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Advances in tissue slice technology and a recent novel application of this technique to reproductive toxicology using bovine testis have demonstrated the remarkable utility of this approach. The objective of the present study was to combine this in vitro toxicity test system with large-scale two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) to detect and study alterations in testicular-slice protein patterns as molecular correlates of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB) and 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) toxicity. Previous studies have shown that testicular slices remain viable for > 24 h and, as measured by protein synthesis inhibition, TNB causes dose-related injury. Tissue-slices were prepared from bovine testicles incubated for 2, 4 or 6 h and exposed to either 100 microM, 500 microM or 1 mM DNB or TNB in the incubation medium. Slices were collected, solubilized, and separated by large scale 2-DE. Resulting protein patterns were then examined by image analysis, which revealed coefficients of variation in protein spot abundance comparable to patterns from fresh rodent tissue samples. Furthermore, specific protein alterations indicated dose-related inductions and declines in protein abundance, some progressive over time. The results of this investigation demonstrate the potential toxicologic utility of combining in vitro tissue-slice technology with high-resolution 2-DE protein mapping. The consolidation of these methods offers a novel approach for toxicity screening and testing, reduces experimental cost, and reduces the use of laboratory animals.  相似文献   

This paper traces the history of the therapeutic alliance concept, examining how it has been used and misused, at times elevated to a central position and at others rejected altogether. The loss of this concept created a vacuum in classical psychoanalysis that has been filled by rival theories. The continuing usefulness of looking at the treatment process through the lens of the therapeutic alliance, particularly in relation to the manifold difficulties of working with sadomasochistic pathology, is suggested. To this end, revisions of the theory of the therapeutic alliance are suggested to address some of the difficulties that have arisen in conceptualizing this aspect of the therapeutic relationship, and to provide an integrated dynamic model for working with patients at each phase of treatment. This revised model acknowledges the complexity of the domain and encompasses the multiple tasks, functions, partners, and treatment phases involved. The utility of the revised theory is illustrated in application to understanding the sadomasochistic, omnipotent resistances of a female patient through the phases of her analysis.  相似文献   

