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By 2001, 33 per cent of Sydney's population of 4.2 million was born overseas. In the previous 15 years, 38 per cent of all immigrants to Australia settled in Sydney compared to the national population share of 21 per cent. Housing costs are highest in Sydney of any of the metropolitan cities in Australia and Sydney's emergence as a global city affects the housing market and has attracted diverse communities and skilled immigrants. This article presents Australian Bureau of Statistics census data to trace trends in home ownership and tenure among key immigrant groups in Sydney from the post-war era to recent times. It discusses the key factors that influence immigrant progress through the housing market and explores the dynamics of Sydney's residential mosaic.  相似文献   

《上海市城市总体规划(1999—2020年)》中,仅就城市目标拟定了“四个中心”的发展要求,并未制定相应的目标和绩效体系,因此一直缺乏对上海城市发展目标的客观描述,更难以和对标国际大都市进行科学比照。在上海市新一轮总体规划的背景下,应在系统研究全球城市指数的基础上,根据71个全球性的城市指数、排名和标准值,分析全球各主要城市的发展趋势,并归纳其中主要的评判因子与计算方法。在此基础上,选取城市综合实力、宏观经济表现、商业环境、生活质量、人力资源、市政基础设施、生态环境、城市形象、生活成本,以及文化多样性等10个方面对上海与对标全球城市的发展差距,替代性地客观评判上海城市目标的实现程度。  相似文献   

In the context of the discourse around shrinking cities, the aim of the paper was to try and better understand and differentiate the various types and causes of urban housing vacancy and to ask whether policy responses including planning policies appropriately reflect this variety. The paper briefly discusses the issue of shrinking cities, before considering theoretical explanations for housing vacancy and examining the relationships between population change, housing vacancy and policy responses in the Liverpool conurbation. Conclusions are then drawn about the nature of housing vacancy and the effectiveness of policy responses.  相似文献   

Homeownership has been one of the best long-term investments in Canada. Despite demographic, economic and social trends that would normally be associated with relatively stagnant trends in housing prices, investment in housing continues to provide owners in most areas of the country with attractive rates of return. However, national trends hide considerable variation. Not all regions, or all groups in society, have been able to capitalize on the wealth associated with increases in housing prices. Many real estate analysts are also concerned that the appreciation in prices over the past couple of decades is not a trend that will continue in the future. There is cautious optimism, but owning a home in the future is unlikely to be the valued investment it was for many in the past.  相似文献   

In the context of rising housing costs, volatile housing markets and changing family structures, I examine the transition to ownership of young adults, and specifically the ownership paths of the Millennial generation. I examine the cohort ownership trajectories within the United States, between 2000 and 2015, and by region and race/ethnicity. The cohort transitions capture the strongly regional and ethnic outcomes of entry to ownership, and the effects of the financial crisis. All groups have much lower rates of ownership entry than earlier cohorts. There is likely to be an adjustment of the path to ownership in the long run and the current outcomes provide evidence that those trajectories will vary by region and race. It does appear that the changing trajectory of access will contribute further to the already growing inequality in cities.  相似文献   

中国房地产市场中保障性住房的角色和作用愈加重要,保障性住房建设规模正在逐年扩大。商品住房价格变化是供给需求作用的结果,但是随着保障房供给规模的增加,商品住房价格的涨幅也会发生改变,说明保障房的供给规模会对普通商品房的供需产生影响。本文以北京市商品住房市场为例,选取住宅需求、住宅供给、住房投机对价格的影响为自变量,住宅价格为因变量,利用多元回归模型对商品住房价格变化进行实证研究,同时通过考虑保障房供给对住房市场产生的不同挤出效应,分析保障房供给规模供需变化对房价产生的影响,进而为政府制定相关的住房保障政策提供建议和对策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between inter-ethnic power relations and public housing policy for immigrants in Israel since 1948. Based on a comparative analysis of Israeli policy of housing Mizrahi immigrants in the 1950s and Russian immigrants in the 1990s, the paper argues that despite the perceived decline in the state's capacity, the implication of public housing policy has remained unchanged since the 1950s. By moving Jewish immigrants into development towns in sparsely populated and overwhelmingly Palestinian regions of the country, Israeli policy has served to Judaize these regions and to reinforce ethnic stratification among the country's Jewish population. In this manner, Israeli public housing policy was neither consistent with conceptions of post-Second World War public housing policies in welfare states nor with the recent impact of globalization and the free-market dynamics on public housing policies.  相似文献   

