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我们大力创造名牌,是因为名牌具有名牌效应.名牌效应主要表现在市场开拓力、资产内蓄力、资本扩张力、企业适应力等四个方面.  相似文献   

名牌效应是名牌理论的核心问题。名牌不仅是代表一个国家经济发展水平和经济实力的“国宝”,还是有效进行市场竞争的“法宝”。深入理解名牌这个“法宝”的内涵,知道它在哪些方面具有奇特奥妙的效力,将是运用名牌的关键。——艾丰  相似文献   

"国家名牌战略"的内涵就是在一个国家的范围内,以国家和中央政府为主体实施的、重视和支持本国名牌发展,并利用名牌企业来提高整个国民经济素质,提高综合国力,提高国民经济的国家竞争力的经济战略.  相似文献   

名牌效应是名牌理论的核心问题。名牌不仅是代表一个国家经济发展水平和经济实力的“国宝”,还是有效进行市场竞争的“法宝”。深入理解名牌这个“法宝”的内涵,知道它在哪些方面具有奇特的奥妙的效力,将是运用名牌的关键。——艾丰  相似文献   

《名牌论》是我国著名品牌专家艾丰同志在新世纪之初出版的一部名牌理论与应用研究专著。本刊从第三期起加以转载,以飨读者。受版面所限,本刊对原著做了压缩、摘编,特作说明、请读者、作者见谅。  相似文献   

中国名牌事业已经崛起,但没有成熟.名牌企业的发展壮大,名牌理论的丰富完善,是从实践和理论两个方面继续发展中国名牌事业的着力点.为了中国经济在21世纪的顺利发展,就必须进一步实施名牌战略,而要更好地实施名牌战略,其关键之一就是要进一步研究名牌理论.  相似文献   

名牌是市场经济中最普遍的现象.要深入理解名牌现象,必须深入剖析名牌效应;而剖析名牌效应,又要首先深入研究名牌效应的基础. 名牌效应的基础在于名牌本身的特质或特性.名牌的特质和特性主要表现为以下七个"对立统一".  相似文献   

许宗馨 《照相机》2014,(4):29-32
正夜色之魅,这是各种光源色彩斑斓的美丽夜景,常常让我们为之振奋,为之倾倒,更难以抑制拍摄的激情,所以夜景是影友们理所当然的风光拍摄对象。与白天的拍摄不同,夜景摄影需要较为独特的技巧,如一般要配用稳定的三脚架、云台;掌握曝光、ISO感光度、抑制噪点、白平衡等,在手持相机拍摄时,配合防抖镜头或用三脚架,以及不同相机个性的合理设定。还有若让夜色光源产生星光效果,除了用星光滤镜、机内滤镜和一些品牌相机的润饰菜单功能外,还可用非圆型光圈叶片设计的镜头,小光圈、长时间曝光直接拍摄形成等等。为了得到高画质的照片,最好用RAW或"RAW+JPEG"格式拍摄,以便拍摄后在机内和在电脑上对白平衡、照片风格和  相似文献   

二、反思差距,直面挑战 俗话说"知不足而后进",虽然中国的名牌事业取得了令人瞩目的成就,但面对与国际名牌之间的巨大差距,我们不得不反思我们的失误在哪里,同时更不能忽视加入WTO后国际名牌大兵压境的挑战.面对差距是需要勇气的,我们必须清楚,发现差距就发现了目标,找到不足就找到了方向,中国名牌就是要在不断反思中前进.  相似文献   

人像摄影是整个摄影艺术的基石.纵览摄影史,不少摄影名家都把毕生的精力投注于这一工作中,他们丰富和发展着人像摄影的实践和理论. 法国摄影家图尔纳松说过:"一个摄影艺术家,不论其照相机的机械性能如何,都应该把焦点对准人物的脸部,抓住人物的神情,刻画人物的心理特征,使其神韵跃然于画面之上" 英国摄影家克里斯·利斯认为,个性是在拍摄人像过程中最难掌握的部分.如果你能发现一种拍摄人物个性的奇妙方法,那么你将成为像卡什、布兰特和斯诺登那样的人像摄影大师了.  相似文献   

(按产品注册商标笔画排序) ,E .Sfr叮anee 五常 00,‘大米 北大荒 玉珠 金佳 金健 梧桐 五得利 天山 白糖 格 枪果 四方 白莲 红光 网山 莲花牌 巧克力 小衰粉 古船 巨嘴鸟 甲家 白樱花 利达 苏三辱 金苑 金像 神像 廊回 福临门 OT 云鸥 莆田市东南香米业发展有限公司 燕龙江省五常市绿风优质米开 发有限公司 黑龙江省北大荒米业有限公司 江西省樟树粮油公司 江西金佳谷物股份有限公司 湖南金健米业股份有限公司 黑龙江省秦丰粮油食品有限公司 河北五褥利面粉集团有限公司 新西天山面粉(集团)有限资任 公司 北京古船食品有限公司 德州巨嘴…  相似文献   

