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This paper addresses the connectionist accounts of two related topics, the representation of ‘type hierarchies’ and ‘cognitive categories’ (as the terms are used in knowledge representation research and cognitive psychology respectively). There are important problems with the current accounts of these topics, particularly the circularity of the definition of subvector type representations, and the inaccessibility to the network of prototype category representations. We introduce our own account of type and category, based on the identification of the ‘domain’ of units on which inputs of the same category are typically represented. Domains are formed by learning information about the co-activation of units in a population, and identified (for a given input by using this information to generate a ‘centrality’ value for each unit (collectively called a ‘centrality distribution’). The main claims of this paper are that centrality distributions can be used as representations of categories, and can be hierarchically organized to capture type information. We illustrate these claims with implementations, and discuss the representation of category gradedness, and mechanisms of property inheritance. The use of centrality distributions (as well (as patterns of activation)as representations is an extension to basic connectionist methods.  相似文献   

We introduce a new connectionist paradigm which views neural networks as implementations of syntactic pattern recognition algorithms. Thus, learning is seen as a process of grammatical inference and recognition as a process of parsing. Naturally, the possible realizations of this theme are diverse; in this paper we present some initial explorations of the case where the pattern grammar is context-free, inferred (from examples) by a separate procedure, and then mapped onto a connectionist paper. Unlike most neural networks for which structure is pre-defined, the resulting network has as many levels as are necessary and arbitrary connections between levels. Furthermore, by the addition of a delay element, the network becomes capable of dealing with time-varying patterns in a simple and efficient manner. Since grammatical inference algorithms are notoriously expensive computationally, we place an important restriction on the type of context-free grammars which can be inferred. This dramatically reduces complexity. The resulting grammars are called ‘strictly-hierarchical’ and map straightforwardly onto a temporal connectionist parser (TCP) using a relatively small number of neurons. The new paradigm is applicable to a variety of pattern-processing tasks such as speech recognition and character recognition. We concentrate here on hand-written character recognition; performance in other problem domains will be reported in future publications. Results are presented to illustrate the performance of the system with respect to a number of parameters, namely, the inherent variability of the data, the nature of the learning (supervised or unsupervised) and the details of the clustering procedure used to limit the number of non-terminals inferred. In each of these cases (eight in total), we contrast the performance of a stochastic and a non-stochastic TCP. The stochastic TCP does have greater powers of discrimination, but in many cases the results were very similar. If this result holds in practical situations it is important, because the non-stochastic version has a straightforward implementation in silicon.  相似文献   

Current work on connectionist models has been focused largely on artificial neural networks that are inspired by the networks of biological neurons in the human brain. However, there are also other connectionistarchitectures that differ significantly from this biological exemplar. We proposed a novel connectionist learning architecture inspired by the physics associated with optical coatings of multiple layers of thin-films in a previous paper (Li and Purvis 1999, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 26: 1-4). The proposed model differs significantly from the widely used neuron-inspired models. With thin-film layer thicknesses serving as adjustable parameters (as compared with connection weights in a neural network) for the learning system, the optical thin-film multilayer model (OTFM) is capable of approximating virtually any kind of highly nonlinear mappings. The OTFM is not a physical implementation using optical devices. Instead, it is proposed as a new connectionist learning architecture with its distinct optical properties as compared with neural networks. In this paper we focus on a detailed comparison of neural networks and the OTFM (Li 2001, Proceedings ofINNS-IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, pp. 1727-1732). We describe the architecture of the OTFM and show how it can be viewed as a connectionist learning model. We then present experimental results on solving a classification problem and a time series prediction problem that are typical of conventional connectionist architectures to demonstrate the OTFM's learning capability.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a connectionist model of cognitive map formation and use which performs wayfinding tasks. This model is at a higher level of cognitive function than much connectionist work. Its units are each at the level of an already trained backpropagation pattern recognizer. Although similar in certain respects to Hendler's work, the model described herein offers several additional features: first, it is a connectionist model; secondly it learns relationships via a modified Hebbian learning rule and so does not need to input a database; thirdly, spreading activation is an integral part of the model. The model introduced here also differs from backpropagation models in two important respects. First, it does not require correct training input; rather, it learns from ordinary experience. Secondly, it does not converge to a fixed point or equilibrium state; thus, more sophisticated mechanisms are required to control the network's activity. Fatigue and three types of inhibition combine to cause activity to reliably coalesce in units that represent suitable subgoals, or partial solutions, for presented wayfinding problems in networks built through the use of a Hebbian learning rule.  相似文献   

