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李霞  陈益良  苏敏 《声学技术》2024,43(1):142-146
血管内超声(Intravascular Ultrasound,IVUS)成像技术可以精确评估血管腔口径、血管壁形态和其他相关血流和血管特性,在冠状动脉疾病的诊断、治疗指导和治疗后的评估中发挥着重要作用。文章设计并制备了一种用于血管内超声成像的高频超声换能器,并对换能器的电学和声学性能进行测试和表征。结果表明,所制备IVUS换能器的中心频率为38.9 MHz,-6 dB相对带宽为56.6%,在谐振频率42.3 MHz处的电阻抗为22.6Ω,在反谐振频率48.2MHz处的电阻抗为56.5Ω,有效机电耦合系数为0.48。使用该换能器进行线仿体成像实验的结果显示,换能器的纵向分辨率为54μm,横向分辨率为209μm。最后,将文中制备的超声换能器与国外同类型换能器进行比较,结果表明,该换能器的性能良好,能够满足血管内超声临床检测需求,未来有望能够突破技术瓶颈,实现国产替代。  相似文献   


This study presents the primary design, fabrication process and device measurement of a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) for underwater acoustic imaging. Theoretical analysis and computer simulations of the CMUT are performed. The CMUT fabrication uses the full surface micromachining techniques of the Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS). These techniques are Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD), photolithography, Reactive Ion Etching System (RIE) dry etching, sacrificial layer wet etching, metal thermal evaporation coating and Plasma‐Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD). Several important issues regarding fabrication are discussed. The measured input impedance of the CMUT is in agreement with the theoretical prediction. The received signal has a 35 dB signal‐to‐noise ratio indicating that practical applications of the immersion CMUT are feasible and that the radiation pattern measurement of the CMUT array has good beamforming characteristics for underwater imaging.  相似文献   

Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs) were developed to meet the demands of the ultrasonic industry. To achieve maximum efficiency, the conventional operation of the cMUT requires a bias voltage close to the collapse voltage. Total acoustic output pressure is limited by the efficiency of the cMUT and the maximum-allowed pulse voltage on the membrane. In this paper, we propose the collapse-snapback operation of the cMUT: the membrane is collapsed onto the substrate in the collapsing cycle, and released in the snapback cycle. The collapse-snapback operation overcomes the above-mentioned limitations of the conventional operation. The collapse-snapback operation utilizes a larger range of membrane deflection profiles (both collapsed and released profiles) and generates higher acoustic output pressures. The static finite element calculations were performed to design cMUTs with specific collapse and snapback voltages by changing the electrode parameters (radius (re), position (de), and thickness (te)). These designs were refined for optimum average displacement per cycle. An electrode radius greater than 60% of the membrane radius significantly improved the displacement per volt. Moderately thick membranes (te approximately 0.2 microm) were preferred, as thicker membranes reduced the displacement per volt. Under proper bias conditions, the collapse-snapback operation, designed for high-power transmission, allowed the application of pulse voltages larger than the difference of collapse and snapback voltages. Dynamic finite element calculations of an infinite cMUT array on the substrate loaded with acoustic fluid medium were performed to determine the dynamic response of the cMUT. Commercially available FEM packages ANSYS and LS-DYNA were used for static and dynamic calculations, respectively. The cMUTs were fabricated for optimal performance in the collapse-snapback operation. The transmit experiments were performed on a 2-D cMUT array using a calibrated hydrophone. Taking into account the attenuation and diffraction losses, the pressure on the cMUT surface was extracted. The cMUT generated 0.47 MPa (6 kPa/V) and 1.04 MPa (11 kPa/V) in the conventional and collapse-snapback operations, respectively. Therefore, collapse-snapback operation of the cMUTs was superior for high-power transmission.  相似文献   

主要研究高频换能器的匹配层技术,通过匹配层技术拓宽换能器的频带,首先利用等效电路法分析高频匹配层换能器,其次通过Matlab仿真分析匹配层材料的密度、声速、厚度变化对换能器电声参数性能的影响,进而对其电声性能进行优化设计,最终制作出一高频宽带换能器。通过实验测得结果与仿真结果基本一致,实验测得换能器的最大发送电压响应为178dB,工作频带为260~370kHz,带内发送电压响应起伏为-3dB,300kHz时换能器指向性-3dB开角为6.5°。  相似文献   

为满足目前对水下金属、蛙人等检测的应用需要,设计一种用于水下金属探测成像的压电式微机械超声换能器。在该结构中,在顶部电极和下电级之间插入AlN层,用于发射和接收超声。当测试距离达到10 m以上就可以满足实际应用需求,而该换能器经过实验得出最远的测试距离为12.8 m,且在12.8 m处测试值与理论值误差仅为0.67 cm,完全可以达到实际检测需要。在一个标准大气压下,利用微系统激光分析仪MSA400对该传感器进行膜位移测量,其测量值为0.28μm,与理论结果误差为1%。并且详细介绍该传感器的工艺实现过程。利用该传感器实现二维水下超声成像,证明水下存在金属矩形物体。该实验有利于水下超声成像系统的建立。  相似文献   

