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朱卫平 《有色冶炼》2004,(1):45-47,50
21世纪铜在经济中的作用不会降低。根据生态学的原则,铜的生产和使用必须考虑人类的需求及如何降低对环境的“附属”影响。分散使用将逐步停止,铜的二次使用回收将增加,这将有利于对混合金属废料和其它废料进行处理。诺兰达和三菱熔池熔炼工艺将继续发展,而奥托普闪速熔炼的统治地位在诺兰达反应器克服直接生产铜,无需转炉的障碍之前将不客置疑。  相似文献   

火法炼铜技术综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目前火法熔炼技术发展迅速并得到广泛的应用,在铜工业生产中已明确提出"清洁生产"的目标。环境意识要求清洁的生产工艺,即工艺过程中极少排放废物,对火法炼铜技术的进一步完善提出了更高的要求。本文叙述了目前世界火法炼铜的主要工艺、工业生产实例及进展情况,对现代铜冶金新方法-闪速熔炼、熔池熔炼以及其它熔炼技术作了较为详细的介绍,并指出了铜火法冶炼存在的问题及今后的主要技术发展方向。  相似文献   

周松林 《有色冶炼》1998,27(4):6-12
本文概述我国自行设计的铜闪速熔炼工艺、设备及生产情况,并重点介绍生产过程中出现的主要问题及对策。  相似文献   

金隆闪速炼铜操作技术的进步   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金隆闪速熔炼工艺投产3年来经历了很多工艺和设备故障,操作水平不断提高。本文概述了熔炼系统的主要作业实绩,分析了出现的问题和所采取的措施,总结了金隆闪速炼铜的主要操作经验,指出了今后的工作方向。  相似文献   

在闪速炼铜过程中,当炉渣中四氧化三铁含量过高时,会造成渣含铜较高以及沉淀池因四氧化三铁的大量析出而引起“料堆”现象,从而严重影响闪速熔炼的正常作业.针对这一问题,分析讨论了闪速熔炼过程中四氧化三铁的生成原因,并通过减少原料中四氧化三铁带入量、精矿喷嘴的优化、洗炉等相应的控制措施,有效地防范了闪速炼铜过程中四氧化三铁带来的危害,保障了闪速炼铜作业的正常进行.   相似文献   

本文概述我国自行设计的铜闪速熔炼工艺、设备及生产情况,并重点介绍生产过程中出现的主要问题及对策。  相似文献   

对我国主流铜熔炼的技术、装备及应用情况进行了总结和分析,旨在为我国铜冶炼工艺的选择和绿色熔炼提供参考。  相似文献   

我国现有铜采选冶综合能力55万t,但铜的供求矛盾突出,老企业技术落后。炼铜工艺改造后可使能耗降低50%、每年多回收硫18万t,同时增加铜产量数十万t。  相似文献   

闪速炼铜中烟尘的形成过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从工业闪速炉及其排烟路径上的不同位置在线提取烟尘试样分析,研究了烟尘形貌、粒度等的变化及烟尘的形成条件,发现烟尘不是反应塔中没有反应的细颗粒精矿粒子,而是反应塔中未沉降到沉淀池的、过氧化的、粒度很小的熔融球形粒子;石英砂和吹炼渣粒子很难成为烟尘;反应塔高度对烟尘率有较大的影响,提高反应塔高度有利于降低烟尘发生率。提出了工业闪速熔炼生产中烟尘形成的过程机理。  相似文献   

80年代在铜熔炼技术中没有出现突破性进展。以闪速熔炼为代表的火法炼铜新法继续保持增长势头,而以反对炉为主体的传统炼铜方法则不断萎缩。湿法炼铜增长较决,在处理低品位矿、保持低成本方面具有明显优势  相似文献   

