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Recently, it has been reported that major depression is accompanied by an increased sympathoadrenal system (SAS) activity. In order to study the psychopathological correlates of SAS activity in depression, the authors measured the 24 h urinary excretion of catecholamines (CA), i.e., noradrenaline (NE), adrenaline (E), dopamine (DA) and the NE/E metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) in 80 unipolar depressed subjects. The excretion of these indices of SAS activity have been studied in relation to the depressive items of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III (SCID) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). There were significant positive correlations between the SCID item sleep disorders and the HDRS item middle insomnia, on the one hand, and NE, E and DA excretion, on the other. The MHPG excretion in 24 h urine was significantly and negatively related to somatic anxiety and hypochondriasis. It is suggested that these intertwined relationships between increased CA turnover, sleep discontinuity and anxiety may reflect the occurrence of a hyperarousal state in some major depressives that may be regarded as a coping response to various putative noxious stimuli.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the model of the control of mitochondrial substrate oxidation by Ca2+ ions. The mechanism is the activation by Ca2+ of four mitochondrial dehydrogenases, viz. glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDH), NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD-IDH) and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH). This results in the increase, or near-maintenance, of mitochondrial NADH/NAD ratios in the activated state, depending upon the tissue and the degree of 'downstream' activation by Ca2+, likely at the level of the F1Fo ATPase. Higher values of the redox span of the respiratory chain allow for greatly increased fluxes through oxidative phosphorylation with a minimal drop in protonmotive force and phosphorylation potential. As PDH, NAD-IDH and OGDH are all located within the inner mitochondrial membrane, it is changes in matrix free Ca2+ [Ca2+]m which act as a signal to these activities. In this article, we review recent work in which [Ca2+]m is measured in cells and tissues, using different techniques, with special emphasis on the question of the degree of damping of [Ca2+]m relative to changes in cytosol free Ca2+ in cells with rapid transients in cytosol Ca2+, e.g. cardiac myocytes. Further, we put forward the point of view that the failure of mitochondrial energy transduction to keep pace with cellular energy needs in some forms of heart failure may involve a failure of [Ca2+]m to be raised adequately to allow the activation of the dehydrogenases. We present new data to show that this is so in cardiac myocytes isolated from animals suffering from chronic, streptozocin-induced diabetes. This raises the possibility of therapy based upon partial inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux pathways, thereby raising [Ca2+]m at a given, time-average value of cytosol free Ca+2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is believed that EDTA-dependent panagglutination is associated with free carboxylic acids that support reactions of rare autoagglutinins. CASE REPORT: An ABO typing discrepancy occurred in an 88-year-old patient. The specificity of his autoagglutinin was demonstrated by panel cell study and absorption tests using normal donors' red cells or immunoadsorbents coated with A, B, or O substances. Inhibition assays were performed to determine whether the autoagglutinin was inhibited by ionized calcium or carboxylic acids. The autoagglutinin had anti-B specificity when tested in the presence of EDTA. It was neutralized by group B secretor saliva and adsorbed by crystalline silica coated with simple B substances with or without EDTA, although it was absorbed by group B red cells only in the presence of EDTA. The agglutinating activity was stronger at 25 degrees C (titer 64) than at 37 degrees C (titer 16) and was destroyed by treatment of the serum with dithiothreitol, which suggests that the autoagglutinin is IgM. This activity also appeared in the patient's serum after dialysis and in an eluate obtained after adsorption with simple B substances, and it was inhibited by the addition of CaCl2 at 0.5 mM or higher concentrations. This suggests that the agglutination is not dependent on EDTA but, rather, on the concentration of ionized calcium. The autoagglutinin failed to react with group B red cells treated with glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes. CONCLUSION: An anti-B autoagglutinin was shown to have caused an ABO typing discrepancy in the presence of EDTA. These results suggest that autoagglutination requires an environment with low levels of ionized calcium, but not the presence of carboxyl groups.  相似文献   

