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冷天 《建筑师》2020,(1):134-140
历史的书写,从来都逃避不了时代的主观性;而所谓历史的真实,亦无法摆脱客体的相对性,因而呈现出错综交杂的表象,难以一窥全貌。本文重拾中国营造学社开启的,以实物和史料相互印证的研究方法;基于多个真实的遗产保护案例,通过建筑本体勘查、历史影像的三维数字化还原、特殊节点构造的拆解分析、实物湮灭后的类型化推测等工作,试图破解特殊的建筑结构体系及做法,揭示建筑物背后隐藏的历史和文化。一切历史都是当代史,遗产保护实践中的探索与反思,不仅可以更好地叙述一段贴近真实的历史,同时,也构筑起一个深具历史感的当下。  相似文献   

我国从北到南,跨越北温带直至热带,其村镇住宅各具特色.岭南,其民居既要防御台风、暴雨,又要解决长年多炎热的太阳和辐射,这就是岭南村镇民居的设计要点.  相似文献   

生态博物馆研究进展及其对文化遗产保护理念的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
综述了生态博物馆的国内外研究进展,包括其产生背景、概念诠释、国内外研究热点和相关实践,并以此为基础探讨生态博物馆的文化遗产保护内涵。对国内的研究进展分析表明:建筑学研究方法与视野的引入将能增强生态博物馆对传统乡土聚落文化遗产的保护效力。  相似文献   

This research uses administrative data to examine the long-term socioeconomic status of households that relocated from public housing projects in Atlanta as a result of mixed-income revitalization. The research spans 7 years, covering the period before relocation and demolition had begun and ending after mixed-income redevelopment was completed. Residents who lived in three public housing projects that were revitalized are compared to a control group of residents who lived in three projects that were not revitalized, showing that mixed-income revitalization greatly accelerated the residential mobility of public housing residents and that households displaced by revitalization did not experience a statistically significant loss of housing assistance. Households that relocated by using vouchers or by moving to mixed-income revitalized communities experienced significant improvements in their socioeconomic status, and they moved to higher quality neighborhoods. Additionally, their long-run socioeconomic status was similar to the status of households who moved from housing projects voluntarily, i.e., not in response to a planned demolition. This is one of few empirical studies of the effects of HOPE VI revitalization on public housing residents, and its conclusions argue against the elimination of funding for HOPE VI as called for in the president's budget for 2006.  相似文献   

In discussions on how to handle local heritage values, local values or insider-ness are often seen as synonymous with intangible aspects of heritage. At the same time, expert knowledge is usually associated with material objects, whereby experts have had the power to define what to preserve. In this study of three Norwegian towns, complementary and interdisciplinary methods have been used to address the relationship between personal and official perspectives on cultural heritage values and their tangible and intangible aspects. Results from interviews asking people to describe places they value in the area in which they live have been compared with results from a study of the official heritage plans in three selected towns. The study shows that a gap has unintentionally been constructed in the understanding of cultural heritage. To bridge the gap additional methods for documentation of cultural heritage and their contexts have to be developed. Experiments with various forms of active user participation are one way to introduce new additional approaches and thereby create local engagement and awareness of the role cultural heritage can play.  相似文献   

介绍波士顿自由足迹这一美国重要的城市遗产足迹,指出其囊括的波士顿中心区17处城市遗产,不仅在美国独立革命史上有着举足轻重的地位,而且其保护实践对于美国历史文化遗产保护理论体系的形成具有重要贡献。通过对波士顿自由足迹保护的"建筑本体-历史环境-城市复兴-文化景观"4个重要历史时期的回顾与分析,总结其经验,以展现美国城市遗产保护的历史与特色。  相似文献   

陕北伤亡性黄土崩塌成因与对策研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了陕北黄土高原既毁窑又伤人的伤亡性黄土崩塌的类型、前兆、时空分布特征,着重分析了这类崩塌形成原因。在地质环境十分脆弱的陕北黄土地区,由于在黄土斜坡上切层开挖,平基建宅,严重地破坏了自然边坡的稳定平衡条件,导致伤亡性黄土崩塌频繁发生。因此,加强对黄土宅基边坡的科学管理和预防并采取削坡减重和排水等工程措施当是恢复宅基边坡稳定、减少崩塌灾害的关键。  相似文献   

The private, detached single-family house has long been a dominant feature in the cities, towns, and suburbs of the United States to a much greater extent than in most other Western nations. To this very day, the private home is considered a constitutive element of the “American Dream.” This paper seeks to uncover some of the mechanisms through which this house acquired commanding presence in the American imagination and, consequently, in American metropolitan space. Specifically, the paper turns to professional discourses from the early 1900s. The paper argues that city-building experts from that time period – architects, housing reformers, and urban planners – collectively envisioned the detached single-family house as having a privileged claim to the American city and converted this vision into a persuasive story. Through their storytelling, the experts helped craft a number of government strategies that defended the dominant position of the single-family dwelling in the American city through the remainder of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

通过对我国北方寒冷地区小城镇供暖住宅的室内温度、供暖煤耗及围护结构热工性能的实测,评价了小城镇供暖住宅的供暖室内热环境,研究了供暖煤耗及围护结构的保温性能。提出合理选择供暖热源、改进供暖方式、改善围护结构的保温性能、提高热用户的节能意识是小城镇供暖节能的有效措施。  相似文献   

Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial structure. The sustainability of economic development by tourism is also questioned. Fujian Tulou is a world heritage site in China, inscribed in 2008. The nomination has brought great changes to the sites, especially the flourishing tourism industries by the local communities as well as the tourism companies. The latter also take part in the management of the heritage site and get most of the income. The data in economic areas is analyzed in this study and explains the cultural tourism as a positive drive for the local economy, which contributes little to the life of locals. With the analysis of the changes and benefits from the tourism, we have found that tourism, as a dominant industry, might be a potential negative element for heritage conservation. According to the different situations of sites in Fujian Tulou, a proper planning of management is in need to integrate the tourism, conservation and development.  相似文献   

刘抚英 《华中建筑》2013,(12):138-143
该文基于案例引介旨在探索工业遗产保护与更新在区域尺度层面的实施策略,介绍分析了欧洲工业遗产之路的系统构成,包括重要锚点、区域线路和欧洲主题线路等;解读了欧洲工业遗产之路的协会与成员、组织管理与活动、优先发展目标等运行机制。进而,针对我国工业遗产保护与更新现存的主要问题,提出了工业遗产线路营构的具体设想与建议。  相似文献   

“广州大学城”的前身“小谷围岛”曾有着丰富的物质和非物质文化遗产,是典型的岭南传统村落。现今,大学城仅余4条保留村,传统村落风貌大不及从前。“文化遗产漫步系统”是近年一种很好的保存和展示文化遗产的方法,笔者尝试运用此种方法,借鉴香港屏山文物径的经验,以北亭村作为试验,召集民间学术组织、社工、村民和大学生,以公众参与的方式,在广州大学城传统村落中共同策划、建设“文化遗产漫步系统”,并组织导赏,以此向大学生和本地村民普及历史文化保护思想、唤起公众对文化遗产保护的关注与重视。  相似文献   

铁路是人类工业文明时代的重要交通设施,和社会发展紧密相关。在城市发展下旧铁路成为切割侵占城市肌理的存在,如何对城市中的这一段特殊用地进行改造将成为城市规划热点之一。以京张铁路为例,西直门至箭亭桥段为研究选段,通过实地调查,基于京张高铁将下穿释放地面旧铁路空间的前提,重点在沿线铁路遗址空间的改造模式探讨和铁路下穿后地面废弃空间如何进行城市功能与生态修复,在最大程度保护遗址原真性和完整性基础上,形成沿现存铁路遗迹的城市绿带和场地文脉体验空间,以探讨现代城市中铁路遗址保护更新利用设计方法。  相似文献   

林启丰 《城市建筑》2014,(33):13-14
随着城乡一体化进程的推进,如何在现有的经济、社会、政策条件下,在诸多难点的夹缝中寻找农村新社区发展之路呢?本文结合马屿镇社区的发展,对社区规划提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

朱妮娅 《华中建筑》2007,25(3):125-127
该文介绍了上海卢湾区高福里地块改造与更新的设计策略,分析了该设计在保护里弄街区风貌、延续历史文脉等方面所做的积极探索,并揭示了该设计已经从物质形态层面渗透到了文化生活层面的本质.  相似文献   

毕波  吴晓雷 《规划师》2006,22(12):60-62
楼宇经济空间是楼宇经济发展的集聚功能区域,是以现代服务业为产业核心,吸引其他相关产业集聚所形成的具有定空间集聚规模、较强竞争力、能够产生较高经济效益的功能空间。楼宇经济空旬作为城市重要的节点空间,具有依托性、集聚性、高效益、高效率、高端性等特点,在空间布局上主要受城市规划与空间扩展、经济活力与设施配套、交通条件、景观环境等因素的影响,应通过强化集聚策略、专业化和特色化策略等,引导楼宇经济空间合理发展。  相似文献   

以UNESCO亚太遗产保护奖的原则和标准为参照,基于对我国获奖项目的调查研究,探讨世界遗产保护发展趋势下我国建筑遗产保护策略;并基于中国当前建筑遗产保护中存在的问题,从健全体制保障、适应区域条件、提升工程完成度、改善建筑性能、提升人文环境、鼓励公众参与、利用信息平台、发展应急防灾几个方面研究我国遗产保护策略的优势和不足。  相似文献   

方拥 《福建建筑》1998,(4):8-10
南安官桥漳里村蔡氏古民居组群,规划有序,建筑典型,近年受到日益广泛的重视,定为福建省级文物保护单位。申报世界文化遗产地位,联合国教、科、文组织曾派员专程考察。本文介绍,这组创建时间并非久远的居民群,实为闽南自然、社会两方面深刻内涵的外观。  相似文献   

欧阳虹彬  张卫 《华中建筑》2005,23(Z1):100-102
"有机"的洪江古镇建筑遗存丰富,特色鲜明.该文从其建筑的外在形态着手,在社会心理的层面上对当地的文化含义做了一定的研究和探讨,希望对于积累当地建筑的资料、加深人们对于当地建筑的理解、实现文化可持续发展有所帮助.  相似文献   

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