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对于产品研发者而言,创新的设计和技术是决定产品市场命运的关键环节。[编者按]  相似文献   

国内目前的两步法PET半自动吹瓶机,最高时速只能达到1800个/小时,而国外的PET吹瓶机已步入吹瓶高速时期,最大时速可达15000个/小时。广州达意隆包装机械有限公司于2002年7月份研制出国内第一台旋转式高速PET吹瓶机,该机时速可达8600个/小时。和国内现有的半自动、间断性吹瓶机相比,该全自动旋转式高速吹瓶技术是一种全新的吹瓶技术,它可以旋转转动连续不断的进坯、出瓶,以达到  相似文献   

在全世界,PET回收在饮料灌装业正担负起日渐重要的角色。例如在欧洲.”欧盟包装法令”就对可回收塑料包装材料的最小配额给予了明文规定。  相似文献   

进口定量灌装设备属于高科技产品 ,一般配置有高精密的计量设备 ,由高稳定性和高灵敏度的传感器、优化的可编程逻辑控制器(PIC)或微电脑控制系统、气动、电动、液压机械传动执行机构等组成 ,是机、电、仪一体化的生产线。但在这条大型生产线上的核心仍是计量设备 ,在引进过程要特别关注。计量设备的实际准确度决定着定量灌装设备的科技含量及价值。一、在引进谈判过程中的计量技术条款要字斟句酌在引进谈判过程中 ,计量技术条款往往被谈判双方有意或无意忽略。整条定量灌装线设备很庞大 ,计量设备只是很少的一部分 ,但却是技术核心 ,有…  相似文献   

惟文 《上海包装》2007,(3):41-41
美国太平洋包装机械流量计灌装系统有40年的历史。具有最高精密。极端准确。流量计算技术极好的经验。  相似文献   

<正>东莞某机械制造有限公司自主创造高新科技的ECOBLO BOPP全自动旋转式拉伸吹瓶机,在国内外市场上处于市场领导地位,引领医疗大输液瓶的革命和发展。本文分析研究了  相似文献   

经济发展,收入提高,生活水平上升,各种饮品已经成为我们日常生活当中不可少的一部分。各种饮用水、饮料、果汁、乳品、调味品、酒类等等,需求量都在上涨,促进了生产,丰富了市场。现在消费者口味越来越多元化,倒逼饮料厂家推陈出新适应市场,五花八门的饮料新品越来越多。饮料市场的更新换代也给液体灌装设备市场带来了挑战,液体灌装设备要适应饮品市场的变化和增速。灌装设备的作用不可忽视,灌装技术以及设备的发展为液态产品提供了强力支撑。  相似文献   

包轩 《绿色包装》2020,(4):88-89
经济发展,收入提高,生活水平上升,各种饮品已经成为我们日常生活当中不可少的一部分。各种饮用水、饮料、果汁、乳品、调味品、酒类等等,需求量都在上涨,促进了生产,丰富了市场。现在消费者口味越来越多元化,倒逼饮料厂家推陈出新适应市场,五花八门的饮料新品越来越多。饮料市场的更新换代也给液体灌装设备市场带来了挑战,液体灌装设备要适应饮品市场的变化和增速。灌装设备的作用不可忽视,灌装技术以及设备的发展为液态产品提供了强力支撑。  相似文献   

普通的PET瓶最早用于碳酸饮料和矿泉水的灌装,现在仍在大量使用,是第一代PET瓶:由于茶饮料和果汁饮料的兴起,需要使用热灌装工艺,相应地开发出了能够承受较高灌装温度的结晶型PET瓶,又称热灌装瓶,这是第二代PET瓶:2002年和2003年是热灌装瓶的黄金年代,也是中富、紫江这样的上市公司赢利的法宝:目前无论是专业制瓶厂商还是PET设备供应商,都把目标瞄;隹了高阻隔性的啤酒瓶,并且已经开发出了包括多层结构、内外涂覆及吸氧装置的多种技术,已有部分技术和产品在啤酒包装上获得应用,这种高阻隔性PET瓶是第三代PET瓶。  相似文献   

计数是固体制剂瓶包装的关键工序,根据设计方法学有关设计定位的基本概念,从直线式计数装瓶的工作流程出发,叙述了用于实验室和包装中试等领域的带式计数装瓶机的总体设计与技术方案,介绍了主要工作部件的结构设计,指出了带式计数装瓶机的特点及适用场合.  相似文献   

维也纳奥塔克林啤酒公司(Ottakringer Brauerei AG)部署的自动化解决方案充分显示了康耐视公司(Cognex)Checker 101传感器强大的功能和令人满意的性价比。该公司部署的检测站能够确保啤酒箱以及啤酒盒中的产品数量正确无误。  相似文献   