The activity of calcium in calcium-metal-fluoride fluxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The standard Gibbs energy of reaction Ca (1) +O (mass pct, in Zr) = CaO (s) has been determined as follows by equilibrating molten calcium with solid zirconium in a CaO crucible: ΔG° = -64,300(±700) + 19.8(±3.5)T J/mol (1373 to 1623 K) The activities of calcium in the CaOsatd-Ca-MF2 (M: Ca, Ba, Mg) and CaOsatd-Ca-NaF systems were measured as a function of calcium composition at high calcium contents at 1473 K on the basis of the standard Gibbs energy. The activities of calcium increase in the order of CaF2, BaF2, and MgF2 at the same calcium fraction of these fluxes. The observed activities are compared with those estimated by using the Temkin model for ionic solutions. Furthermore, the possibility of the removal of tramp elements such as tin, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, and lead from carbon-saturated iron by using calcium-metal-fluoride fluxes is discussed. Formerly Graduate Student, Department of Metallurgy, The University of Tokyo.  相似文献   

The effect of ATP and other nucleotides on calcium efflux was studied in squid axons dialyzed with Ca:ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid buffers to control the internal ionized calcium concentration. In the virtual absence of internal ATP (ca. 1 muM) a significant level of calcium efflux occurs which could be increased by the addition of internal ATP. At low concentrations of ionized calcium (ca. 200 nM), efflux increased 10-fold. At high levels of ionized calcium (ca. 100 muM), the increase was only twofold. This stimulation of efflux by ATP requires internal sodium. Conversely, ATP renders the calcium efflux insensitive to internal sodium and prevents the inhibition of calcium efflux produced by internal sodium in the absence of ATP. Of 12 nucleotides tested, only ATP, deoxy-ATP and alpha, beta-methylene ATP significantly stimulated calcium efflux. The data are interpreted as indicating that ATP induces an affinity in change in the carrier system binding calcium to the internal site, possibly by a phosphorylating step.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure ionized calcium concentration in plasma from cats with urethral obstruction and to correlate these values with results of clinical biochemical analyses and physical examinations. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 24 male cats. PROCEDURE: Blood samples were obtained from each cat on admission, and PCV, pH, and concentrations of ionized calcium, total calcium, glucose, total solids, sodium, potassium, BUN, creatinine, chloride, magnesium, albumin, and phosphorus were determined. Mentation, tissue perfusion, and ECG recordings were also assessed. RESULTS: 18 (75%) cats had low ionized calcium concentrations (reference range, 2.4 to 2.8 mEq/L). Hypocalcemia was considered mild (2.0 to 2.36 mEq/L) in 9 (37.5%) cats, moderate (1.6 to 1.98 mEq/L) in 6 (25%), and severe (< 1.6 mEq/L) in 3 (12.5%). Significant positive correlations were found between ionized calcium concentration and heart rate, pH, and concentrations of sodium, chloride, and total calcium. Significant negative correlations were found between ionized calcium concentration and concentrations of potassium, BUN, creatinine, and phosphorus. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Most cats with urethral obstruction had a low concentration of ionized calcium. This may contribute to cardiac electrical and mechanical dysfunction in some severely affected cats. Although effects of i.v. administration of calcium were not evaluated, results of this study strengthen the rationale for its use in cats with urethral obstruction.  相似文献   

The mechanism of spermine-induced enhancement of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake was explored using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator Fluo-3/AM to measure the free matrix Ca2+ concentration. Simultaneously, the extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration was registered by a Ca(2+)-ion selective electrode. Spermine lowered the extramitochondrial steady state Ca2+ concentration and at the same time induced a decrease of the intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration. However, there is a concentration-dependent reversal of the stimulatory action of spermine, which may be explained by the existence of a second, low-affinity binding site for spermine which mediates an inhibition of uptake in spite of the existence of an inwardly directed Ca2+ gradient.  相似文献   

