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OBJECTIVE: To identify specific foods that predispose Zimbabwean women to a higher or lower risk of pre-eclampsia and/or eclampsia. DESIGN: A case control study was implemented. Participants were asked by questionnaire to recall the specific amounts of meats, poultry, fruits, fish, vegetables and dairy products they had consumed in the month prior to giving birth. SETTING: Harare Maternity Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe between June of 1995 and April of 1996. SUBJECTS: 180 women clinically diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (144) or eclampsia (36), and 194 normotensive women without these conditions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. RESULTS: There were few associations between consumption of specific food items and the occurrence of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. Meat and fruit were the only foods found to be significantly associated with pre-eclampsia. Women who consumed 12 or more servings of meat per month were more likely to have pre-eclampsia/eclampsia when compared to women eating 11 servings of meat or less per month. While intake of bananas and mangos was unrelated to risk, women who consumed other fruits (i.e. apples, oranges, grapes, peaches, apricots, paw paw, and plums), were 1.7 (95% CI = 1.0 to 3.1) times more likely to develop pre-eclampsia/eclampsia as women who ate none of these fruits. However, women who consumed relatively large quantities of these fruits were not at a particularly high risk. Increased consumption of kapenta was modestly associated with a decrease in disease risk, but this finding was well within the limits of chance and no association was present with intake of other types of fish. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that variation in consumption of specific foods do not have a strong effect on the incidence of pre-eclampsia in this population. However, further research involving the use of a more comprehensive dietary measure, biochemical measurements of nutrients, pre-pregnancy assessment and ascertainment of dietary intake prior to the development of pre-eclampsia are needed.  相似文献   

One obstacle to contain the HIV-1 epidemic in the general population in Africa is a lack of knowledge about how it is spread in rural areas. We examined 683 pregnant women in 1989 and 484 in 1993 who attended antenatal clinics in Lindi district, Tanzania to determine changes in the prevalence of HIV-1 in a remote area in East Africa. The prevalence rose from 0.44% in 1989 to 8.7% in 1993. Women with more than 1 partner (17.25% vs 2.78%), STD patients (42.4% vs 6.2%), women from urban areas (10.2% vs 3.57%) and patients younger than 21 years were more likely to have HIV antibodies. By logistic regression analysis, 1993 as year of testing was associated with the greatest risk for HIV seropositivity (P < 0.00002) followed by clinical signs of STD (P < 0.00005) and urban residence (P = 0.0275). Teaching of all women attending antenatal care how to minimize their future risk of acquiring HIV is urgently needed as one tool to prevent a fast spread of HIV throughout the continent.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether poor uterine growth may be associated with increased blood pressure and subsequent hypertension in adulthood. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of 756 schoolchildren (mean age 6.5 years) was carried out in six low income areas in Harare city, Zimbabwe. Indices of intrauterine growth and blood pressure were assessed. RESULTS: Adjusted for current weight, the children's systolic blood pressure was inversely related to their birthweight; for each decreasing kg of birthweight, systolic blood pressure rose by 1.73 mm Hg (95% CI; 0.181 to 3.28). After adjustment for current weight, systolic blood pressure was also inversely associated with occipito-frontal circumference, but not with birth length or gestational age. Diastolic blood pressure was not associated with any of the intrauterine indices. CONCLUSION: Fetal size may be inversely related to systolic blood pressure in childhood in an African population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of HIV counselling and testing on HIV seroconversion and incidence of reported sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among male factory workers in Harare, Zimbabwe. DESIGN: Prospective, observational study among men recruited to participate in a future workplace based AIDS prevention intervention. METHODS: Participants provided STD histories and blood for HIV antibody testing at enrolment and six month intervals during visits to factories. Participants received