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The investigation on providing with vitamins of varying population groups: preschool children, schoolchildren, students of trade schools and higher schools, workers and employees was conducted in Sverdlovsk. Low levels of vitamin C were detected in the blood of 40-92%, folic acid--in 10-76%, vitamin A--in 4-28%, carotene--in 8-60%, tocopherol--in 4-50% of the examinees. Vitamin B1 deficiency was noted in 36-68%, vitamin B2--in 17-71%. The highest deficiency of ascorbic acid was recorded in workers and students of trade schools and higher schools, of folic acid--in workers and adolescents of 15-18 years, of vitamins B1, E, A and carotene--in children and adolescents, vitamin B1--in employees. The mass character of vitamin deficiencies and their negative effects on the health of the population have necessitated broad-scale prophylactic measures: production of vitamin-enriched foods, regular use of multivitamins.  相似文献   

The actual nutrition and providing with vitamins C and B1 was studied in boys aged 16-17 years, students of a rural trade school (Volsk of Saratov Province). Although the caloric value of their ration was high enough the content of animal proteins was only 42-48 g/day. The content of ascorbic acid in the ration comprised 48%, in the spring of 1987 it was 17%, and of 1988-29% of the recommended standard, vitamin B1 levels did not show seasonal differences. Vitamin C and B1 deficiencies in the spring were proved by their low excretion levels in urine, and by a low concentration of vitamin C and decreased activity of B1-dependent enzyme transketolase in the blood. Intake of "Undevitum" (1 dragee/day) during 4 months was conductive to the improvement of the student providing with vitamins.  相似文献   

Correlation of actual consumption of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 with biochemical parameters of their utilization has been studied in two groups of workers (one group was engaged in the synthetic leather industry, the second one in the diamond treatment industry). It is shown that the actual utilization of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 correlated well with the stimulation coefficients (SC) of the basal activity of the corresponding erythrocytic enzymes. This correlation can be expressed in an equation of linear regression with a preset SC. Solution of this equation gives the values that can be used in the diagnosis of changes in the vitamins B1, B2 and B6 requirement in certain population groups. The results of the study evidence that vitamin B1 and B6 are especially necessary for workers whose activity is associated with manifest nervous-emotional stress, while the workers engaged in the synthetic leather industry being exposed to dimethyl formamide are in need of vitamin B2.  相似文献   

Daily inclusion in the diet of Pskov GRES workers the drinks or kissels containing 2 g pectin per daily serving (cup) during 6 months was accompanied by a statistically significant decline of their supply with vitamins C, B2, A and beta-carotene. This is reflected both in reducing the average vitamin concentration in blood serum and in the increase of the quota of people with deficiency of several vitamins. Additional inclusion of 13 vitamins in these drinks and kissels, in a dose about 80% of the RDA, has prevented the deterioration of vitamin status.  相似文献   

The content of A, E, C, B2 and PP vitamins and their metabolites in the blood and urine as well as microsigns of vitamin deficiency were studied in workers engaged in chrome industry. Microsigns of vitamin deficiency were observed along with low levels of vitamins. This appears to be associated with increased physiological requirements in vitamins due to specific work of chrome industry personnel.  相似文献   

The authors studied actual nutrition and certain parameters of food (supply of vitamins A, E, C and the content of phospholipids, cholesterol, NEFA, triglycerides and cholesterol esters) for oil derrick installers working during summer at the "Mangyschlakneft" amalgamation. Incorrect structure of their nutrition and insufficient supply with vitamins A and C, revealed as the result of the study, necessitate rationalization of the nutrition for such workers.  相似文献   

Providing with vitamins was studied in workers of the main shops of coal-tar chemical industry at the Karaganda Metallurgic Plant. Insufficient providing of workers with vitamins A, C, P and B was recorded. The results of the study have necessitated measures aimed at correcting vitamin-deficiency among these workers with due account for the data obtained.  相似文献   

The author investigated the vitamin status of workers engaged in steel-smelting at the Karaganda Metallurgy Plant. It was found that the workers of the main occupational groups at the plant were insufficiently provided with vitamins A, C and B due to their low content in the food. The system of medico-prophylactic vitamin administration used for steel workers is ineffective.  相似文献   

Survey of the brainwork workers with low physical activity has revealed the risks of inadequate consumption of fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C, A, due to mismanagement of their consumption.  相似文献   

