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OBJECTIVE—To evaluate adolescents'' responses to cigarette advertisements for different brands.DESIGN—Adolescents were shown one print advertisement for each of five cigarette brands (Camel, Marlboro, Kool, Benson & Hedges, and Lucky Strike). They indicated on a structured questionnaire how many times they had seen the advertisement (or one almost like it), how much they liked it, whether or not they thought it made smoking more appealing, and whether or not it made them want to smoke cigarettes of that brand.SETTING—Middle school and high school classrooms, seven schools in four states in the United States (New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas). The classrooms were selected randomly within each school.PARTICIPANTS—534 adolescents in grades 6-12 (ages 11-18 years) from seven schools in four states, 54% female, 76% white.RESULTS—The advertisements for Camel and Marlboro were more likely than the advertisements for the other brands to be seen, to be liked, to be viewed as making smoking appealing, and to influence adolescents to want to smoke cigarettes of that brand. More than 95% of the adolescents had seen an advertisement featuring Joe Camel or the Marlboro Man at least once, and more than 50% had seen these advertisements six or more times. Nearly half believed that the Joe Camel advertisement makes smoking more appealing, and 40% believed that the Marlboro Man advertisement makes smoking more appealing. Adolescent smokers were more likely than non-smokers to believe that the advertisements for Camel and Marlboro make smoking more appealing.CONCLUSIONS—The advertisements most popular among adolescents are for two of the brands they are most likely to smoke—Marlboro and Camel. The results of the study are consistent with the view that certain cigarette advertisements enhance the appeal of smoking to many adolescents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse the independent relations between poverty status and cigarette smoking prevalence and cessation in the United States, 1983-1993. DESIGN: An analysis of eight cross-sectional national surveys. SETTING: The United States, 1983-1993. PARTICIPANTS: 236,311 civilian, non-institutionalised adult residents of the United States, aged 18 years and older. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Probability of current cigarette smoking and proportion of former smokers among ever-smokers (quit ratio) in surveyed subjects below the poverty threshold, compared with those at or above the poverty threshold. RESULTS: The odds ratio for current smoking among persons below the poverty threshold ranged from a low of 1.10 in 1985 to a high of 1.45 in 1990, and remained between 1.26 and 1.30 during 1991-1993. The odds ratio for smoking cessation (quit ratio) among persons below the poverty threshold ranged from 0.81 in 1985 to 0.64 in 1991, and remained between 0.73 and 0.66 during 1991-1993. These measures of the relations between poverty status and smoking were derived using multiple logistic regression models, which adjusted for the effects of sex, age, education, race, employment status, marital status, and geographic region. CONCLUSIONS: Persons below the poverty threshold continue to be more likely than those at or above the threshold both to be current smokers and not to have quit. Poverty may be an indicator of underparticipation in the changing social norms regarding smoking behaviour in recent years. Individuals below the poverty threshold may need focused efforts to help achieve the Healthy People 2000 objectives for reducing adult smoking prevalence. Further understanding of the relation between poverty and smoking is essential to develop effective programmes for this vulnerable population subgroup.