由于高频相控阵超声成像系统和多阵元高频超声探头工艺复杂,成本较高、实现难度大,单阵元的机械扫描式高频超声成像探头因其结构简单、实现方便、成本低的特点仍具有较高的理论研究和实际应用价值。但目前机械扫描式成像系统的机械扫描的非均匀性是阻碍其性能进一步提升的主要问题,因此文章设计了一种高精度运动补偿的机械扫描式高频超声成像探头和系统,通过理论计算分析、运动系统结构设计加工、扫描成像系统搭建实现了高精度的扫描成像。最后,线靶和仿体的成像实验结果显示,经运动补偿后,系统能够有效克服传统机械扫描成像的伪影和失真,实现的横向几何位置精度误差为1.34%,纵向几何位置精度误差为1.33%,面积测量精度误差为3.15%,为高精度、高频超声成像算法和系统研究提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

基于超声换能器设计理论,提出一种大功率超声换能器的设计及工程计算方法。该换能器由纵向振动夹心式换能器、半波长圆锥形变幅杆和盘棒式工具头组成,根据设计参数及特点,实际制作换能器,通过测试该换能器频率f=20.24kHz,标称功率可达1500W,符合设计初衷。进而验证了这种计算方法的可行性。该换能器可用于污水处理、油田开采及生物柴油等领域的技术开发中,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

多波束图像声纳广泛应用于水下工程实施、浅海地貌测绘、蛙人和水雷等水下小目标的探测识别,高频弧形换能器是多波束图像声纳的重要组成部分,用于发射高频宽波束声波.通过理论公式计算了宽波束高频弧形换能器的指向性图,分析了指向性特征:主波束内存在连续的震荡起伏,震荡幅度由中心向两侧逐渐增大,在波束边缘处出现最大值,波束中心幅值比最大值减小1~2 dB左右.采用1-3型压电复合材料,研制了一款宽波束发射的高频弧形换能器,换能器谐振频率为440 kHz,最大发送电压响应为162 dB,-5 dB水平开角为107o,-3 dB垂直开角为26o,可应用于多波束图像声纳.  相似文献   

The position-dependent resonant frequency of a wedge transducer is used to obtain electronic scanning of an ultrasonic beam by varying the frequency. A theoretical calculation of the resolution using the staircase model is in good agreement with the experiment. The principle has been applied to ultrasonic imaging both by combining the wedge transducer with a cylindrical lens and by direct emission into water. A higher resolution is obtained in the latter case, in agreement with the theory. Such a system is proposed as a rapid real-time imaging system for applications not requiring high resolution.  相似文献   

刘磊  徐德龙  杨岩  任波  曹畅  程仲富 《声学技术》2019,38(4):470-475
基于夹心式压电换能器基本原理,设计了一种可用于井口重油降粘和高凝油降凝的工业规模应用的大功率压电超声换能器,其工作频率为16.86 kHz,输入电功率为500 W,可在100℃高温环境下长时间连续工作。首先根据工作环境需要设计了换能器模型,结合等效电路法和传输矩阵法,计算了换能器满足谐振频率条件的各部分参数;通过有限元仿真软件ANSYS对换能器进行了模态分析和谐响应分析,确定了换能器的最佳工作模态和工作频率。根据仿真模型,制作了工程样机,通过阻抗分析仪测得其实际的工作频率与仿真结果的误差为0.5%。这种大功率压电超声换能器有望在重油降粘以及超声处理工业中得到规模化应用。  相似文献   

A4负载条件下功率换能器的特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出3种换能器系统在有、有一定输入功率负载条件下输入电阻抗、电声效率的频率特性,在某一工作频率处的功率特性,并与线性理论结果的趋势相一致,对大功率超声换能器的应用有一定指导意义  相似文献   

Harmonic imaging (HI) has emerged as a very promising tool for medical imaging, although there has been little published work using this technique in ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT). The core of the technique, which uses nonlinear propagation effects arising in the medium due to the microstructure or the existence of defects, is the ability to design transducers capable of emitting at one frequency and receiving at twice this frequency. The transducers that have been used so far are usually double crystal configurations with coaxial geometry, and commonly using a disc surrounded by a ring. Such a geometry permits the design of broadband transducers if each transducer element is adapted to the medium with its corresponding matching layers. Nevertheless, the different geometry of the emission and reception apertures creates difficulties when resolving the images. In this work, a new transducer design with different emission and reception apertures is resented. It makes use of the traditional construction procedures used to make piezocomposite transducers and the well-known theory of the mode coupling in piezoelectric resonators when the lateral dimensions are comparable with the thickness of the piezoceramic. In this work the design, construction, and characterization of a prototype to be used in NDT of metallic materials is presented. The acoustic field is calculated using water as a propagation medium, and these theoretical predictions then are compared with the experimental measurements. The predicted acoustic performances for the case of propagation in stainless steel are shown.  相似文献   