The expression of mRNA encoding plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) subunit isoforms (1-4) and splice variants was examined in the adult and developing rat cochlea by PCR and in situ hybridization. High levels of PMCA mRNA expression were observed in the neurons of the spiral ganglion, and in hair cells. Spiral ganglion neurons expressed PMCA 1-3 beginning in embryonic development, reaching high levels shortly after birth, and continuing into adulthood. Inner hair cells expressed PMCA 1 at moderate levels from birth to the time of onset of cochlear function on postnatal day 12, and strongly from then until adulthood. Outer hair cells expressed PMCA 2 at high levels from shortly after birth through adulthood. The data suggest that the calcium clearance requirements of inner and outer hair cells are distinct. PMCA 2 is the isoform with the highest affinity for calmodulin, and has also been associated with high levels of inositol triphosphate. Its presence in outer hair cells suggests that regulation of the enzyme by calmodulin may be particularly important for this hair cell type. It further suggests that inositol phosphate may play a unique role in the outer hair cell.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate coagulation variables in 2 groups of dogs after tromethamine administration. ANIMALS: 13 Beagles. PROCEDURES: Both groups of dogs received a 30-minute IV infusion of 10 ml of 0.3M tromethamine/kg of body weight. In unsedated dogs (group 1, n = 8), prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, normalized ionized calcium concentration, platelet numbers, and platelet function were measured prior to treatment, at the end of the infusion, and 1 hour after the infusion. In xylazine-sedated dogs (group 2, n = 5), buccal mucosal bleeding time and plasma percentage of von Willebrand factor antigen were measured before and 1 hour after infusion, and fibrin degradation products concentration was measured 1 hour after infusion. Platelet function was assessed by determining platelet aggregation and by measuring ATP release from the aggregating platelets over 6 minutes, using a whole blood aggregometer, with 20, 10, and 5 microM ADP and 5 and 10 micrograms of collagen/ml as platelet activation agonists. RESULTS: There was no significant change in any of the variables measured in either group of dogs, compared with baseline values. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: When administered to healthy dogs, tromethamine does not change the coagulation indices measured.  相似文献   

Felodipine is a calcium antagonist, one of the dihydropyridines, with potential application in transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS). Earlier studies reported that the high lag time of this drug limited its potential development in a TTS. The present study analyzes the effect of d-limonene at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 5 and 10% on the transdermal penetration of this drug. The study was performed using a diffusion technique in vitro, with the skin of the hairless rat. d-Limonene significantly reduced the lag time (Tl) to 1.4 h at a concentration of 1% (compared with 9.8 h in its absence). Higher concentrations did not produce a significant decrease in the value of this parameter. The presence of d-limonene in the formulae produces an increase in the permeability constant (Kp) and the flux (J). The relation between this increase and the percentage of d-limonene was non-linear. An asymptotic value was obtained at a concentration of 5%, with increases of 993% and 1570% for Kp and J, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper stems from a region-wide audit of postoperative radiotherapy treatment for patients with screen-detected breast cancer, commencing from the start of the South Thames (East) screening programme in June 1988 and ending in March 1992. It reports on the variation in treatment practices amongst clinical oncologists in the region. There was diversity in treatment schedules, dose specification points, and the use of lymph node radiotherapy, breast boost and interstitial implants. While local protocols vary by centre and individual oncologist, many treatment decisions appear to have been dictated by the availability of machines and other resources. However, further analysis suggests that the variation is within the same range as that described in the nationwide survey of breast radiotherapy by the Audit Office of the Royal College of Radiologists in 1995 [1-3].  相似文献   

The mechanism of biological effects of extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields may involve induced changes of Ca2+ transport through plasma membrane ion channels. In this study we investigated the effects of externally applied, low-intensity 60 Hz electric (E) fields (0.5 V/m, current density 0.8 A/m2) on the agonist-induced Ca2+ fluxes of HL-60 leukemia cells. The suspensions of HL-60 cells received E-field or sham exposure for 60 min and were simultaneously stimulated either by 1 microM ATP or by 100 microM histamine or were not stimulated at all. After E-field or sham exposure, the responses of the intracellular calcium levels of the cells to different concentrations of ATP (0.2-100 microM) were assessed. Compared with control cells, exposure of ATP-activated cells to an E-field resulted in a 20-30% decrease in the magnitude of [Ca2+]i elevation induced by a low concentration of ATP (<1 microM). In contrast, exposure of histamine-activated HL-60 cells resulted in a 20-40% increase of ATP-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i. E-field exposure had no effect on non-activated cells. Kinetic analysis of concentration-response plots also showed that compared with control cells, exposure to the E-field resulted in increases of the Michaelis constant, Km, value in ATP-treated cells and of the maximal [Ca2+]i peak rise in histamine-treated HL-60 cells. The observed effects were reversible, indicating the absence of permanent structural damages induced by acute 60 min exposure to electric fields. These results demonstrate that low-intensity electric fields can alter calcium distribution in cells, most probably due to the effect on receptor-operated Ca2+ and/or ion channels.  相似文献   

