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Web-based digital video tools enable learners to access video sources in constructive ways. To leverage these affordances teachers need to integrate their knowledge of a technology with their professional knowledge about teaching. We suggest that this is a cognitive process, which is strongly connected to a teacher’s mental model of the tool’s affordances. First we elaborate the theoretical integration of the notion of mental models and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework. Then we report on a study where we investigated pedagogical knowledge in a sample of German pre-service teachers as a predictor for their mental models of YouTube and how these affect lesson plans for instructional use of this technology. We describe the active mental models of YouTube and present quantitative analyses suggesting mental models as mediators for the influence of pedagogical knowledge on participants’ lesson planning. Results are discussed with regard to theoretical and research implications.  相似文献   

If we have two representations of a problem as constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) models, it has been shown that combining the models using channeling constraints can increase constraint propagation in tree search CSP solvers. Handcrafting two CSP models for a problem, however, is often time-consuming. In this paper, we propose model induction, a process which generates a second CSP model from an existing model using channeling constraints, and study its theoretical properties. The generated induced model is in a different viewpoint, i.e., set of variables. It is mutually redundant to and can be combined with the input model, so that the combined model contains more redundant information, which is useful to increase constraint propagation. We also propose two methods of combining CSP models, namely model intersection and model channeling. The two methods allow combining two mutually redundant models in the same and different viewpoints respectively. We exploit the applications of model induction, intersection, and channeling and identify three new classes of combined models, which contain different amounts of redundant information. We construct combined models of permutation CSPs and show in extensive benchmark results that the combined models are more robust and efficient to solve than the single models.  相似文献   

Much of the behaviour of an interactive system is determined by its user population. This paper describes how assumptions about the user can be brought into system models in order to reason about their behaviour. We describe a system model containing reasonable assumptions about the user as being ‘cognitively plausible’. Before asserting the plausibility of a model however we must first be able to make the assumptions made in that model inspectable. There is a tension between the inspectability of user assumptions and the tractability of models; inspectable models tend to not be very tractable and vice versa. We describe how we can get round this tension, by deriving tractable models from explicit user assumptions. The resulting models may not of themselves be very inspectable to human-factors workers, but the process by which they are derived is inspectable. Hence we claim that we can have both tractability and inspectability. We exemplify our claims using a simple cognitive model and ‘Meeting Maker’, an interactive electronic diary system. Received March 2000 / Accepted in revised form July 2000  相似文献   

We show that stable models of logic programs may be viewed as minimal models of programs that satisfy certain additional constraints. To do so, we transform the normal programs into disjunctive logic programs and sets of integrity constraints. We show that the stable models of the normal program coincide with the minimal models of the disjunctive program thatsatisfy the integrity constraints. As a consequence, the stable model semantics can be characterized using theextended generalized closed world assumption for disjunctive logic programs. Using this result, we develop a bottomup algorithm for function-free logic programs to find all stable models of a normal program by computing the perfect models of a disjunctive stratified logic program and checking them for consistency with the integrity constraints. The integrity constraints provide a rationale as to why some normal logic programs have no stable models.  相似文献   

