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Although barium studies and CT are useful in assessing abdominal pathology in tuberculosis, imaging findings are not always specific and a histopathological or bacteriological confirmation is often required. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of ultrasound (US) guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis in patients with non-palpable lesions detected on US/CT. FNAC was performed on 31 sites in 30 patients. The sites included enlarged lymph nodes (n = 14), focal lesions in liver (n = 2) and spleen (n = 8), and thickened bowel in the ileocaecal region (n = 7). The results were classified cytomorphologically into four groups: (1) definite evidence of tuberculosis; (2) presumptive evidence of tuberculosis; (3) suggestive of tuberculosis; and (4) negative for tuberculosis. 18 of the 31 FNACs (58%) revealed a positive diagnosis of tuberculosis (definite evidence in nine patients and presumptive evidence in nine patients). 13 of the 31 FNACs (42%) showed either necrosis alone (n = 4) or negative results (n = 9). Zeihl-Neelson staining for acid-fast bacilli on direct smear was positive in only nine patients (29%). Splenic and lymph nodal FNAC had a high sensitivity (87.5% and 78.6%, respectively) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. None of the bowel and liver FNACs was diagnostic. No complications were encountered. US guided FNAC offers a safe and accurate method of achieving a diagnosis in patients with suspected abdominal tuberculosis who present with radiologically demonstrable but non-palpable lesions, especially those involving lymph nodes and spleen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration in lieu of needle biopsy is widely used for the diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms. The cytologic features of ductal carcinomas are well characterized, but the appearances of less common pancreatic neoplasms, such as acinar cell carcinoma (ACC), are not well described. CASES: We present the cytologic, histologic, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural features of two cases of ACC. The tumors occurred in a 36-year-old woman and 43-year-old man. The aspirate from one case contained neoplastic cells with smooth-contoured nuclei containing one or two prominent nucleoli. The aspirated material from the second case was necrotic, with numerous neutrophils and scattered nests of tumor cells similar to those present in the first case. Histologically, both tumors manifested solid and acinar patterns, and each contained some cells with periodic acid-Schiff-positive granules that were resistant to diastase. The neoplasms were immunochemically positive for trypsin and negative for neuroendocrine markers. Ultrastructurally, the aspirate from one case demonstrated apical microvilli, zymogenlike granules and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. CONCLUSION: Uncommon pancreatic neoplasms may be difficult to diagnose due to their cytologic and histologic subtleties. Supplemental studies including immunocytochemistry, cytochemistry and electron microscopy are important in facilitating their identification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To report five cases of vitreous opacification in phacolytic glaucoma (PG). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The records of patients with PG were retrospectively reviewed. A total of 135 eyes with PG were studied to determine the presence of vitreous opacification. RESULTS: Five eyes with PG demonstrated opacification of the vitreous, which was first noted at surgery and confirmed postoperatively. All patients had had symptoms of PG for 7 days or more (mean +/- SD, 10.6 +/- 2.4 days) before they sought medical attention. Three eyes had a hypopyon on preoperative examination; two of these eyes showed refractile crystals in the anterior chamber. The opacities resolved spontaneously in all five eyes over a period of 12 weeks and interfered with visual activity only in the immediate postoperative period. CONCLUSION: Vitreous opacification in PG is a self-limited process that may not require surgical intervention unless more rapid visual rehabilitation is desired. The vitreous opacification probably results from an exaggeration of the process causing the anterior chamber reaction.  相似文献   

We analysed 1500 consecutive fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) specimens to ascertain the reasons for diagnostic failure. Of 221 tumours proven malignant following open biopsy, 184 (83%) were correctly diagnosed on FNAC. Of 1082 aspirates classified 'benign', 787 (73%) underwent open biopsy and of these 33 (4%) were diagnosed malignant. All three cases of ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS) and eight of 16 lobular carcinomas in this study were missed using FNAC alone. Twelve of the 22 patients with invasive carcinoma not diagnosed on cytology had tumours measuring less than 1 cm diameter. Six of 1500 FNAC reports (0.4%) gave false positive diagnoses, five were classified as 'suspicious of malignancy; and one as 'frankly malignant'. The overall sensitivity was 84%, specificity 99% and positive predictive value 97%. Though these results confirm the value of FNAC as a rapid means of diagnosing most breast cancers, it it unreliable in patients with invasive carcinomas less than 1 cm in diameter and for the detection of lobular and in-situ carcinoma.  相似文献   

The results of testicular aspirate cytology taken from clinical patients with a history of infertility were compared with the clinical and histological findings. Azoospermia was the most common and the most rewarding indication for the examination. Samples were also taken from cases with suspected testicular tumours, orchitis, epididymitis, severe oligo- and teratozoospermia, lack of libido and unilateral testicular atrophy. Histological and cytological findings were found to correlate well. Identification of cell types from normal germinal epithelium was relatively easy. No immediate adverse effects of aspiration were noted. Five normospermic dogs were monitored for two to six months after aspiration, and there were no marked deleterious effects on testicular consistency, testicular histology or semen characteristics. Testicular cytology obtained by fine needle aspiration may, at least to some extent, be used to assist clinical diagnosis, especially in azoospermic dogs and dogs with palpable changes of testicular tissue.  相似文献   

