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We present an overview of the vicarious calibration of the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). This program has three components: the calibration of the near-infrared bands so that the atmospheric correction algorithm retrieves the optical properties of maritime aerosols in the open ocean; the calibration of the visible bands against in-water measurements from the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY); and a calibration-verification program that uses comparisons between SeaWiFS retrievals and globally distributed in situ measurements of water-leaving radiances. This paper describes the procedures as implemented for the third reprocessing of the SeaWiFS global mission data set. The uncertainty in the near-infrared vicarious gain is 0.9%. The uncertainties in the visible-band vicarious gains are 0.3%, corresponding to uncertainties in the water-leaving radiances of approximately 3%. The means of the SeaWiFS/in situ matchup ratios for water-leaving radiances are typically within 5% of unity in Case 1 waters, while chlorophyll a ratios are within 1% of unity. SeaWiFS is the first ocean-color mission to use an extensive and ongoing prelaunch and postlaunch calibration program, and the matchup results demonstrate the benefits of a comprehensive approach.  相似文献   

Barnes RA  Zalewski EF 《Applied optics》2003,42(9):1629-1647
We present a calibration approach for the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) based on the reflectance properties of the instrument's onboard diffuser. This technique uses SeaWiFS as a reflectometer, measuring the reflected solar irradiance from the Earth and from the onboard diffuser. Because the Sun is the common source of light for both measurements, the ratio of the SeaWiFS-measured radiances from the Earth and the diffuser provide the ratio for the reflectances of the two samples. The reflectance characterization of the onboard diffuser is the calibration reference for this approach. Knowledge of the value of the solar irradiance is not required for these measurements because it falls out of the ratio. Knowledge of the absolute calibration coefficient for the SeaWiFS measurements of each of the two samples is not required either. Instead, the result of the ratioing technique is based on the linearity of the instrument's response to the intensity of the input light. The calibration requires knowledge, however, of the reflectance of the onboard diffuser at the start of the SeaWiFS mission and the response of the instrument bands, in digital numbers, for measurements of the diffuser at that time.  相似文献   

Barnes RA  Zalewski EF 《Applied optics》2003,42(9):1648-1660
For instruments that carry onboard solar diffusers to orbit, such as the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS), it is possible to convert the instrument's reflectance measurements to radiance measurements by knowledge of the solar irradiance. This process, which generally requires the application of a solar irradiance model, is described. The application of the irradiance model is separate from the measurements by the instrument and from the instrument's reflectance calibration. In addition, SeaWiFS was calibrated twice before launch for radiance response by use of radiance sources with calibrations traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. With the inclusion of the at-launch diffuser-based radiance calibration, SeaWiFS has three possible radiance calibrations forthe start of on-orbit operations. The combination of these three into a single calibration requires changes of 4% or less for the current at-launch radiance calibration of the instrument. Finally, this process requires changes of 4% or less for the reflectance calibration coefficients to provide consistency among the radiance calibration, the reflectance calibration, and the solar irradiance.  相似文献   

Error estimation for pulse decay absorption and radiation force insertion loss attenuation measurements are developed. In absorption measurements, significant difficulty lies with accurate determination of peak intensity, especially where sharply focused beams are utilized. An intensity calibration is developed based on radiation force measurement of total power and main lobe beam patterns, using embedded thermocouples and short bursts of ultrasound. The main lobe measurements are highly reproducible, but sidelobes are easily corrupted by noise. Thus, a theoretical extension of the main-lobe beam pattern to include sidelobes is utilized to estimate peak focal intensity. The theory is based on circular baffled piston sources with apodizing lenses, an ideal condition that was closely approximated in a specially constructed experimental apparatus. The approach enables estimates of peak intensity in situ with typical uncertainty of <5% and resulting absorption coefficient uncertainty of 10%. Similar analyses of attenuating measurement uncertainties show that errors of 相似文献   

Four different direct reading ratio-error sets, capable of generating measured complex fractions of an input reference current to a nominal accuracy of 1 percent of reading for such applications as current-transformer calibration, are described and analyzed. Construction and performance details for actual sets with 3 or more digit resolution in both direct and quadrature components from 0.1 parts per million to 10 percent of input currents up to 10 amperes at 50, 60, and 400 Hz, are given.  相似文献   

In the present study, an Enterococcus gallinarum strain was isolated from effluent treatment plant of a textile industry based on its ability to decolourize C.I. Direct Black 38 (DB38), a benzidine-based azo dye. Effects of dye concentration and medium composition on dye decolourization were studied. The strain was found to decolourize DB38 even under aerobic conditions. Kinetics of DB38 decolourization was also examined, and V(max) and K(s) of decolourization were found to be higher in Luria broth (12.8 mg l(-1)h(-1) and 490.6 mg l(-1)) than in minimal medium (4.09 mg l(-1)h(-1) and 161.84 mg l(-1)). However, decolourization rate/biomass was found to be higher in minimal medium than in Luria broth, indicating greater decolourization efficiency of biomass in the former. The study also revealed biodegradation of DB38 to benzidine and its further deamination to 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP) by the culture. Ammonia released during this process was used as nitrogen source for growth of the culture.  相似文献   