影像纹理分类的马尔可夫随机场方法与试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对马尔可夫随机场方法用于影像纹理分类进行了探讨。主要探讨了以下三个方面的问题:(1)如何从备选马尔可夫随机场模型中找出最适合的模型;(2)马尔可夫随机场模型参数的估计问题;(3)如何利用马尔可夫随机场模型参数进行影像纹理分类。最后以实际试验情况表明所提出的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Although syntactic structure has been used in recent work in language modeling, there has not been much effort in using semantic analysis for language models. In this study, we propose three new language modeling techniques that use semantic analysis for spoken dialog systems. We call these methods concept sequence modeling, two-level semantic-lexical modeling, and joint semantic-lexical modeling. These models combine lexical information with varying amounts of semantic information, using annotation supplied by either a shallow semantic parser or full hierarchical parser. These models also differ in how the lexical and semantic information is combined, ranging from simple interpolation to tight integration using maximum entropy modeling. We obtain improvements in recognition accuracy over word and class N-gram language models in three different task domains. Interpolation of the proposed models with class N-gram language models provides additional improvement in the air travel reservation domain. We show that as we increase the semantic information utilized and as we increase the tightness of integration between lexical and semantic items, we obtain improved performance when interpolating with class language models, indicating that the two types of models become more complementary in nature.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper are two-fold: to define Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) of colored texture on several feature spaces and to compare the performance of these models in various classification tasks, both with each other and with other models popular in the literature. We construct GMMs over a variety of different color and texture feature spaces, with a view to the retrieval of textured color images from databases. We compare supervised classification results for different choices of color and texture features using the Vistex database, and explore the best set of features and the best GMM configuration for this task. In addition we introduce several methods for combining the ‘color’ and ‘structure’ information in order to improve the classification performances. We then apply the resulting models to the classification of texture databases and to the classification of man-made and natural areas in aerial images. We compare the GMM model with other models in the literature, and show an overall improvement in performance.  相似文献   

We consider random geometric models for telecommunication access networks and analyse their serving zones which can be given, for example, by a class of so-called Cox–Voronoi tessellations (CVTs). Such CVTs are constructed with respect to locations of network components, the nucleii of their induced cells, which are scattered randomly along lines induced by a Poisson line process. In particular, we consider two levels of network components and investigate these hierarchical models with respect to mean shortest path length and mean subscriber line length, respectively. We explain point-process techniques which allow for these characteristics to be computed without simulating the locations of lower-level components. We sustain our results by numerical examples which were obtained through Monte Carlo simulations, where we used simulation algorithms for typical Cox–Voronoi cells derived in a previous paper. Also, briefly, we discuss tests of correctness of the implemented algorithms. Finally, we present a short outlook to possible extensions concerning multi-level models and iterated random tessellations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the effects of several factors and configuration choices encountered during training and model construction when we want to obtain better and more stable adaptation in HMM-based speech synthesis. We then propose a new adaptation algorithm called constrained structural maximum a posteriori linear regression (CSMAPLR) whose derivation is based on the knowledge obtained in this analysis and on the results of comparing several conventional adaptation algorithms. Here, we investigate six major aspects of the speaker adaptation: initial models; the amount of the training data for the initial models; the transform functions, estimation criteria, and sensitivity of several linear regression adaptation algorithms; and combination algorithms. Analyzing the effect of the initial model, we compare speaker-dependent models, gender-independent models, and the simultaneous use of the gender-dependent models to single use of the gender-dependent models. Analyzing the effect of the transform functions, we compare the transform function for only mean vectors with that for mean vectors and covariance matrices. Analyzing the effect of the estimation criteria, we compare the ML criterion with a robust estimation criterion called structural MAP. We evaluate the sensitivity of several thresholds for the piecewise linear regression algorithms and take up methods combining MAP adaptation with the linear regression algorithms. We incorporate these adaptation algorithms into our speech synthesis system and present several subjective and objective evaluation results showing the utility and effectiveness of these algorithms in speaker adaptation for HMM-based speech synthesis.  相似文献   

Annotating maps, graphs, and diagrams with pieces of text is an important step in information visualization that is usually referred to as label placement. We define nine label-placement models for labeling points with axis-parallel rectangles given a weight for each point. There are two groups: fixed-position models and slider models. We aim to maximize the weight sum of those points that receive a label. We first compare our models by giving bounds for the ratios between the weights of maximum-weight labelings in different models. Then we present algorithms for labeling n points with unit-height rectangles. We show how an O(n\log n)-time factor-2 approximation algorithm and a PTAS for fixed-position models can be extended to handle the weighted case. Our main contribution is the first algorithm for weighted sliding labels. Its approximation factor is (2+\varepsilon), it runs in O(n 2/\varepsilon) time and uses O(n/\varepsilon) space. We show that other than for fixed-position models even the projection to one dimension remains NP-hard. For slider models we also investigate some special cases, namely (a) the number of different point weights is bounded, (b) all labels are unit squares, and (c) the ratio between maximum and minimum label height is bounded.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for interactive rendering of massive 3D models. Our approach integrates adaptive sampling-based simplification, visibility culling, out-of-core data management and level-of-detail. We use a unified scene graph representation for acceleration techniques. In preprocessing, we subdivide large objects, and build a BVH clustering hierarchy. We make use of a novel adaptive sampling method to generate LOD models: AdaptiveVoxels. The AdaptiveVoxels reduces the preprocessing cost and our out-of-core rendering algorithm improves rendering efficiency. We have implemented our algorithm on a desktop PC. We can render massive CAD and isosurface models, consisting of hundreds of millions of triangles interactively with little loss in image quality.  相似文献   