Definitive identification of detached hooklets, scolex and fragments of the spiral wall of Cysticercus cellulosae on fine needle aspiration smears was documented. A critical review of aspirates from 200 diagnosed and 98 suspected lesions of soft tissue and intramuscular cysticercosis was done. Characteristic fragments of bladder wall cytomorphologically corresponding to viable or partially necrotic lesions were seen in 203 cases. Identification of fragments of an invaginated larva (i.e., hooklets, scolex or spiral wall) established the diagnosis in 33 of the suspected lesions. Cytomorphologically all these cases were from either necrotic or calcified lesions. In necrotic lesions with eosinophils, a careful search for fragments of the invaginated portion of the larva should be made.  相似文献   

The efficacy of aspiration cytology, using Franzen method and echo-guided aspiration for prostate cancer was examined to 102 patients under saddle-block anesthesia in urological clinic of Chiba University Hospital. Between 1990 and 1993, 77 cases out of 102 patients were diagnosed histologically as prostate cancer by needle biopsy and 90% of them were coincidental with findings of aspiration cytology. Looking at histological grades, well differenciated cancer was shown to yield low positivity compared with moderately and poorly differentiated cancer. Positive rate showed similar when grade of specimens from needle biopsy was classified with Gleason pattern. Neither T category nor method of aspiration between Franzen and echo-guided methods influenced positive rate of aspiration cytology. On aspiration cytology, its grading revealed 60% of coincidence with that obtained by histological method. When counting more than 300 scattered cells, 90% of coincidence was achieved with histological grading. It is concluded that aspiration cytology is efficient for diagnosis of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The cytological diagnoses of 27 lymph node aspirates were compared with the histological diagnoses or clinical outcome in 23 HIV positive patients. There was agreement between the cytological and histological diagnoses in 14 of the 16 surgically biopsied cases. The clinical outcome in the remaining 11 cases was consistent with the cytodiagnosis. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a reliable, minimally traumatic, cost effective method with high specificity. It is suitable for an initial rapid diagnosis in HIV positive patients with lymphadenopathy.  相似文献   

Talc administration into the pleural cavity induces pleurodesis. To obtain further insight into the inflammatory process that causes pleurodesis, the cellular kinetics in the pleural space after the administration of talc was studied, along with its relation to chemokine concentrations in the pleural fluid. Thirteen consecutive patients with idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax and eight patients with malignant pleural effusions received talc pleurodesis. The first group was treated with talc poudrage, whereas the second group was treated with talc slurry. Pleural fluids were isolated before talc administration as well as 3, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h afterwards. The talc induced a rapid polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) influx followed by an accumulation of macrophages. In addition, increased production of interleukin (IL)-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 was observed. The talc-induced PMN influx reached its maximum after 3-24 h, and was related to the IL-8 concentration. In contrast, the MCP-1 was not related to the macrophage accumulation. Talc-induced inflammation in patients with idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax and malignant pleural effusion is characterized by an influx of polymorphonuclear neutrophils related to interleukin-8, followed by an accumulation of monocytes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in preoperative diagnosis of patients with occult thyroid carcinoma (OTC). STUDY DESIGN: Data on 768 thyroid carcinoma patients receiving primary treatment at Chang Gung Medical Center were retrospectively reviewed. Of these patients, 97 had OTC. To detect small thyroid nodules early and define the characteristics of clinically palpable nodules, thyroid ultrasonography with FNAC were performed on 67 histopathologically proven OTC patients. Analysis for diagnostic value was done for ultrasonography and FNAC. RESULTS: In the 67 patients receiving ultrasonography with FNAC, 23 were preoperatively diagnosed as having papillary thyroid carcinoma and 1 as having follicular carcinoma. The tumor size of these 24 preoperative FNAC-proven OTC was 0.81 +/- 0.23 cm (mean +/- SD). In the remaining patients, 10 presented pictures suspicious for malignancy, with a mean tumor size 0.63 +/- 0.24 cm, and 33 (49.3%) were diagnosed as having benign thyroid lesions in preoperative FNAC. The tumor size in these 33 lesions was 0.58 +/- 0.24 cm. Fifty-seven of the 67 OTC patients received frozen sections. Thirty-eight papillary thyroid carcinomas and four follicular carcinomas were correctly diagnosed on frozen sections. CONCLUSION: Although the rate is not high, high-resolution ultrasonography and FNAC is the best approach to preoperative diagnosis for OTC patients today.  相似文献   

