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基于都市发展阶段论的城市居住隔离研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆伟  张万录  王雷 《城市建筑》2012,(2):110-112
本文归纳并总结我国居住隔离研究的现状,从研究成果及应用性、研究层面及针对性和规划对策三方面评述居住隔离研究存在的问题,在此基础上引入并剖析都市发展阶段论与居住隔离的内在关联,结合我国城市化特点构建基于都市发展阶段论的居住隔离研究框架,探讨我国居住隔离问题的应对策略,并着重论述框架中各类居住隔离问题的混居措施。  相似文献   

张万录  陆伟  徐洋 《规划师》2011,27(Z1):124-128
同一阶层的聚集及不同阶层间的隔离,引发了居住隔离的现象,从而对社会的和谐发展埋下隐患.从最初为解决低收入阶层的住房问题,到目前为满足高收入阶层的居住需求,大连市郊区出现了差距显著的住区,居住隔离问题日益严重.研究通过对凌水街道地区的居住社区及其居民职业结构、收入水平等分析得出其隔离指数,在此基础上提出组合各类住区用地,...  相似文献   

城市居住空间分异与居住隔离的出现是市场经济发展中不可逾越的阶段,随着市场经济条件下住房分配制度的改革、住宅产业化步伐的推进、住区管理体制的变迁以及城市住宅开发渠道的日益拓宽,各种新型的住区不断涌现,城市社区居住隔离的现象日趋明显。目前,对居住隔离问题展开的研究多侧重于分析宏观层面居住隔离的空间格局、动力机制以及分异模式。虽然也有就一些特定社会空间的实证研究,但都是针对不同类型社区之间的分异探讨,而针对混合型社区居住隔离(居民个体心理层次与社区内部分异)的微观能动及深层次系统研究还比较薄弱。  相似文献   

韩挺 《城市建筑》2014,(11):31-32
民族地区的居住隔离与大城市不同,因此,探究民族地区居住格局及居住隔离是构建民族地区和谐社会的前提。要采取相应策略,方便对症下药。  相似文献   

农村就地城市化是根据我国国情提出的城市化新途径,是我国城市化发展的必然趋势。从某种意义上说,就地城市化把城乡差异转变为城市内部的问题—居住隔离。居住区的物质景观是居住隔离最直观的体现,在就地城市化过程中,其特征主要体现在安置房住区区位、住区规划、公共服务设施、道路交通设施等方面。目前,我国学者对于这类居住隔离的研究还十分欠缺,因此应从社会保障体制、安置房住区区位选择及规划建设三个方面着手解决居住隔离的问题,从而有效改善居住隔离的程度,为"双失居民"融入城市主流社会创造有利条件。  相似文献   

<正>传统英美背景下的居住隔离研究,在定义、量度和尺度等方面已有丰富和深入的研究成果。然而,居住隔离会根据城市政治经济结构、阶级组成和社会发展水平的不同而发生变化。我们对于世界上不同区域背景下的差异知之甚少。在Thomas Maloutas和Kuniko Fujita编写的《居住隔离的比较研究——理解社会背景的多样性》一书中,比较了全球范围内一系列城市,探讨了居住隔离的空间模式和发展趋势的巨大差异。  相似文献   

城市居住隔离的模式--兼析上海居住隔离的现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探讨了居住隔离的物质景观特征和社会经济特征,归纳概括了居住隔离的若干动态模式,并对上海现阶段的居住隔离模式进行了整体上的描述.  相似文献   

住宅产业化进程中的居住隔离——以上海为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论述了现阶段我国居住隔离的社会经济背景,并以上海为例,从多层次的住宅供应体系、居住隔离的空间分布、居住隔离的外部表征三方面对其加以考察,重点描述居住隔离的空间特征。最后指出,在住宅产业化进程中,遏制居住隔离现象是我国城市住宅建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

左伟灿 《建筑师》2023,(2):113-119
美国的居住隔离现象一直备受学术界的高度关注,是众多学科研究的焦点。深入了解美国居住隔离产生的原因及其变化,对我国的城市发展和政策制定有很好的借鉴作用。本文通过文献综述,剖析了美国居住隔离的成因,总结了其发展变化以及产生的社会影响,并系统介绍了美国包容性住房政策的产生和发展以及对居住隔离的影响。分析认为:(1)导致美国居住隔离的主要因素包括社会经济地位差异、社会偏好和歧视;(2)美国种族居住隔离依旧明显但程度整体呈缓慢下降趋势,居住隔离模式逐渐偏向阶层之间的居住隔离,其尺度也从社区上升到城市;(3)居住隔离加剧了社会不平等,抑制了弱势群体的流动性,最终导致贫困集中和社会矛盾激化;(4)包容性住房政策可以有效提高保障房的供应量,有消除居住隔离、促进社会融合的潜力。在此基础上,本文提出了三点对中国住房政策的启示:大力推行并优化包容性住房政策,促进社会融合;深化户籍改革、扩大住房保障的覆盖面,消除体制化的弊病;住房保障既要“补砖头”又要“补人头”。中国住房政策应吸取美国居住隔离和包容性住房政策的经验和教训,对中国城市发展和社会和谐稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