The providing of hothouse workers with vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, C and E was comprehensively evaluated basing on the study of their actual nutrition and biochemical parameters of their vitamin status--daily excretion of vitamins and their metabolites with urine, vitamin concentration in the blood serum and activity of erythrocytic vitamin-dependent enzymes with calculation of their activation coefficients. Multiple hypovitaminosis detected in the vegetable growers working in hothouses who received normal amounts of these essential nutrients with food, as well as the relationship noted between the vitamin-providing level and the length of working in the hothouse, evidence a possible influence of the occupational factors--the character of work attended by the action of toxic chemical compounds under conditions of the hothouse microclimate. Further investigations should be conducted to determine the vitamin requirements of hothouse workers.  相似文献   

Providing of children aged 3-5 years with vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 and PP was studied before and after intake (during 3 months) of multivitamin "Pikovit" (KRKA, Yugoslavia) by the excretion with urine of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, 4-pyridoxic acid and N-methylnicotinamide. Before "Pikovit" intake the mean level of thiamine excretion was close to the lower border of the normal level, while ascorbic acid and N-methylnicotinamide levels were lower than the normal in 73 and 69% of the children studied, respectively. "Pikovit" induced an increase in the mean values of excretion of all vitamins studied except for ascorbic acid. The multivitamin prevented the impairment of children providing with vitamins C and B6, and improved their provision with vitamins B1, B2 and PP. However, the doses of vitamins used proved to be insufficient for complete normalization of the vitamin status in children, therefore it is necessary to use "Pikovit" in higher doses as it is recommended by the firm-manufacturer.  相似文献   

The prevalence of undernutrition due to insufficient energy intake has been reduced by nearly 50% since 1990. This reduction is largely attributed to improved yields of staple crops, such as wheat, rice, and maize; however, these improvements did little for micronutrient deficiencies that affect an estimated two billion people worldwide. Starchy staple crops are energy dense but are often lacking in one or more B vitamins, making resource‐constrained people who consume monotonous diets comprised predominantly of these staples at risk for developing deficiency. B vitamin deficiencies occur due to a poor overall nondiversified diet and rarely occur alone. Many B vitamins are essential cofactors involved in the metabolism of other nutrients, including other B vitamins, whereby the deficiency of one B vitamin affects the metabolism and status measurements of another. Food fortification efforts have nearly eradicated diseases of extreme B vitamin deficiency, such as beriberi from thiamin deficiency and pellagra from niacin deficiency. However, subclinical deficiency, sometimes referred to as hidden hunger, is still common especially in low‐income countries. Most dietary B vitamins, due to their water‐soluble nature, are not a concern for excessive intakes, but synthetic forms used for fortification and supplements sometimes can have adverse effects when consumed in high amounts. Biofortified crops offer a long‐term sustainable method to increase the amount of dietary B vitamins for people who rely on staple crops for most of their caloric intake. Efforts have been made to improve B vitamin content of crops, especially for thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate, but none have undergone human feeding trials; therefore, more research is needed to provide sustainable and scalable solutions in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

Preservation of vitamins A, E, C, B6, B1, B2, B5, Bc was studied during preparation of dried special-purpose milk mixtures ("Solnyshko", "Inpitan", enpits, low-lactose mixtures) and after storage ("Inpitan", and low-lactose mixtures) during 1 year at 4 and 18 degrees C. It has been established that vitamins A, E and C are most subjected to deterioration during production of dried special-purpose mixtures, their losses comprise 17-47, 18-43, 13-41%, respectively. B2 and B5 were most resistant in the process of the mixture production. No significant losses of vitamins were recorded during storage of "Inpitan" and low-lactose mixtures.  相似文献   

Providing with vitamins of schoolchildren was studied in some regions of Lithuania during the winter-spring period. The biochemical blood count has revealed insufficient providing of schoolchildren with ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and B6. Decreased levels of ascorbic acid in urine, as well as micro-symptoms of hypovitaminosis (ascorbic acid, thiamine and riboflavine deficiencies) have been recorded.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of prophylactic vitamin administration to schoolchildren in the Arctic region was evaluated in the biochemical investigation of schoolchildren by the assay of vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid in their blood serum before and after "Undevitum" intake. Deficiency of a number of vitamins was detected. It was shown that regular consumption of multivitamin "Undevitum" produced a positive effect on the parameters of their physical activity, the highest effect was observed in children with the normotensive reaction to loading, and it was less expressed in those with pathological hemodynamic reactions to the loading.  相似文献   