OBJECTIVE: To develop and implement a rating system evaluating the extensiveness of state laws restricting youth access to tobacco. DESIGN: State laws on youth access to tobacco were analysed and assigned ratings on nine items. Six items addressed specific tobacco-control provisions, and three related to enforcement provisions. For each item, a target was specified reflecting public health objectives. Achieving the target resulted in a rating of +4 points; for three items, a rating of +5 was possible if the target was exceeded. Criteria for lower ratings were established for situations when the target was not met. SETTING: United States. RESULTS: State scores (sum of the ratings across all nine items) ranged from 0-18 in 1993, 2-21 in 1994, and 1-21 in 1995 and 1996, out of a possible total of 39. The average score across states was 7.2 in 1993, 7.9 in 1994, 8.2 in 1995, and 9.0 in 1996. The overall mean rating (per item) was 0.80 in 1993, 0.88 in 1994, 0.91 in 1995, and 1.00 in 1996, on a scale where 4.0 indicates that the target goals (per item) were met. From 1993 to 1996, scores increased for 20 states, decreased for one state, and remained unchanged for the others. The number of states for which state preemption of local tobacco regulation was a factor doubled from 10 states in 1993 to 20 states in 1996. CONCLUSIONS: Although all states have laws addressing youth access to tobacco, this analysis reveals that, as of the end of 1996, the progress towards meeting health policy targets is slow, and state legislation that preempts local tobacco regulation is becoming more common.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To assess the effect of the tobacco industry''s marketing practices on adolescents by examining the relationship between their receptivity to these practices and their susceptibility to start smoking.DESIGN—Paper-and-pencil surveys measuring association with other smokers, exposure to tobacco industry marketing strategies, experience with smoking, and resolve not to smoke in the future.SETTING—25 randomly selected classrooms in five middle schools in San Jose, California.SUBJECTS—571 seventh graders with an average age of 13 years and 8 months; 57% were female. Forty-five per cent of the students were Asian, 38% were Hispanic, 12% were white, and 5% were black.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES—Exposure to social influences, receptivity to marketing strategies, susceptibility to start smoking.RESULTS—About 70% of the participants indicated at least moderate receptivity to tobacco marketing materials. Children who are more receptive are also more susceptible to start smoking. In addition to demographics and social influences, receptivity to tobacco marketing materials was found to be strongly associated with susceptibility.CONCLUSIONS—Tobacco companies conduct marketing campaigns that effectively capture teenage attention and stimulate desire for their promotional items. These marketing strategies may function to move young teenagers from non-smoking status toward regular use of tobacco. Our results demonstrate that there is a clear association between tobacco marketing practices and youngsters'' susceptibility to smoke. The findings, along with other research, provide compelling support for regulating the manner in which tobacco products are marketed, to protect young people from the tobacco industry''s strategies to reach them.  相似文献   



To study changes in adolescent snus use from 1981 to 2003, the effects of the total snus sales ban (1995) and snus acquisition.


Biennial postal surveys in 1981–2003.

Setting and participants

Entire Finland; 12‐, 14‐, 16‐, and 18‐year‐olds (n  =  73 946; 3105−8390 per year).

Main outcome measures

Snus use (experimental, daily/occasionally), snus acquisition (2001, 2003).


Snus experimentation grew in popularity before the total sales ban in 16‐ and 18‐year‐old boys and after the ban in all age and sex groups. A decrease was seen between 2001 and 2003, except for 18‐year‐old boys. Daily/occasional use mainly followed the same pattern in boys while in girls the daily/occasional use was rare and no significant changes were observed. In 2003, boys experimented with snus more often than girls (12‐year‐olds 1% v 0%, 14‐year‐olds 9% v 4%, 16‐year‐olds 30% v 12%, 18‐year‐olds 44% v 18%). Hardly any girls used snus daily/occasionally, but 1% of 14‐year‐old boys, 7% of 16‐year‐olds, and 9% of 18‐year‐olds did. Of daily/occasional users, 84% acquired snus from friends or acquaintances, 55% from tourist trips to neighbouring countries (Estonia, Sweden), and 7% through sport teams; 24% obtained it from under‐the‐counter sources. For experimenters, the corresponding figures were 79%, 18%, 0.3%, and 5%.


The total sales ban did not stop snus use; instead, the increase continued after the ban. Friends who travel to neighbouring countries act as go‐betweens reselling snus. Snus is used even by the youngest adolescents, thus contributing to the nicotine dependence process.  相似文献   


Acrylamide is a contaminant that can form in certain plant-based foods during high-temperature cooking. From 2011–2015, the Food and Drug Administration conducted extensive sampling and analyses of acrylamide in foods, as a follow-up to surveys from 2002–2006. We compared acrylamide occurrence data and exposure estimates based on 2011–2015 data with data and exposure estimates from 2002–2006. Acrylamide levels in selected food categories generally did not decrease significantly in 2011–2015 compared with 2002–2006. However, significant decreases in acrylamide concentrations were observed for potato chips and crackers, which may be related to the availability and use of mitigation techniques for reducing acrylamide in foods. Mean dietary intake for those 2 years and older based on 2011–2015 data was 0.36 µg/kg bw/day, comparable to the 0.44 µg/kg bw/day reported by FDA in 2006. French fries and potato products, breakfast cereal, cookies, potato chips, and crackers continue to be the greatest contributors to dietary intake of acrylamide. Infant snack foods were identified as an important contributor to acrylamide intake relative to infant jarred foods. The continued presence of acrylamide in food suggests that manufacturers and governments should continue to pursue efforts to reduce acrylamide in foods that are important contributors to acrylamide intake.  相似文献   