In order to solve the 'sensitivity-stability' problem-and its immediate correlate, the problem of sequential learning-it is crucial to develop connectionist architectures that are simultaneously sensitive to, but not excessively disrupted by, new input. French (1992) suggested that to alleviate a particularly severe form of this disruption, catastrophic forgetting, it was necessary for networks to separate dynamically their internal representations during learning. McClelland et al. (1995) went even further. They suggested that nature's way of implementing this obligatory separation was the evolution of two separate areas of the brain, the hippocampus and the neocortex. In keeping with this idea of radical separation, a 'pseudo-recurrent' memory model is presented here that partitions a connectionist network into two functionally distinct, but continually interacting areas. One area serves as a final-storage area for representations; the other is an early-processing area where new representations are first learned by the system. The final-storage area continually supplies internally generated patterns (pseudopatterns; Robins, 1995), which are approximations of its content, to the early-processing area, where they are interleaved with the new patterns to be learned. Transfer of the new learning is done either by weight-copying from the early-processing area to the final-storage area or by pseudopattern transfer. A number of experiments are presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, allowing, in particular, effective sequential learning with gradual forgetting in the presence of new input. Finally, it is shown that the two interacting areas automatically produce representational compaction and it is suggested that similar representational streamlining may exist in the brain.  相似文献   

We have used connectionist simulations in an attempt to understand how orientation tuned units similar to those found in the visual cortex can be used to perform psychophysical tasks involving absolute identification of stimulus orientation. In one task, the observer (or the network) was trained to identify which of two possible orientations had been presented, whereas in a second task there were 10 possible orientations that had to be identified. By determining asymptotic performance levels with stimuli separated to different extents it is possible to generate a psychophysical function relating identification performance to stimulus separation. Comparisons between the performance functions of neural networks with those found for human subjects performing equivalent tasks led us to the following conclusions. Firstly, we found that the ‘psychometric functions’ generated for the networks could accurately mimic the performance of the human observers. Secondly, the most important orientation selective units in such tasks are not the most active ones (as is often assumed). Rather, the most important units were those selective for orientations offset 15° to 20° to either side of the test stimuli. Such data reinforce recent psychophysical and neurophysiological data suggesting that orientation coding in the visual cortex should be thought of in terms of distributed coding. Finally, if the same set of input units was used in the two-orientation and the 10-orientation situation, it became apparent that in order to explain the difference in performance in the two cases it was necessary to use either a network without hidden units or one with a very small number of such units. If more hidden units were available, performance in the 10-orientation case was found to be too good to fit the human data. Such results cast doubt on the hypothesis that hidden units need to be trained in order to account for simple perceptual learning in humans.  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates how algorithmic information theory can be elegantly used as a powerful tool for analyzing the dynamics in connectionist systems. It is shown that simple structures of connectionist systems-even if they are very large-are unable significantly to ease the problem of learning complex functions. Also, the development of new learning algorithms would not essentially change this situation. Lower and upper bounds are given for the number of examples needed to learn complex concepts. The bounds are proved with respect to the notion of probably approximately correct learning. It is proposed to use algorithmic information theory for further studies on network dynamics.  相似文献   

A connectionist architecture is developed that can be used for modeling choice probabilities and reaction times in identification tasks. The architecture consists of a feedforward network and a decoding module, and learning is by mean-variance back-propagation, an extension of the standard back-propagation learning algorithm. We suggest that the new learning procedure leads to a better model of human learning in simple identification tasks than does standard back-propagation. Choice probabilities are modeled by the input-output relations of the network and reaction times are modeled by the time taken for the network, particularly the decoding module, to achieve a stable state. In this paper, the model is applied to the identification of unidimensional stimuli; applications to the identification of multidimensional stimuli—visual displays and words—is mentioned and presented in more detail in other papers. The strengths and weaknesses of this connectionist approach vis-à-vis other approaches are discussed  相似文献   

