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食品理化检验中的误差来源系统误差。在食品理化检验过程中存在的系统误差主要指的是检验环境相同,出现的误差结果存在一定规律。导致系统误差存在的主要原因包括工作人员在检验过程中没有完全掌握检验方法。在检验过程中,检验人员所使用的检验方法不合理,会导致检验结果存在偏差。此外,在实际检验过程中,所采取的检验样品存在问题或者使用的检测试剂不合格,也可能会导致系统误差出现。  相似文献   

原棉品级感官检验差异浅析江苏省通州棉纺织厂张德进原棉是棉纺厂的主要原料,棉纺厂一般以感官检验、仪器检验、单试验对其进行综合检验,而感官检验有其独特的优点,代表性比仪器检验代表性大,且速度快,目前商业部门的收购检验,棉麻公司的签证检验以及农商、工商交接...  相似文献   

感官检验在酒行业中的应用和效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾凡君 《酿酒》1993,(4):56-67
产品质量的检验方法有理化检验、试验性使用鉴定法和感官检验三大类。衡量产品质量的高低,是通过检验结果反映出来的,但是检验结果的正确性直接与检验方法相关、在理化检验、试验性使用鉴定法和感官检验中,感官检验是其中最早、最经济、判断速度最快的检验方法。  相似文献   

品质检验是皮棉部优产品评选工作的重要环节。它既要及时、准确、完整地确定皮棉品质,又要促进企业的创优,提高皮棉质量。这是评优皮棉品质检验(以下简称评优检验)的工作目标。及时,就是要求检验工作效率要足够高,检验结果应产生于初评之前,检验信息应反馈于生产之中。准确,就是要求检验结果不受人为因素干扰,具有可靠性。完整,就是要求检验结果能够反映受评皮棉的整体品质性状,具有代表性。与此相比,评优检验工作的某些环节亟待完善。完善薄弱环节,搞好评优检验,对提高皮棉质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

介绍了化妆品和药品的样品前处理、检验项目和检验方法,对二者的标准体系、检验特点进行比较分析,探讨化妆品与药品各自标准体系和检验方法的特点和区别。  相似文献   

以公证检验为代表的棉花质量检验步入仪器化检验新时代,在此背景下,需要重新定位感官检验的存在价值和功能价值。笔者(均有5年以上棉检师经验)长期从事棉花检验,对棉花感官检验有较深的理论功底和实践经验,文中从仪器化品质检验、棉花质量检验体系、棉花质量检验人才培养、我国棉花标准发展等几个方面探讨感官检验在棉花质量仪器化检验新时代的作用,并给出棉花质量感官检验发展的思考。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了纯生啤酒生产中微生物检验的培养基制作和保存、检验方法步骤,主要检验部位和检验频次等要点。  相似文献   

生丝检验是检验机构按照一定的检验标准,通过科学的检验方法,确定生丝的品质和公量的过程。这一过程包括从取样到报告签发的一系列相关的测试活动,生丝检验涉及的环节多,实验室应当识别检测过程的重要或关键特征,制订相应的措施,确保检验结果的准确、有效。  相似文献   

因工作关系,本人每天都与产品质量检验报告打交道,检验报告作为产品质量检验机构的产品,是向社会传递产品质量信息的窗口,也是有关行政管理部门行政执法的重要依据,因此,检验报告必须准确、清晰、客观描述检测结果,并包含足够完整的信息。新修订的《中华人民共和国产品质量法》以法律形式,对检验机构出具检验报告作出明文规定,对伪造检验结果或出具的检验结果不实,造成损失的,将受到罚款、承担相应的赔偿责任,直至被撤销检验资格等处罚。但是现在的产品质量检验报告情况又如何呢?如有一个行政管理部门在处理"某产品是否属于假…  相似文献   

所谓切断检验(也称再缫检验),是指在切断检验机上,在规定的时间内以一定的速度,测定丝卷绕到丝筒上时发生的切断次数。同时切断检验也是为以后各项检验(如:匀度、纤度、强伸力等)准备检验样丝。切断是评定柞蚕丝内在质量的主要指标。生丝是丝织物的原料,如果切断检验成绩不良,在丝织准备和织造过程中必然产生断头,就会降低效率,多耗原料,增加成本。也会使织物增加疵点。如断经、断纬、宽急经、错经、错纬等等。因此切断成绩的好坏直接影响织物的质量,更会影响织物的牢度。所以无论其它质量指标如何良好,切断次数增多都会直接…  相似文献   

干燥方法对金银花的质量影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈德经 《食品科学》2006,27(11):277-279
通过对金银花的不同干燥方法比较,干燥方法对金银花的质量有较大影响。在色泽方面,微波干燥和烘干的为绿色,晒干和真空干燥的为黄绿色,真空冷冻干燥的为褐色;在绿原酸的含量上,微波干燥的为5.93%,晒干的为5.17%,烘干的为5.53%,真空干燥的为3.95%,真空冷冻干燥的为3.35%;干燥后每g金银花的含菌量分别为:微波干燥的细菌总数2×103,晒干的为3.4×105,烘干的为1.4×105,真空干燥6×104,真空冷冻干燥为4×104。结果表明微波干燥最适合金银花的干燥。  相似文献   

Bacillus probiotics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacterial spore formers are being used as probiotic supplements for use in animal feeds, for human dietary supplements as well as in registered medicines. Their heat stability and ability to survive the gastric barrier makes them attractive as food additives and this use is now being taken forward. While often considered soil organisms this conception is misplaced and Bacilli should be considered as gut commensals. This review summarises the current use of Bacillus species as probiotics, their safety, mode of action as well as their commercial applications.  相似文献   

