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A new convolution-detection method was developed which converts multiple-point (Shah function) detection, time-domain electropherograms into frequency-domain plots by means of a Fourier transformation, allowing the analytes' speeds to be viewed in terms of their "blinking" frequency; we have named this method Shah convolution Fourier transform detection, or SCOFT. This paper represents proof of principle of the detection concept. A micromachined glass stucture with a patterned layer of Cr on its top surface to form regularly spaced detection slits was used to perform capillary electrophoresis separations with 55-point, laser-induced fluorescence detection over 3.78 cm of the 6.6 cm separation channel. While this method can be easily integrated into a miniaturized total analysis system (μ-TAS), the principle is equally applicable to detection in full-sized analytical instrumentation. Single-component samples (fluorescein) migrating through the separation channel yielded a single peak in the frequency domain, and two-component samples (fluorescein and fluorescein isothiocyanate) yielded two resolved peaks, each at the expected frequency; harmonics were also observed. Advantages were seen in terms of isolation of the analyte peaks from interference such as baseline drift and line noise. Resolution is somewhat inferior to that seen in single-point detection, but it is thought that improved chip design and mathematical and instrument optimization will lead to performance superior to that of single-point detection.  相似文献   

A noninvasive radiative technique, based on Shah convolution Fourier transform detection, for velocity measurement of particles in fluid flows in a microfluidic chip, is presented. It boasts a simpler instrumental setup and optical alignment than existing measurement methods and a wide dynamic range of velocities measurable. A glass-PDMS microchip with a layer of patterned Cr to provide multiple detection windows which are 40 microns wide and 70 microns apart is employed. The velocities of fluorescent microspheres, which were electrokinetically driven in the channel of the microfluidic chip, were determined. The effects of increasing the number of detection windows and sampling period were investigated. This technique could have wide applications, ranging from the determination of the velocity of particles in pressure-driven flow to the measurement of electrophoretic mobilities of single biological cells.  相似文献   

A Hadamard transform (HT) detection method for microchip capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence and a charge-coupled device (CCD) is described and compared to signal-averaged detection. A low-noise CCD camera is used to image a section of a separation channel where each camera pixel can be thought of as a unique detector. For signal averaging, electropherograms corresponding to individual pixels can be averaged for improved S/N. HT detection is performed on each pixel electropherogram to generate a contour plot electropherogram. The multiple injections required for HT provides an enhancement at the cost of longer times for the pseudorandom injection sequences. A short sample injection length of 0.25 s is used to reduce the overall analysis time and improve sensitivity compared to previously published results. An injection sequence is performed on the microchip that is based on a cyclic S-matrix of 513 elements that generates an 8-fold improvement in S/N compared to a single injection. This spatially resolved HT detection method is also capable of performing a multicomponent separation. Signal-averaged HT and single-injection data are compared to experimental HT and single-injection results. The unique capabilities of each method are described.  相似文献   

A fundamental limitation to the use of single-point absorbance detection for capillary electrophoresis is irradiance, since it is not possible to create an image at the detection point on capillary that is brighter than the light source. This limitation may be overcome by illuminating a length of the capillary using a fiber-optic bundle and using a charge coupled device (CCD) camera that can image the full length of the illuminated zone. The present paper describes design and development of a CCD detector for UV absorbance that can be used in both multiwavelength and single-wavelength modes. The CCD camera images analyte peaks in the capillary dimension, together with wavelength-resolved absorbance in the dimension perpendicular to the capillary. Successive snapshots of the peaks are added together, after appropriate correction for time-dependent peak displacement, without sacrificing spatial resolution. Measured baseline rms noise values at 200 nm are 34 μAU using a holographic grating in multiwavelength mode and 8 μAU with the addition of a band-pass filter. Both values are in excellent agreement with calculations of limiting shot noise. Performance in multiwavelength mode is constrained by the 470-ms readout time of the CCD used, which sets a maximum duty cycle of 2.3%. Noise contributions from source intensity fluctuations are reduced by using a portion of the CCD image to provide a baseline reference signal. With 4-hydroxybenzoate as test analyte, the linear dynamic range in multiwavelength mode is shown to be between 3 and 4 orders of magnitude. High-quality spectra of 2-, 3-, and 4-methylbenzoates are obtained on capillary and used in deconvolution of closely migrating peaks of the 2- and 3-isomers.  相似文献   

