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表31999-2006年我国氧化铝供求情况及预计产量需求量进口量自给率%1999年38452416373.282000年43256518876.462001年47467733570.012002年54885045764.472003年615103055559.712004年703128958554.542005年851156270254.482006年1200180060066.67表21999-2004年国内氧化铝产量及供求平衡表1999年2000年2001年2002年2003年2004年产量384432474548615703缺口量180175245352508856进口量163188335457555585表12001-2004年国际氧化铝供求平衡表单位:万吨年份氧化铝全球供应氧化铝全球消费全球供应平衡2001年4933.94802131.92002年5173.85131.85.…  相似文献   

年份 产量t出口量t出口金额万美元 年份 产量t出口量t出口金额万美元195 5年 10 --1978年 10 86 6 --195 6年 2 2 --1979年 10 5 0 7 --195 7年 182 8--1980年 115 0 9--195 8年 32 41--1981年 2 11110 0 0 -195 9年 46 97 --1982年 3472 30 0 -196 0年 75 6 0 --1983年 95 5 2 880 -196 1年 3111--1984年 10 385 190 0 -196 2年 383--1985年 10 12 3370 0 -196 3年 372 5 --1986年 790 0 190 0 -196 4年 5 40 9--1987年 13937 730 0 -196 5年 5 5 2 4--1988年 12 40 0 5 80 0 882 9196 6年 6 133--1989年 790 0 390 0 14 6 6196 7年 5 …  相似文献   

一、2011年重点统计钢企钢材流量情况2011年重点统计钢铁企业钢材国内总体流量45481.13万吨,同比新增钢材流量2429.28万吨,2010年同比新增钢材流量6015.70万吨,2011年比2010年同比减少钢材流量3586.42万吨;2010年比2009年同比减少了钢材流量554.97万吨;2009年比2008年同比增加了钢材流量5827.81万吨。2011年重点统计钢铁企业钢材流量同比增长5.64%,2010年同比增长16.24%,2011年比2010年同比增幅回  相似文献   

2004年北京安泰科信息开发有限公司承办的国际会议如下:2004年中国国际铜业论坛2004年10月第三届中国国际白银年会2004年10月2004年中国国际铅锌年会2004年11月2004年中国国际镍钴工业年会2004年11月2004年中国国际铝业研讨会2004年12月详情请留意中国金属网www.metalchina.com或致电咨询010-63962264或63978096-8182安泰科信息开发有限公司2004年承办的国际会议(预告)  相似文献   

<正>《炼铁》杂志2018年合订本每册100元(含EMS邮寄费),需要的读者,请直接从邮局汇款。请在汇款单附言中注明邮购"2018年合订本"字样,并写明收件人的姓名、地址、邮编、单位及电话,以免延误。另外,现有少量2007年合订本、2008年合订本、2009年合订本、2010年合订本、2011年合订本、2012年合订本、2013年合订本、2014年合订本、2015年合订本、2016年合订本、2017年合订本,每册100元(含EMS邮寄费),需要  相似文献   

1我国钛产业形势   我国从事钛产业已有47年历史,大致可分为萌芽期(1954年~1970年),成长期(1971年~2000年),快速发展期(2001年~2003年)3个阶段.……  相似文献   

我国台湾省近年来钢铁生产的发展是相当快的。1970年粗钢仅37万 t,1980年340万 t,到1984年为500万 t,以1970年为100%计算,1930年是1970年的9倍,1984年与1980年相对比,4年之间提高了47%。台湾省粗钢产量从1970年占世界总粗钢产量的0.1%到1984年的0.7%。钢铁出口也是70年代初开始的,从1975年占世界总出口量0.2%发展到1983年的1.5%。从上述资料分析可知,我国台湾省近  相似文献   

我国从事钛产业已有47年历史,大致可分为萌芽期(1954年~1970年),成长期(1971年~2000年),快速发展期(2001年~2003年)3个阶段。萌芽期(15年)以开展试验研究为主,钛材产量达200  相似文献   

1我国钛产业形势 我国从事钛产业已有47年历史,大致可分为萌芽期(1954年~1970年),成长期(1971年~2000年),快速发展期(2001年~2003年)3个阶段.  相似文献   

