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从管理与营销的角度分析,当企业的经营由面向产品向面向客户转变时,要受到一些因素的干扰,特别是传统的以利润为中心的思想的影响,还有部分以产品为中心流程的有效作用,实现转变的成本需要,细分领域的定位与竞争等多方面问题、只有把这些问题都解决好了,才有利于使企业的经营更好地向以客户为中心转变。  相似文献   

介绍发达国家电信企业从产品导向向客户导向的转变及客户营销体系的建立和发展状况,分析中国电信从产品导向的客户导向转变的必要性及存在的困难,并提出了实施建议。  相似文献   

介绍发达国家电信企业从产品导向向客户导向的转变及客户营销体系的建立和发展状况 ,分析中国电信从产品导向向客户导向转变的必要性及存在的困难 ,并提出了实施建议  相似文献   

2003年4月23日,上海移动通信有限责任公司将代表中国移动通信集团公司参加在上海举办的2003中国国际通信技术展览会。  相似文献   

海尔创业25年来,一直在追寻创品牌的道路。我的体会是,创品牌首先要有一个坚定的信念,一定要以品牌为目标。如果有品牌战略,企业可以由小到大,由弱到强;如果没有品牌战略,即使是一个失企业也会倒闭。  相似文献   

张瑞敏 《广东电子》2009,(19):18-18
海尔创业25年来,一直在追寻创品牌的道路。我的体会是,创品牌首先要有一个坚定的信念,一定要以品牌为目标。如果有品牌战略,企业可以由小到大,由弱到强;如果没有品牌战略,即使是一个失企业也会倒闭。  相似文献   

11月8日,在浪潮北京公司解决方案中心,浪潮存储进行了一次小型的产品发布会。浪潮存储产品总经理张海涛说:“这次产品发布对于浪潮存储来说有着里程碑式的意义。它不仅标志着浪潮存储完成了从NS产品系列向AS产品系列的切换,同时也标志着浪潮存储开始从对产品价值的深度关注转向对客户价值的深度挖掘。”  相似文献   

Rogers通信公司已将Amdocs客户管理系统升级至Amdocs CES7.5。此次部署旨在通过整合的Amdocs CES7.5产品支持Rogers的四重播放服务。  相似文献   

随着Internet等数据业务的不断增长和新业务的不断增加以及大本地网建设速度的加快,传统程控交换机的局限性日益显现。在通信产业发展日新月异的今天,新的技术标准和业务需求不断推出。Internet数据业务迅猛增长,网络规模不断扩大,运营商对交换系统的维护管理功能要求越来越高,这些都对通信网的建设和网络设备提出了新的需求。  相似文献   

有真正做到把客户视为“上帝”,才会让客户对企业及其品牌忠诚。提升客户忠诚度的关键主体是客户,企业员工则是实现这一目标的基础。企业要想赢得客户必须先赢得自身的员工,没有员工的忠诚,就谈不上客户的忠诚。  相似文献   

通过研究“客户生命周期理论”和“ETOM模型”,结合有线电视网络的产品特点,提出了一种架构在“三户”模型上的以“以客户为中心”的运营流程重构思路方法,并依据该方法设计出了一套适应广电企业市场需求的业务流程支撑系统,同时简要介绍了相关应用情况.  相似文献   

The classical quality management theory suggests that different quality improvement practices have a similar positive effect on overall operational efficiency, leading to customer satisfaction. Based on a study of 225 organizations in the electronics industry in Hong Kong, we find that individual quality improvement practice has a specific effect on operational performance, rather than equally improving the overall operational efficiency. Our investigations indicate that customer orientation practices primarily affect time-based efficiency, while process improvement efforts help cost-related performance. On the other hand, emphasizing process-control systems leads to customer satisfaction directly without necessarily improving operations. While supporting the basic assertions of the classical quality management theory, these findings reveal that several problems exist in the practice of quality management in industry, and suggest that a re-direction of several quality management practices seems necessary. This research refines the understanding of quality management by explicating the specific effect of customer orientation and process management on organizational performance.  相似文献   

This paper explores the various components that make up the local network from the MDF in the local exchange to the customer. The dominant distribution media in the local network is copper and this will continue to hold its position as a simple and reliable technology, for many years to come. However, there is a move towards a new mixed technology in the local loop offering a wide range of services to the customer and this is briefly looked at in terms of reliability assessment.  相似文献   

信息安全原来大家都比较关注杀毒软件、入侵检测、防火墙这老三样,这些主要是防范来自于互联网对内部局域网的攻击。但是现在很多单位都是内外网隔离,外面的病毒、黑客进不来,所以更现实的威胁是来自内部人员的攻击。近儿年在信息安全领域的重点已经由防外逐渐转变为防内,这也是目前的一个热点。内网安全的市场应该说还是比较大的,首先,国家对这一块比较重视,  相似文献   

Reliability growth is considered from the customer/user perspective. It is emphasized that the reliability that the first customer observed with the first customer shipping can be quite different from the reliability that a customer will observe with a unit or system produced five years later. A basis for controlling reliability growth and the elapsed time of growth for the various product life cycles is provided. It allows product management to adjust for breakthroughs or setbacks per phase to assure on-time delivery of products with selected reliability levels  相似文献   

增值服务和良好的供应管理推动着元件目录分销商RS在经济不景气环境下取得成功,而在市场需求快速回暖进而转热之时,RS正着力在新能源(风能/太阳能)和交通运输领域拓展新客户.  相似文献   

As of November 2005, there were 6.2 million broadband customers in the UK and this figure is still growing. North and South America had approximately 49 million broadband users, Asia-Pacific 74 million and Europe 53 million. In the last two years, broadband has turned from a niche product into a truly mass-market product. This success story brings with it huge challenges for service providers who wish to give their broadband customers the support they need while at the same time running a profitable business in what is a highly competitive and price-sensitive market. This paper first discusses the issues that exist with supporting broadband customers. It then shows how taking an end-toend view of the complete customer experience, from when the problem first occurs right through to when the customer is happy that a permanent resolution has been achieved, enables service providers to identify the key support capabilities that are required in order to deliver an excellent customer experience. Finally, some innovative ways in which those capabilities can be realised, in a cost effective way, are identified.  相似文献   

The development of the broadband integrated-services digital network (B-ISDN) is part of the continuing evolution of the telecommunications network. The author considers the expected rate of increase in information-carrying capacity to the general public and its needs for interfacing and service. He proposes a technique of shaping/policing the channel capacity which will be easily understood by both user and network provider. Finally the uncertainties that remain in the way that applications may exploit the ATM network and the consequent different needs for signalling and control have been highlighted  相似文献   

新媒体是随着内容数字化技术飞速进步而发展起来的,是传统的报刊、户外、广播、电视等四大媒体之外的新形态媒体的统称。通过网络传播的数字报、数字广播、新闻短信、移动多媒体广播、手机视频、计算机应用桌面、数字有限电视、IPTV、博客、社区、微博、户外电子屏等都被划入了新媒体的范畴。新媒体的发展为全球电信运营商的转型发展提供了机遇和挑战,目前全球多家电信运营商都在积  相似文献   

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