The gut microbiota produce hundreds of bioactive compounds, including B‐vitamins, which play significant physiological roles in hosts by supporting the fitness of symbiotic species and suppressing the growth of competitive species. B‐vitamins are also essential to the host and certain gut bacterium. Although dietary B‐vitamins are mainly absorbed from the small intestine, excess B‐vitamins unable to be absorbed in the small intestine are supplied to the distal gut. In addition, B‐vitamins are supplied from biosynthesis by distal gut microbiota. B‐vitamins in the distal colon may perform many important functions in the body. They act as 1) nutrients for a host and their microbiota, 2) regulators of immune cell activity, 3) mediators of drug efficacy, 4) supporters of survival, or the fitness of certain bacterium, 5) suppressors of colonization by pathogenic bacteria, and 6) modulators of colitis. Insights into basic biophysical principles, including the bioavailability of B‐vitamins and their derivatives in the distal gut are still not fully elucidated. Here, the function of single B‐vitamin in the distal gut including their roles in relation to bacteria are briefly reviewed. The prospect of extending analytical methods to better understand the role of B‐vitamins in the gut is also explored.  相似文献   

Data of contents of vitamins (B1 and B2, C, PP) in production from gidrobionts is given. Is established, that the process of sterilization of canned food from gidrobionts in to container provides significant (almost twofold) decrease (reduction) of vitamins B1 [symbol: see text] B2, smaller losses of vitamin C (less than 30%) and proves to be true sufficient stability (almost on 85-90%) to action of high temperatures (120 degrees C) of vitamin PP. The canned food from sea gidrobionts represent the certain interest basically as a source of vitamin PP, and canned food "Herring smoked in oil"--vitamin B2. The canned food "Skobljanka from cucumber and fish" can be considered as a source of vitamins B2, C, PP.  相似文献   

Workers aged 30-39 years engaged in the instrument-making industry were followed up during spring season. Their energy expenditure, actual nutrition and providing with vitamins were studied. The data obtained were correlated with the level of their total physical working capacity (TPWC). A significant imbalance in their rations was revealed with respect to the main food substances, trace elements and vitamins. The biochemical investigations disclosed their insufficient providing with ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin. The women workers with high TPWC received in their rations higher content of phosphor and iron and lower levels of calcium, as compared to those with low TPWC. Vitamin deficiency in persons with low TPWC was more pronounced than in workers with high TPWC.  相似文献   

Provision with vitamins C, P, B6, PP, changes in the blood serum creatine kinase activity, some parameters of carbohydrate metabolism and integral values were studied in rats exposed to the 30-day action of stable "white" noise with the intensity of 100 dB A, in the presence of both usual physiologic and specially developed, pathogenetically validated nutrition. Simultaneously, the above biochemical parameters, acoustic sensitivity and subjective data were comparatively investigated in two groups of workers of "noisy" occupations. It was shown that the proposed prophylactic ration produced a favourable effect on the studied parameters of the body exposed to intensive industrial noise.  相似文献   

In connection with an assortment extending in the consumer market of enriched with vitamins and mineral substances foodstuffs a maximal dose of vitamins, iron and calcium has been estimated on the basis of theoretical full replacement of usual products and dishes by their enriched analogues with the maximal micronutrient content. Calculation was made proceeding from the recommended daily average set of products of a sanatorium diet, and also from average daily actual consumption of the basic groups of foodstuffs. The total sizes of theoretically possible maximal receipt of vitamins A, E and B12 calculated on the basis of the first approach, can exceed recommended on 30-75%, of vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, niacin, pantothenic and folic acids--in 2-3 fold, vitamin D and biotin--in 4,5-5,4 fold, additional receipt of calcium makes approximately 83%, iron--about 100%. "Theoretical" intake of vitamins with a real diet amount to 45-220% from recommended norms of their consumption, and additional receipt of calcium and iron can reach 56-99%. Considering negligible probability owing to small volume of manufacture of simultaneous daily replacement of all foodstuffs on enriched analogues (at a level of enrichment up to 50% from recommended daily consumption), the risk of micronutrients overdose is possible to be recognized insignificant.  相似文献   

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