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Most currently used measures of interrater agreement for the nominal case incorporate a correction for chance agreement. The definition of chance agreement, however, is not the same for all coefficients. Three chance-corrected coefficients are Cohen's (1960) κ; Scott's (1955) π; and the S index of Bennett, Alpert, and Goldstein (1954), which has reappeared in many guises. For all three measures, independence between raters is assumed in deriving the proportion of agreement expected by chance. Scott's π involves a further assumption of homogeneous rater marginals, and the S coefficient requires the assumption of uniform marginal distributions for both raters. Because of these disparate formulations, κ, π, and S can lead to different conclusions about rater agreement. Consideration of the properties of these measures leads to the recommendation that marginal homogeneity be assessed as a first step in the analysis of rater agreement. If marginal homogeneity can be assumed, π can be used as an index of agreement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to M. Sziraki (see record 1979-10730-001), restating the position, notwithstanding the objections that have been raised, that Piaget has done no more than put new names on the process of cognitive development. He has not explained it; moreover, he fails to base psychology in biology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Various possible meanings of "phonetic symbolism" are discussed. Phonetic symbolism is distinguised from onomatopoeia. "Elemental" and "structural" phonetic symbolism are defined. Elemental phonetic symbolism is discussed in terms of 7 hierarchically arranged questions which define "subjective" phonetic symbolism (that detected by Os) and "objective" phonetic symbolism (over-representation of particular sounds in words of particular connotations in natural languages). Experimental and empirical evidence relevant to each question are discussed, and it is concluded that both subjective and objective elemental phonetic symbolism are real phenomena, but that the patterns of symbolism are unrelated in historically unrelated languages. The feedback theory of phonetic symbolism (Taylor) is considered in greater detail than heretofore. (31 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition of the need for multilevel measures when dealing with the fear of death (FOD) construct. The present study addressed itself to determining degree of FOD where categorization was based on a consistent positioning of the individual on both direct and indirect measures of FOD. Additionally, FOD was examined in connection with other death dimensions and behaviors. 212 adult males with a high degree of FOD (as measured by the Collett-Lester Fear of Death of Self subscale) when compared with 208 adult males low in FOD significantly viewed death in more negative terms, reported an increase in their personal FOD as they became older, and were less religious in both conduct and creed. Further, when a fantasy level measure (metaphors) was combined with a conscious level assessment of FOD, prediction of degree of FOD was enhanced significantly. The study emphasizes the importance of using multilevel facets of FOD and the need for a variety of outcome measures in appraising the construct. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Stenting of the internal carotid artery is facilitated by stenting across the carotid bifurcation and sizing the diameter of a self-expanding stent to the large common carotid segment. This usually results in marked oversizing of the self-expanding stent in the internal carotid segment. This study was done to determine the relationship between stent oversizing and late luminal loss index after stenting of the internal carotid artery. Between September 1995 and March 1997, there were 165 patients (189 vessels) who underwent successful carotid stenting with self-expanding stents. Fifty-nine patients (63 vessels) had six-month follow-up carotid angiograms and on-line quantitative angiographic analysis. The mean reference diameter of the internal carotid arteries was 4.93+/-1.31 mm. Nominal stent size was 5 mm in 4 patients, 6 mm in 6 patients, 8 mm in 106 patients, 10 mm in 77 patients, and 12 mm in 1 patient. The average stent/patient was 1.03+/-0.16. There were three patients who had more than 50% diameter renarrowing at follow-up. The mean late loss index was 0.25+/-0.41. By linear regression analysis, there was no clear linear relationship between stent oversizing and late loss index after stenting (correlation coefficient = -0.21, P = 0.09). When analysis of variance with linear contrast was used to analyze six groups of different stent/artery ratios (from 1.4 to > or = 2), late loss indexes are significantly lower in the groups of high stent/artery ratio than the groups of low stent/artery ratio (P = 0.01). The process of oversizing of self-expanding stents deployed in the internal carotid artery does not appear to be associated with late restenosis and high stent/artery ratio seems to be associated with low late loss index.  相似文献   

New Look 1 was not initially about the unconscious. It was the new mentalism on its way to becoming the Cognitive Revolution. Its subsequent concern with "unconscious defense mechanisms," although useful, was not its main theoretical thrust. Its principal questions have always been how and where selective processes operate in perception. Obviously, many such processes are unconscious, for consciously guided attention and search become automatized easily in use, and they are fairly flexible as well. So how smart is "the unconscious"? Not very, but a big help anyway. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared methods of incorporating a concomitant variable into an experimental design. A 3?×?3 conceptual framework for these methods was developed, with one dimension representing 3 methods of assignment to treatment groups and the other dimension representing 3 methods of data analysis. Monte Carlo procedures were used to investigate the relative statistical power and apparent imprecision of the 9 methods. Results show that the recommendation of most experimental design texts to consider the correlation between the dependent and concomitant variables in choosing the best technique for utilizing a concomitant variable is incorrect. Instead, the 2 factors that should be considered are whether scores on the concomitant variable are available for all Ss prior to assigning any Ss to treatment conditions and whether the relationship of the dependent and concomitant variables is linear. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replicated a study by J. Wittmer and G. B. Webster (see record 1970-04216-001) in which significant relationships consistently appeared between teaching experience and closed-mindedness in counseling students as measured by the Rokeach Dogmatism Scale. The present sample consisted of 52 master's level students in counseling, 23 of whom had teaching experience. The analysis revealed significant results in agreement with the findings of the earlier study when the present sample was combined with that of Wittmer and Webster. Age was also significantly related to closed-mindedness in both the present and combined samples. Recommendations are made for reducing levels of closed-mindedness among counselors in training and for a careful examination in terms of possible closed-mindedness of program applicants who are older and/or have teaching experience. The requirement of teaching experience for counseling practice is challenged. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction has been heavily researched over the years. In spite of this research interest, results have not proved conclusive in demonstrating the causal nature of the relationship. In the present study, a causal model was hypothesized and tested that involved simultaneous consideration of cross-sectional and longitudinal effects between job and life satisfaction. This type of analysis has not previously been conducted and allows the strongest conclusions to date regarding the causality between these constructs. Results based on a national probability sample of workers indicate that job and life satisfaction were significantly and reciprocally related. The cross-sectional results suggest a relatively strong relationship between job and life satisfaction, but the longitudinal results a weaker relationship over a 5-yr period, particularly with respect to the effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction. The meaning of these results in the context of past research on the job satisfaction–life satisfaction relationship is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Extended the work of M. Hakel, J. Ohnesorge, and M. Dunnette (see PA, Vol. 44:574l) and R. Leonard and M. Hakel's 1971 study of the effects of induced expectation on resume ratings. In Study 1, 90 undergraduates and 90 professional interviewers rated 12 resumes (random sets of 3 good, 3 average, and 3 poor), the last of which was the target resume. The 2 preceding ones (10 and 11) were used to induce the expectation; both were good, average, or poor. A 9-point criterion rating scale was used by 60 professionals to rate 3 resumes in Study 2. Results of both studies show no contrast or assimilation effects in judgments. Professionals indicated a tendency not to base hiring decisions on resumes alone. Results of previous studies and methodological problems are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined relations between recruiting source, employee tenure, and productivity for 618 male technical salespersons over a 2-yr period. All data were obtained from personnel records. Unlike earlier research, a relation between recruitment source and job tenure was not found, nor was recruiting source found to be related to employee productivity. Explanations for differences between the present findings and earlier research include characteristics of this particular job, the fact that multiple jobs and levels were not always considered, and the turnover rate of the sample job. Additional findings support D. P. Schwab's (1982) suggestion that recruiting sources may be differentially effective to the extent that they reach different populations. A comparison of research results with textbook presentations and practitioner articles is also provided, with a discussion of the gap between research and practice. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

People are reluctant to exchange lottery tickets, a result that previous investigators have attributed to anticipated regret. The authors suggest that people's subjective likelihood judgments also make them disinclined to switch. Four studies examined likelihood judgments with respect to exchanged and retained lottery tickets and found that (a) exchanged tickets are judged more likely to win a lottery than are retained tickets and (b) exchanged tickets are judged more likely to win the more aversive it would be if the ticket did win. The authors provide evidence that this effect occurs because the act of imagining an exchanged ticket winning the lottery increases the belief that such an event is likely to occur. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the self-esteem and ethnocentric attitudes and behavior of 51 Black, 192 White, and 103 Mexican-American 4th and 5th graders. Previous research employing indirect measures of self-rejection led to the hypothesis that Blacks hold their group and themselves in low esteem. Results indicate that Blacks are now lower in self-esteem than Whites or Mexican Americans and that all 3 groups are ethnocentric in attitudes and behavior. Only one assumption made by investigators using indirect measures of self-rejection was supported by this study: Blacks who held their own ethnic group in low esteem tended to be low in self-esteem. The results suggest that if Blacks ever have rejected their ethnic group and themselves, this is no longer the case. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It was in 1943 that the APA gave serious thought to codifying ethics, but not until 1947 that the Committee on Ethical Standards for Psychology was appointed to draw up a code of ethics (Hobbs, 1948). Provisional adoption of the manual entitled Ethical Standards of Psychologists came in 1952, and a revision of this original document has recently been accepted for a trial period of 3 years (APA, 1959). It is herein proposed that this abbreviated, watered down, revision is no improvement on the original. It remains highly possible that the need for a revision is not perceived by most psychologists. It is further suggested that the proposed revision is a trend toward greater abstraction that may only serve to engender ambiguity and individual latitude--a trend away from Hobbs' (1948) original recommendation that "the code should be formulated in specific terms." It is suggested that the APA seriously consider nominating an editorial board for a new Journal of Professional Ethics in Psychology to serve as a constant sounding board for the profession and the Committee on Ethical Standards. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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