Fourier transform capillary electrophoresis (FTCE) was developed as a method to improve signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and resolution in capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation. In FTCE, multiple simultaneous CE separations were performed in the same channel system and interrogated using a single-point detector. To illustrate experimentally the improvement offered by FTCE in S/N ratio and resolution, we carried out a modest number (five) of multiple injections and separations. We show even with this small number of separations, S/N increased by a factor of 2.9, and theoretical plate height improved by a factor of more than 30. We demonstrated this technique with laser-induced fluorescence detection, but a wide variety of detection methods are compatible with FTCE.  相似文献   

Broad-band nondestructive ion detection based on induced image current measurement is performed in a quadrupole ion trap having cylindrical geometry. Spectra of krypton and acetophenone are shown to demonstrate the first use of nondestructive detection with a cylindrical ion trap.  相似文献   

Several experimental factors have been investigated that influence the efficiency of desorption and subsequent chemical ionization of nonvolatile, thermally labile molecules during laser-induced acoustic desorption/Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LIAD/FT-ICR) experiments. The experiments were performed by using two specially designed LIAD probes of different outer diameters (1/2 and 7/8 in.) and designs. Several improvements to the design of the "first generation" (1/2 in.) LIAD probe are presented. The larger diameter (7/8 in.) probe provides a larger surface area for desorption than the smaller diameter probe. Further, it was designed to desorb molecules on-axis with the magnetic field of the instrument. This is in contrast to the smaller probe for which desorption occurs 1.3 mm off-axis. This improved alignment, which provides better overlap between the desorbed molecules and trapped reagent ions, results in a substantial increase in the sensitivity of LIAD analyses. The thickness of the sample layer deposited on the irradiated metal foil and the number of laser shots fired on the backside of the foil were found to have a significant effect on the overall signal and the relative abundances of the ions formed in the experiment. Evaporation of a tetrapeptide, Val-Ala-Ala-Phe (VAAF), from Ag, Al, Au, Cu, Fe, and Ti foils, followed by protonation by protonated pyridine, revealed that the titanium foil provides the greatest signal. The importance of the laser power density was examined by desorbing a low MW polymer, polyisobutenyl succinic anhydride, at power densities ranging from 5.40 x 10(8) to 9.00 x 10(8) W/cm(2) at the backside of the foil. Higher laser power densities resulted in greater signals and an improved distribution for the higher molecular weight oligomers.  相似文献   

We report a new, bioconjugate approach to performing highly multiplexed single-base extension (SBE) assays, which we demonstrate by genotyping a large panel of point mutants in exons 5-9 of the p53 gene. A series of monodisperse polyamide "drag-tags" was created using both chemical and biological synthesis and used to achieve the high-resolution separation of genotyping reaction products by microchannel electrophoresis without a polymeric sieving matrix. A highly multiplexed SBE reaction was performed in which 16 unique drag-tagged primers simultaneously probe 16 p53 gene loci, with an abbreviated thermal cycling protocol of only 9 min. The drag-tagged SBE products were rapidly separated by free-solution conjugate electrophoresis (FSCE) in both capillaries and microfluidic chips with genotyping accuracy in excess of 96%. The separation requires less than 70 s in a glass microfluidic chip, or about 20 min in a commercial capillary array sequencing instrument. Compared to gel electrophoresis, FSCE offers greater freedom in the design of SBE primers by essentially decoupling the length of the primer and the electrophoretic mobility of the genotyping products. FSCE also presents new possibilities for the facile implementation of SBE on integrated microfluidic electrophoresis devices for rapid, high-throughput genetic mutation detection or SNP scoring.  相似文献   

Microfabricated lab-on-a-chip devices employing a fully integrated electrochemical (EC) detection system have been developed and evaluated. Both capillary electrophoresis (CE) channels and all CE/EC electrodes were incorporated directly onto glass substrates via traditional microfabrication techniques, including photolithographic patterning, wet chemical etching, DC sputtering, and thermal wafer bonding. Unlike analogous CE/EC devices previously reported, no external electrodes were required, and critical electrode characteristics, including size, shape, and placement on the microchip, were established absolutely by the photolithography process. For the model analytes dopamine and catechol, detection limits in the 4-5 microM range (approximately 200 amol injected) were obtained with the Pt EC electrodes employed here, and devices gave stable analytical performance over months of usage.  相似文献   