This review provides an overview of biovanillin production from agro wastes as an alternative food flavour. Biovanillin is one of the widely used flavour compounds in the foods, beverages and pharmaceutical industries. An alternative production approach for biovanillin as a food flavour is hoped for due to the high and variable cost of natural vanillin as well as the limited availability of vanilla pods in the market. Natural vanillin refers to the main organic compound that is extracted from the vanilla bean, as compared to biovanillin, which is produced biologically by microorganisms from a natural precursor such as ferulic acid. Biovanillin is also reviewed as a potential bioflavour produced by microbial fermentation in an economically feasible way in the near future. In fact, we briefly discuss natural, synthetic and biovanillin and the types of agro wastes that are useful as sources for bioconversion of ferulic acid into biovanillin. The subsequent part of the review emphasizes the current application of vanillin as well as the utilization of biovanillin as an alternative food flavour. The final part summarizes biovanillin production from agro wastes that could be of benefit as a food flavour derived from potential natural precursors.© 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Influence of pectin modification on water binding properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water can be bound to food components and products as non-freezing, freezing-bound and free water. The interactions are crucial for any application as well as for food consumption and digestion. DSC was applied to examine the amounts of the different types of water bound to pectin, a biomacromolecule that is used as gelling and stabilising agent in many food products. One commercial high-methoxylated citrus pectin and three modified samples, prepared by acidic and alkaline demethoxylation as well as amidation, were tested. The water content of dry samples depended mainly on the molecular parameters, especially the content of hydrophilic groups at the galacturonic acid that was increased by demethoxylation and amidation, as well as on monovalent cations of the pectins. The water–pectin interactions of wetted materials were additionally influenced strongly by the availability of hydrophilic groups that depended on material properties such as amorphous or crystalline state, powder bulk and solid density and porosity as well as particle size, surface and porosity. Small amorphous porous particles, whose polar groups were rapidly available without prior softening and swelling, accelerated water uptake. Non-freezing and freezing-bound water, bound closely to the pectin molecules, depended on the number and type of polar groups. Free water, bound in micro- and macro-capillaries as well as voids within and between the pectin particles, was influenced by hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic groups of the samples. There was a strong impact of the pre-treatment during processing and modification.  相似文献   

活性染料冷轧堆染色工艺   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
王永武 《印染》2006,32(7):18-20
对活性染料冷轧堆染色工艺的主要问题,如染料的选择、工艺控制、存在问题及解决方法等,并结合生产,对缩小大小样差异等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于稳健设计理论的平面机构优化设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘文军  陶薇 《轻工机械》2009,27(2):53-55
运用稳健设计理论,以连杆机构的几何参数为设计变量,以满足曲柄摇杆机构及传动角条件为约束。以再现轨迹精度最佳为目标函数。同时考虑连杆件制造精度对轨迹精度的影响。采用蒙特卡罗法采样和多目标遗传算法对机构进行稳健优化设计。计算结果表明:该方法更符合实际情况,且当设计变量发生变异时,能有效保证机构的运动轨迹精度。  相似文献   

In the rating of 184 2004 Bordeaux wines, Jancis Robinson (JR) and Robert Parker (RP) showed: complete agreement on only 71/184 or 39% of the wines; for 110 of the remaining 119 wines, RP assigned a higher rating than JR. RP scored: 51 wines as EXCELLENT that JR rated as ABOVE AVERAGE; 38 as ABOVE AVERAGE that JR scored as AVERAGE; 19 as EXCELLENT that JR scored as merely AVERAGE; and 2 wines as ABOVE AVERAGE that JR rated as BELOW AVERAGE. JR offers a plausible way for the consumer to make sense of the wine ratings of a given specialist, in the same way the consumer learns to ‘calibrate’ her/his subjective judgments to those made by designated experts in other fields of interest. Here Robinson [(1997). Tasting pleasure: Confessions of a wine lover. New York, NY: Penguin] treats expert judgments of wine as ‘…?every bit as subjective as the judging of any art form’. Recent enological research indicates that this message needs to be understood in a broader socio-economic framework that focuses upon other important variables that drive wine consumer purchases, such as prior tastings and recommendations from fellow wine drinkers.  相似文献   

基于中国传统医学"天人合一""四季养生"的理念,研究选用药食同源的原料,结合秋季燥邪当令的特点,以感官评分为指标,研制一款适合秋季调理的天然草本养生饼.采用单因素及正交试验确定并优化了秋季草本养生饼配方:馅以板栗仁质量为基准,加入山药9%,百合2%,藕粉4%,木糖醇20%,混合油(玉米油∶黄油为1∶1)10%;皮以白芸...  相似文献   

松香胺作功能单体阳离子无皂苯丙乳液表面施胶剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以丙烯腈改性淀粉作分散剂,苯乙烯(St)为硬单体,丙烯酸丁酯(BA)为软单体,松香胺(RA)为功能单体,甲基丙烯酸二甲基氨基乙酯(DM)为阳离子单体,丙烯酰胺(AM)为交联单体,过硫酸钾(K2S2O6)为引发剂,采用无皂乳液聚合技术合成了一种阳离子苯丙乳液表面施胶剂,并对施胶纸张各种性能做了测试。最佳合成工艺是:m(St)/m(BA)=2.5,w(RA)=0.5%,w(DM)=0.9%,w(AM)=0.4%,w(K2S2O8)=0.5%,m(单体)/m(淀粉)=2。  相似文献   

金融风暴下的中国造纸工业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国造纸工业在获得多年高速发展之后,要以金融风暴引发各国实体经济的衰退为契机,反思行业的发展思路,寻找更科学、合理,经济效益与社会效益俱佳,可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

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