从片剂、胶囊装瓶联动机的生产工作流程出发,介绍了应用于联动机的四人控制系统的方案拟定、基本单元和各功能模块的选择以及硬件组成,给出了有关控制程序的流程框图。  相似文献   

基于Pro/E仿真的PET吹瓶机导轨机构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐伟强  聂世涛  郭松旺  王飞 《包装工程》2009,30(5):45-46,62
根据全自动PET旋转式吹瓶机的特点,讨论了其重要部件——开合模导轨机构的设计.先用矢量分析法进行设计,得出其理想轮廓曲线方程,最后通过Pro/E实现吹瓶机开合模凸轮理论轮廓线.  相似文献   

In beverage bottling plants, buffering conveying systems are used to decouple the various machines. They avoid propagation of machine breakdowns along the plant by assimilating or releasing bottles or containers. Today, they are controlled in steps by mechanical jam switches. In many cases, they enable an enduring filling process, which is necessary to gain good product quality and high plant efficiency. But with longer faults, the filling process still has to stop or slow down. Additionally, today's conveyors run very noisy. This affects the operator's health and conflicts with legal regulations. This paper presents an alternative control approach for buffering conveyors. It was created to improve the buffering effect and to reduce the noise emissions of today's systems. Instead of using jam switches, it uses counting sensor systems to obtain stepless information on the bottles entering and leaving the buffering conveyor. On this basis, the first continuous control algorithm for buffering conveyors was developed. It was described mathematically for all possible buffer situations. It was programmed and implemented in an industrial scale pilot plant. Finally, experiments in comparison with the commonly used jam switch control were carried out for all relevant settings. The practical experiments showed a stable behaviour of the new control algorithm. It reacted appropriately to state changes. Readjustment times and an almost minimal dead time (shortest transportation time of bottles) proved a high buffering effect. Above all, the new control algorithm resulted in a clearly audible and measureable reduction of the noise level. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report here experimental observations which indicate that topologically or covalently formed polymer loops embedded in an ultrathin liquid film on a solid substrate can be "blown" into circular "bubbles" during scanning force microscopy (SFM) imaging. In particular, supercoiled vector DNA has been unraveled, moved, stretched, and overstretched to two times its B-form length and then torn apart. We attribute the blowing of the DNA bubbles to the interaction of the tapping SFM tip with the ultrathin liquid film.  相似文献   

S7-200 PLC 在挤出吹塑成型机自动控制系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
文中介绍了挤出吹塑成型机自动控制系统的总体设计方案、硬件配置与软件设计,详细讨论了挤出吹塑成型机的顺序控制与壁厚控制的实现。系统运行结果表明该系统结构合理,硬件运行可靠,软件功能完善,实现了管理控制一体化,达到了预期的目标。  相似文献   

在液态食品和其他的包装领域上.PET瓶占据举足轻重的地位.广泛应用于承载各类饮料,如水.果汁饮料.茶饮料和乳品饮料以及医药、化妆品等行业.这就决定了PET吹瓶机广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

Bubble formation and stability in the film blowing processing of in situ polymerized and melt-compounded polyamide 6-based layered silicate nanocomposites (LSNs) are correlated to their underlying rheology, structure, and crystallization behavior. The layered silicates enhance melt elasticity, induce γ -form crystallinity, and increase crystallization rates without having any significant effect on the extent of crystallinity. A bubble stability quantification method employed to assess the level of instability during the film blowing process finds the in situ polymerized LSNs to be more stable than PA6, while melt-compounded LSNs do not display such an improved processability. All of the LSN films produced by film blowing possess superior mechanical properties compared to neat nylon 6, despite their relatively rougher film surfaces.  相似文献   

Blowing snow at Mizuho station, Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Blowing snow observations were carried out at Mizuho station, Antarctica, from October to November 2000. A blowing snow observation system including snow particle counters, which can sense not only the number of snow particles, but also their diameters, was situated on a 30 m tower. All instruments worked correctly and the data obtained revealed profiles of mass flux and particle size distributions as a function of the friction velocity. Measurements were compared with a blowing snow model that accounted for most physical processes including aerodynamic entrainment, grain/bed collisions, wind modification, particle size distribution and turbulent fluctuations on the particle trajectories. Simulated and measured results showed close agreement, and the validity of the model was demonstrated. Vertical profiles of horizontal mass flux from saltation to suspension, as well as the particle size distributions were expressed precisely, which could not be achieved using the previous models.  相似文献   

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