Yu FT  Lu G 《Applied optics》1994,33(23):5262-5270
We discuss the semicontinuous short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and the semicontinual wavelet transform (WT) with Fourier-domain processing, which is suitable for optical implementation. We also systematically analyze the selection of the window functions, especially those based on the biorthogonality and the orthogonality constraints for perfect signal reconstruction. We show that one of the best substitutions for the Gaussian function in the Fourier domain is a squared sinusoid function that can form a biorthogonal window function in the time domain. The merit of a biorthogonal window is that it could simplify the inverse STFT and the inverse WT. A couple of optical architectures based on Fourier-domain processing for the STFT and the WT, by which real-time signal processing can be realized, are proposed.  相似文献   

Yin XB  Qiu H  Sun X  Yan J  Liu J  Wang E 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(13):3846-3850
A new setup to couple capillary electrophoresis (CE) with electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection is described in which the electrical connection of CE is achieved through a porous section at a distance of 7 mm from the CE capillary outlet. Because the porous capillary wall allowed the CE current to pass through and there was no electric field gradient beyond that section, the influence of CE high-voltage field on the ECL procedure was eliminated. The porous section formed by etching the capillary with hydrofluoric acid after only one side of the circumference of 2-3 mm of polyimide coating of the capillary was removed, while keeping the polyimide coating on the other part to protect the capillary from HF etching makes the capillary joint much more robust since only a part of the circumference of it is etched. A standard three-electrode configuration was used in experiments with Pt wire as a counter electrode, Ag/AgCl as a reference electrode, and a 300-microm diameter Pt disk as a working electrode. Compared with CE-ECL conventional decoupler designs, the present setup with a porous joint has no added dead volume created. Moreover, the dead volume can be increasingly decreased by shortening the distance ( approximately 100 microm) between the working electrode and the end of the separation capillary. The versatility in choice of capillaries and separation buffers within this design is the main advantage over the use of small i.d. capillary and low conductivity buffer in some CE-ECL systems. The performance of this setup is illustrated by the analyses of tripropylamine and proline.  相似文献   

Contactless conductivity detection was carried out on a planar electrophoresis device by capacitive coupling using an ac excitation voltage of 500 V(p-p) and a frequency of 100 kHz. It was possible to carry out detection in this way through a cover plate of 1 mm thickness. Better sensitivity is obtained, however, by placing the electrodes into troughs that allow tighter coupling to the separation channel. The 3 x S/N detection limits are 0.49, 0.41, and 0.35 microM for the small inorganic ions K+, Na+, and Mg2+. The detection of heavy metals is demonstrated with the example of Mn2+, Zn2+, and Cr3+ with detection limits of 2.1, 2.8, and 6.8 microM, respectively. The universal nature of the method is further illustrated by the detection of citric and lactic acids, which are of interest in food and beverage analysis, and detection of three antiinflammatory nonsteroid drugs, 4-acetamidophenol, ibuprofen, and salicylic acid, as examples of species of pharmaceutical interest.  相似文献   

A fluorescence detection system for capillary zone electrophoresis is described in which a charged-coupled device (CCD) views a 2-cm section of an axially illuminated capillary column. The CCD is operated in two readout modes: a snapshot mode that acquires a series of images in wavelength and capillary position, and a time-delayed integration mode that allows long exposure times of the moving analyte zones. By use of the latter mode, the ability to differentiate a species based on both its fluorescence emission and migration rate is demonstrated for fluorescein and sulforhodamine 101. The detection limit for fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is 1.2 X 10(-20) mol; detection limits for FITC-amino acids are in the (2-8) X 10(-20) mol range.  相似文献   