This paper reports population-based secular trends in smoking prevalence and tobacco exposure among smokers. The Minnesota Heart Survey (MHS) assessed smoking in probability samples in the seven-county Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Five surveys were conducted in 1980-1982, 1985-1987, 1990-1992, 1995-1997, and 2000-2002 using similar sampling strategies and consistent protocols. Participants were metropolitan area residents of Minnesota, aged 25-74 years, with the addition of 75-84-year-olds in the last three surveys. In men, age-adjusted self-reported prevalence of current smoking steadily declined from 32.9% in 1980-1982, to 23.0% in 1995-1997, and to 20.6% in 2000-2002. In women, self-reported smoking was 31.8% in 1980-1982, 18.5% in 1995-1997, and 19.5% in the latest survey. Age-adjusted self-reported quantity of cigarettes consumed among smokers declined over the same period. Changes from 1995-1997 to 2000-2002 were not significant. Compared with Whites, Black participants had higher levels of smoking and later onset of the decline in smoking prevalence. A decline in smoking prevalence seems to have leveled off or reversed between the two most recent survey periods (1995-1997 through 2000-2002). Focus on smoking cessation should continue, especially in the subpopulation that smokes more than the majority.  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence supports that polyphenol‐rich foods with high antioxidant potency promote health and may influence various metabolic diseases' development. Often beverage products claim to have antioxidant potency based on the perceived polyphenol content; however, few studies have examined the antioxidant potency of beverages with none reporting on commonly consumed youth beverages. This study's purpose was to measure total antioxidant capacity (TAC), expressed in Trolox equivalents (μmol mL?1), in a variety of youth beverages, including juices, vitamin enhanced waters, sport drinks, energy drinks and various milk products. Significantly higher TAC (3.8–6.7 μmol mL?1) was measured in 100% juices, while vitamin enhanced waters varied by brand (0.2–3.1 μmol mL?1). Soda, energy and sports drinks measured the least activity (0.0–0.3 μmol mL?1), whereas other milk types (strawberry, organic, regular and soya) measured no activity, except chocolate milk (3.0 μmol mL?1). These results may improve beverage selection practices for youth, parents and dietitians to increase TAC of the paediatric diet.  相似文献   

动画的动作设计好似影视戏剧演员的表演,在动画制作过程中具有举足轻重的地位。动画诞生至今,美国、欧洲、日本、中国都产生了众多优秀的动画片,经历过试验、探索的过程,形成了各自典型的动画艺术风格。动画动作设计作为表演手段,各国也有不同的特色。美国式动作夸张,欧洲式动作精准,日本式动作拟真,中国式动作程式,共同组成了动画艺术的动作设计特色。  相似文献   

包装正面(Front of Package, FOP)标签是帮助消费者快速选择健康食品的新型营养标签。虽然美国的FOP标签起步早,种类多,对世界影响力大,但并非都是成功案例。在我国FOP标签启动阶段,分析美国明智选择计划标签失败原因具有警示意义。通过梳理相关文献发现,美国明智选择计划标签清晰直观且认证标准公开透明,因对非健康食品认证而被美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)停止使用。该标签失败的原因主要是认证标准偏低、政府监管存在漏洞、行业自律缺失和营养事实标签宣教不足等。因此,在我国开放FOP标签认证的前提是政府制定高标准的认证要求,健全市场监管机制,确立认证退出机制,发挥行业协会协调监督作用,创新营养成分表科普方式以提高居民使用意识。  相似文献   