HIV test results, post test counselling, and free STD services at the project clinic. RESULTS: Between March 1993 and June 1995, 2,414 men were enrolled with 85% follow up. Overall HIV sero-incidence was 2.60 per 100 person-years; the incidence of reported STDs was 10.19 per 100 person-years. Men who obtained their HIV test results had significantly higher HIV sero-incidence and incidence of reported STDs compared to men who did not obtain their results (IRRs: 1.87, 3.47, respectively). Among men who obtained their HIV test results, a non-significant 40% decrease in HIV sero-incidence was observed after obtaining test results compared to before obtaining results (p = 0.18). The incidence of reported STDs, however, increased by 30% after obtaining HIV test results (p = 0.10). CONCLUSIONS: Decreased HIV sero-incidence in the face of increased reported STD incidence suggests that timely treatment of STDs may decrease the risk of acquiring HIV even in the absence of behaviour change. In populations with high rates of HIV and STDs, the greatest benefit of HIV counselling and testing may be achieved by simultaneously offering STD screening and treatment services.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of nigral degeneration to the development of parkinsonism in the early stages of corticobasal degeneration (CBD), we measured the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of homovanillic acid (HVA) in patients with early CBD (n = 5), and compared the levels with those in patients with early Parkinson's disease (n = 11) and in normal subjects (n = 13). The mean CSF HVA level in the early CBD group (33.1 +/- 6.0 ng/ml) did not differ significantly from that in the control group (37.1 +/- 12.7 ng/ml), whereas that in the early Parkinson's disease group (19.0 +/- 7.6 ng/ml) was reduced significantly (P < 0.001). This result suggests that neuronal cell loss in the substantia nigra and presynaptic nigrostriatal dopaminergic neuron dysfunction are mild in the early stages of CBD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of psychoactive substance use among psychiatric in-patients in Harare. DESIGN: A cross sectional study that was conducted in 1994. SETTING: Harare Central Hospital Psychiatric Unit. SUBJECTS: A total of 194 consecutively admitted patients to Harare Central Hospital Psychiatric Unit, aged from 16 to 55 years with a mean (SD) age of 33.5 (11.4) years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The psychiatric diagnoses were made according to the ICD10 diagnostic criteria, while the substance abuse was evaluated by the modified WHO AUDIT core questionnaire, which was translated into the Shona language. RESULTS: The point prevalence rate of psychoactive substance abuse among the psychiatric in-patients were alcohol 28.4% (95% CI = 22.1, 34.7), tobacco 27.6% (95% CI = 18.7, 36.5) and cannabis 14.3% (95% CI = 7.4, 21.2). CONCLUSION: The data have provided scientific evidence on the moderate prevalence and pattern of substance abuse among psychiatric patients in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of cardiac diseases seen in a tertiary referral hospital. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey. SETTING: Harare Central Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe. SUBJECTS: 1,507 patients referred for echocardiographic evaluation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Cardiac diagnosis. RESULTS: 1,153 (76.5%) echocardiographic studies were abnormal, while 354 were normal. Rheumatic heart disease was the predominant diagnosis (25.1%) with 208 (74.3%) of cases being females. The main valvular lesion in females was mitral stenosis (48.1%), while in males it was mitral regurgitation (61.1%). Other diagnoses were: pericardial disease 250 (22.4%), dilated cardiomyopathy 245 (22.0%), hypertensive heart disease 148 (13.3%) and others (17.4%). There were 65 cases of peripartum cardiomyopathy among the cases of dilated cardiomyopathy and 34 cases of acute myocarditis among "others". CONCLUSION: A detailed clinical, radiological and echocardiographic assessment at the time of echocardiography enabled a credible diagnosis to be assigned to the majority of patients. Echocardiography is appropriate technology in this setting given the range of "echo-friendly" cardiac lesions found.