Annotating maps, graphs, and diagrams with pieces of text is an important step in information visualization that is usually referred to as label placement. We define nine label-placement models for labeling points with axis-parallel rectangles given a weight for each point. There are two groups: fixed-position models and slider models. We aim to maximize the weight sum of those points that receive a label. We first compare our models by giving bounds for the ratios between the weights of maximum-weight labelings in different models. Then we present algorithms for labeling n points with unit-height rectangles. We show how an O(n\log n)-time factor-2 approximation algorithm and a PTAS for fixed-position models can be extended to handle the weighted case. Our main contribution is the first algorithm for weighted sliding labels. Its approximation factor is (2+\varepsilon), it runs in O(n 2/\varepsilon) time and uses O(n/\varepsilon) space. We show that other than for fixed-position models even the projection to one dimension remains NP-hard. For slider models we also investigate some special cases, namely (a) the number of different point weights is bounded, (b) all labels are unit squares, and (c) the ratio between maximum and minimum label height is bounded.  相似文献   

We study several scalar cosmological models under the self-similar approach. We deduce, by stating and proving general theorems, which is the exact form that must follow the scalar field and the potential in the frameworks of a single scalar field and non-interacting (with a perfect fluid) models. The proofs are carried out by two methods: the matter collineation approach and the Lie group method. The results obtained are absolutely general and valid for all Bianchi models and the flat FRW one. In order to study how the “constant” G may vary we propose, in a phenomenological way, how to incorporate a variable G in the framework of scalar models by modifying the Klein-Gordon equation. This approach is more general than the usual one in the context of the FRW symmetries. We deduce the exact form to be followed by each quantity in these new models. Therefore, to study how the “constants” G and Λ may vary, we propose three scenarios where such constants are considered as time functions: modified general relativity with a perfect fluid, the scalar cosmological models (“quintessence”) in the non-interacting case and a scalar-tensor model with a dynamical Λ. As an example, we study the case of Bianchi VI0 geometry.  相似文献   

Embedded systems are electronic devices that function in the context of a real environment, by sensing and reacting to a set of stimuli. Because of their close interaction with the environment, and to simplify their design, different parts of an embedded system are best described using different notations and different techniques. In this case, we say that the system is heterogeneous. We informally refer to the notation and the rules that are used to specify and verify the elements of heterogeneous systems and their collective behavior as a model of computation. In this paper, we consider different classes of relationships between models of computation and discuss their preservation properties with respect to the model's refinement relation and composition operator. In particular, we focus on abstraction and refinement relationships in the form of abstract interpretations and introduce the notion of conservative approximation. We show that, unlike abstract interpretations, conservative approximations preserve refinement verification results from an abstract to a concrete model while avoiding false positives. We also characterize the relationship between abstract interpretations and conservative approximations, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain a conservative approximation from a pair of abstract interpretations. In addition, we use the inverse of a conservative approximation to identify components that can be used indifferently in several models, thus enabling reuse across models of computation. The concepts described in this paper are illustrated with examples from continuous time and discrete time models of computation.  相似文献   

