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We measured somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs) to electric median nerve stimuli from eight healthy subjects with a whole-scalp 122-channel neuromagnetometer in two different conditions: (i) 'rest', with stimuli producing clear tactile sensation without any motor movement, and (ii) 'contraction' with exactly the same stimuli as in 'rest', but with the subjects maintaining sub-maximal isometric contraction in thenar muscles of the stimulated hand. The aim was to study the role of the primary (SI) and secondary somatosensory (SII) cortices in sensorimotor integration. The amplitude of the SI response N20m did not change with coincident isometric contraction, whereas P35m was significantly reduced. On the contrary, activation of contra- and ipsilateral SII cortices was significantly enhanced during the contraction. We suggest that isometric contraction facilitates activation of SII cortices to tactile stimuli, possibly by decreasing inhibition from the SI cortex. The enhanced SII activation may be related to tuning of SII neurons towards relevant tactile input arising from the region of the body where the muscle activation occurs.  相似文献   

We recorded somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs) from 10 healthy subjects to ulnar and median nerve stimuli presented at random intervals of 2.4-21.6 s. The subjects either counted the stimuli or ignored them by reading a book. The stimuli activated in both conditions the contralateral SI cortex, the ipsi- and contralateral SII cortices, and the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), in line with earlier observations. In addition, a novel response was observed in nine subjects at 120-160 ms. It was clearly enhanced by attention and was generated in the mesial cortex of the paracentral lobule, close to the end of the central sulcus.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of primary and second somatosensory cortex (SI and SII) in somatosensory discrimination, we recorded somatosensory evoked magnetic fields during a stimulus strength discrimination task. The temporal pattern of cortical activation was analyzed by dipole source model coregistered with magnetic resonance image. Stimulus intensity was represented in SI as early as 20 ms after the stimulus presentation. The later components of SI response (latency 37.7 and 67.9 ms) were enhanced by rarely presented stimuli (stimulus deviancy) during passive and active attention. This supports an early haptic memory mechanism in human primary sensory cortex. Contra- and ipsilateral SII responses followed the SI responses (latency 124.6 and 138.3 ms, respectively) and were enhanced by attention more prominently than the SI responses. Active attention increased SII but not SI activity. These results are consistent with the concept of ventral somatosensory pathway that SI and SII are hierarchically organized for passive and active detection of discrete stimuli.  相似文献   