根据重庆市1997年~2007年数据分析城市化率、住房自有率对住房保障比例的影响。单变量相关分析和多变量逐步回归分析的结果表明:城市化率与住房保障比例之间存在显著的正相关关系;住房自有率则与住房保障比例之间存在显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, housing allocationsystems have a long history. Radical changeswhich have transformed households looking for ahome into active rather than passive consumershave occurred since the beginning of the 1990s.In the more traditional distribution models ofhousing allocation, households registered andthen had to wait for months, or even years,before the municipality or the housingassociation offered them a dwelling; in themore modern supply models, households areexpected to be active in seeking a new home. Todate, the possible differential effects of thetwo housing allocation models for minorityethnic groups have not been assessed. With thehelp of an empirical research study ofMoroccans in two Dutch middle-sized cities withdifferent allocation models, this paper seeksto fill this gap.  相似文献   

Immigrants' housing position is often explained by (lack of) resources or differences in cultural backgrounds. Recent studies have included the importance of local context. The aim of this paper is to examine Somalis' perceptions of their possibilities in four Nordic capitals' housing markets: Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm. The approach is an interview study based on immigrants' own explanations of what they strive for and how they assess the impact of local conditions and cultural background for their possibilities. We found that local context and cultural background intertwine and sometimes conflict with each other, but that the negotiation between cultural background and local context was individual. The conclusion is that local context and cultural background are important factors for understanding differences between Somalis on different housing markets, thus emphasising that local context and cultural background have to be studied together to understand perceived housing possibilities.  相似文献   

This article looks at the impact of the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) ‘Boost’, a cash grant to first home buyers, which was introduced by the Australian Federal Government as part of the stimulus package in response to the global financial crisis (GFC) between October 2008 and September 2009. This policy initiative, based on a pre-existing FHOG, introduced in 2000 as a temporary support for the house building industry following the introduction of the Federal Goods and Services Tax, provided a major additional financial stimulus targeted at first home owners at a time when the GFC was threatening to destabilise the home purchase market. The policy was also promoted as a way of stimulating demand for new residential property to support jobs retention in the residential development industry. New South Wales, and in particular Sydney, provides a lens through which we explore the outcomes of the stimulus in terms of the geography of FHOG take-up and the types of property bought. It also assesses the impact of the Boost on first home owner purchase rates and the impact this had on post-stimulus housing demand.  相似文献   

The last 10 years has been a period of rapid change in the social rented sector, reflecting broader changes in the nature of housing problems, structures of housing provision and patterns of housing consumption in the UK, rooted in fundamental shifts in the political, economic and social landscape. By way of introduction to this special issue, this paper cuts across conventional frameworks of analysis to explore the pressures and challenges raised by these changes for the social rented sector through consideration of three key facets of the contemporary housing system: market change, community dynamics and modes of governance. Within this framework, patterns of increasing differentiation and fragmentation within the UK housing system are revealed and the extent to which the transformation of the social rented sector is working with the grain of these changes is considered.  相似文献   

During the first decade of the twenty-first century, Chinese cities have experienced the unprecedented housing development and marketization, which has profoundly changed housing consumption. Using the latest census data, this paper provides the first evaluation of housing consumption in Chinese cities during 2000–2010. Not surprisingly, housing consumption has improved significantly over time, especially in the first five years due to more rapid marketization. Yet, housing inequality has increased significantly over time, especially across education groups. There is also significant spatial inequality at provincial level; yet, it has generally declined over time except inequality in homeownership and subsidized housing. Improved housing consumption and a complex pattern of housing inequality are two main characteristics of housing consumption during this decade.  相似文献   