美国城市的居住差异现象分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文简要回顾了欧美城市居住差异的研究方法,介绍了经济社会地位、家庭状况和种族等决定美国城市居住差异的主要因素的空间形态特征.作者以美国部分城市为例,重点分析了因收入和种族差异形成的居住隔离空间实态和隔离程度.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of empirical work done on the causes of residential segregation. Nevertheless, better understanding of to what extent ethnic groups choose to live in the proximity of each other, or to what extent segregation is forced upon them is imperative. Prior research on self‐segregation either focused on discovering underlying motivations for self‐segregation, or the effect of stated preferences on observed patterns of segregation, whereas few studies directly link motivations, preferences, and segregation to one another in more detail. This article seeks to clarify mechanisms driving self‐segregation, subsequently relating self‐segregation to actual residential segregation. The results suggest that preferences for coethnic neighbors, driven mostly by interethnic prejudice, contribute to observed residential isolation to a certain extent. In some cases, perceived and experienced hostility and discrimination toward ethnic minorities stimulate self‐segregation as well, while interethnic contact decreases it.  相似文献   

Abstract: Black‐white residential segregation, while on the decline, still persists at high levels in most US metropolitan areas. Despite decades of research into the underlying causes of black‐white residential segregation, there is still much disagreement among scholars over the root causes of this phenomenon. This article examines recent evidence on the causes of black‐white residential segregation. Evidence on the following hypotheses is examined: racial income differences, racial differences in tastes for housing services, racial differences in housing market information, racial prejudice, and housing market discrimination. Recent evidence suggests that household‐level socioeconomic and demographic characteristics explain only a small proportion of the racial differences in location choices. Racial processes such as prejudice and housing market discrimination continue to drive black‐white segregation patterns.  相似文献   

Nordic countries rank high on measures indicating tolerant views on immigrants. Yet, ethnic residential segregation is stated as being a major social problem in these countries. Neighbourhood flight and avoidance behaviour among the native born could be a sign of less tolerant views on minorities, but could of course be restricted to native-born residents in areas of high-ethnic concentration. So far, no research in these countries has explicitly focused on the majority population’s view on segregation, and we know little about how native-born residents in different neighbourhood contexts view ethnic segregation or how own residential experience shapes decisions on staying or leaving; this paper aims to help fill this research lacuna. In a survey targeting 9000 native-born residents in three Nordic capital cities—stratified into neighbourhood movers and stayers and into neighbourhoods having different proportions of non-Nordic-born residents—we answer three questions: do native-born respondents prefer a neighbourhood ethnic mix? Do they see ethnic segregation as a problem? Do they prefer lower, current or higher shares of ethnic minorities in their own neighbourhoods?  相似文献   

American Indian or Native American residential segregation is viewed within the general framework of ecological theory. According to theorists of human ecology, variation in segregation between groups relates directly to measurable differences on social and economic variables. This study uses 1980 census tract data and the index of dissimilarity to measure the extent of residential segregation in Michigan's 12 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Correlation coefficients were computed to assess whether a strong relationship exists between the residential segregation of American Indians and the spatial distribution of housing value and rent. The findings revealed that Indian-white residential segregation is lower than black-white segregation and that American Indians are more segregated from blacks than from whites. The segregated distribution pattern of American Indians is not strongly related to the cost of housing.  相似文献   

Two themes dominated the study of socio-spatial change in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) after 1990. One was that the development of urban regions in CEE after the demise of socialism is characterized by suburbanization. The second topic raises the issue of growing residential segregation. Unfortunately, studies on patterns of residential segregation are still scarce in the CEE context, in particular those that employ traditional measures of segregation. Relying on solid empirical materials from the 1988 and 2002 National Censuses, the purpose of this paper is to map and analyze the patterns of residential segregation in the ?ód? Functional Urban Region, an old industrial urban region in Poland undergoing a rapid deconcentration and shrinkage of the core area. This contribution concludes that the first decade of systemic transition resulted in decreasing residential segregation, as gauged by global measures of segregation.  相似文献   

Some observers believe that the significance of race as a factor in residential segregation has declined since passage of the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which declared racial discrimination in housing illegal. Thus, the present segregation is seen as more the result of class differences than racial differences. This belief, however, can be empirically tested. The objective of this paper is to determine whether residential segregation between blacks and whites declines once socioeconomic status differences are controlled. Data for this paper were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of the Census's 1980 Summary Tape File 4. The Kansas City, Missouri SMS A is the study area. The method employed to measure residential segregation is the index of dissimilarity. Indices of dissimilarity were computed by census tracts between blacks and whites at the same level of occupation, income and education. The results suggest that race remains the most significant factor in residential segregation.  相似文献   

According to ecological theory, the socioeconomic status of a minority group is inversely related to the group's level of residential segregation from the majority group. This article determines whether the level of black socioeconomic status is related to the level of black residential segregation in the city of Detroit and Detroit's suburbs. Data were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Census, 1990 Summary Tape Files 4‐A. The methods employed to measure residential segregation were the indexes of dissimilarity D and isolation P*. Indexes were computed by census tract to measure segregation and isolation between blacks and whites at the same level of occupation, income, or education. The results revealed that residential segregation between blacks and whites remained high (i.e., above 50%) in both the city and the suburbs despite comparable socioeconomic status. Blacks in the suburbs were more segregated and isolated than blacks in the city at each socioeconomic level.  相似文献   

Abstract: Urban containment and state‐imposed mandatory housing elements in comprehensive land use plans attempt to reshape development patterns. Urban containment programs reign in the outward expansion of urban areas by restricting development of rural land outside urban containment boundaries and focusing the regional demand for urban development areas within them. This article assesses the effect of urban containment and mandatory housing elements on the percentage change in racial segregation change among US metropolitan areas during the 1990s. Ordinary least squares regression analysis suggests that while metropolitan areas with strong urban containment efforts saw a higher percentage decline in Anglo/African American residential segregation during the 1990s than metropolitan areas without such policies in place, urban containment had no statistically significant effect on segregation between Anglos and other races. Mandatory housing elements made no difference in racial segregation change between Anglos and any other race. Policy implications are posed.  相似文献   

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