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本文介绍了基于Win32实验物理和工业控制系统(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System,EPICS)输入输出控制器(Input/Output Controller,IOC)的设计和实现,提出了EPICS IOC和微软技术的衔接方案,结合高性能数字示波器,将基于Win32的IOC很好地融入整个EPICS控制系统.  相似文献   

主动反射面是FAST(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope)望远镜的一个重大创新之一,其性能将直接关系到整个望远镜的性能,因此主动反射面的控制需要一个实时高效的控制系统。基于EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)的输入输出控制器(Input/Output Controller,IOC)框架,充分利用EPICS的实时性,根据FAST反射面的控制节点达2 000多个的特点设计了新的记录类型——节点控制器记录,以便于控制器节点IOC的管理以及提高代码的复用,并针对FAST主动反射面密云模型对实际装置进行了仿真、设计和部分测试。  相似文献   

EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)控制系统与商用的SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)软件相比,还没有统一的方式进行软件规范管理。各个科学装置EPICS软件的布局及调用方式千差万别,完全随开发人员的喜好决定。对于诸如钍基熔盐堆(Thorium Molten Salt Reactor,TMSR)、热核聚变堆、质子治疗等项目,软件模块的科学规范管理尤为重要,它能够从结构上保障系统的可靠性、可维护性和易用性。本文结合Linux目录配置标准(Filesystem Hierarchy Standard,FHS)、软件包管理器(Red Hat Package Manager,RPM)以及系统编程等技术,针对TMSR EPICS仪控系统核心软件模块进行目录管理、软件包管理和服务管理,实现核心软件的自动化部署、开机自启动及规范调用。经测试,该套方案运行良好,大量减少了人工操作,有助于实现TMSR仪控系统软件平台的统一和完全自动化。  相似文献   

EPICS控制系统中的Oracle数据库采集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢东  何多慧  李为民  宣科 《核技术》2005,28(5):329-332
介绍EPICS(Experimental physics and industrial control system)控制系统中针对Oracle的数据库采集。深入剖析了EPICS通讯协议、Oracle联网协议,详细介绍了采集软件的体系结构和实现方法,最后对EPICS稳定性做了测试。本文给出了采集程序对控制系统影响的测试结果和采集程序运行情况。  相似文献   

To treat technical problems of data acquisition,alarm management, and historical data archiving of radiation protection control system in Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, a network prototype system was designed based on experimental physics and industrial control system.Radiation level of many locations in Jiading campus of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics is being continuously monitored, and boundaries of accelerator facilities and radiochemical areas are defined by the access control system. In this paper, we introduce the control system design,including human–machine interfaces, alarm system, historical data archiving system, and the software for access control. The software development followed the standard of Capability Maturity Model Integration(CMMIò) Level3, and the software had passed a third-party test, which indicated that the functionality and the reliability could fulfill the requirements of the radiation protection system.  相似文献   

胡勇  郑丽芳  李纪堂  刘松强 《核技术》2006,29(11):805-808
在EPICS下建立了采用EtherNet/IP协议的ControlLogix PLC测试系统,分析了ControlLogix的EtherNet/IP在EPICS环境下驱动程序的实现原理及软件层次结构,解决了现有驱动程序的不足之处,最后进行了ControlLogix EtherNet/IP通讯性能的测试,结果表明它在数据传输的实时性、稳定性、可靠性等方面有良好的性能.  相似文献   

阎映炳  冷用斌  杨嵩 《核技术》2008,31(3):170-173
介绍了-个基于EPICS Soft IOC和运行数据库模版技术开发的在线数据时频域分析软件包.在上海光源工程直线加速器调束运行中的初步测试结果表明该软件包具有良好的实时性、通用性和可扩展性,现已成为束流测量系统中用于系统调试、性能评估和故障诊断的主要工具之一.  相似文献   

The main difference between nuclear and generic software is that the risk factor is infinitely greater in nuclear software – if there is a malfunction in the safety system, it can result in significant economic loss, physical damage or threat to human life. However, secure software development environment have often been ignored in the nuclear industry. In response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) revised the Regulatory Guide (RG 1.152-2006) “Criteria for use of computers in safety systems of nuclear power plants” to provide specific security guidance throughout the software development life cycle. Software Configuration Management (SCM) is an essential discipline in the software development environment. SCM involves identifying configuration items, controlling changes to those items, and maintaining integrity and traceability of them. For securing the nuclear safety software, this paper proposes a Secure SCM Processes (S2CMP) which infuses regulatory security requirements into proposed SCM processes. Furthermore, a Process Flow Diagram (PFD) is adopted to describe S2CMP, which is intended to enhance the communication between regulators and developers.  相似文献   

基于EPICS的数据采集系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了在加速器控制系统和束流测量系统中广泛应用的EPICS开发平台,并在Redhat 6.2操作系统上建立了一个基于EPICS的数据采集系统,利用该系统实现了束流位置探头的快速标定。  相似文献   

EPICS和合肥光源控制系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一种分布式控制系统EPICS的总体结构及其各组成部件的功能。同时,对依据EPICS进行的合肥光源控制系统二期工程改造及其进展情况,以及EPICS在合肥光源控制系统改造中的应用也进行了概述。  相似文献   

EPICS是用于开发分布式实时控制系统的软件工具包,广泛应用于粒子加速器、高能物理实验、天文望远镜等大型科学实验设备的控制系统的开发。阐述了EPICS在RTEMS上实现的原理和方法,介绍了以RTEMS作为前端IOC的实时操作系统而实现的EPICS样机系统,为EPICS的研究和EPICS在实际项目中的应用提供了一种新的IOC操作系统平台。  相似文献   

J-TEXT装置是华中科技大学恢复建造的中型托卡马克装置,已于2007年放电运行,其控制系统采用分布式结构,由多个子系统组成。为提高子系统集成、维护和更新的效率,并有效地管理各子系统、控制装置的运行状态及保障设备和人员安全,J-TEXT装置参考ITER CODAC的设计思路,结合J-TEXT装置的需求设计了J-TEXT CODAC系统。J-TEXT CODAC系统为装置各子系统提供统一的设计模型和相关设计标准,使用EPICS软件作为通讯中间层,设计了全局控制系统、时序和同步控制系统、联锁保护系统,并将原有控制系统改造、集成到J-TEXT CODAC系统中。目前该系统已部署在J-TEXT装置上,在2012年春季以来的多轮实验中运行良好。  相似文献   

丁建国  刘松强 《核技术》2006,29(5):380-383
介绍了实验物理及工业控制系统(Experimental physics and industrial control system,EPICS)基于"标准模型"的分布式控制体系结构、动态数据库及其基于TCP/IP的通道访问协议和构建EPICS控制系统的网络技术策略,描述了一个支持TCP/IP网络设备的通用EPICS设备/驱动器支持程序及其在SSRF二期预研100MeV直线加速器控制系统中的应用.  相似文献   

The control system of SSRF(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)is based on EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System).Operation data storage for synchrotron radiation facility is important for its status monitoring and analysis.At SSRF,operation data used to be index files recorded by traditional EPICS Channel Archiver.Nevertheless,index files are not suitable for long-term maintenance and difficult for data analysis.Now,RDB Channel Archiver and MySQL are used for SSRF beamline operation data archiving,so as to promote the data storage reliability and usability.By applying a new uploading mechanism to RDB Channel Archiver.its writing performance is improved.A web-based GUI(Graphics User Interface)is also developed to make it easier to access database.  相似文献   

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