One of the steps in the import of phosphatidylcholine (PC) in mitochondria is transmembrane movement across the outer membrane. This process was investigated in vitro using isolated mitochondrial outer membrane vesicles (OMV) from rat liver. 14C-Labeled PC was introduced into the OMV from small unilamellar vesicles by a PC-specific transfer protein (PCTP). The membrane topology of the newly introduced PC was determined from its accessibility to phospholipase A2. Under conditions where the OMV stay intact, externally added phospholipase A2 is able to hydrolyze up to 50% of both the introduced [14C]PC and the endogenous PC. Pool size calculations showed that close to 100% of the PC in the OMV can be exchanged by PCTP. A back-exchange experiment revealed that the introduction of the labeled PC is reversible. The results demonstrate that newly introduced PC molecules readily equilibrate over both leaflets of the OMV membrane. The kinetics of the PCTP-mediated exchange process indicate that the t1/2 of the transmembrane movement at 30 degrees C is 2 min or less.  相似文献   

The instrument (ICA 1 Radiometer, Copenhagen) measures the activity of calcium ion and hydrogen ion and displays the estimated concentration of free calcium ion (cCa2+) and pH at 37 degrees C in 110 microliter of whole blood or serum. The cCa2+ at pH 7.40 is calculated by means of a fixed relationship between cCa2+ and pH. The results are indicated on a display approximately 1 min after sample introduction. The measuring cycle plus automatic rinsing takes 3 min. The apparatus is equipped with a number of control functions. The sensitivity of the calcium electrode showed a fall from 100% to 92% over 20 weeks. The cell potential of the calcium cell showed a slow drift of--0.02 mV per day over a 20-week period while the pH cell which employs the same reference electrode showed no drift. Interference of Na+, K+, Li+, Mg2+ and H+ on the calcium measurement in whole blood is estimated to be at most +0.1%. The effect of erythrocytes on the static liquid junction potential is minimized by a special extrapolation procedure. The analytical standard deviation for cCa2+ in serum was 0.008 mmol/l within series, 0.017 mmol/l between days. The mean value for cCa2+ (at pH 7.4) in serum for 53 healthy adults was 1.249 mmol/l with a standard deviation of 0.036 mmol/l. cCa2+ in capillary blood at the actual pH from 20 healthy volunteers gave a mean value of 1.215 +/- 0.047 mmol/l (+/- 2SD) with pH 7.428 +/- 0.031 (+/- 2 SD). The slopes delta lgcCa2+/delta pH measured after equilibration at two different PCO2 values in venous blood (n = 20) and in serum (n = 104) gave a mean value of -0.221 +/- 0.040 (+/- 2 SD). The semi-automatic combined Ca2+ - pH electrode system makes the measurement of ionized calcium for clinical use a reliable and accurate analysis.  相似文献   

The formation of reactive oxygen species has been associated with apoptosis. To assess the role of lipid peroxidation in apoptosis, we used 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylisovaleronitrile) (AMVN) to generate peroxyl radicals within cellular membranes of HL-60 cells. cis-Parinaric acid (cis-PnA) metabolically integrated into phospholipids of HL-60 cells was used as a probe to assess the extent of lipid peroxidation within specific phospholipid classes. Within 2 h, AMVN (500 microM) randomly oxidized more than 85% of cis-PnA contained in all major classes of phospholipids. AMVN-induced lipid peroxidation was followed by apoptosis as determined by nuclear condensation, DNA fragmentation, and annexin V binding to externalized phosphatidylserine (PS). Fluorescamine derivatization of external aminophospholipids revealed that PS, but not phosphatidylethanolamine, was externalized. The vitamin E analogue, 6-hydroxy-2,2,5,7,8-pentamethylchromane (PMC), inhibited overall oxidation of cis-PnA in phospholipids by more than 85%. Not all phospholipids, however, were equally protected. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, and sphingomyelin were nearly completely protected by PMC, while oxidation of PS was unaffected in whole living cells. The insensitivity of PS to PMC was not an intrinsic property because PMC protected all lipids equally during AMVN oxidation of liposomes prepared from cis-PnA-labeled cells. The potential role for PS oxidation in apoptosis was further suggested by the faithful execution of apoptosis following coexposure of cells to AMVN and PMC.  相似文献   

