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复杂性在气固流化床流型识别中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了气固流化床从起始流化态、鼓泡态、湍动态直至快速流化的四个典型流型下,压力脉动时间序列的算法复杂性和涨落复杂性随表观气速的变化趋势。实验结果表明,这两种复杂性参数对于流化床流型变化敏感,但在同种流型下,在操作条件的较宽变化范围内保持稳定。基于这一特性,故将复杂性测度与多元统计分析中的距离判别方法相结合,建立了一种只需获得一定长度的压力脉动时间序列,无需知道具体操作条件的流型识别方法。 相似文献
近似熵的性质及其在气固流化床复杂性研究中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了一种新的度量序列复杂性的统计方法——近似熵(ApEn),并将其应用于气固流化床流型识别中。通过分析和研究不同操作条件下气固流化床压力脉动时间序列,证明了近似熵与气泡行为有着良好的对应关系,能够较好反映床内复杂性的变化,可以作为有效辨识气固流化床起始鼓泡态、充分鼓泡态和湍动流化态等流型的特征参数。实验数据的计算和分析也表明了近似熵随数据长度的变化小,只需要较短的时间序列就能得到较为稳定的ApEn值;受数据中的瞬态噪声影响小,抗干扰能力强。是一种适合数据变化快、干扰大的工业现场测量的复杂性参数。 相似文献
基于分形和模糊技术的气固流化床流型辨识 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出一种基于分形和模糊技术的气固流化床流型辨识的新方法,将分形技术应用在气固流化床压力波动信号的分析中,提取出信号特征值Hurst指数,同时结合模糊识别,建立模糊识别函数,由此来区分气固流化床的不同流型。初步研究表明,基于分形和模糊识别的流型辨识能够达到较高的正确率。 相似文献
在Shannon信息理论的基础上,应用信息传输率在相空间中关联压差、压力及光纤颗粒浓度三种不同传感器测量的信号。引入算法复杂性来刻画信息传输率随时间变化的动态特性,从而导出了多传感器信息传输矩阵ITM。并研究了矩阵平均值MITM在不同流化状态下的变化规律。结果表明MITM能够区分不同流型,特别是对从鼓泡到湍动的变化有明显的指示作用。 相似文献
以无色小粒径玻璃珠和空气为实验介质,利用高速摄影系统在气固流化床实验装置上拍摄,并获取到气固流化床5种典型流型的空间图像信息。采用多重分形谱参数分层次地刻画了流型空间信息内部的精细结构,突出了异常局部变化特征,从复杂的流型图像数据中选出具有明显个性特征,与分形盒维数结合表征流型。结果表明,多重分形谱比简单的分形盒维数能提供更多的流型特征的信息,且流型特征的提取结果更符合实际情况,可被有效地用于气固流化床流型识别和运动机理分析的过程中。 相似文献
气固流化床压力脉动信号的Hilbert-Huang变换与流型识别 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
王晓萍 《高校化学工程学报》2005,19(4):474-479
采用Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT),提取出气固流化床压力脉动信号的各阶内禀模态函数(IMFs),进一步证明了压力脉动信号是由复杂的不同波间和波内频率调制成分所组成,具有气固两相运动相互调制的非线性特征。分析各阶内禀模态函数的能量分布及其转换,发现不同频段IMF的能量与流型状态之间有着很好的对应关系,能够从整体上反映流化床的流化状态,从而提出了应用IMF中频段能量进行流化床流型识别的新方法。该方法只需一个压力脉动信号,算法简单、实用,没有需要主观决定的参数,具有较好的工业应用前景。HHT分析比现有的分析方法更能深入地揭示流化床内的非线性流体动力学特征。 相似文献
气固脉冲流化床流体力学特性的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在φ70mm的流化床内,采用聚氯乙烯、玻璃珠和不规则天然刚玉等B类、D类颗粒,测定了0 ̄5.0Hz脉冲频率下气固流化床的基本流体力学特性,探讨了影响床层流化特性的一些主要因素,并根据实验数据对脉冲流化床的临界流化速度和临界流化压降的无因次准数式进行了关联。 相似文献
引 言压力脉动信号用于气固两相流检测已经有相当长的时间 ,一般认为压力脉动信号包含了流化床内的许多动态信息 ,是颗粒特性、床的几何特性、气泡运动特性等多种因素的综合反映 .如何有效地从中提取隐含信息也一直是一个广受关注的问题 .在这方面国内外的研究者已经做过不少工作 ,包括早期研究压力脉动信号的均值、方差、功率谱、相关函数等 ,以及后来基于信号的非平稳特性的小波、Wigne -Ville谱等 ,得到了一些有用的信息 .近年来 ,随着非线性科学的发展 ,有的研究者提出流化床具有显著的混沌特性 ,Daw等在 1 990年第 1次发… 相似文献
湍动流化床的流型与流型过渡 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
分别在直径为114mm 和244mm 的流化床中,采用压力探头和光导纤维探头考察了湍动流态化的上、下限及实验判别准则。发现床内局部点处的床空隙率随气速的变化符合于修正的 Richardson-Zaki 关系,并以此可以揭示出局部区域进入湍动流态化的流型过渡(上限)。压力脉动法的测量结果(U_c)还表明:此时,床内湍动流态化区域实际上已经占有相当的份额。另一方面,分析床内压力及床密度的脉动信号随气速的变化,可以判定脱离湍动流态化时的流型转变(下限)。本文还应用 Kolmogoroff 的湍流理论定性地分析了湍动流态化的湍流结构。 相似文献
本文采用床层压力脉动测试技术,通过凝聚函数法进行分析,对流化床气泡上升过程的变化规律进行了研究。表明气-固流化床浓相段沿床高可划分为三个区域,即初始气泡生成聚并区,气泡相对稳定区和气泡崩破区。并对操作条件,颗粒物性及床层结构因素,对于划分区域的影响进行了探索 相似文献
气液固三相流化床流区及其过渡的混沌分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5
运用确定性混沌分析技术、研究了气液固三相流化床内压力波动时间序列的混沌动力学行为,结果表明,非线性特征量最大Lyapunov指数可以用来定量表征三相流化床的流区及其过渡。并给出了以最大Lyapunov指数为基准的三相流区图,混沌分析还发现,三相流化床内存在着两混沌特性相差较大的塞状泡流区。 相似文献
Yong Kang Pyung S. Song Jong S. Yun Yi Y. Jeong Sang D. Kim 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2000,177(1):31-47
Effects of secondary air injection on the hydrodynamics such as solid holdup and gas-solid flow behavior were investigated in a circulating fluidized bed. The gas velocity in the riser, the ratio of secondary air velocity to that of primary air, and the solid circulating rate were chosen as operating variables. Fluid cracking catalyst(FCC) with a density of 1840 kg/m3 and a mean diameter of 74 um was employed as the solid phase. The secondary air was fed to the riser radially or tangentially at the wall of the column. Pressure drop fluctuations in the riser were measured and analyzed by adopting the stochastic method to characterize the effects of secondary air injection on the gas-solid flow behavior in the bed.