The results of laboratory-scale tests on melting of refined ferrochrome with aluminosilicochrome as a reducing agent are presented. It is found that this alloy can be applied in the metallothermy of refined ferrochrome, improving the engineering-and-economical performance of the process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Visual inspection of the spermatic cord vessels and vas deferens during laparoscopy now frequently determines further treatment. We set out to explore the implications of atretic spermatic cord vessels and vas deferens entering the inguinal ring, a finding noted on laparoscopic examination in some patients with a nonpalpable testis, and that we refer to as the inguinal vanishing testis. METHODS: We reviewed our series of 35 patients with nonpalpable testes with regard to the laparoscopic, surgical, and histopathologic findings of the involved gonadal structures. RESULTS: We noted atretic vessels and vas deferens entering the inguinal ring in 14 patients in this series. All 14 patients underwent open inguinal exploration. Histopathologic findings revealed fibrosis and hemosiderin deposits alone in 13 patients. One specimen had a microscopic focus of residual seminiferous tubules. No specimen contained dysgenetic gonadal tissue. CONCLUSIONS: We submit that patients with inguinal vanishing testes do not need to undergo inguinal exploration to remove residual testicular tissue. Only rarely will viable seminiferous tubules be found, so the risk of malignant degeneration is remote. The histopathologic findings suggest that the inguinal vanishing testis occurs secondary to a vascular accident in utero or in the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Structural variations between great ape and human chromosomes due to pericentric inversions and translocations have created at apparent controversy during the reconstruction of hominoid phylogeny. One such variation involves human chromosome 5, which is equivalent to chromosome 4 in chimpanzee and orangutan but equivalent to segments of chromosomes 4 and 19 in gorilla. Obviously, neither banding patterns nor centromeric indecies in these chromosomes match. The pathological condition of cri du chat syndrome is due to the cytogenetic deletion of band p15.2 of chromosome 5. Is this region involved during pericentric inversion of apes chromosome 4? We used a human cosmid probe for cri du chat syndrome as a phylogenetic marker in search of the aforementioned question. The genomic sequences for cri du chat syndrome region were conserved in chimpanzee (PTR4) and orangutan (PPY4) but displayed a positional divergence in gorilla on chromosome 19(GG019). In addition, we used a human cosmid DNA probe for DiGeorge syndrome which is located on chromosome 22 band q11.2 and was conserved within band 23q11.2 in apes. The loci specific human genomic probes may help to describe the inversions and translocations for other chromosomes.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in women in many parts of the world. Breast carcinomas are heterogenous in their biological and clinical behaviour and a greater understanding of how they develop and progress could lead to more directed forms of screening and therapy. It is important to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying the natural history of breast cancer. Developments in the techniques for molecular analysis have meant that they can now be applied to a large range of clinical material such as cytological preparations and fixed, embedded material, so increasing the potential for relating any molecular alterations to clinical behaviour and response to therapy. In this review we consider recent developments in three areas of importance to breast cancer; genetic analysis-oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes, loss of heterozygosity, microsatellite instability, familial breast cancer; steroid receptors, oestrogen regulated proteins, epidermal growth factor receptor, growth factors particularly transforming growth factor beta; and cell adhesion, invasion and metastasis-E-cadherin, integrins, proteases. These are discussed in relation to potential for screening, prognosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Discusses what the author considers to be unsatisfactory performance levels typical on clinical judgment tasks. Two underlying causes are identified: (1) problematic judgment habits such as underuse of base rates, assessment of covariation, and confirmatory strategies; and (2) human cognitive limitations such as the capacity to use additional information and performance on multiple-cue tasks. It is suggested that problematic habits and judgment limitations may be of central relevance to longstanding puzzles and difficulties within psychology, which include low diagnostic reliability and validity, the comparative success of psychometric instruments and diagnostic strategies, problems in uncovering specific treatment effects, and the minimal gains accrued through experience. The application of judgment findings to diagnosis, treatment, and the interpretation of feedback is considered. Corrective measures that are likely to improve judgment accuracy are discussed, particularly testing for diagnostic signs, use of disconfirmatory strategies, and recognition of predictive uncertainty. (79 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this article has been to acquaint psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapists with some of the most current ideas in philosophy and psychology, which have crucial implications for our professional organizations and our clinical work. The basic stance of this postmodern thinking constitutes a challenge to what is called foundationalism, which dominated scientific and philosophical thought until recently. In place of foundationalism, even in the production of scientific or philosophical works, we could hope for an ongoing dialogue between a king or queen who states the basic theoretical orientation, the loyal opposition that looks for inconsistencies and kinks in it, the jester who deconstructs the whole thing and introduces parenthetical digressions, and finally, a secret society of organization that functions to hold the adherents of the theory together and provide them with a unifying ego ideal. Postmodern thought is described and there is some discussion of its "four horsemen," Derrida, Rorty, Foucault, and Lyotard, who in general question the possibility of whether any form of interpretation can be thought of as related to reality or the truth. My own point of view is that an intermediate position is necessary rather than a binary opposition between nihilism and foundationalism or more specifically, postmodernism and traditional psychoanalysis. That is to say, within certain horizons and with an understanding of the cultural and historical referents that always affect and delimit both the patient and the therapist, it is still possible to reach conceptions about what is going on both in the psychoanalytic process and the psyche of the patient that have at least a tentative "truth." Careful attention to the patient's material following an interpretation can provide clues about the validity of our conception at the time. But the horizons and historicity that delimit all "truth" reduce the authority and the stature of the analyst, make the analyst less of an arbiter of what is "reality," and focus greater attention on the therapist-patient dyad, which is consistent with the modern trend in psychoanalytic treatment anyway. The notion of social constructions as constituting the psychoanalytic process was discussed and it was suggested that this notion suffers from the lack of sufficient attention to the historical determinants of how a given individual reacts in a given situation. A patient will react differently to different therapists, depending on the transference or projective identifications that the patient brings to the treatment, regardless of the interpersonal interaction. This is in opposition to the idea that transference is primarily an effect of the therapist-patient dyad, and preserves a major aspect of traditional Freudian theory. The dangers of postmodern thought disintegrating into nihilism are described, and the limitations of so-called postmodern thought are discussed, including the intrinsic paradoxical nature of any postmodern proposition. At the same time, postmodern thought is useful in calling attention to the "space of the Other" in human affairs, to the tendency to form binary oppositions in which the second element in each binary pair is part of the Other and is depreciated, and to remind us that there are always further interpretations of the narrative that emerges from the psychoanalytic situation. The feminization of psychotherapy and its relationship to feminism are important current issues. Postmodern thought is valuable in responding to the common complaint of feminists about Nietzsche's attitude toward women; postmodernist approaches emphasize the ambiguous and the allegorical aspects of Nietzsche's thought, to the extreme orf Derrida's contention that Nietzsche is not really interpretable at all. At the same time feminists legitimately object to postmodernist erosion of the grounds for political action. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the nature and function of adrenal masses of large dimensions (macrotumors). METHODS: Sixty consecutive patients (31 women, 29 men, age range 15 to 84 years) with adrenal masses 4.0 cm in diameter or larger (range 4.0 to 15.0 cm) underwent morphologic study by computed tomography (CT); the majority also underwent 131-I-6beta-norcholesterol (131I-NC) or 131I-MIBG scintigraphy. Basal evaluation of glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, and catecholamines was performed in all patients, and in 38 cases determination of androgens was also made. In addition, on the basis of various clinical suspicions, a dynamic hormonal study was performed. RESULTS: Macrotumors were benign in 78.3% of cases and included pheochromocytomas (n = 17), nonfunctioning cortical adenomas (n = 12), and cortisol-secreting tumors (n = 7, Cushing's syndrome). Malignant forms were 21.7% of the total, including pheochromocytomas (n = 3), cortical carcinomas (n = 6), and metastases (n = 4). On CT, malignant masses were larger (8.4+/-0.9 cm) than benign ones (5.7+/-0.3 cm) (P < 0.0001) and the mass size was strictly related to malignancy (P < 0.03). CT did not offer other diagnostic criteria for malignancy, except irregular margins and regional lymph node enlargement, which were more frequently (P < 0.0001) found in malignant forms. 131I-MIBG scintigraphy showed tracer uptake in all pheochromocytomas, both benign and malignant. By contrast, on 131I-NC scintigraphy, cortical malignancies never accumulated the radiotracer, whereas uptake was observed in all cases of solid cortical benign adenomas. Patients with cortical carcinomas showed plasma sex steroids above the normal range, pheochromocytomas were asymptomatic in 15% of cases, and almost half of the patients with Cushing's syndrome did not show clinical features of the disease (pre-Cushing's syndrome). CONCLUSIONS: Adrenal macrotumors frequently show endocrine activity and the medulla seems to be involved more than the cortex. Pheochromocytomas and cortisol-secreting adenomas are sometimes asymptomatic. Malignancy is often found in macromasses and, at least for the cortical forms, size of the tumor on CT, 131I-NC uptake on scintigraphy, and determination of levels of sex steroids seem to be useful criteria for predicting the nature of the mass.  相似文献   