Previous functional imaging studies have demonstrated a number of discrete brain structures that increase activity with noxious stimulation. Of the commonly identified central structures, only the anterior cingulate cortex shows a consistent response during the experience of pain. The insula and thalamus demonstrate reasonable consistency while all other regions, including the lentiform nucleus, somatosensory cortex and prefrontal cortex, are active in no more than half the current studies. The reason for such discrepancy is likely to be due in part to methodological variability and in part to individual variability. One aspect of the methodology which is likely to contribute is the stimulus intensity. Studies vary considerably regarding the intensity of the noxious and non-noxious stimuli delivered. This is likely to produce varying activation of central structures coding for the intensity, affective and cognitive components of pain. Using twelve healthy volunteers and positron emission tomography (PET), the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) responses to four intensities of stimulation were recorded. The stimulation was delivered by a CO2 laser and was described subjectively as either warm (not painful), pain threshold just painful), mildly painful or moderately painful. The following group subtractions were made to examine the changing cerebral responses as the stimulus intensity increased: (1) just painful - warm; (2) mild pain - warm; and (3) moderate pain - warm. In addition, rCBF changes were correlated with the subjective stimulus ratings. The results for comparison '1' indicated activity in the contralateral prefrontal (area 10/46/44), bilateral inferior parietal (area 40) and ipsilateral premotor cortices (area 6), possibly reflecting initial orientation and plans for movement. The latter comparisons and correlation analysis indicated a wide range of active regions including bilateral prefrontal, inferior parietal and premotor cortices and thalamic responses, contralateral hippocampus, insula and primary somatosensory cortex and ipsilateral perigenual cingulate cortex (area 24) and medial frontal cortex (area 32). Decreased rCBF was observed in the amygdala region. These responses were interpreted with respect to their contribution to the multidimensional aspects of pain including fear avoidance, affect, sensation and motivation or motor initiation. It is suggested that future studies examine the precise roles of each particular region during the central processing of pain.  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine how isoflurane affected cerebral neuronal activation resulting from noxious and innocuous stimuli. Five male volunteers were subjected to mild electrical shock and tactile stimuli applied to the hand. During low (0.7%) and moderate (1.3%) isoflurane anesthesia the stimuli were repeated and a supramaximal electrical shock was also applied. Tactile stimulation activated bilateral SI and SII, but resulted in no significant activation at low or moderate anesthesia. Electrical shock activated contralateral SI and bilateral SII; low anesthesia completely abolished this response. The supramaximal stimulus activated the caudate nucleus and bilateral thalamus at low anesthesia; these responses were diminished at moderate anesthesia. Isoflurane anesthesia blunts cerebral responses to somatosensory stimuli, and the absence of cortical activation during supramaximal stimulation suggests that noxious-induced movement is generated in lower CNS structures.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the processing of painful electrical stimuli in patients with unilateral frontal or parietal lobe damage and matched control subjects. Patients with frontal lesions showed increased pain thresholds when the stimuli were administered contralateral to the lesion. While the peak-to-peak amplitudes of the N150/P250 components of the somatosensory potentials increased linearly with stimulus intensity in the control subjects, the responses in the frontal group did not change significantly between stimulation at pain and tolerance threshold. There was no evidence for altered pain processing in patients with parietal lobe lesions. The findings of the present study support the hypothesis of an involvement of the frontal cortex in pain perception in humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanisms underlying recovery from middle cerebral artery infarction in 7 patients with an average age of 53 years who showed marked recovery of hand function after acute severe hemiparesis caused by their first-ever stroke. INTERVENTIONS: Assessment of motor functions, transcranial magnetic stimulation, somatosensory evoked potentials, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomographic measurements of regional cerebral blood flow during finger movement activity. RESULTS: The infarctions involved the cerebral convexity along the central sulcus from the Sylvian fissure up to the hand area but spared the caudate nucleus, thalamus, middle and posterior portions of the internal capsule, and the dorsal part of the precentral gyrus in each patient. After recovery (and increase in motor function score of 57%, P<.001), the motor evoked potentials in the hand and leg muscles contralateral to the infarctions were normal, whereas the somatosensory evoked potentials from the contralateral median nerve were reduced. During fractionated finger movements of the recovered hand, regional cerebral blood flow increases occurred bilaterally in the dorsolateral and medial premotor areas but not in the sensorimotor cortex of either hemisphere. CONCLUSIONS: Motor recovery after cortical infarction in the middle cerebral artery territory appears to rely on activation of premotor cortical areas of both cerebral hemispheres. Thereby, short-term output from motor cortex is likely to be initiated.  相似文献   

The sizes of the motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) and the durations of the silent periods after transcranial magnetic stimulation were examined in biceps brachii, brachioradialis and adductor pollicis in human subjects. Stimuli of a wide range of intensities were given during voluntary contractions producing 0-75% of maximal force (maximal voluntary contraction, MVC). In adductor pollicis, MEPs increased in size with stimulus intensity and with weak voluntary contractions (5% MVC), but did not grow larger with stronger contractions. In the elbow flexors, MEPs grew little with stimulus intensity, but increased in size with contractions of up to 50% of maximal. In contrast, the duration of the silent period showed similar changes in the three muscles. In each muscle it increased with stimulus intensity but was unaffected by changes in contraction strength. Comparison of the responses evoked in biceps brachii by focal stimulation over the contralateral motor cortex with those evoked by stimulation with a round magnetic coil over the vertex suggests an excitatory contribution from the ipsilateral cortex during strong voluntary contractions.  相似文献   

Functional brain imaging studies have indicated that several cortical and subcortical areas active during actual motor performance are also active during imagination or mental rehearsal of movements. Recent evidence shows that the primary motor cortex may also be involved in motor imagery. Using whole-scalp magnetoencephalography, we monitored spontaneous and evoked activity of the somatomotor cortex after right median nerve stimuli in seven healthy right-handed subjects while they kinesthetically imagined or actually executed continuous finger movements. Manipulatory finger movements abolished the poststimulus 20-Hz activity of the motor cortex and markedly affected the somatosensory evoked response. Imagination of manipulatory finger movements attenuated the 20-Hz activity by 27% with respect to the rest level but had no effect on the somatosensory response. Slight constant stretching of the fingers suppressed the 20-Hz activity less than motor imagery. The smallest possible, kinesthetically just perceivable finger movements resulted in slightly stronger attenuation of 20-Hz activity than motor imagery did. The effects were observed in both hemispheres but predominantly contralateral to the performing hand. The attempt to execute manipulatory finger movements under experimentally induced ischemia causing paralysis of the hand also strongly suppressed 20-Hz activity but did not affect the somatosensory evoked response. The results indicate that the primary motor cortex is involved in motor imagery. Both imaginative and executive motor tasks appear to utilize the cortical circuitry generating the somatomotor 20-Hz signal.  相似文献   