A great variety of fruits and vegetables are available in the United States. These items are produced in various geographic regions by a diverse industry. Produce has been increasingly identified as a vehicle for disease outbreaks. Changes in consumption may explain this increase, but analyses of produce consumption are limited. Comprehensive assessments of the public health risks associated with produce depend on quantitative consumption data, including the population fractions and subgroups of consumers, the quantities consumed by these individuals, and the processing that occurs before consumption. Here, we provide an analysis of nationally representative consumption estimates by estimating consumption frequencies, serving sizes, and processing forms for a variety of produce commodities based on 1999 through 2006 data from "What We Eat in America," the dietary interview component of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey performed by the National Center for Health Statistics. Consumption patterns for fresh and heat-treated produce were assessed, compared with U.S. food availability estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (ERS), and combined with ERS data on temporal trends in food availability and nondomestic produce origins. To identify high-consuming population subgroups, we explored consumer habits and demographic predictors of fresh produce consumption (data available at www.foodrisk.org). Our analysis of common outbreak vehicles revealed limited temporal changes in food availability but frequent consumption as fresh commodities. In addition to providing quantitative consumption estimates for risk assessments, our data clearly show that produce consumption differs among fruits and vegetables, fresh and heat-treated foods, and demographic subgroups. These results are valuable for risk assessments and outbreak investigations and allow targeting of risk communication or interventions to those individuals at greatest risk.  相似文献   

The genomic evaluation system in the United States: past, present, future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Implementation of genomic evaluation has caused profound changes in dairy cattle breeding. All young bulls bought by major artificial insemination organizations now are selected based on such evaluation. Evaluation reliability can reach approximately 75% for yield traits, which is adequate for marketing semen of 2-yr-old bulls. Shortened generation interval from using genomic evaluations is the most important factor in increasing the rate of genetic improvement. Genomic evaluations are based on 42,503 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyped with technology that became available in 2007. The first unofficial USDA genomic evaluations were released in 2008 and became official for Holsteins, Jerseys, and Brown Swiss in 2009. Evaluation accuracy has increased steadily from including additional bulls with genotypes and traditional evaluations (predictor animals). Some of that increase occurs automatically as young genotyped bulls receive a progeny test evaluation at 5 yr of age. Cow contribution to evaluation accuracy is increased by decreasing mean and variance of their evaluations so that they are similar to bull evaluations. Integration of US and Canadian genotype databases was critical to achieving acceptable initial accuracy and continues to benefit both countries. Genotype exchange with other countries added predictor bulls for Brown Swiss. In 2010, a low-density chip with 2,900 SNP and a high-density chip with 777,962 SNP were released. The low-density chip has increased greatly the number of animals genotyped and is expected to replace microsatellites in parentage verification. The high-density chip can increase evaluation accuracy by better tracking of loci responsible for genetic differences. To integrate information from chips of various densities, a method to impute missing genotypes was developed based on splitting each genotype into its maternal and paternal haplotypes and tracing their inheritance through the pedigree. The same method is used to impute genotypes of nongenotyped dams based on genotyped progeny and mates. Reliability of resulting evaluations is discounted to reflect errors inherent in the process. Further increases in evaluation accuracy are expected because of added predictor animals and more SNP. The large population of existing genotypes can be used to evaluate new traits; however, phenotypic observations must be obtained for enough animals to allow estimation of SNP effects with sufficient accuracy for application to the general population.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of cigarette smoke on the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. The standard strains of S. mutans (ATCC 25175) and S. sanguis (ATCC 10556) were cultured on blood agar and incubated for 48 hr in three main environments: atmospheric air, carbon dioxide, and cigarette smoke. Kent gold 1(nicotine: 0.1 mg, tar: 1 mg), Kent lights (nicotine: 0.8 mg, tar: 9 mg) and Bahman (nicotine: 1 mg, tar: 13 mg) were the brands used in the present study. Afterwards, digital photographs of the colonies were taken and the diameter of colonies was measured. Data were analyzed using Post Hoc and General Linear Model statistical tests. Cigarette smoke and carbon dioxide environments significantly increased the growth of S. mutans. However, high nicotine/tar content cigarette smoke (Bahman) had the greatest impact on S. mutans and S. sanguis. The mutans/sanguis ratio, which was 0.71 in atmospheric air, increased to 1.07 in the presence of carbon dioxide. Kent gold 1, Kent lights, and Bahman demonstrated a mutans/sanguis ratio of 1, 0.84, and 0.98 respectively. In conclusion, it seems that the growth of S. sanguis and S. mutans is accelerated in the vicinity of cigarette smoke.  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全事件频发,食品安全问题开始受到人们越来越多的重视,成为了公众关注的焦点。纵观世界范围,各国政府都在保障本国食品安全方面做着巨大努力。本文以英国、美国和加拿大等发达国家为例,对其食品监管法律法规及监督检查情况进行梳理和总结,分析了英、美、加3国食品安全监管模式以及值得借鉴的经验与成果,结合我国食品安全监管实际情况提出了意见与建议,为我国下一步食品安全相关法律法规的制修订及食品安全监管工作的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