球团作为精料在中国高炉炉料结构中呈现增加的趋势,这使得高品位球团精粉的需求不断增加,以烧结粉矿制备的GF88赤铁精矿是一种填补球团精粉的缺口的有益补充。广东珠海裕嘉球团厂在120万t/年的链篦机-回转窑生产线上开展了GF88精粉工业应用试验,对其使用性能进行综合评估。工业应用结果表明,配加25%GF88精粉后,膨润土用量从3.4%降低至2.8%,生球落下强度从4.5 次/0.5 m提高到7.0 次/0.5 m左右,成品球团抗压强度从2 300 N/个提升到2 400 N/个以上,工序能耗从24.21 kg/t降至23.93 kg/t,成品球团铁品位提升0.25%,SiO2质量分数从7.1%减小到6.3%,冶金性能良好,高炉冶炼燃料比降低。在珠海裕嘉球团厂的工业试验表明了GF88精粉具有降低膨润土用量、提高球团抗压强度、降低球团粉率、降低工序能耗等优点。  相似文献   

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, the active compound of ecstacy (XTC) tablets) is a psychoactive amphetamine congener which in humans has a stimulatory effect and enhances feelings of openness and solidarity. MDMA is neurotoxic in animals. It depletes axonal serotonin stores, it inhibits serotonin synthesis by inhibiting tryptophan hydroxylase, and it inhibits the reuptake of serotonin into the neuron. These events lead to destruction of serotonergic axon terminals in animal brain. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors protect against the neurotoxic effects of MDMA. Binding of (+)[11C]McN-5652, a selective neuroligand for the serotonin transporter, is decreased in the brains of XTC-users. This indicates that XTC damages serotonergic axon terminals in human brain, also. We strongly advise against the use of XTC as the long-term clinical consequences are not known. In man, somatic life-threatening complications after XTC use include hyperthermia, hyponatraemia and liver failure. Psychiatric complications include psychosis, depression, panic disorder, and impulsive behaviour. The chronic psychosis responds poorly to therapy.  相似文献   