As the hand actively explores the environment, contact with an object leads to neuronal activity in the topographic maps of somatosensory cortex. However, the brain must combine this somatotopically encoded tactile information with an internal representation of the hand's location in space if it is to determine the position of the object in three-dimensional space (3-D haptic localization). To investigate the fidelity of this internal representation in human subjects, a small tactual stimulator, light enough to be worn on the subject's hand, was used to present a brief mechanical pulse (6-ms duration) to the right index finger before, during, or after a fast, visually evoked movement of the right hand. In experiment 1, subjects responded by pointing to the perceived location of the mechanical stimulus in 3-D space. Stimuli presented shortly before or during the visually evoked movement were systematically mislocalized, with the reported location of the stimulus approximately equal to the location occupied by the hand 90 ms after stimulus onset. This pattern of errors indicates a representation of the movement that fails to account for the change in the hand's location during somatosensory delays and, in some subjects, inaccurately depicts the velocity of the actual movement. In experiment 2, subjects were instructed to verbally indicate the perceived temporal relationship of the stimulus and the visually evoked movement (i.e., by reporting whether the stimulus was presented "before," "during," or "after" the movement). On average, stimuli presented in the 38-ms period before movement onset were more likely to be perceived as having occurred during rather than before the movement. Similarly, stimuli in the 145-ms period before movement termination were more likely to be perceived as having occurred after rather than during the movement. The analogous findings of experiments 1 and 2 indicate that the same inaccurate representation of dynamic hand position is used to both localize tactual stimuli in 3-D space and construct the perception of arm movement.  相似文献   

We assessed the safety of repeated short trains (4 stimuli) of rapid-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation (rrTMS) over the left motor cortex in 6 healthy normal subjects. rrTMS involved two separate blocks of 50 consecutive trains of 4 stimuli at a frequency of 20 Hz and an intensity of 5-10% above active motor threshold. We monitored EEG, and assessed aspects of neurological (balance, gait, two-point discrimination, blood pressure, pulse rate), cognitive (attention, memory, executive function) and motor function (speed of movement initiation and execution and manual dexterity) before and after the two blocks of rrTMS. EMG was also recorded from a number of hand, forearm and arm muscles contralateral to the site of stimulation. Two blocks of repeated rrTMS at 20 Hz and 5-10% above active motor threshold did not produce any adverse effects. Measures of neurological, cognitive and motor function showed no change following rrTMS. From the EMG recording there was evidence of increase in the amplitude of the motor evoked potentials (MEPs) recorded from the biceps in one subject during the first block of rrTMS, but this did not occur in the second block. A similar magnification of MEPs was also observed in another subject only during the second block of stimulation. When applied using parameters falling within published guidelines (Pascual-Leone et al., 1993; Pascual-Leone et al., 1994), repeated rrTMS is a relatively safe technique in healthy normal subjects. As rrTMS allows disruption of cortical function for a longer period, it has the potential of becoming a particularly useful tool for the study of cognitive function as well as sensory or motor function.  相似文献   

THE ipsilateral and contralateral corticocortical connections to the fifth somatosensory area (SV) in the feline cortex were determined from the location of retrogradely labelled cells following a single injection of HRP into SV. The injection was made into physiologically defined components of the body representation in SV. After injection of HRP into the face regions of SV, HRP-labelled cells were located ipsilaterally in areas 6 beta, 3b and 1-2 of the primary somatosensory (SI), in the second somatosensory (SII), third somatosensory (SIII), and fourth somatosensory (SIV) areas, along the ansate sulcus, and in areas 5a and 6a beta of the ipsilateral cortex, as well as in area 1-2 of SI and in SV of the contralateral cortex. On the other hand, after HRP had been injected into the trunk/hindlimb area, HRP-labelled cells were located in areas 3a, 1-2 of SI, in area 5, in SII, in SIII and in SIV of the ipsilateral cortex, as well as in area 1-2 of SI, and in SV of the contralateral cortex. The extent of these interconnections suggests that SV receives multiple sensory inputs and may function to integrate this information.  相似文献   