High-resolution phase-contrast wave-front sensors based on phase spatial light modulators and micromirror/ liquid-crystal arrays are introduced. Wave-front sensor performance is analyzed for atmospheric-turbulence-induced phase distortions described by the Kolmogorov and the Andrews models. A high-resolution phase-contrast wave-front sensor (nonlinear Zernike filter) based on an optically controlled liquid-crystal phase spatial light modulator is experimentally demonstrated. The results demonstrate high-resolution visualization of dynamically changing phase distortions within the sensor time response of approximately 10 ms.  相似文献   

Our aim is to present a method of predicting light transmittances through dense three-dimensional layered media. A hybrid method is introduced as a combination of the four-flux method with coefficients predicted from a Monte Carlo statistical model to take into account the actual three-dimensional geometry of the problem under study. We present the principles of the hybrid method, some exemplifying results of numerical simulations, and their comparison with results obtained from Bouguer-Lambert-Beer law and from Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Martiny N  Frouin R  Santer R 《Applied optics》2005,44(36):7828-7844
The radiometric calibration of the Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) in the near infrared (band 8, centered on 865 nm) is evaluated by use of ground-based radiometer measurements of solar extinction and sky radiance in the Sun's principal plane at two sites, one located 13 km off Venice, Italy, and the other on the west coast of Lanai Island, Hawaii. The aerosol optical thickness determined from solar extinction is used in an iterative scheme to retrieve the pseudo aerosol phase function, i.e., the product of single-scattering albedo and phase function, in which sky radiance is corrected for multiple scattering effects. No assumption about the aerosol model is required. The aerosol parameters are the inputs into a radiation-transfer code used to compute the SeaWiFS radiance. The calibration method has a theoretical inaccuracy of plus or minus 2.0-3.6%, depending on the solar zenith angle and the SeaWiFS geometry. The major source of error is in the calibration of the ground-based radiometer operated in radiance mode, assumed to be accurate to +/- 2%. The establishment of strict criteria for atmospheric stability, angular geometry, and surface conditions resulted in selection of only 26 days for the analysis during 1999-2000 (Venice site) and 1998-2001 (Lanai site). For these days the measured level-1B radiance from the SeaWiFS Project Office was generally lower than the corresponding simulated radiance in band 8 by 7.0% on average, +/- 2.8%.  相似文献   

Wang M 《Applied optics》1999,38(6):937-944
Atmospheric correction in ocean-color remote sensing corrects more than 90% of signals in the visible contributed from the atmosphere measured at satellite altitude. The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) atmospheric correction uses radiances measured at two near-infrared wavelengths centered at 765 and 865 nm to estimate the atmospheric contribution and extrapolate it into the visible range. However, the SeaWiFS 765-nm band, which covers 745-785 nm, completely encompasses the oxygen A-band absorption. The O(2) A-band absorption usually reduces more than 10-15% of the measured radiance at the SeaWiFS 765-nm band. Ding and Gordon [Appl. Opt. 34, 2068-2080 (1995)] proposed a numerical scheme to remove the O(2) A-band absorption effects from the atmospheric correction. This scheme has been implemented in the SeaWiFS ocean-color imagery data-processing system. I present results that demonstrate a method to validate the SeaWiFS 765-nm O(2) A-band absorption correction by analyzing the sensor-measured radiances at 765 and 865 nm taken looking at the clouds over the oceans. SeaWiFS is usually not saturated with cloudy scenes because of its bilinear gain design. Because the optical and radiative properties of water clouds are nearly independent of the wavelengths ranging from 400 to 865 nm, the sensor-measured radiances above the cloud at the two near-infrared wavelengths are comparable. The retrieved cloud optical thicknesses from the SeaWiFS band 7 measurements are compared for cases with and without the O(2) A-band absorption corrections and from the band 8 measurements. The results show that, for air-mass values of 2-5, the current SeaWiFS O(2) A-band absorption correction works reasonably well. The validation method is potentially applicable for in-orbit relative calibration for SeaWiFS and other satellite sensors.  相似文献   

The Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) has made monthly observations of the Moon since 1997. Using 66 monthly measurements, the SeaWiFS calibration team has developed a correction for the instrument's on-orbit response changes. Concurrently, a lunar irradiance model has been developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from extensive Earth-based observations of the Moon. The lunar irradiances measured by SeaWiFS are compared with the USGS model. The comparison shows essentially identical response histories for SeaWiFS, with differences from the model of less than 0.05% per thousand days in the long-term trends. From the SeaWiFS experience we have learned that it is important to view the entire lunar image at a constant phase angle from measurement to measurement and to understand, as best as possible, the size of each lunar image. However, a constant phase angle is not required for using the USGS model. With a long-term satellite lunar data set it is possible to determine instrument changes at a quality level approximating that from the USGS lunar model. However, early in a mission, when the dependence on factors such as phase and libration cannot be adequately determined from satellite measurements alone, the USGS model is critical to an understanding of trends in instruments that use the Moon for calibration. This is the case for SeaWiFS.  相似文献   

A flux of weakly interacting neutral particles incident on the Earth would produce occasional nuclear-recoil events in any material. These could be detected as scintillation or ionization pulses in suitable target materials. Expected rates are in the range 1-10(-4) events kg(-1) d(-1). These must be distinguished from much higher rates due to backgrounds from gamma and beta background, even in deep underground locations. Methods of uniquely identifying nuclear recoils are described using crystal scintillators, scintillation and ionization processes in liquid xenon, and ionization tracks in gases. World progress on these techniques and future prospects are summarized. A possible future weakly interacting massive particle detector based on mechanical recoil of suspended microgranules is proposed which, with advances in nanotechnology, could eventually be extended to the detection of low-energy relic neutrinos.  相似文献   

This work, limited to pure fluids' modeling, has two main goals. The first one is to discuss in a rigorous way the modeling background of the conventional extended corresponding states (ECS) methods proposed in the literature. A critical review is in the meantime developed allowing to point out the limits of the methods. The second goal is to propose a practicable and plain solution for the use of ECS as the basic framework to develop a fundamental equation of state (EoS) for a target fluid in a totally correlative mode. For this purpose the conventional analytical procedure was left out and an optimization procedure, based on a general function approximator, was applied. The model capability to accurately represent several thermodynamic surfaces of a number of haloalkanes is verified assuming data generated from the corresponding EoSs. The achieved results show that the method is robust and straightforward, while the obtained prediction accuracies for the thermodynamic functions are competitive with those of the available conventional EoSs.  相似文献   

本文介绍强直流电在线测试装置-二次仪表校仪的研制,其中包括工作原理,系统构成及性能指标。  相似文献   

A direct numerical inversion method for the determination of the refractive index and the thickness of the outermost layer of a thin transparent film on top of a multilayer has been developed. This method is based on a second-order Taylor decomposition of the coefficients of the Abelès matrices of the newly grown layer. The variations of the real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry data are expressed as polynomial fuctions depending on the dielectric constant and the thickness of the newly grown layer. The method is fast, capable of single-wavelength and multiwavelength inversion of continuous as well as discontinuous-index profiles, and can be adapted to many different polarimetric instruments.  相似文献   

We extend our theory of on-axis beam scintillations [Waves Random Media 4, 243 (1994)] for the case of propagation on slant turbulent paths, where turbulence is concentrated in a relatively thin layer near the transmitter. Our technique is based on the parabolic equation for optical wave propagation and the Markov approximation for the calculation of statistical moments of beam intensity. This first of two companion papers presents the details of the path integral formulation of the solution for the fourth-order coherence function. We also discuss in detail two analytic techniques that can be used for the treatment of the path integrals.  相似文献   

Direct Raman imaging techniques are demonstrated to study the drug distribution in living cells. The advantage of Raman imaging is that no external markers are required, which simplifies the sample preparation and minimally disturbs the drug mechanism during imaging. The major challenge in Raman imaging is the weak Raman signal. In this study, we present a Raman image model to describe the degradation of Raman signals by imaging processes. Using this model, we demonstrate special-purpose image-processing algorithms to restore the Raman images. The processing techniques are then applied to visualize the anticancer agent paclitaxel in living MDA-435 breast cancer cells. Raman images were obtained from a cancer cell before, during, and after drug treatment. The paclitaxel distribution illustrated in these images is explained by means of the binding characteristics of the paclitaxel and its molecular target-the microtubules. This result demonstrates that direct Raman imaging is a promising tool to study the distribution of a drug in living cells.  相似文献   

A method is discussed of deconvolution of Lorentzian broadened experimental spectra directly in the “time” domain, that is, in the domain of the independent spectroscopic variable. The method consist in a numerical convolution of the spectrum with a deconvoluting function which is calculated in conformity with an theoretical analysis of the sampled form of the input and output spectra and their Fourier transforms. An almost complete elimination of the distortions and complete deconvolution degree are achieved. The restrictions imposed by the noise enhancement are estimated.  相似文献   

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