We report on the separation and on-line distinction of (R,S)-3,5-dinitrobenzoyl leucine (DNB-Leu) enantiomers with non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis (CE) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic detection using O-(tert-butyl carbamoyl) quinine (tBuCQN) as the chiral selector (CS). Due to stereoselective intermolecular interactions--particularly ionic interactions, hydrogen bonding, and pi-pi-interactions--the enantiomers undergo enantioselective complex and ion-pair formation, respectively, with the CS enabling CE separation and direct identification with FT-IR detection. Especially the (S)-enantiomer of the analyte shows significant changes in the mid-infrared region upon complexation, allowing for a clear spectral distinction between both enantiomers. In this way FT-IR spectroscopy represents a novel and attractive detection method for CE enantiomeric separations providing qualitative stereochemical information on the interactions between the chiral selector and the enantiomers, which is hardly accessible by other CE detection methods.  相似文献   

In this work, a flow system containing a micromachined lamella-type porous silicon reactor and a novel mid-IR fiber-optic flow cell were used for the enzymatic determination of sucrose in aqueous solution. The method relies on the enzymatic hydrolysis of sucrose to fructose and glucose catalyzed by β-fructosidase and on the acquisition of FT-IR spectra before and after complete reaction. β-Fructosidase was covalently bound to the porous silicon surface of the channels in the microreactor. The porous silicon was achieved by anodization of the silicon reactor in a HF/ethanol mixture. For the measurement of small amounts of aqueous solution, a miniaturized flow cell was developed which consisted of two AgCl(x)Br(1)(-)(x) fiber tips (diameter, 0.75 mm) coaxially mounted in a PTFE block at a distance of 23 μm. The flowing stream was directed through the gap of the two fiber tips which served to define the optical path length and to bring the focused mid-IR radiation to the place of measurement. Using this construction, a probed volume of ~10 nL was obtained. The calibration curve was linear between 10 and 100 mmol/L sucrose. Furthermore, the potential of this method was demonstrated by the analysis of binary sucrose/glucose mixtures showing no interference from glucose and by the successful determination of sucrose in real samples.  相似文献   

Fractional Fourier transform used for a lens-design problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dorsch RG  Lohmann AW 《Applied optics》1995,34(20):4111-4112
The fractional Fourier transform has been used in optics so far for wave propagation and for signal processing. Now we show that this new transform can also be helpful for lens design, especially for specifying a lens cascade.  相似文献   

Here we report the design, fabrication, and operation of a polymer-based microchip device interfaced to a nanoelectrospray ionization source and a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. The poly(methyl methacrylate) micromachined device was fabricated using X-ray lithography to produce a network of channels with high aspect ratios. Fabrication of high aspect ratio channels allows for zero dead volume interfaces between the microchip platform and the nanoelectrospray capillary interface. The performance of this device was evaluated with standard peptide and protein samples. High-quality mass spectral data from peptide and proteins (and mixtures thereof) were obtained without any interfering chemical noise from the polymer or the developers and plasticizers used in the fabrication process. Sample cross-contamination is not a problem using this polymer-based microchip device as demonstrated by the sequential analysis of several proteins. The nanoelectrospray source was operated at flow rates from 20 to 100 nL/min using pressure-driven flow, and uninterrupted operation for several hours is demonstrated without any noticeable signal degradation. The ability to fabricate multiple devices using injection molding or hot-embossing techniques of polymers provides a lower cost alternative to silica-based devices currently utilized with mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Interferometric instruments have the following serious weak points: (1) the necessity of doing a Fourier transform that involves a vast amount of calculation; (2) the lack of knowledge of suitable measuring conditions until the Fourier transform is finished; and (3) the spectral resolution of the conventional Fourier-based techniques is significantly affected by the sampling rate, data length, and noise in signal processing. In this paper, an enhanced spectrometer is proposed using the modified forward-backward linear prediction method (MFBLP) with a search algorithm. To document the advantage of the method presented, a computer simulation for multiple-wavenumber estimation is investigated. The MFBLP method is truly superior to the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. In general, the spectral resolution using the FFT method is proportional to the data length. In this paper, however, it is shown that excellent results can also be obtained from only 60 sample points using the FFT method. Moreover, from experimental results, we also conclude that the sampling rate must be consistent with the condition 632p·t·D<3164, where fp , represents the value of the pulse generator frequency in Hz, t the observation time, and D the decimation factor  相似文献   

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