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The uniaxial, reverse cyclic fatigue performance of a commercially available hot isostatically pressed silicon nitride was examined at 1370 °C in air and with a 1 Hz sinusoidal waveform using button-head tensile specimens. Specimens did not fail in less than 106 cycles when the applied stress amplitude was less than 280 MPa. Slow crack growth occurred at stress amplitudes 280 MPa and failure always occurred during the tensile stroke of the waveform. Multi-grain junction cavities resulted (i.e., the accumulation of net tensile creep strain) as a consequence of the reverse cyclic loading even though the specimens endured half their life under tensile stresses and the other half under compressive stresses. The presence of multi-grain junction cavities was a consequence of the stress exponent of tensile creep strain being greater than the stress exponent of compressive creep strain. Lastly, it was observed that the static creep resistance of this material improved when it was first subjected to reverse cyclic loading at 1370°C for at least 106 cycles at 1 Hz. Silicon nitride grain coarsening (which was a consequence of the completion of the to silicon nitride solution/reprecipitation process that occurred during the history of the reverse cyclic loading) lessened the capacity for grain boundary sliding resulting in an improved static creep resistance.  相似文献   

The ultrasonic velocities of a machinable ceramic were measured using the pulse echo overlap technique. The machinable ceramic consists of 5- to 10-m crystallite blocks of mica in a boroaluminosilicate glass matrix. The elastic moduli are deduced from the sound velocities over the temperature range from room temperature to 800°C. Their temperature change is well described by a fourth-degree polynomial. Although the moduli decrease with increasing temperature, a plateau region appears at about 450°C. This anomalous behavior is explained by applying the simple rule of mixtures to constituent materials, the mica crystallites, and the glass matrix.  相似文献   

A powder mixture of ultrafine –SiC–35 wt% –Si3N4 containing 6 wt% Al2O3 and 4 wt% Y2O3 as sintering additives were liquid–phase sintered at 1800°C for 30 min by hot–pressing. The hot–pressed composites were subsequently annealed at 1920°C under nitrogen–gas–pressure to enhance grain growth. The average grain–size of the sintered bodies were ranged from 96 to 251 nm for SiC and from 202 to 407 nm for Si3N4, which were much finer than those of ordinary sintered SiC–Si3N4 composites. Both strength and fracture toughness of fine–grained SiC–Si3N4 composites increased with increasing grain size. Such results suggested that a small amount of grain growth in the fine–grained region (250 nm for SiC and 400 nm for Si3N4) was beneficial for mechanical properties of the composites. The room–temperature flexural strength and fracture toughness of the 8–h annealed composites were 698 MPa and 4.7 MPa · m1/2, respectively.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic wave velocity measurements have been used to determine the elastic stiffness moduli and related elastic properties of high-purity, dense -Si3N4 ceramic samples as functions of temperature in the range 150–295 K and hydrostatic pressure up to 0.2 GPa at room temperature. Due to its covalently bonded, rigid structural framework -Si3N4 is an elastically stiff material; the elastic stiffness moduli of the ceramic at 295 K are: C L = 396 GPa, = 119 GPa, B S = 238 GPa, E = 306 GPa, Poisson's ratio = 0.285. The longitudinal elastic stiffness C L increases with decreasing temperature and shows a knee at about 235 K; the decrease in slope below the knee indicates mode softening. The shear elastic stiffness shows mode softening which results in a plateau centred at about 235 K and an anomalous decrease with further reduction in temperature. The hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of elastic stiffnesses at 295 K are (C L/P) P=0 = 4.5 ± 0.1, (B S/P) P=0 = 4.3 ± 0.1 and (/P) P=0 = 0.17 ± 0.02 (pressure < 0.12 GPa). An interesting feature of the nonlinear acoustic behaviour of this ceramic is that, in the pressure range above 0.12 GPa, the values obtained for (/P) P=0 and the shear mode Grüneisen parameter (S) are small and negative, indicating acoustic-mode softening under these higher pressures. Both the anomalous temperature and pressure dependences of the shear elastic stiffness indicate incipient lattice shear instability. The shear S(=0.005) is much smaller than the longitudinal L(=1.18) accounting for the thermal Grüneisen parameter th(=1.09): since the acoustic Debye temperature D(=923 ± 5 K) is so high, the shear modes play an important role in acoustic phonon population at room temperature. Hence knowledge of the elastic and nonlinear acoustic properties sheds light on the thermal properties of ceramic -Si3N4.  相似文献   

Oxidation and hot corrosion are serious problems in aircraft, marine, industrial, and land-base gas turbines. It is because of the usage of wide range of fuels coupled with increased operating temperatures, which leads to the degradation of turbine engines. To obviate these problems, superalloys, viz. Superni 75, Superni 718 and Superfer 800H superalloys (Midhani grade), are the prominent materials for the high temperature applications. It is very essential to investigate the degradation mechanism of superalloys due to oxidation and hot corrosion and substantiate the role of alloying elements for the formation of protective oxide films over the surface of the superalloys. Therefore, the present work investigates the oxidation and hot corrosion behaviour of superalloys exposed to air and molten salt (Na2SO4–60% V2O5) environment, respectively, at 900°C under cyclic conditions. The weight change measurements made on the superalloys during the experiments are used to determine the kinetics of oxidation and hot corrosion. X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray mapping and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, FEI, Quanta 200F company) with EDAX Genesis software attachment, made in Czech Republic are used to characterize the corroded products of the superalloys. It is observed that the formation of scale rich in Cr2O3, NiO and spinel NiCr2O4 has contributed for the better oxidation and hot corrosion resistance of Superni 75; whereas relatively lesser hot corrosion resistance of Superfer 800H is due to the formation of non-protective oxides of iron and sulphides of iron and nickel. The parabolic rate constants calculated for the superalloys show that the corrosion rate is minimum in air as compared to molten salt environment.  相似文献   

