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Virtual water trade and world water resources.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global virtual water trade was quantitatively estimated and evaluated. The basic idea of how to estimate unit requirement of water resources to produce each commodity is introduced and values for major agricultural and stock products are presented. The concept of virtual water and the quantitative estimates can help in assessing a more realistic water scarcity index in each country, projecting future water demand for food supply, increasing public awareness on water, and identifying the processes wasting water in the production. Really required water in exporting countries is generally smaller than virtually required water in importing countries, reflecting the comparative advantage of water use efficiency, and it is estimated to be 680 km3/y for 2000. On the contrary the virtually required water for the same year is estimated to be 1,130 km3/y, and the difference of 450 km3/y is virtually saved by global trade. However, solely virtual water should not be used for any decision making since the idea of virtual water implies only the usage and influence of water and no concerns on social, cultural, and environmental implications. Virtual water trade also does not consider other limiting factors than water.  相似文献   

Virtual water flows and trade liberalization.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The linkages between agricultural trade and water resources need to be identified and analyzed to better understand the potential impacts that a full liberalization, or lack thereof, will have on water resources. This paper examines trade of virtual water embodied in agricultural products for most countries of the world. The main purpose of the paper, however, is to examine the impact of trade liberalization on virtual-water trade in the future. Based on a simulation of global agricultural trade, a scenario of full liberalization of agriculture was used to assess the net effect of virtual water flows from the relocation of meat and cereals' trade. The paper also identifies the main reasons behind the changes in the magnitude and direction of the net virtual water trade over time, and shows that virtual water trade flows are independent of water resource endowments, contrary to what the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem states. Finally, based on a formal model, some input demand functions at the country level are estimated. The estimates of the income and agricultural support elasticities of demand for import of virtual water have the expected sign, and are statistically significant. Variables found to have some explanatory power of the variance of virtual water imports are average income; population; agriculture as value added; irrigated area, and exports of goods and services.  相似文献   

近年来我国乳制品行业迅速发展,乳品企业在为提高人民生活水平做出积极贡献的同时,也带来了高耗水量、高排水等用水问题。基于蒙牛等乳制品企业水平衡测试成果,通过深入调查乳制品企业用水工艺流程,研究了乳制品企业CIP冲洗、蒸汽杀菌、冷却等用水环节的用水规律和特点,剖析了企业用水量和排水量双高与生产工艺内在要求之间的必然联系。最后,根据研究结果给出了乳制品行业充分合理利用水资源的措施建议。  相似文献   

解决农村饮水安全问题的思路和措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天津蓟县饮用水不安全地区日益增多,主要是水量不达标和用水方便程度不达标。建议有关单位从技术、建设、投资、运行和行业等方面加强管理,提高饮用水的安全系数。  相似文献   

云南省农村饮水不安全人口有1513万多人,占农村总人口的42%,水质问题主要是氟、砷、铁、锰等超标严重。同时,通过对273个城市饮用水水源地调查情况看,县以上城市饮用水水源地总体水质较好,但由于人类生产、生活活动加剧,部分城市水源地水质安全受到威胁,并且14%的水源地水量安全得不到保障。为此提出8条建议,呼吁云南省加强饮用水水源地保护和农村饮水安全工程建设。  相似文献   

洪湖市农村饮水安全主要问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪湖市农村饮水安全存在水质超标、设施简陋、水质监测不够等主要问题。造成洪湖农村饮用水不安全问题的最大威胁是水污染。切实解决农村饮水安全问题,需要采取提高认识、强化领导、科学规划、加强水源地保护等措施.真正让农民喝上干净卫生的放心水。  相似文献   

本文通过对含山县农村饮用水现状的调查和选择有代表性的水样化验,分析当前农村饮水安全工作中存在的问题,针对性地提出农村饮水安全工程建设的技术思路、管理思路、投资思路,以及运行管理对策和行业管理建议。  相似文献   

漳河上游是全国水事矛盾尖锐的地区之一。按照维护河流健康生命、当好河流代言人的理念,针对漳河上游的实际情况,从执政能力建设、构建和谐社会及优化水资源配置和保障用水安全等方面进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   

<正>一、农村牧区饮水安全概况根据2004年统计资料,内蒙古自治区农村牧区总人口中,饮水安全及基本安全人口为591.4万人,占全自治区农村牧区总人口的34.7%。饮水不安全人口1 112万人,其中水质  相似文献   

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