Models for the surface of cuticle cells in hair fibers consist of a monolayer of fatty acids covalently bound to the underlying protein membrane by thioester linkages. The most prominent of these fatty acids is 18-methyleicosanoic acid (C21a), the synthesis of which requires the oxidative decarboxylation of isoleucine. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is caused by an inherited deficiency in the enzyme branched chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase, which leads to the accumulation of branched chain alpha-keto-acids derived from the amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Transmission electron microscopy studies of developing hair fibers show a structural defect in the fiber shaft in hair from patients with MSUD. This defect is confined to the cuticle of the fiber, where the cuticle membrane directly apposes the intercellular material. Thus, the defect indicates that C21a is located exclusively on the upper surface of fiber cuticle cells. Lipid analysis of MSUD hairs has demonstrated significant changes in the relative abundance of the covalently bound fatty acids and an almost complete absence of C21a, whereas there was little difference in the amino acid composition compared with normal hair. These results provide further evidence for the existence of the surface lipid monolayer and its crucial role in cellular adhesion.  相似文献   

Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein that adds telomeric repeats onto chromosome ends, is involved in telomere length maintenance and permits unlimited cell proliferation. We examined the possibility that higher telomerase activity is associated with the replicative phase of the cell cycle using gastric cancer cell lines treated with anticancer drugs. Telomerase activity increased at the time point of S-phase accumulation in NUGC-3 cells (5 x 10(5) cells/ml) incubated with CDDP (0.5 microgram/ml), paclitaxel (0.01 microM), or VP-16 (1 microM) and in MKN-28 cells incubated with CDDP. When these cell lines were incubated with 5-fluorouracil (10 microM) or CPT (0.1 microM), the increase of telomerase activity preceded the S-phase accumulation. Our results suggest that telomerase activity be regulated by the cell cycle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare, contrast and analyze the value and limitations of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology and core biopsy (CB) in a rural setting. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of 100 FNA cytology and 100 CB results of mass lesions from 193 patients matched for age, sex and body organs, and referred for FNA or CB in rural New South Wales, Australia, between September 1990 and May 1996. RESULTS: FNA cytology and CB results from 193 patients were analyzed, based on anatomic location and cytologic criteria. Sites included lung, retroperitoneum, liver, breast, kidney, pancreas and ovary. The FNA group contained 6 inadequate, 14 benign, 3 atypical, 6 suspicious and 71 malignant cases, whereas the CB group had 1 inadequate, 24 benign and 75 malignant conditions. The inadequate samples in both groups were due to technical difficulty in obtaining representative material. The indeterminate (atypical and suspicious) group, which was the main pitfall of FNA, contained 4 low grade carcinomas, 3 low grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and 2 fibrocystic breast changes. The benign FNA group comprised 8 cysts, 5 inflammatory/reactive conditions and 1 benign tumor/hamartoma, whereas the benign CB group contained 11 cysts, 9 inflammatory/reactive conditions and 4 benign tumors. CONCLUSION: FNA was comparable to CB at most anatomic sites. CB occasionally offered additional information. This slight advantage was due to the availability of tissue from the first and often the only pass for assessment of architecture and performance of ancillary tests, which obviated the need for further sampling. On-site assessment of the core imprints at the time of the procedure by the highly skilled and experienced interventional cytopathologist was responsible for limiting the number of attempts to one core in most of the instances, therefore minimizing complications. Pathologists are encouraged to become more familiar with the criteria of aspiration cytology, which has proven its validity in the new cost-conscious environment. Despite the recent surge in the popularity of core biopsy, FNA cytology, when practiced in a multidisciplinary setting, with involvement of pathologists, radiologists and clinicians, is an extremely accurate test with very high sensitivity, which approaches that of surgical pathology, and specificity very similar to that of frozen section. FNA has a positive predictive value for a malignant diagnosis of almost 100%. FNA is a well-tolerated, relatively noninvasive test with a very low risk of complications.  相似文献   

To elucidate the value of thyroglobulin staining by the immunoperoxidase method in fine needle aspiration cytology of thyroid diseases, it was performed on fine needle aspiration smears of 57 cases of various thyroid diseases. Thirteen of 22 cases (59%) with benign nodular goiter were positive. Eight of 14 cases (57%) with papillary thyroid carcinoma were positive. Among these eight cases with positive staining, seven were at clinical stage II or less. Among the other six cases with negative staining, five cases were in clinical stage III or more. There was a significant relationship between clinical stage and thyroglobulin staining (P < .05). One of 10 cases with thyroid cysts was positive. One of four cases with anaplastic carcinoma was positive. One of two cases with follicular thyroid carcinoma was positive. Two cases of subacute thyroiditis were positive. One case of Hashimoto's thyroiditis was positive. Two cases of metastatic thyroid cancer from the ovary were negative. These results reveal that positive thyroglobulin staining was helpful in defining the source of tissue from the thyroid. However, negative staining could not definitively exclude a thyroid origin. Positive thyroglobulin staining in papillary thyroid carcinoma correlated with less advanced clinical stages.  相似文献   

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