During tactile exploration cells in human somatosensory cortex S-I receive input from skin receptors and from proprioceptive feedback. To study the extent to which these sources contribute to cell activation we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in order to visualize the spatial extent and amplitude of activation in S-I during active finger movement and passive stimulation of finger tips. In all subjects (n = 6) we measured activation elicited by unilateral single finger tapping (active task) and mechanical stimulation of the palm of the index finger (passive task). In the finger tapping condition all subjects showed a strict contralateral activation of somatosensory cortex S-I and motor cortex M-I. In the passive stimulation experiment we found activation of the contralateral somatosensory cortex S-I only. Although subjects were trained to perform the finger movement with the same frequency and pressure in comparison to the passive stimulation, the activation within S-I induced by finger movements was always significantly larger than that induced by passive stimulation. This result implies that activation of somatosensory cortex originates to a large extent from proprioception while tactile input plays a minor role in S-I excitation.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimuli at different stimulus intensities were applied in six healthy subjects to test the hypothesis that, in different intrinsic hand muscles, the duration of the resultant cortically evoked silent periods (C-SPs) from each stimulus would be positively correlated between muscles, indicating a common inhibitory mechanism. A figure-of-eight coil discharging through a Magstim 200 stimulator delivered 25 stimuli at each stimulus intensity at a minimum of five intensities ranging from 55% to 160% of the individual resting motor threshold. In each subject, simultaneous surface recordings from pairs of muscles were made from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI), opponents pollicis (OP), abductor pollicis brevis (APB) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM). The C-SP durations within all three muscle pairs tested were highly correlated (P<0.001). The amplitude of the preceding compound-muscle action potentials (CMAPs) was positively correlated between FDI and OP, but not between APB and ADM or FDI and ADM. C-SP duration was linearly related to stimulus intensity, but did not correlate with the latency or amplitude of the preceding CMAP. SPs elicited by peripheral nerve stimuli in pairs of hand muscles did not co-vary significantly. The results provide evidence that inhibitory influences of cortical origin are distributed widely to intrinsic hand muscles. In contrast, covariation of excitatory effects only appears between muscles synergistically involved in a motor task.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus intensity (sound pressure level, SPL) of auditory stimuli on the BOLD response in the auditory cortex was investigated in 14 young and healthy subjects, with no hearing abnormalities, using echo-planar, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a verbal and a non-verbal auditory discrimination task. The stimuli were presented block-wise at three different intensities: 95, 85 and 75 dB (SPL). All subjects showed fMRI signal increases in superior temporal gyrus (STG) covering primary and secondary auditory cortex. Most importantly, the spatial extent of the fMRI response in STG increased with increasing stimulus intensity. It is hypothesized that spreading of excitation is associated with the encoding of increasing stimulus intensity levels. In addition, we found bifrontal activation supposedly evoked by the auditory-articulary loop of working memory. The results presented here should assist in the design of optimal activation strategies for studying the auditory cortex with fMRI paradigms and may help in understanding intensity coding of auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Slow potentials appearing during simple repetitive acral limb movement were investigated. Twenty-six patients suffering from drug resistant partial epilepsies and explored with implanted intracerebral electrodes were examined using two protocols. METHODS: In 18 patients, readiness potential (RP), in 13 patients contingent negative variation (CNV), and in 7 patients both protocols, were tested. The recordings from leads with evident pathological EEG activity were excluded from evaluation. The results concerning the slow potentials preceding the movements in RP and CNV protocols have already been published. RESULTS: The movement-accompanying slow potentials (MASP) were polyphasic or monophasic, started before or during the movement. In the primary motor cortex they followed the pre-movement potentials depending on the protocol: in the RP paradigm they were present only contralateral to the movement, but were bilateral in the CNV protocol. In other areas they either followed the potentials preceding the movement, in some cases with opposite polarity, or they occurred alone. MASP was recorded in motor and supplementary motor, premotor and prefrontal, midtemporal, somatosensory, superior parietal and cingular cortices. The cingular cortex was heavily involved in the self-paced movements but rarely in the cued movements. CONCLUSION: The major involvement of the cingular gyrus contrasted with the absence of slow potentials in temporal limbic structures. MASP is evidently a heterogenic phenomenon. Its genesis could be involved in a spread of information through the relevant structures.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of contralateral and ipsilateral cutaneous digital nerve stimulation on motor evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited in hand muscles by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We tested the effect of different magnetic stimulus intensities on MEPs recorded from the thenar eminence (TE) muscles of the right hand while an electrical conditioning stimulus was delivered to the second finger of the same hand with an intensity four times above the sensory threshold. Amplitude decrement of conditioned MEPs as a function of magnetic stimulus intensity was observed. The lowest TMS stimulus intensity produced the largest decrease in conditioned MEPs. Moreover, we investigated the effects of ipsilateral and contralateral electrical digital stimulation on MEPs elicited in the right TE and biceps muscle using an intensity 10% above the threshold. Marked MEP inhibition in TE muscles following both ipsilateral and contralateral digital stimulation is the main finding of this study. The decrease in conditioned MEP amplitude to ipsilateral stimulation reached a level of 50% of unconditioned MEP amplitude with the circular coil and 30% with the focal coil. The amplitude of conditioned MEPs to contralateral digital stimulation showed a decrease of 60% with the circular coil and more than 50% with the focal coil. The onset of the inhibitory effect of contralateral stimulation using the focal coil occurred at a mean of 15 ms later than that of ipsilateral stimulation. No MEP inhibition was observed when recording from proximal muscles. Ipsilateral and contralateral digital stimulation had no effect on F wave at appropriate interstimulus intervals, where the main MEP suppression was noted. We stress the importance of selecting an appropriate test stimulus intensity to evaluate MEP inhibition by digital nerves stimulation. Spinal and cortical sites of sensorimotor integration are adduced to explain the direct and crossed MEP inhibition following digital nerves stimulation.  相似文献   