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe sexual behaviour that may partly explain a decline in HIV seroprevalence in pregnant women in urban settings in Uganda, East Africa. SETTINGS: Two major urban districts in Uganda. METHODS: Repeated population-based behavioural surveys in 1989 and 1995, and repeated HIV serological surveys in consecutive pregnant women attending antenatal clinics from 1989 to 1995. RESULTS: During the study period, a 2-year delay in the onset of sexual intercourse among youths aged 15-24 years and a 9% decrease in casual sex in the past year in male youths aged 15-24 years were reported. Men and women reported a 40% and 30% increase in experience of condom use, respectively. In the same study area, over the same period, there was an overall 40% decline in the rates of HIV seroprevalence among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics. It can be hypothesized that the observed declining trends in HIV correspond to a change in sexual behaviour and condom use, especially among youths. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a change over a period of 6 years in male and female sexual behaviour, assessed at the population level, that may partly explain the observed decline in HIV seroprevalence in young pregnant women in urban Uganda. This result should encourage AIDS control programmes to pursue their prevention activities.  相似文献   

The epidemiologic and sociodemographic characteristics of human deficiency virus (HIV) infection vary from one country to another. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of HIV infection in pregnant women in Dakar and associated factors. Systematic anonymous screening was performed in pregnant women admitted to the maternity ward. Women whose seropositivity was confirmed by Western blot retroviral serology were included. One woman out of four was assigned by simple random selection to the case control group. Over a 24 month period, 12,498 women were tested. 104 were seropositive (44 HIV1, 58HIV2, and 2 HIV1-HIV2 giving a prevalence of 0.8%. Factors associated with HIV1 and HIV2 were different: mean age 21.7 years for HIV1 versus 30.6 for HIV 2 (p = 0.05); origin in Guinea-Bissau for HIV2 (p = 0.001); mean number of pregnancies 2.6 for HIV1 versus 5.9 for HIV2 (p = 0.001); mean parity 1.5 for HIV1 versus 4.5 for HIV2 (p < 0.01); vitality of the conception product in 85.1% for HIV2 versus 67.5% for HIV1 (p = 0.0001). These data confirm the low prevalence of HIV infection in pregnant women, with a predominance for HIV2. The factors identified in associated with virus type suggest a different mode of transmission and/or reduced virulence or HIV2 compared with HIV1. Knowledge of these factors helps orient management strategies, especially in pregnant women.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report on an exceptional case of spontaneous, idiopathic, unilateral adrenal gland rupture that caused massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage. METHODS AND RESULTS: US and CT were performed in a patient who presented with acute abdominal pain. Urgent adrenalectomy was required to prevent the blood loss from continuing. The CT findings were correlated with the histological findings. CONCLUSION: CT proved to be an accurate imaging modality by which to diagnose adrenal hemorrhage. The absence of irregular tissue enhancement showed that neoplasia was not the underlying cause of the hematoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Over the last 10 years there has been a fourfold increase in cases of tuberculosis in Harare, Zimbabwe. The use of molecular epidemiology to understand tuberculosis transmission in this epidemic has been hampered by the availability of suitable culture facilities. A study was therefore undertaken to explore the potential of spoligotyping, a polymerase chain reaction based technique that does not require tuberculosis culture. METHODS: Adults attending a chest clinic with clinical or radiological pulmonary tuberculosis and one smear positive sputum were enrolled over one month. Demographic, socioeconomic, and clinical data were gathered using a standardised questionnaire. Molecular fingerprinting of genomic DNA recovered from sputum was performed by spoligotyping. RESULTS: Sixty one subjects (median age 28 years (range 18-73); 61% men) were recruited and 57 provided adequate sputum samples. Recent rural-urban migration or immigration was not common; 40% of subjects lived in crowded living conditions. DNA suitable for spoligotyping was recovered from 28 patients and 20 different genotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were identified. Fifteen patients were infected with an M tuberculosis strain shared by one or more individuals. Patients infected with a shared spoligotype were not closely linked geographically within Harare, but were more likely to live in overcrowded conditions (69% versus 23%; odds ratio 6.85 (95% CI 1.2 to 47), p = 0.026). Analysis of the patients' original rural family homes revealed two geographically related spoligotype clusters. CONCLUSIONS: Spoligotyping may yield valuable molecular typing information in populations where tuberculosis culture is not available. This novel technique requires further development and evaluation in larger epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is indirect evidence that HIV-1 exposure does not inevitably lead to persistent infection. Heterogeneity in susceptibility to infection could be due to protective immunity. The objective of this study was to find out whether in highly HIV-1-exposed populations some individuals are resistant to infection. METHODS: We did an observational cohort study of incident HIV-1 infection-among 424 initially HIV-1-seronegative prostitutes in Nairobi, Kenya, between 1985 and 1994. 239 women seroconverted to HIV-1 during the study period. Exponential, Weibull, and mixture survival models were used to examine the effect of the duration of follow-up on incidence of HIV-1 infection. The influence of the duration of exposure to HIV-1 through prostitution on seroconversion risk was examined by Cox proportional hazards modelling, with control for other known or suspected risk factors for incident HIV-1 infection. HIV-1 PCR with env, nef, and vif gene primers was done on 43 persistently seronegative prostitutes who remained seronegative after 3 or more years of follow-up. FINDINGS: Modelling of the time to HIV-1 seroconversion showed that the incidence of HIV-1 seroconversion decreased with increasing duration of exposure, which indicates that there is heterogeneity in HIV-1 susceptibility or acquired immunity to HIV-1. Each weighted year of exposure through prostitution resulted in a 1.2-fold reduction in HIV-1 seroconversion risk (hazard ratio 0.83 [95% CI 0.79-0.88], p < 0.0001). Analyses of epidemiological and laboratory data, show that persistent seronegativity is not explained by seronegative HIV-1 infection or by differences in risk factors for HIV-1 infection such as safer sexual behaviours or the incidence of other sexually transmitted infections. Interpretation: We conclude that a small proportion of highly exposed individuals, who may have natural protective immunity to HIV-1, are resistant to HIV-1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this long-term follow-up was (1) to investigate disc changes in the olisthetic segment in patients treated conservatively, (2) to compare disc changes above the slipped vertebra in conservatively treated patients with those in operatively treated patients, and (3) to establish possible relations of disc changes to the degree of the slip and to subjective back pain symptoms of the patients. The subjects were 227 patients with isthmic L5 olisthesis diagnosed under 20 years of age (mean 13.8 years) with a mean follow-up of 15.4 (range 5-30) years. Of these, 145 patients had been treated with segmental fusion and 82 had been treated conservatively. At follow-up, standing anteroposterior and lateral radiographs as well as flexion/extension views of the lumbar spine were taken. Disc degeneration was graded semiquantitatively: 0 = normal disc height, 1 = decrease of disc height < 50%, 2 = decrease > or = 50%, and 3 = obliteration of the disc. In the conservatively treated patients degeneration of the olisthetic disc was distributed by grade as follows: O: n = 38, 1: n = 24, 2: n = 14, 3: n = 6. No motion at all was observed in the olisthetic segment in 40 patients (48%) with a mean slip of 30%, segmental motion of 4 degrees-18 degrees was found in 42 patients with a mean slip of 14%. There was a statistically significant association of the degree of slip to the severity of disc degeneration and non-mobility of the segment. Grade 1 degeneration of the L4/5 disc occurred in 25.6% of the conservatively treated patients and in 32% of 48 patients treated with L5-S1 fusion. This correlated with the severity of the slip, but not with pain symptoms or pathologic segmental mobility at the time of follow-up. Out of 84 patients with L4-S1 fusion, in 17% grade 1 degeneration of the L3/4 disc was observed, and 3 out of 13 patients (23%) with L3-S1 fusion had grade 1 degeneration of the disc above the fusion. The disc changes had no correlation with subjective pain symptoms. It is concluded that the natural course of isthmic spondylolisthesis is associated with disc degeneration and spontaneous stabilization of the olisthetic segment. Fusion operations do not significantly increase the rate of disc degeneration in the adjacent disc above the fusion after a mean postoperative follow-up of 13.8 years. No correlation between the number of degenerated discs or the degree of degeneration and subjective low back pain symptoms was found.