正《炼铁》杂志2017年合订本每册100元(含EMS邮寄费),需要的读者,请直接从邮局汇款。请在汇款单附言中注明邮购"2017年合订本"字样,并写明收件人的姓名、地址、邮编、单位及电话,以免延误。另外,现有少量2007年合汀本、2008年合订本、2009年合订本、2010年合订本、2011年合订本、2012年合订本、2013年合订本、2014年合订本、2015年合订本、2016年合订本、2017年合订本,每册100元(含EMS邮寄费),需要  相似文献   

Provides a treasurer's report for the American Psychological Association that covers the last year completed and audited, the current year, and the next year. The fiscal period is the calendar year. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

对柴达木盆地东南部的自然环境因素及人为因素可能的发展趋势进行分析,在此基础上对该地区的风沙环境的沙漠化趋势进行预测。根据预测结果,该地区沙漠化有逐年扩大的趋势,针对这种趋势,提出了合理的防治途径。  相似文献   

Between-year variation of rodent population densities was studied in the central part of trans-Altai Gobi, Mongolia, in summers of a nine year period. Variation in spatial structure of the desert rodent community in 1982-84 and in 1992 was examined by the use of discriminant function analysis. Although population densities, breadth and positions of niches of many species tended to vary independently, the positive conjunct variation was found for the most ecologically distinctive species. This can be explained by limitations of the climate. Although a guild structure of the community was pronounced each year, there were significant between year shifts in niche breadth and niche centres along certain axes of ecological space. Within year nearest neighbours in niche overlap (high seasonal overlap) differed in between year variation in abundance. It is supposed that interspecific competition could contribute to development of community structure.  相似文献   

The report of the Treasurer at the Annual Meeting is always concerned with three years' Association operation: the year passed for which all accounts have been examined and audited; the current year; and the next year, the Budget for which the Council of Representatives adopted in Chicago on September 2, 1960. Following this pattern I will review the years 1959, 1960, and 1961. Also, I will comment on certain trends in our financial operation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports on the apportionment ballot for representation in the year 20001. It is noted that beginning in the 1999 legislative year there were an additional 48 seats on the Council of Representatives as a result of the "Wildcard" bylaw amendment that was passed by membership in November of 1997. Specific quantitative information regarding the number of Council Representatives appointed from 1970 to 2001, and the apportionment ballot results for the composition of Council Representation for the year 2001 are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports on the apportionment ballot for representation in the year 2000. It is noted that beginning in the 1999 legislative year there were an additional 48 seats on the Council of Representatives as a result of the "Wildcard" bylaw amendment that was passed by membership in November of 1997. Specific quantitative information regarding the number of Council Representatives appointed from 1966 to 2000, and the apportionment ballot results for the composition of Council Representation for the year 2000 are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Each year, the apportionment ballot is used to determine how many representatives each division and state, provincial, and territorial association will have on the Council of Representatives. The system is described in Article V, Sections 6 and 7, of the American Psychological Association (APA) Bylaws. Briefly, all APA fellows, members, and voting associates are sent an apportionment ballot on or before November 1. Voting members indicate the division( s) and/or state, provincial, or territorial association(s) through which they desire to have their interests represented on Council in the following year by allocating a total of 10 votes to one or more of these groups. Beginning with the 2003 legislative year the total number of representatives (seats) on Council was set at 162. This article reports the apportionment ballot for representation year 2001. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association for the year 1971. These minutes constitute the official record of actions of the Association taken during the year. Reference is made to various reports, some of which will be published elsewhere. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association for the year 1976. These minutes constitute the official record of actions of the Association taken during the year. Reference is made to various reports, some of which will be published elsewhere. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents data on the composition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Council of Representatives and a report on the apportionment ballot for representation year 2004. Each year, the apportionment ballot is used to determine how many representatives each division and state or provincial association will have on the Council of Representatives (Council). The system is described in Article V, Sections 5 and 6, of the APA Bylaws. Briefly, all APA fellows, members, and voting associates are sent an apportionment ballot on or before November 1. Voting members indicate the division(s) and/or state or provincial association(s) through which they desire to have their interests represented on Council in the following year by allocating a total of 10 votes to one or more of these groups. Table 1 presents the number of Council seats held by divisions and the number held by state and provincial associations for the period 1972-2004. The results of the 2002 apportionment ballot for Council year 2004 are shown in Table 2. A total of 19,520 ballots were returned, representing 22.8% of the voting membership. This compares with 20.8% who voted the previous year. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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