A4 负载条件下功率换能器的特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文给出3种换能器系统在,有一定输入功率负载条件下输入电阻抗,电声效率的频率特性在某一工作频率处的功率特性,并与线性理论结果的趋势相一致,对大功率超声换能器的应用有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

The main obstacle to constructing a wide bandwidth and high frequency composite transducer comes from its internal vibration field fluctuation, which is aggravated as frequency increases. We found an optimized structure of 2-2 composite in which the vibration field in both phases remains nearly uniform over a wide frequency range and the piezoelectric coupling coefficient reaches its maximum value simultaneously. This article also proposes a modified representation to calculate more precisely the effective piezoelectric coupling coefficient when the vibration fluctuation has been taken into account.  相似文献   

Piezoelectric films have recently attracted considerable attention in the development of various sensor and actuator devices such as nonvolatile memories, tunable microwave circuits and ultrasound transducers. In this paper, an overview of the state of art in piezoelectric films for high frequency transducer applications is presented. Firstly, the basic principles of piezoelectric materials and design considerations for ultrasound transducers will be introduced. Following the review, the current status of the piezoelectric films and recent progress in the development of high frequency ultrasonic transducers will be discussed. Then details for preparation and structure of the materials derived from piezoelectric thick film technologies will be described. Both chemical and physical methods are included in the discussion, namely, the sol-gel approach, aerosol technology and hydrothermal method. The electric and piezoelectric properties of the piezoelectric films, which are very important for transducer applications, such as permittivity and electromechanical coupling factor, are also addressed. Finally, the recent developments in the high frequency transducers and arrays with piezoelectric ZnO and PZT thick film using MEMS technology are presented. In addition, current problems and further direction of the piezoelectric films for very high frequency ultrasound application (up to GHz) are also discussed.  相似文献   

A capacitance ultrasonic transducer for high-temperature applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces a novel ultrasonic capacitance transducer for operation at elevated gas temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius. The transducer design is based on a metallic membrane foil and a backplate made of an electrically conducting substrate coated with an insulation layer. Guidelines are given for selecting suitable materials for the membrane foil, the backplate substrate, and the coating. Manufacturing techniques applied for fabrication of different transducer types are described in detail. Transducers tested were composed of titanium substrates with insulation layers of silicon nitride or of silicon substrates with silicon oxide coatings. Experimental setup and test procedures are described. Results of transducer characterization and performance tests at elevated temperatures are presented and discussed. Transducer functionality is proven for air temperatures of up to 500 degrees C.  相似文献   

在水声应用中,高频换能器往往需要较宽的工作带宽,以获得更多的目标信息。文章首先建立了等效电路模型,利用粒子群算法对匹配层材料和厚度进行初步选定,使得换能器具有最宽的工作频带;其次,通过有限元方法对匹配层换能器的导纳和发射电压响应进行分析计算;最后,在理论分析的基础上成功制得三匹配层高频宽带换能器,其工作频段约为150~430 kHz,相对带宽为93%,带内发送电压响应起伏为-6 dB。实验结果表明,三匹配层设计方案可以有效拓宽高频换能器的工作频段。  相似文献   

张永元  吴胜举  庞绍芳 《声学技术》2007,26(6):1300-1303
设计了一种夹心式纵弯复合振动模式超声换能器,该换能器由纵向夹心式压电超声换能器与弯曲正六边形薄板组成。采用有限元方法,对一定几何尺寸边界自由的正六边形薄板进行模态分析,得到中心位移最大的某一模态,设计以该模态的频率作为共振频率的纵弯复合模式换能器。当复合振动系统振动模式的共振频率与纵向换能器的共振频率以及正六边形薄板弯曲振动的共振频率一致时,复合振动系统具有较高的有效机电耦和系数,系统声辐射能力较强;频率的理论与测量值的误差可能是设计纵向换能器时未考虑预应力螺栓、前后盖板的形状以及横向振动的影响,材料参数的取值与实际值有误差。弯曲振动的正六边形薄板的几何尺寸大,将会增大复合振动系统声波的辐射面积,因此可以改善局部空化腐蚀问题,并且可以提高槽内声场的均匀性,从而可以提高声化学产率;实验结果表明,换能器的共振频率测试值与设计值基本吻合。  相似文献   

超声换能器的宽带阻抗匹配器研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在功率超声领域,换能器的阻抗匹配占有相当重要的地位,但有关在较宽频带内都能适用的匹配方案尚少有报道。为满足实验室研究工作需要,我们研制了两套简易匹配装置,可分别对20~50kHz和0.2~2.0MHz频率范围内的超声换能器实现阻抗匹配。  相似文献   

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