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Nanticoke is a developing industrial centre on the north shore of Lake Erie on Long Point Bay. Ultrasonic telemetry studies were conducted in 1973–77 to determine the effects of Nanticoke Thermal Generating Station's warmwater discharge on movement patterns of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui), rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens). A total of 74 fish were tracked in the station's effluent plume and at control locations. These fish were monitored continuously, recording position, distance between turns, swim speed and angle of course alteration, as well as various environmental parameters.An activity index was developed to measure the overall level of fish activity. The measured activity of all three species was significantly lower within the plume than outside of it. Water depth appeared to be the most important factor determining fish activity, followed by wave height, current speed, and temperature. Wave height, current speed, and temperature are directly affected by the thermal discharge. However, upon closer examination, the response to the plume appeared to have been principally rheotactic.No long-term residency in the plume was observed during this study or during concurrent mark-recapture studies.  相似文献   

The distribution, species composition, and standing crop of attached algae were surveyed in the splash zone along the shore of Lake Erie from 1971 to 1978 to determine the impact of construction and operation of the Nanticoke Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant. Station operation has had no apparent influence on the spatial distribution of attached algae in the lake stations. However, the discharge of heated condenser cooling water has resulted in an accelerated growth of attached algae in the immediate vicinity of the station early in the growing season, but the effect was not sustained after May. The species composition at sites near the generating station differed from control areas. Three years after the initial operation of the plant the generating station had a lower percent abundance of Cladophora and a higher percent abundance of weakly attached algal species such as Zygnema; this is perhaps attributable to the sheltered conditions in the discharge area of the generating station.  相似文献   

From April 1976 to June 1977, juvenile and adult fish mortality at the Nanticoke Thermal Generating Station (TGS) was determined by examining the numbers, sizes, species, and health of fish entrapped by the western intake, impinged on the travelling screens, and entrained through the tempering pumps. These data indicate that the cooling water system of Nanticoke TGS entraps many valuable commercial and sport species, virtually all of which are subsequently killed. Mortality of entrapped fish was primarily due to entrainment through the tempering pumps, with only a small fraction due to impingement on the travelling screens. Mortality was highest among transient schooling species. The contribution of the eastern and western intakes to fish entrapment and mortality appeared to differ significantly.  相似文献   

吉沙水电站采用引水式开发,岸边式地面厂房。发电系统主要由厂区建筑物、主副厂房、尾水渠、开敞式开关站等建筑物组成。各建筑物的布置和结构设计较常规,在常规水电站中具有一定的代表性。  相似文献   

结合新丰江水电厂机组运行情况,对改革现行发电调度方式,开展节能发电调度,提高企业效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

金安桥水电站引水发电系统设计中面临的主要技术问题有:电站进水口结构设计、压力背管形式、钢管过缝措施、蜗壳外围混凝土结构设计、地震高烈度区厂房结构抗震设计等。对以上问题进行了多次分析研究,提出了技术可行、经济合理、施工方便、便于运行管理的工程优化方案。  相似文献   

何丕廉 《四川水力发电》2006,25(4):12-14,17
铜头电站地基地质条件差,地层结构复杂,岩石强度低。大坝枢纽工程采用混凝土双曲高拱坝挡水和引水发电方式,电站于1995年12月建成发电,经历了10年运行时间的考验。  相似文献   

Thirty-one locations within a 3- by 6-km area, bordering Lennox Generating Station (Bay of Qunite, Lake Ontario), were sampled during the summer thermal stratification period. Distributions of crustacean zooplankton, rotifers, phytoplankton, and selected chemical parameters in near-surface waters were determined prior to, during, and following capacity pumping of the station, over a 2-week period. Effects of station operation on species composition or abundance of plankton occurred primarily in the immediate discharge area, affecting a region of approximately 1 km2. Similarly, reduced levels of turbidity and pH, and an increase in concentration of dissolved silica, occurred in the discharge area. These changes were attributed to relocation of cooling water, which was drawn from the hypolimnion and returned to the lake surface.  相似文献   