It has been found that the injection of secondary air into the riser can increase the solid holdup in the riser considerably, and that the tangential injection of secondary air is more effective for the increasing the solid holdup than the radial injection. However, the gas-solid flow behavior has been found to become less persistent with the injection of secondary air; the resultant flow behavior is more complex when the air is injected tangentially than radially. The solid holdups in the primary as well as secondary zones of the riser have been well correlated in terms of not only operating variables but also fractal dimension of the pressure fluctuations. 相似文献
It has been found that the injection of secondary air into the riser can increase the solid holdup in the riser considerably, and that the tangential injection of secondary air is more effective for the increasing the solid holdup than the radial injection. However, the gas-solid flow behavior has been found to become less persistent with the injection of secondary air; the resultant flow behavior is more complex when the air is injected tangentially than radially. The solid holdups in the primary as well as secondary zones of the riser have been well correlated in terms of not only operating variables but also fractal dimension of the pressure fluctuations. 相似文献
YONG KANG PYUNG S. SONG JONG S. YUN YI Y. JEONG SANG D. KIM 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(1):31-47
Effects of secondary air injection on the hydrodynamics such as solid holdup and gas-solid flow behavior were investigated in a circulating fluidized bed. The gas velocity in the riser, the ratio of secondary air velocity to that of primary air, and the solid circulating rate were chosen as operating variables. Fluid cracking catalyst(FCC) with a density of 1840 kg/m3 and a mean diameter of 74 um was employed as the solid phase. The secondary air was fed to the riser radially or tangentially at the wall of the column. Pressure drop fluctuations in the riser were measured and analyzed by adopting the stochastic method to characterize the effects of secondary air injection on the gas-solid flow behavior in the bed. It has been found that the injection of secondary air into the riser can increase the solid holdup in the riser considerably, and that the tangential injection of secondary air is more effective for the increasing the solid holdup than the radial injection. However, the gas-solid flow behavior has been found to become less persistent with the injection of secondary air; the resultant flow behavior is more complex when the air is injected tangentially than radially. The solid holdups in the primary as well as secondary zones of the riser have been well correlated in terms of not only operating variables but also fractal dimension of the pressure fluctuations. 相似文献
流化床射流深度的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
综述了近三十年来流化床中垂直向上射流、水平射流射流深度的研究状况,结合笔者在多环隙气速、混合物组分射流深度的一系列研究结果,详细论述了射流深度的测试方法、影响因素(射流气速、固体颗粒物性、床层操作压力、环隙气量、放大效应),同时对诸多射流深度关联式进行了分析,指出了应注意的问题.探讨了射流深度的研究方向. 相似文献