Wastewater Management in the 21st Century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dialogue concerning potential future directions for the wastewater profession is initiated by identifying four principal challenges. The first is the perception by many (at least in the United States) that water pollution and water quality problems have largely been solved. Dramatic improvements during the 20th century (by the founders of our profession, not by us!) have eliminated many of the obvious public health and environmental issues associated with wastewater management. The second is population growth and the associated added stress on water resources. The third is the potential (at least perceived) conflict between providing improved water and wastewater service to the poor (especially in developing countries) and reducing the environmental impacts of our systems. The fourth is to determine whether we are wastewater managers, or more broadly water managers. These challenges can be addressed by adopting a broader, more holistic view of urban water management incorporating water supply, wastewater management, and storm water. A toolkit of existing and evolving technologies could be assembled and grouped into example systems. Improved methods for evaluating alternate urban water management systems based on sustainable development principles need to be developed. Achieving the vision of more sustainable urban water management systems requires that our professional organizations speak with one voice. Our profession must also reach out and engage a wide range of interests in defining and implementing dramatically improved solutions.  相似文献   

Traditionally recognized construction professionals such as architects, engineers, and surveyors occupy segregated roles in the construction industry. With the rapidly growing complexity and ever increasing sophistication in project procurement and construction, new disciplines have been added to the traditional construction professions. The characteristics and the roles of the different disciplines in the construction industry are becoming less clear-cut. Specialism within the different disciplines and the working relationship among them are also not easily defined. Transprofessional practice among the several disciplines of construction professionals is commonplace. The skills needed by each discipline and the education structure required to develop those skills cannot be usefully examined on a discipline-by-discipline basis. This paper, based on a research study carried out with a questionnaire survey, aims to investigate these phenomena in professional practices within the construction industry and to develop cogent and sustainable directions for the education of construction professionals in the new millennium. Results from the study suggest that the demands of a transprofessional discipline practice call for construction professionals to critically reexamine their professional skills and realistically evaluate the professional demands made on them by the ever-increasing complexity and technological sophistication in construction and project procurement. The work concludes that the curricula for educating aspiring construction professionals should embrace a multidisciplinary and an integrative-professional approach. Such an approach should be implemented in curricula designed for undergraduates and for the continuing professional education of practitioners.  相似文献   

在分析我国企业文化建设存在问题的基础上,提出了加强企业文化建设应注意的几个问题:避免认识误区,把握建设策略,树立核心文化。  相似文献   

21世纪电渣冶金的展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李正邦 《炼钢》2003,19(2):6-12
用于制备超纯优质金属材料的精细冶金不断地发展,近期电渣冶金的进展令人瞩目。高压电渣重熔(PESR);真空电渣重熔(VarESR)使重熔金属质量达到高纯水平。电渣热封顶(ESHT)生产巨型钢锭具有技术与经济上的潜在优势。文中还评价了快速电渣重熔(ESRR)和电渣复合(ESCladding)等新技术。  相似文献   

面向21世纪轧钢理论研究的展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从轧制力学分析、组织模拟和系统仿真等几个方面分析了轧钢理论的发展状况及特点,并提出了对轧钢理论研究方向的几点看法。  相似文献   

21世纪的钢铁技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 材料造就现代社会 钢铁是现代社会不可缺少的基本材料之一。日本钢铁工业技术优越,每年钢铁产量较稳定,为全球工业作出了贡献。然而现代钢铁工业发生了显著变化,为适应钢铁工业的变化,日本钢铁研究院(ISIJ)采用了新型炼钢工艺和钢铁产品。 主题就是为了使钢铁材料与社会和环境相融洽以及对社会作出贡献,钢铁材料必须在质量与成本上比其他材料更具有竞争力与优越性。1995年日本颁布了科技基本法,日本政府强调日本必须以科技创新为本,追求更高层次,为日本经济持续发展作贡献。  相似文献   

21世纪热风炉   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
达涅利康力斯提供的硅质耐火材料热风炉设计与最优化升温和冷却方法,是适用于超高温热风炉的可靠技术。介绍了热风炉的设计思路和原则,耐火材料的选择,结构特点,操作经验等。  相似文献   

对21世纪工业炉发展的展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭廷杰 《工业炉》1999,21(3):1-5
作者根据国务院颁布的“中国 21 世纪议程”和国际可持续发展动态,对我国 21 世纪工业炉的发展前景提出了自己的设想,对一些现行的工业炉技术提出了发展方向,以引起工业炉行业企业家和科技工作者的高度重视。  相似文献   

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