We study Markov models whose state spaces arise from the Cartesian product of two or more discrete random variables. We show how to parameterize the transition matrices of these models as a convex combination—or mixture—of simpler dynamical models. The parameters in these models admit a simple probabilistic interpretation and can be fitted iteratively by an Expectation-Maximization (EM) procedure. We derive a set of generalized Baum-Welch updates for factorial hidden Markov models that make use of this parameterization. We also describe a simple iterative procedure for approximately computing the statistics of the hidden states. Throughout, we give examples where mixed memory models provide a useful representation of complex stochastic processes.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a framework for validating software measurement. We start by defining a measurement structure model that identifies the elementary component of measures and the measurement process, and then consider five other models involved in measurement: unit definition models, instrumentation models, attribute relationship models, measurement protocols and entity population models. We consider a number of measures from the viewpoint of our measurement validation framework and identify a number of shortcomings; in particular we identify a number of problems with the construction of function points. We also compare our view of measurement validation with ideas presented by other researchers and identify a number of areas of disagreement. Finally, we suggest several rules that practitioners and researchers can use to avoid measurement problems, including the use of measurement vectors rather than artificially contrived scalars  相似文献   

In this paper, we survey illustrative rendering techniques for 3D surface models. We first discuss the field of illustrative visualization in general and provide a new definition for this sub‐area of visualization. For the remainder of the survey, we then focus on surface‐based models. We start by briefly summarizing the differential geometry fundamental to many approaches and discuss additional general requirements for the underlying models and the methods' implementations. We then provide an overview of low‐level illustrative rendering techniques including sparse lines, stippling and hatching, and illustrative shading, connecting each of them to practical examples of visualization applications. We also mention evaluation approaches and list various application fields, before we close with a discussion of the state of the art and future work.  相似文献   

We discuss the relationship between ID-based key agreement protocols, certificateless encryption and ID-based key encapsulation mechanisms. In particular we show how in some sense ID-based key agreement is a primitive from which all others can be derived. In doing so we focus on distinctions between what we term pure ID-based schemes and non-pure schemes, in various security models. We present security models for ID-based key agreement which do not “look natural” when considered as analogues of normal key agreement schemes, but which look more natural when considered in terms of the models used in certificateless encryption. We illustrate our models and constructions with two running examples, one pairing based and one non-pairing based. Our work highlights distinctions between the two approaches to certificateless encryption and adds to the debate about what is the “correct” security model for certificateless encryption.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce two dynamical models for a broadcast process in wireless sensor networks. We obtain a convergent martingale sequence for the two models. To our knowledge, such martingales were unknown previously. We look at the formal models using the formalisms of martingales, dynamical systems and Markov chains, each formalism providing complementary and coherent information with each other. The dynamics of both models are comparable and are validated in their domain of application with numerical simulation of wireless sensor networks. We make explicit the situations where the models are realistic. We also provide a formal analysis of the quasi-stationary distribution associated to the Markov chain corresponding to the second model proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a machine learning approach for acquiring a model of a robot behaviour from raw sensor data. We are interested in automating the acquisition of behavioural models to provide a robot with an introspective capability. We assume that the behaviour of a robot in achieving a task can be modelled as a finite stochastic state transition system.Beginning with data recorded by a robot in the execution of a task, we use unsupervised learning techniques to estimate a hidden Markov model (HMM) that can be used both for predicting and explaining the behaviour of the robot in subsequent executions of the task. We demonstrate that it is feasible to automate the entire process of learning a high quality HMM from the data recorded by the robot during execution of its task.The learned HMM can be used both for monitoring and controlling the behaviour of the robot. The ultimate purpose of our work is to learn models for the full set of tasks associated with a given problem domain, and to integrate these models with a generative task planner. We want to show that these models can be used successfully in controlling the execution of a plan. However, this paper does not develop the planning and control aspects of our work, focussing instead on the learning methodology and the evaluation of a learned model. The essential property of the models we seek to construct is that the most probable trajectory through a model, given the observations made by the robot, accurately diagnoses, or explains, the behaviour that the robot actually performed when making these observations. In the work reported here we consider a navigation task. We explain the learning process, the experimental setup and the structure of the resulting learned behavioural models. We then evaluate the extent to which explanations proposed by the learned models accord with a human observer's interpretation of the behaviour exhibited by the robot in its execution of the task.  相似文献   

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