1. Evoked neurotransmitter release at the crayfish neuromuscular junction was measured in the presence of the cell-permeant calcium chelator 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-acetotoxymethyl (BAPTA-AM). Excitatory post-synaptic potentials were greatly diminished after application of the intracellular chelator, an effect resulting from attenuation of the rise in the concentration of cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca]i) that is necessary for neurotransmission. However, short-term homosynaptic facilitation of release, the magnitude and time course of which is thought to depend on the accumulation and removal of residual Ca ions (Ca2+), was not affected. Application of the cell-permeant form of ethylene glycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) gave similar results. 2. To interpret these results we developed a reaction-diffusion model in 3D rectangular coordinates for Ca2+ diffusion in the presence of mobile and immobile buffers. Solutions of the model in response to influx of Ca2+ through one or six channels for different diffusion coefficients and no nondiffusable buffer, predict that 1) the time course of residual Ca2+ is very brief, 2) an unrealistically low Ca2+ diffusion coefficient is required for residual calcium, 3) the spatially distributed Ca2+ signal is attenuated by intracellular BAPTA, 4) the rate at which free Ca2+ returns to resting levels, after entry (residual Ca2+) is faster with more mobile buffer, and 5) when pulse trains of Ca2+ channel current are used as input, computed facilitation is comparable to experimental measurements without buffer, but is abolished in the presence of exogenous buffer. 3. When the diffusion coefficient of Ca2+ in water is used, there is no residual Ca2+; however, when 0.1-1.6 mM nondiffusable buffer is present with a fast binding coefficient comparable to BAPTA, there is a very small residual Ca2+ due to the unbinding from the fixed binding sites. The nondiffusable buffer is saturated next to a Ca2+ channel. For this case of the diffusion coefficient of calcium in H2O and nondiffusable buffer, when a moderate amount of diffusable buffer is added to the system containing nondiffusable buffer, the very small residual Ca2+ is substantially reduced. This is because the product of diffusable buffer and Ca2+ is carried away as diffusable product, in contrast to the nondiffusable product releasing Ca2+, after Ca2+ entry ceases. 4. The model predicts that mobile calcium buffers with appropriate physical properties will attenuate facilitation and hasten its decay by removing residual calcium.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Growing mitochondria acquire most of their proteins by the uptake of mitochondrial preproteins from the cytosol. To mediate this protein import, both mitochondrial membranes contain independent protein transport systems: the Tom machinery in the outer membrane and the Tim machinery in the inner membrane. Transport of proteins across the inner membrane and sorting to the different inner mitochondrial compartments is mediated by several protein complexes which have been identified in the past years. A complex containing the integral membrane proteins Tim17 and Tim23 constitutes the import channel for preproteins containing amino-terminal hydrophilic presequences. This complex is associated with Tim44 which serves as an adaptor protein for the binding of mtHsp70 to the membrane. mtHsp70, a 70 kDa heat shock protein of the mitochondrial matrix, drives the ATP-dependent import reaction of the processed preprotein after cleavage of the presequence. Preproteins containing internal targeting information are imported by a separate import machinery, which consists of the intermembrane-space proteins Tim9, Tim10, and Tim12, and the inner membrane proteins Tim22 and Tim54. The proteins Tim17, Tim22, and Tim23 have in common a similar topology in the membrane and a homologous amino acid sequence. Moreover, they show a sequence similarity to OEP16, a channel-forming amino acid transporter in the outer envelope of chloroplasts, and to LivH, a component of a prokaryotic amino acid permease, defining a new PRAT-family of preprotein and amino acid transporters.  相似文献   

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