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of HIV-1 infection in pregnant women in the United Kingdom. DESIGN: Serial unlinked serosurveillance for HIV-1 in neonatal specimens and surveillance through registers of diagnosed maternal and paediatric infections from reporting by obstetricians, paediatricians, and microbiologists. SETTING: United Kingdom, 1988-96. SUBJECTS: Pregnant women proceeding to live births and their children. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Time trends in prevalence of HIV-1 seropositivity in newborn infants (as a proxy for infection in mothers); the proportions of mothers with diagnosed HIV-1 infections, and their characteristics. RESULTS: HIV-1 prevalence among mothers in London rose sixfold between 1988 and 1996 (0.19% of women tested; 1 in 520 in 1996). Apart from in Edinburgh and Dundee, levels remained low in Scotland (0.025%; 1 in 3970) and elsewhere in the United Kingdom (0.016%; 1 in 1930). Over a third of births to infected mothers in 1996 occurred outside London. In London the reported infections were predominantly among black African women, whereas in Scotland most were associated with drug injecting. The contribution of reported infection among African women increased over time as that of drug injecting declined. In Scotland 51% of mothers' infections were diagnosed before the birth. In England, despite a national policy initiative in 1992 to increase the antenatal detection rate of HIV, no improvement in detection was observed, and in 1996 only 15% of previously unrecognised HIV infections were diagnosed during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: HIV-1 infection affects mothers throughout the United Kingdom but is most common in London. Levels of diagnosis in pregnant women have not improved. Surveillance data can monitor effectively the impact of initiatives to reduce preventable HIV-1 infections in children.  相似文献   

A strain of poliovirus type 1 isolated from an endemic in Shandong Province in 1988 and three strains of poliovirus type 1 isolated from an endemic in Xinjiang in 1990 were analysed by dot blot hybridization with Sabin I specific probe and PCR amplification with Sabin I specific primers. They were proved to be non-Sabin-like poliovirus. The nucleotide sequences of VP1-2A junction region of four poliovirus type 1 isolates were analysed. It was found that the nucleotide diversity of four isolates with Sabin I was equal to or greater than 16.7%. This finding proved that they were wild polioviruses and greatly different fromSabin I. It was also found that the nucleotide sequence diversity among three strains from Xinjiang was very small (less than 2.6%) with identical amino acid sequences. This indicated that the three Xinjiang strains belonged to the same genotype. While the difference of Shandong strain from the three Xinjiang strains was between 14. 0% to 15.33% in nucleotide sequence and 2.0% to 4.0% in amino acids. This indicated that Shandong strain was apparently different from three Xinjiang strains and it belonged to another wild genotype which had a different history of evolution.  相似文献   

There has been little investigation of the side-effects experienced by women receiving adjuvant carboplatin in the treatment of ovarian cancer. This study aimed to describe the range of problems experienced by patients and to estimate incidence and severity of side-effects over the treatment period. Eleven patients participated and completed a 75-item self-report questionnaire at each course of treatment. Severity of each side-effect was graded from 0 to 4. Patients also stated which had been the worst side effect at each course. The response rate was 94%. Seventy-two side-effects were reported. Fatigue emerged as both the most common and the most 'troublesome' side-effect. Nausea, difficulty sleeping, taste change, and constipation were also ranked highly. Although limited by a small sample size, this study suggests patients undergoing carboplatin experience a wide range of problems, many of which merit further investigation.  相似文献   

Heparin co-factor II is in addition to antithrombin III another heparin dependent thrombin inhibitor. This glycoprotein blocks thrombin action not only in haemostasis but also in its other effects. Congenital deficiency of heparin co-factor II was found equally frequently among asymptomatic subjects and patients with thrombotic complications. Although its deficiency probably is not a serious risk factor of thromboembolic disease, it can promote its development in a significant way. The authors describe the case of a child with thrombotic complications and a congenital deficiency of heparin co-factor II.  相似文献   

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