPAD标定系统中,工作稳定可靠。  相似文献   

为了提高空间相机次镜Stewart型调整机构的定位精度,需要完成机构的精密标定。针对6-PSS Stewart机构,首先依据最小二乘原则,利用驱动残差构建了参数标定模型。其次为提高标定优化问题的全局求解精度,采用自适应路径(Variable Step Adaptive,VSA)及限界处理对单纯形布谷鸟算法进行改进,并应用于标定优化问题求解。数值仿真表明其求解能力并优于单纯型布谷鸟算法。最后,为保证标定的全行程有效性,规划了包含位姿六元素的试验数据采样方法。实验结果表明,经过该方法标定后,位姿采样点处最大位移误差由19.97 m降为9.68 m,最大转角误差由123.84降为最大8.86,在非采样点处最大误差与采样点处在同一量级水平。基于上述模型、算法和采样位姿规划的标定方法可有效提高定位精度,且标定结果在全行程区域内有效。  相似文献   

为检验通用大气辐射传输软件(CART)计算大气分子、气溶胶散射辐射的计算精度,在大观测天顶角、太阳天顶角、观测与太阳方位角之差、散射相函数不对称因子变化范围内,就CART 软件模拟的单次散射辐射和多次散射辐射,分别与MODTRAN5.0 计算的单次散射辐射和离散坐标辐射传输软件(DISORT)计算的多次散射辐射进行比较分析。结果表明:CART 软件计算的单次散射辐射与MODTRAN5.0 的相对偏差一般小于10%,最大相对偏差为15%;CART 计算的多次散射辐射与精确的DISORT 算法的相对相差小于2.5%。CART 在包括多次散射在内的大气背景辐射计算方面具有较有高的计算精度和效率。  相似文献   

介绍了宽带的含义和全球宽带用户分布情况,论述了管制机构应扮演促进宽带发展推广的角色,提出通过引入竞争、促进宽带市场发展的频谱管理机制、调整管制政策等措施,为宽带网络、业务的发展创造有利的环境.  相似文献   

从全国来看,宽带网络普遍存在“热建冷用”现象,宽带业务存在的问题主要有:1)在资费方面,目前的宽带计费方式很不灵活,用户对ISP收费存在不满和不信任情绪。收费方式不灵活,一般按时长收费或按包月制收费,用户普遍认为宽带收费过高,而且上网时间少时,包月不划算。2)内容服务方面,宽带网上的内容还是传统窄带业务内容,大大降低了对客户的吸引力,用户除了感到上网速度快以外,并没有体会到宽带网络的更多优势,值得付费的信息少。  相似文献   

针对目前空间光学遥感器向着大口径、高精度方向发展相应需要大出光面的积分球辐射光源,本文研制了一种大口径空间相机用积分球辐射定标光源,并使用自制的积分球辐射性能测试装置测试了大口径积分球光源的均匀性、余弦特性和稳定性。研制的积分球辐射定标光源内径为3000mm,出光面直径为1 000mm。测试结果表明,积分球的最大幅亮度为240.13 W·m-2·sr-1,辐亮度调节范围为371.5∶1,辐亮度不稳定性为0.04%/h,光源出口面非均匀性为1.7%,辐射定标光源的不确定度为5%。  相似文献   

针对星上多点辐射定标获取方法问题,研究了变积分时间的单点绝对辐射定标方法。首先,根据红外相机响应特性建立了变积分时间的红外成像系统响应模型;其次,分析了变积分时间和变辐射亮度相机响应模型的理论差异,提出了利用星上单点标准变积分时间的红外相机绝对辐射定标方法;最后,结合探测器的光谱响应曲线,分析了变积分时间单点定标法引入的系统误差。实例计算表明:在积分时间为10 ms、温度范围为250~500 K的黑体辐射能量下,对应适当温度的单点标准变积分时间绝对定标方法,引入的最大原理误差可达1.5%。变积分时间的单点绝对定标方法避免了黑体多点定标设计和控制的复杂性,可用于空间红外相机的在轨辐射定标。  相似文献   

为了提高雷达导引头抗干扰能力及使用的灵活性,导引头工作波形采用宽带波形设计方法。通过对各种宽带波形在导引头中的应用分析及仿真计算,得到了各宽带波形的信号处理及参数设计方法。在此基础上结合雷达导引头的发展方向提出了多工作波形体制的设计思想,并根据导引头作战需求给出了各工作波形的使用方法,对雷达导引头工作波形的实用化设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The response of monolithic arrays of GaAs photoconductors to optical intensity modulation signals and their feasibility of operating as crosspoint arrays in integrated broadband switch matrices are investigated. It is found that individual photoconductors can switch signals at frequencies of up to 1.3 GHz with isolation better than 70 dB and switching time less than 10 ns. In a 2/spl times/2 monolithic array, 65-dB switch isolation and 80-dB crosstalk isolation between channels are achieved in the frequency range 0-130 MHz. The responsivity is essentially uniform within this frequency range and has a value of 0.84 A/W at 820 nm. At higher frequencies electromagnetic coupling between output lines limits the performance with the layout used. This monolithic array thus demonstrates compact broadband matrix switching of signals in the frequency range up to 100 MHz using the optoelectronic switching principle.  相似文献   

An analysis of the throughput achieved by broadband nonpersistent carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) on the bus topology is discussed. The transmission is unidirectional, with the head-end being either active or passive. A homogeneous infinite number of users is assumed to be uniformly distributed on the bus. It is shown that although unidirectional broadband transmission allows for higher transmission rates, and longer distances, the normalized throughput achieved is less than that achieved by bidirectional broadband or baseband transmission  相似文献   

张钟琴  徐昌庆 《信息技术》2005,29(11):72-75
研究在发射端和接收端两端都分布有散射体的情况下基于OFDM的MIMO信道容量,推导了归一化信道功率情形下信道容量的上限,分析了各种参数对容量的影响,仿真结果表明:MIMO-OFDM信道容量不仅受到天线数目的限制,同时还受到延时扩展、簇角度扩展、相邻天线间距等因素的影响。  相似文献   

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