徐菊芬 《住宅科技》2011,31(10):46-50
文章首先引用经典理论,认为不同收入阶层、城市管理者的行为和决策直接影响到空间资源的分配;然后分析住房需求和供给市场对居住空间分异的影响机制。经济收入的分化导致当前城市社会出现了多样的收入阶层和消费群体;城市化的快速推进、旧城更新以及新区建设都不同程度地激发了住房需求的增长。在住房供给方面,地方政府、房产商以及商业银行以不同的角色参与到住房供给的利益分配中,其中地方政府通过土地出让获取丰厚的财政收入,是趋利性住房供应制度的实施者;房产商作为住房开发的主体,是物质居住空间的塑造者;商业银行通过对房产商及个人提供贷款而间接作用于居住空间,是需求方和供给方的资金纽带,客观上推动社会空间居住分异得以形成。  相似文献   

Large housing estates in former state-socialist countries had been hardly affected by social erosion before the political changes. However, the emergence of new, capitalist forms of housing after 1990 started to endanger the position of large housing estates on the local housing market. The question was repeatedly raised in the literature about whether large housing estates of post-socialist cities would experience physical decay and social downgrading similar to the West. This paper investigates the socio-economic differentiation of large housing estates in the former state-socialist countries using a case study approach. Housing satisfaction and mobility of residents in four post-socialist housing estates were analysed through a standardised household survey. Empirical data confirm that despite their similar physical appearance, the attitude of people towards large housing estates and their position on the local housing market vary significantly. The authors conclude that even though socialist large housing estates are affected by social downgrading, nevertheless they represent relative social stability and can offer affordable housing to people who are at the start of their housing career.  相似文献   

Many applied studies of the structure of urban housing systems involve considerable imprecision in terms of the identification of sub-market boundaries. This is often a function of reliance on prior knowledge, particularly of the potential spatial divisions within urban housing systems. This paper introduces an application of the multi-level hedonic model as a tool to identify housing sub-markets, and as a method of identifying temporal change within the sub-market system. Based on empirical analysis of two study years (2002 and 2006) in the city of Glasgow, this study demonstrates a finely-grained approach to the identification of spatial sub-markets and uncovers evidence of spatial change between the two study years. The multi-level derived sub-market boundaries are shown to be a credible and statistically meaningful alternative to prior notions of the sub-market system. The paper concludes that multi-level models have considerable potential as a tool both to identify the sub-market structure, and for detecting temporal change in the delimitation of sub-markets.  相似文献   

总结了改革开放以来重庆市城市住宅发展所遇到的机遇与挑战以及所取得的成就,并对21世纪住宅业的发展趋势作出了预测,同时阐述了现阶段重庆政府建设主管部门的工作重点。  相似文献   


Past decades of economic growth, relatively widespread employment security and expanding mortgage markets promoted growing homeownership. Recent years have witnessed this growth undercut across advanced economies, evidenced by a rise in other tenures and increasing housing precarity. Studies have shown that these housing outcomes follow more fundamental changes in labour markets. By adapting the established concept of labour market dualization to housing, this paper examines how employment and housing positions are intertwined under late capitalism, and how their relationship has changed through the Global Financial Crisis. Examining the salient case of the Netherlands through household-level data from the LISS panel, we demonstrate that being a labour market ‘outsider’ vastly increases the likelihood of being an ‘outsider’ across housing market dimensions, in terms of housing equity, affordability and prospective asset accumulation. Comparing housing and labour dualization over 2008 and 2016, we further show that the share of multiply disadvantaged households has grown substantially, both among labour market insiders and outsiders.  相似文献   

唐艺格 《城市建筑》2014,(21):21-21
近年来,随着北京市加大在保障房建设中的力度,诸如如何实现保障房的最佳利用、如何满足不同层次不同年龄家庭日常居住需求等最新出现的难题就亟待解决。本文结合历年来北京住房保障建设经验,寻求应如何合理解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

以对青岛市公租房(含廉租房)的实地调研为依据,分析了两个保障性住房项目建设中存在的问题,并从规划设计、建筑设计、物业管理等方面提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

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