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With the aim to minimize compression artefacts in ultrathin sections, coincident with the stroke direction, we have invented an oscillating diamond knife. Results and theoretical considerations explaining its function are discussed. During conventional ultrathin sectioning the resultant compression is in the order of 20–35% of section height. This holds true for sections of samples embedded into Lowicryl HM20 and of the polymer polystyrene, cut with a 45° diamond knife and floated on water. The oscillating knife reduces this compression almost completely. It consists of a diamond knife on which a low voltage piezoelectric translator (piezo) is mounted, which oscillates when the piezo is driven by an alternating voltage source. No additional cutting artefacts were observed in the micrographs when they were compared with sections produced without oscillating the knife.  相似文献   

Electron tomography of vitreous tissue sections (tissue TOVIS) allows the study of the three-dimensional structure of molecular complexes in a near-native cellular context. Its usage is, however, limited by an unfortunate combination of noisy and incomplete data, by a technically demanding sample preparation procedure, and by a disposition for specimen degradation during data collection. Here we outline some major challenges as experienced from the application of TOVIS to human skin. We further consider a number of practical measures as well as theoretical approaches for its future development.  相似文献   

We have recently reported electron tomographic studies of sections obtained from chemically fixed E. coli cells overproducing the 60‐kDa chemotaxis receptor Tsr. Membrane extracts from these cells prepared in the presence of Tween‐80 display hexagonally close‐packed microcrystalline assemblies of Tsr, with a repeating unit large enough to accommodate six Tsr molecules arranged as trimers of receptor dimers. Here, we report the direct visualization of the Tsr receptor clusters in (i) vitrified cell suspensions of cells overproducing Tsr, prepared by rapid plunge‐freezing, and (ii) frozen‐hydrated sections obtained from cells frozen under high pressure. The frozen‐hydrated sections were generated by sectioning at ?150 °C using a diamond knife with a 25° knife angle, with nominal thicknesses ranging from 20 to 60 nm. There is excellent correspondence between the spatial arrangement of receptors in thin frozen‐hydrated sections and the arrangements found in negatively stained membrane extracts and plunge‐frozen cells, highlighting the potential of using frozen‐hydrated sections for the study of macromolecular assemblies within cells under near‐native conditions.  相似文献   

Nonpretreated high pressure frozen samples of Zea mays, cartilage and human erythrocytes were cryosectioned and observed at 110 K in a cryoelectron microscope. Changes induced by medium doses of electron irradiation (< 10 ke nm?2) are described. After some ke nm?2, the most conspicuous cutting artefacts are erased to a large extent and the visibility of the cell organelles is improved. The sections, compressed in the cutting direction by the sectioning process, shrink once more, in the same direction, when irradiated. This shrinkage depends on the section support and on how the section is adsorbed to it. Shrinkage is not uniform; it is most pronounced in mitochondria, condensed chromatin and nucleolus. This differential shrinkage improves the visibility of major structures on the section and, as a result, ‘nicer’ images are recorded. However, this apparent improvement is a beam-induced artefact that must be paired with a loss of high resolution information.  相似文献   

During an electron microscopical study of the localization of the nucleoside diphos-phatase IDPase in Reissner's membrane of the inner ear, it was discovered that the distilled water in the knife trough produced an annoying artefact. It dissolved all the lead phosphate reaction product from the sections, and thus converted a positive phosphatase reactivity to a false negative one. The water in the knife trough had a pH of approximately 5.4. Calculations showed that this is an expected acidity, if CO2 in the air equilibrates with distilled water, and that there is 200,000 times more acid in the trough than necessary to dissolve all the reaction product from a ribbon of ultrathin sections. Experiments showed that the artefact could be avoided by adjusting the pH to neutrality with dilute ammonia.  相似文献   

The local deformation and variations in section thickness are studied in 100-μm thick vibratome sections of well-fixed human brain tissue. During processing, including drying on glass slides, the section thickness is reduced to less than half, but close to the edges there is less shrinkage of the section thickness. Close to both surfaces there is a pronounced reduction in the number of neuronal nucleoli. At the scale of the original section, the upper 15 μm and the lower 10 μm are depleted. The loss is most pronounced at the upper surface, which is unprotected during processing. In the central 70% of the section height, where one would ordinarily use an optical disector for sampling, there is no indication of non-uniform shrinkage. The simplest explanation for the observed loss of nucleoli is that all cells opened by the knife may lose their nuclei across an unprotected section surface. The observations do not generalize to other tissues and other preparation techniques, but illustrate the magnitude of some of the problems for uniform sampling and unbiased estimation in very thick sections. The uniform optical disector sampling of nucleoli in thick sections, as opposed to that of cell nuclei, raises a special problem, which is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Amorphous solid (vitreous) water can be obtained by a number of methods, including quick freezing of a very small volume of pure water, low pressure condensation of water vapour on a cold substrate or transformation of hexagonal ice (the ice which is naturally formed) under very high pressure at liquid nitrogen temperature. Larger volumes can be vitrified if cryoprotectant is added or when samples are frozen under high pressure. We show that a sample of 17.5% dextran solution or mouse brain tissue, respectively, frozen under high pressure (200 MPa) into cubic or hexagonal ice can be transformed into vitreous water by the very process of cryosectioning. The vitreous sections obtained by this procedure differ from cryosections obtained from vitreous samples by the irregular aspect of the sections and by small but significant differences in the electron diffraction patterns. For the growing community of cryo‐ultramicrotomists it is important to know that vitrification can occur at the knife edge. A vitreous sample is considered to show the best possible structural preservation. The sort of vitrification described here, however, can lead to bad structural preservation and is therefore considered to be a pitfall. Furthermore, we compare these sections with other forms of amorphous solid water and find it similar to high density amorphous water produced at very high pressures (about 1 GPa) from hexagonal ice and annealed close to its transformation temperature at 117 K.  相似文献   

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