毛革 《人民珠江》2004,(2):12-15
为安全起见,飞来峡水库库区回水计算所采用的流量为各河段(断面)的外包流量,这样的流量组成在实际情况下是不可能发生的。从库区河段的流量组成入手,计算分析了飞来峡水电站在发电运行过程中英德水位的安全富裕度。  相似文献   

大型直抽给水加压泵站的工艺设计及运行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁永钦 《给水排水》2003,29(5):21-24
在以调水为目的的大型给水加压泵站设计中 ,加压站作为接力式泵站 ,采用直抽式可以充分利用来水压力 ,而且占地面积小 ,节省投资。大型直抽式加压泵站的设计工况点不确定性因素多 ,设计难度大。通过合理的工艺设计 ,精心的设备选型 ,泵组在宽范围流量和扬程的情况下电机轴功率不过载 ,泵组效率较高 ,泵组搭配合理 ,充分满足了广州市东水西调的目标要求。  相似文献   

三峡水电站机组无功调节原理及其运行情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对三峡水电站励磁调节器及其无功调节原理进行了简要介绍,并就三峡水电站机组无功调节环节层次和AVC投退条件进行了详细叙述。针对三峡水电站机组运行中出现的两次无功和电压异常现象,进行了定性分析并给出结论和建议。  相似文献   

黄显泰 《红水河》2011,(4):11-13,20
拉浪水电站工程不大,但是在一个特殊年代建设,一些问题值得回忆总结,这里只介绍了金属结构方面一些情况.有些情况值得作为设计参考.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于GSM通信的水轮发电机组运行监测装置。该监测装置适用于小型水电站,可以及时、准确、客观地反馈水文及水轮发电机组的运行状态。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于GSM通信的水轮发电机组运行监测装置。该监测装置适用于小型水电站,可以及时、准确、客观地反馈水文及水轮发电机组的运行状态。  相似文献   

莫洵 《红水河》2010,29(5):59-61
介绍乐滩水电站水轮发电机组调速器结构特点,在运行中存在的问题,采取相应措施,对设备进行防控、预控、整改和完善。  相似文献   

阐述了瀑布沟水电站机组灭磁电阻在各种运行工况下的灭磁分析,经运行分析认为机组灭磁电阻能满足安全运行的要求.  相似文献   

介绍白石窑机组的整体布置、水轮机的主要结构以及水轮机运行过程中出现的问题及其处理方法,并对灯泡贯流式水轮机的主要结构进行探讨和提出一些建议。  相似文献   

在高水头、大流量、窄河谷、深尾水、泄洪能量大而集中的水电站消能防冲设计中,应以提高消能效果为主要手段,用增加较少的混凝土量,将闸墩尾部改造成体形简单而新颖的宽尾墩,从而根本地改变常见溢流坝面及消力戽的水流结构,显著改善整个下游流态而简化了护岸工程,节省工程投资,为发电和航运提供良好运行条件,成功地解决戽流消能中波浪对工程危害的难题。  相似文献   

根据沙沱水电站工程施工骨料的要求,其砂石加工系统设备配置时主要考虑系统布置、设备特性与生产能力、运行可靠性以及系统生产骨料的质量指标、环保要求等技术问题。通过1年多时间的运行,该系统的各项指标均满足设计及规范要求,环保效果良好、系统优点明显,满足了工程建设的需要。  相似文献   

程永权 《中国三峡建设》2004,11(6):32-33,46
2003年7月三峡机组顺利投产,极大地缓解了全国的“电荒”局面。然而,机组投产初期运行可靠性较低,强迫停运次数较多,给电力系统稳定运行造成了一定的影响。经分析,三峡主机运行稳定可靠,造成强迫停机的主要原因是机组辅助系统设计不合理、自动化元器件故障率高等。针对这一问题,三峡工程的运行和技术管理人员提出并实施了60余项反事故技改措施,优化、完善了机组保护和控制逻辑,有效地提高了机组运行可靠性。  相似文献   

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