This paper deals with the integration of neural and symbolic approaches. It focuses on associative memories where a connectionist architecture tries to provide a storage and retrieval component for the symbolic level. In this light, the classic model for associative memory, the Hopfield network is briefly reviewed. Then, a new model for associative memory, the hybrid Hopfield-clique network is presented in detail. Its application to a typically symbolic task, the post -processing of the output of an optical character recognizer, is also described. In the author's view, the hybrid Hopfield -clique network constitutes an example of a successful integration of the two approaches. It uses a symbolic learning scheme to train a connectionist network, and through this integration, it can provide perfect storage and recall. As a conclusion, an analysis of what can be learned from this specific architecture is attempted. In the case of this model, a guarantee for perfect storage and recall can only be given because it was possible to analyze the problem using the well-defined symbolic formalism of graph theory. In general, we think that finding an adequate formalism for a given problem is an important step towards solving it.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a three-layer connectionist network that solves a translation-invariance problem, offering a novel explanation for transposed letter effects in word reading. Analysis of the hidden unit encodings provides insight into two central issues in cognitive science: (1) What is the novelty of claims of “modality-specific” encodings? and (2) How can a learning system establish a complex internal structure needed to solve a problem? Although these topics (embodied cognition and learnability) are often treated separately, we find a close relationship between them: modality-specific features help the network discover an abstract encoding by causing it to break the initial symmetries of the hidden units in an effective way. While this neural model is extremely simple compared to the human brain, our results suggest that neural networks need not be black boxes and that carefully examining their encoding behaviours may reveal how they differ from classical ideas about the mind-world relationship.  相似文献   

Recursive auto-associative memory (RAAM) has become established in the connectionist literature as a key contribution in the strive to develop connectionist representations of symbol structures. However, RAAMs use the backpropagation algorithm and therefore can be difficult to train and slow to learn. In addition, it is often hard to analyze exactly what a network has learnt and, therefore, it is difficult to state what composition mechanism is used by a RAAM for constructing representations. In this paper, we present an analytical version of RAAM, denoted as simplified RAAM or (S)RAAM. (S)RAAM models a RAAM very closely in that a single constructor matrix is derived which can be applied recursively to construct connectionist representations of symbol structures. The derivation, like RAAM, exhibits a moving target effect because training patterns adjust during learning but, unlike RAAM, the training is very fast. The analytical model allows a clear statement to be made about generalization characteristics and it can be shown that, in practice, the model will converge.  相似文献   

A bstract . Fodor and Pylyshyn argued that connectionist models could not be used to exhibit and explain a phenomenon that they termed systematicity, and which they explained by possession of composition syntax and semantics for mental representations and structure sensitivity of mental processes. This inability of connectionist models, they argued, was particularly serious since it meant that these models could not be used as alternative models to classical symbolic models to explain cognition. In this paper, a connectionist model is used to identify some properties which collectively show that connectionist networks supply means for accomplishing a stronger version ofsystematicity than Fodor and Pylyshyn opted for. It is argued that 'context-dependent systematicity' is achievable within a connectionist framework. The arguments put forward rest on a particular formulation of content and context of connectionist representation, firmly and technically based on connectionist primitives in a learning environment. The perspective is motivated by the fundamental differences between the connectionist and classical architectures, in terms of prerequisites, lower-level functionality and inherent constraints. The claim is supported by a set of experiments using a connectionist architecture that demonstrates both an ability of enforcing, what Fodor and Pylyshyn term systematic and nonsystematic processing using a single mechanism, and how novel items can be handled without prior classification. The claim relies on extended learning feedback which enforces representational context dependence.  相似文献   

A brief review of studies into the psychology of melody perception leads to the conclusion that melodies are represented in long-term memory as sequences of specific items, either intervals or scale notes; the latter representation is preferred. Previous connectionist models of musical-sequence learning are discussed and criticized as models of perception. The Cohen— Grossberg masking field (Cohen & Grossberg, 1987) is described and it is shown how it can be used to generate melodic expectations when incorporated within an adaptive resonance architecture. An improved formulation, the SONNET 1 network (Nigrin, 1990, 1992), is described in detail and modifications are suggested. The network is tested on its ability to learn short melodic phrases taken from a set of simple melodies, before being applied to the learning of the melodies themselves. Mechanisms are suggested for sequence recognition and sequence recall. The advantages of this approach to sequence learning are discussed.  相似文献   

I. Berkeley  R. Raine 《连接科学》2011,23(3):209-218
In this paper, the problem of changing chords when playing Cajun music is introduced. A number of connectionist network simulations are then described, in which the networks attempted to learn to predict chord changes correctly in a particular Cajun song, ‘Bayou Pompon’. In the various sets of simulations, the amount of information provided to the network was varied. While the network had difficulty in solving the problem with six one-eighths of a bar of melody information, performance radically improved when the network was provided with seven one-eighths of a bar of melody information. A post-training analysis of a trained network revealed a ‘rule’ for solving the problem. In addition to providing useful insight for scholars interested in traditional Cajun music, the results described here also illustrate how a traditional connectionist network, trained with the familiar backpropagation learning algorithm, can be used to generate a theory of the task.  相似文献   