The specific features of deformation during cold rolling are studied to develop a refined model for the cold rolling of precision soft magnetic strips. The results of development of the theory of cold rolling are used for highly worked thin strips to calculate and optimize the technological conditions of production of a wide range of precision strips applied in instrument making, electrotechnical industry, and so on.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A large proportion of deaths among patients with myocardial infarction occurs within the first 24 hours after presentation. It is not clear whether this phenomenon is also true of patients without ST-segment elevation who may or may not have infarction at the time of presentation. Thrombin activity may also be greatest during the first 24 hours after plaque rupture. Accordingly, this study was designed to examine the pattern of early ischemic events among patients with acute coronary syndromes and to determine whether the direct thrombin inhibitor desirudin (r-hirudin) would be most effective during this period. METHODS AND RESULTS: Among the 11,142 patients enrolled in GUSTO-II, death or (re)infarction occurred within 24 hours in 210 patients (1.7%), representing 19% of the 1135 deaths that had occurred by 30 days. Death or (re)infarction occurred within 24 hours in 113 patients (2. 7%) with ST-segment elevation and in 97 patients without ST-segment elevation (1.2%, P <.001), representing 26% and 14% of the 30-day event rates, respectively, for the 2 enrollment strata. Among patients with ST-segment elevation, most of these events were deaths, whereas among patients without ST-segment elevation, most events were (re)infarctions. Death or (re)infarction by 24 hours occurred in 80 (1.3%) patients treated with desirudin and 130 (2.1%) patients treated with heparin (P =.01). This finding predominantly consisted of prevention of death among patients with ST-segment elevation and of (re)infarction among patients without ST-segment elevation. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have important implications for early triage of patients with acute coronary syndromes and for the development of new therapies directed at stabilizing the unstable atherosclerotic plaque.  相似文献   

Three 4-hour bus rounds were organized as part of an international palliative care congress, to promote patient-based education both at home and in acute care hospitals. Patient cases were presented and discussed en route to and from each visit. A total of 23 medical specialists visited 16 patients (10 in three different hospitals and 6 at home). A mean of 5.3 cases were presented during each round. A total of nine journal club articles were presented, a mean of three (2-4) articles per round. A questionnaire was filled out anonymously by all 23 participants. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best) they gave the rounds an overall rating of 5 (range 4-5). These findings suggest bus rounds provide an opportunity for intensive exposure to patient-based learning, both in acute care hospitals and at home.  相似文献   

Condoms are one of the oldest form of contraceptive and the best recognized form of protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Their use, however, is limited by both behavioral factors and device-related factors, including complaints about decreased sensitivity and sexual enjoyment. To address these limitations, a male condom made of polyurethane was developed. Polyurethane is a strong impermeable material with good heat transfer characteristics that is less susceptible to deterioration during storage than latex. Because little information is available comparing polyurethane and latex condoms in terms of consumer preferences as well as breakage and slippage, we reviewed four pre-marketing studies of polyurethane condoms, one of which included comparison to latex. No significant differences in slippage and breakage rates between latex and polyurethane condoms were reported in the study that included a latex comparator, and other studies of polyurethane condoms alone resulted in rates in the same range as published for latex condoms. Subjectively, consumers expressed significantly greater preference for the polyurethane condom over latex in regard to appearance, lack of smell, likelihood of slippage, comfort, sensitivity, natural look, natural feel, and overall. While additional testing is needed, these preliminary results suggest that the male polyurethane condom reviewed performed at least as well as latex condoms and is preferred by consumers. If preference translates to greater use, the male polyurethane condom may address important barriers that have been linked with inadequate condom use in the past. These results, however, may not be generalizable to other brands of polyurethane condom currently under development.  相似文献   

6 psychologists and 8 nonpsychologists were given a mixture of figure drawings made by 30 normal and 30 psychiatric adolescents and instructed to infer which drawings were by patients and to state the criteria used. All criteria were cross-validated on a new sample (N = 86). Valid criteria of pathology were "bizarre," "distorted," "incomplete," and "transparent." Valid criteria of normality were: "happy expression" and "nothing pathological." Many criteria used by clinicians led to inaccurate inferences. Nonpsychologists discriminated as well as psychologists (65% and 64% accuracy, respectively). An empirically based prediction formula discriminated with 79% accuracy on cross-validation. It is concluded that elimination of invalid criteria can lead to a sharpening of clinical judgment and more accuracy in evaluation of figure drawings. (59 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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