Reinventing classics is a well-used yet complex design pattern. Indeed, a reinterpreted classic needs to relate to the original object while simultaneously challenging the initial model and providing a new and fresh look to the well-established classic. However, this design strategy remains understudied, and we aimed to contribute to the literature by addressing the lack of theoretical models for reinventing classics. Reinterpreting tradition is a key process for chefs in the culinary world. Our paper explores how design theories elucidate how chefs reinterpret classics and innovate in their kitchens by stepping away from tradition. Our contribution to the study of design is twofold. First, from a methodological point of view, we used a framework based on C–K theory and axiomatic design theory to conduct a comparative analysis of recipes for 30 dishes that were reinterpreted by the renowned chef Alain Ducasse. Second, our study identified two design regimes used by chefs to reinvent classics by focusing on the nature of the set of functions a recipe aims to fulfill. The first regime consists of retaining the same functions from the original recipe while changing the means to achieve them. The second requires changing the set of functions by removing old ones, adding new ones, and occasionally designing new ways to achieve the functions.  相似文献   

Citation classics identify those highly cited papers which are an important reference point in a research field. To identify a paper as a citation classic we have to fix a citation threshold value. Usually, this threshold value should not be the same for all research fields because each field presents its respective citation pattern. Studies of citation classics in the literature define particular criteria and methods to set citation thresholds, which are often set arbitrarily and designed ad-hoc, and do not allow the scientific community to validate and compare their results. In this paper we introduce the concept of H-Classics to overcome this problem and provide scientific community a standardization of key constructs. We present a new and systematic method to identify citation classics. This identification method of highly cited papers is based on the H-index and thank to the properties of H-index it is sensitive to the own characteristics of any research discipline and also its evolution. Therefore, the concept of H-Classics allows to systematize search procedure of citation classics for any field of research.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analytical and computational modeling of the effect of the space surrounding the condenser of a household refrigerator on the rejected heat. The driving force for rejecting the heat carried by the refrigerant from the interior of a refrigerator is the temperature difference between the condenser outer surface and surrounding air. The variation of this difference, because of having an insufficient space, increasing the room air temperature, or blocking this space, is of interest to quantify its effectThe results showed that having an enough surrounding space width (s > 200 mm) leads to a decrease in the temperature of the air flowing vertically around the condenser coil. Accordingly, this would significantly increase the amount of heat rejected. Moreover, blocking this space retards the buoyant flow up the condenser surface, and hence increases the air temperature around the condenser. This would also decrease the heat rejected from the condenser. Predicted temperature contours are displayed to visualize the air plumes' variation surrounding the condenser in all cases.  相似文献   

软件评估最早是在IEC60730-1:1999《家用和类似用途的电气自动控制器第1部分:一般要求》标准中提出的要求,当时国际上还没有真正开展这项测试。2005年发布的家电产品标准GB 4706.1-2005《家用和类似用途电器安全第1部分:通用要求》,在第22章结构中规定"在保护电子  相似文献   

本文分析了准二级压缩的基本原理,以试验探究的方式对家用房间空调器采用喷气增焓技术进行了探研。通过对采用喷气增焓技术后的空调热泵系统的出风温度、低温制热能力、制冷模式下EER数值影响进行分析,得出了喷气增焓技术能有效改善低温制热能力的试验结论。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the cytotoxic effect of ZnO nanoparticles on various human cancer and normal cells. We found that the ZnO nanoparticles exerted a cytotoxic effect on the human glioma cell lines A172, U87, LNZ308, LN18, and LN229, whereas no cytotoxic effect was observed on normal human astrocytes. Similarly, the ZnO nanoparticles induced cell death in breast and prostate cancer cell lines while no major effect was observed in the respective normal breast and prostate cell lines. Using the fluorescent dye 2,7-dichlorofluorescein diacetate, we found that treatment of the glioma cells with ZnO nanoparticles induced a large increase in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and treatment of the cells with N-acetyl cysteine decreased the cytotoxic effect of the ZnO nanoparticles. In contrast, a smaller effect on ROS generation was observed in the normal astrocytes. These results suggest that ZnO nanoparticles may be employed as a selective cytotoxic agent for the eradication of cancer cells.  相似文献   

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