We describe a deterministic shift-reduce parsing model that combines the advantages of connectionism with those of traditional symbolic models for parsing realistic sub-domains of natural language. It is a modular system that learns to annotate natural language texts with syntactic structure. The parser acquires its linguistic knowledge directly from pre-parsed sentence examples extracted from an annotated corpus. The connectionist modules enable the automatic learning of linguistic constraints and provide a distributed representation of linguistic information that exhibits tolerance to grammatical variation. The inputs and outputs of the connectionist modules represent symbolic information which can be easily manipulated and interpreted and provide the basis for organizing the parse. Performance is evaluated using labelled precision and recall. (For a test set of 4128 words, precision and recall of 75% and 69%, respectively, were achieved.) The work presented represents a significant step towards demonstrating that broad coverage parsing of natural language can be achieved with simple hybrid connectionist architectures which approximate shift-reduce parsing behaviours. Crucially, the model is adaptable to the grammatical framework of the training corpus used and so is not predisposed to a particular grammatical formalism.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the Parallel Race Network (PRN), a race model with the ability to learn stimulus-response associations using a formal framework that is very similar to the one used by the traditional connectionist networks. The PRN assumes that the connections represent abstract units of time rather than strengths of association. Consequently, the connections in the network indicate how rapidly the information should be sent to an output unit. The decision is based on a race between the outputs. To make learning functional and autonomous, the Delta rule was modified to fit the time-based assumption of the PRN. Finally, the PRN is used to simulate an identification task and the implications of its mode of representation are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modular connectionist network model of the development of seriation (sorting) in children. The model uses the cascade-correlation generative connectionist algorithm. These cascade-correlation networks do better than existing rule-based models at developing through soft stage transitions, sorting more correctly with larger stimulus size increments and showing variation in seriation performance within stages. However, the full generative power of cascade-correlation was not found to be a necessary component for successfully modelling the development of seriation abilities. Analysis of network weights indicates that improvements in seriation are due to continuous small changes instead of the radical restructuring suggested by Piaget. The model suggests that seriation skills are present early in development and increase in precision during later development. The required learning environment has a bias towards smaller and nearly ordered arrays. The variability characteristic of children's performance arises from sorting subsets of the total array. The model predicts better sorting moves with more array disorder, and a dissociation between which element should be moved and where it should be moved.  相似文献   

The ease of learning concepts from examples in connectionist learning is highly dependent on the attributes used for describing the training data. Decision-tree based feature construction may be used to improve the performance of back-propagation, an artificial neural network algorithm. We use disjunctive concepts and DNA-sequencing data to illustrate feature construction, which builds better representations and reduces concept difficulty. The performance of the combined feature construction and back-propagation strategy improves performance compared to either method alone, in terms of the accuracy of the concepts learned and the time taken to learn.  相似文献   

Research with neural networks typically ignores the role of knowledge in learning by initializing the network with random connection weights. We examine a new extension of a well-known generative algorithm, cascade-correlation. Ordinary cascade-correlation constructs its own network topology by recruiting new hidden units as needed to reduce network error. The extended algorithm, knowledge-based cascade-correlation (KBCC), recruits previously learned sub-networks as well as single hidden units. This paper describes KBCC and assesses its performance on a series of small, but clear problems involving discrimination between two classes. The target class is distributed as a simple geometric figure. Relevant source knowledge consists ofvarious linear transformations ofthe target distribution. KBCC is observed to find, adapt and use its relevant knowledge to speed learning significantly.  相似文献   

Connectionist language modelling typically has difficulty with syntactic systematicity, or the ability to generalise language learning to untrained sentences. This work develops an unsupervised connectionist model of infant grammar learning. Following the semantic boostrapping hypothesis, the network distils word category using a developmentally plausible infant-scale database of grounded sensorimotor conceptual representations, as well as a biologically plausible semantic co-occurrence activation function. The network then uses this knowledge to acquire an early benchmark clausal grammar using correlational learning, and further acquires separate conceptual and grammatical category representations. The network displays strongly systematic behaviour indicative of the general acquisition of the combinatorial systematicity present in the grounded infant-scale language stream, outperforms previous contemporary models that contain primarily noun and verb word categories, and successfully generalises broadly to novel untrained sensorimotor grounded sentences composed of unfamiliar nouns and verbs. Limitations as well as implications to later grammar learning are discussed.  相似文献   

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