Bisphenol A has been reported to be a ubiquitous contaminant in indoor dust, and human exposure to this compound is well documented. Information on the occurrence of and human exposure to other bisphenol analogues is limited. In this study, eight bisphenol analogues, namely 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane (BPA), 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphenol (BPAF), 4,4'-(1-phenylethylidene)bisphenol (BPAP), 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)butane (BPB), 4,4'-dihydroxydiphenylmethane (BPF), 4,4'-(1,4-phenylenediisopropylidene)bisphenol (BPP), 4,4'- sulfonyldiphenol (BPS), and 4,4'-cyclohexylidenebisphenol (BPZ), were determined in indoor dust samples (n = 156) collected from the United States (U.S.), China, Japan, and Korea. Samples were extracted by solid-liquid extraction, purified by automated solid phase extraction methods, and determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The total concentrations of bisphenols (∑BPs; sum of eight bisphenols) in dust were in the range of 0.026-111 μg/g (geometric mean: 2.29 μg/g). BPA, BPS, and BPF were the three major bisphenols, accounting for >98% of the total concentrations. Other bisphenol analogues were rare or not detected, with the exception of BPAF, which was found in 76% of the 41 samples collected in Korea (geometric mean: 0.0039 μg/g). The indoor dust samples from Korea contained the highest concentrations of both individual and total bisphenols. BPA concentrations in dust were compared among three microenvironments (house, office, and laboratory). The estimated median daily intake (EDI) of ∑BPs through dust ingestion in the U.S., China, Japan, and Korea was 12.6, 4.61, 15.8, and 18.6 ng/kg body weight (bw)/day, respectively, for toddlers and 1.72, 0.78, 2.65, and 3.13 ng/kg bw/day, respectively, for adults. This is the first report on the occurrence of bisphenols, other than BPA, in indoor dust.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare estimates of the medical costs of smoking in the United States and to consider their relevance to assessing the costs of smoking in developing countries and the net economic burden of smoking. DATA SOURCES: A Medline search through early 1999 using keywords "smoking" and "cost", with review of article reference lists. STUDY SELECTION: Peer-reviewed papers examining medical costs in a single year, covering the non-institutionalised American population. DATA EXTRACTION: Methods underlying study estimates were identified, described, and compared with attributable expenditure methodology in the literature dealing with costs of illness. Differences in methods were associated with implied differences in findings. DATA SYNTHESIS: With one exception, the studies find the annual medical costs of smoking to constitute approximately 6-8% of American personal health expenditures. The exception, a recent study, found much larger attributable expenditures. The lower estimates may reflect the limitation of analysis to costs associated with the principal smoking-related diseases. The higher estimate derives from analysis of smoking-attributable differences in all medical costs. However, the finding from the most recent study, also considering all medical costs, fell in the 6-8% range. CONCLUSIONS: The medical costs of smoking in the United States equal, and may well exceed, the commonly referenced figure of 6-8%. This literature has direct methodological relevance to developing countries interested in assessing the magnitude of their current cost-of-smoking burden and their future burdens, with differences in tobacco use histories and the availability of chronic disease treatment affecting country-specific estimates. The debate over the use of gross or net medical cost estimates is likely to intensify with the proliferation of lawsuits against the tobacco industry to recover expenditures on tobacco-produced disease.  相似文献   

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