Subthreshold transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the motor cortex can shorten the simple reaction time in contralateral arm muscles if the cortical shock is given at about the same time as the reaction stimulus. The present experiments were designed to investigate whether this phenomenon is due to a specific facilitatory effect on cortical circuitry. The simple visual reaction time was shortened by 20-50 ms when subthreshold TMS was given over the contralateral motor cortex. Reaction time was reduced to the same level whether the magnetic stimulus was given over the bilateral motor cortices or over other points on the scalp (Cz, Pz). Indeed, similar effects could be seen with conventional electrical stimulation over the neck, or even when the coil was discharged (giving a click sound) near the head. We conclude that much of the effect of TMS on simple reaction time is due to intersensory facilitation, although part of it may be ascribed to a specific effect on the excitability of motor cortex.  相似文献   

Studies are reviewed, predominantly involving healthy humans, on gain changes in spinal reflexes and supraspinal ascending paths during passive and active leg movement. The passive movement research shows that the pathways of H reflexes of the leg and foot are down-regulated as a consequence of movement-elicited discharge from somatosensory receptors, likely muscle spindle primary endings, both ipsi- and contralaterally. Discharge from the conditioning receptors in extensor muscles of the knee and hip appears to lead to presynaptic inhibition evoked over a spinal path, and to long-lasting attenuation when movement stops. The ipsilateral modulation is similar in phase to that seen with active movement. The contralateral conditioning does not phase modulate with passive movement and modulates to the phase of active ipsilateral movement. There are also centrifugal effects onto these pathways during movement. The pathways of the cutaneous reflexes of the human leg also are gain-modulated during active movement. The review summarizes the effects across muscles, across nociceptive and non-nociceptive stimuli and over time elapsed after the stimulus. Some of the gain changes in such reflexes have been associated with central pattern generators. However, the centripetal effect of movement-induced proprioceptive drive awaits exploration in these pathways. Scalp-recorded evoked potentials from rapidly conducting pathways that ascend to the human somatosensory cortex from stimulation sites in the leg also are gain-attenuated in relation to passive movement-elicited discharge of the extensor muscle spindle primary endings. Centrifugal influences due to a requirement for accurate active movement can partially lift the attenuation on the ascending path, both during and before movement. We suggest that a significant role for muscle spindle discharge is to control the gain in Ia pathways from the legs, consequent or prior to their movement. This control can reduce the strength of synaptic input onto target neurons from these kinesthetic receptors, which are powerfully activated by the movement, perhaps to retain the opportunity for target neuron modulation from other control sources.  相似文献   

When visuospatial stimuli instruct a limb movement, the stimulus can be said to have both sensory and sensorimotor aspects. We studied the premotor and prefrontal areas of a rhesus monkey in order to identify neuronal activity related to the motor (or instructional) aspects of such stimuli. A rhesus monkey chose limb-movement targets according to one of two rules: (1) visuospatial stimuli instructed and triggered a limb movement toward their locations or (2) identical stimuli triggered a movement toward a predetermined target regardless of their location. Gaze and head fixation assured that each stimulus appeared at a constant location in both retinocentric and craniocentric coordinates, as well as in allocentric space. The task required that the spatial location cued by certain stimuli had to be either remembered or attended after stimulus presentation and before movement. Thus, the visuospatial information presented under one rule differed from that presented under the other only in its motor (instructional) significance and not in its attentional, spatial, mnemonic, or strictly sensory aspects. We could thereby test and confirm the hypothesis that the motor significance of visuospatial cues should commonly affect neuronal activity in the premotor cortex, but less commonly do so in the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

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