The creep behaviour at 1370°C (2500°F) of yttria-doped, hot isostatically pressed silicon nitride was examined as a function of residual phase content. The pre-test silicon nitride materials had either 30% or 40% phase content. The creep resistance was found to increase as the residual phase content decreased. For equivalent times and stresses, the higher -containing silicon nitride accumulated more creep strain and exhibited faster creep rates. The residual phase decreased as a function of time at 1370°C and converted to phase; it was also found that the to phase transformation rate was enhanced by stress. In the absence of stress, the kinetics of the to phase transformation at 1370°C followed a first-order reaction. If a first-order reaction was assumed for the to phase transformation in the presence of stress at 1370°C, then the magnitude of the reaction rate constant for this transformation was twice as large for tensile stresses equal to or greater than 130 MPa than for the reaction rate constant describing the transformation with no applied stress. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

According to Le Chatelier's principle, dehydration and the associated decomposition of hydroxyapatite (HAP) to biodegradable unhydrated calcium phosphates during sintering may be suppressed under a moist sintering atmosphere (thermodynamic effect), or possibly under a pressurized sintering atmosphere (physical effect), by opposing the release of water. The present study explored this possibility. High-purity powdered additives were used to minimize impurity and morphological effects. Al2O3, C, SiC, SiO2, ZrO2, and 316L stainless steel were all trialled at an addition level of 20 vol%. Heat treatment was at 1200°C for 1 h under two experimental atmospheres and two corresponding control atmospheres: flowing H2O/O2 mix—ambient air as a control; pressurized (1 MPa) argon—ambient argon (0.1 MPa) as a control. Specimens were analysed for decomposition by X-ray diffraction (XRD), for densification by porosity measurement, and for microstructural uniformity by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and image analysis. Significant decomposition occurred under all atmospheres with the exception of flowing H2O/O2 which eliminated decomposition in the HAP-Al2O3, HAP-ZrO2, and HAP-316L systems, and reduced the decomposition levels from near completion to 50% in the HAP-SiC and HAP-SiO2 systems. Moistureless pressurization had little effect. Microstructural uniformity was confirmed. No generalized atmosphere-densification interrelationships were observed.  相似文献   

A β-NiAl alloy with normal purity, a S-doped and a Dy and S co-doped b-NiAl alloys were prepared by arc-melting and their corresponding S contents were less than 20×10 6, 33×10-6 and 22×10-6, respectively. The isothermal oxidation behavior of the alloys at 1200° C was investigated and the extent of S segregation at the scalee alloy interface was determined by scanning Auger microscopy. S-doping had no significant effect on the phase transformation rate from q- to a-Al2O3, while the addition of Dy retarded this process. For the Sdoped alloy, scale rumpling occurred only after 2 h thermal exposure and numerous large voids were observed at the scalee alloy interface where S segregated. In contrast to this, the oxide scale formed on the Dy and S co-doped alloy still remained flat even after 50 h isothermal oxidation and only small voids existed at the interface where S segregation was not detected.  相似文献   

Here, we report the DC and AC electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)–selenium (Se) nanocomposite films in the temperature (T) range 298 K ≤ T ≤ 420 K and in the frequency (f) range 120 Hz ≤ f ≤ 1 MHz. The introduction of selenium nanoparticles into the PVA matrix slightly increases the values of DC conductivity whose temperature dependency obeys Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann law. The AC conductivity follows a power law with frequency in which the temperature dependence of the frequency exponent suggests that the correlated barrier hopping is the dominant charge transport mechanism for the nanocomposite films. Comparative discussions with Dyre’s random free-energy barrier model have also been made in this regard. The increase in AC conductivity with increase in nanoparticles concentration was also observed and attributed to the corresponding increase in conducting channels in the PVA matrix. The real part of the dielectric constant increases either with increase in temperature or with increase in selenium nanoparticles loading into the polymer matrix, which may be attributed to the enhancement of interfacial polarization. The frequency dispersion of the dielectric spectra has been modeled according to the modified Cole–Cole equation. Well-defined peaks were appeared in the plotting of imaginary part of electric modulus with frequency above room temperature, which was fitted with suitable equations to account for the deviations from ideal Debye-type behavior. Though the current–voltage characteristics are linear at smaller voltages, it appreciably becomes nonlinear at higher voltages. This nonlinearity has been accounted in light of Werner’s model and back to back Schottky diode model.  相似文献   

The gas phase reaction between SiCl4 and NH3 is investigated in the temperature range between 525 and 800°C at atmospheric pressure and at conditions typical for powder synthesis. By means of mass spectrometric in-situ measurements it was possible to detect the gaseous compounds H2NSiCl3, H2NSiCl2NH2, Cl3SiNHSiCl3, NH2Cl2SiNHSiCl3, (SiCl2NH)3 and Si3(NH)3Cl5NH2. The reactions taken place in the gas phase are very fast and result in the formation of a fine, chlorine containing product. Powders sampled at a reaction temperature of 800°C have an average molar ratio Si : N : Cl of 1 : 1, 33 : 0.28. Based on the proved gaseous intermediates and the composition of the powders reaction paths resulting in the formation of powders are derived. -Si3N4 powders with a high sintering activity are obtained after thermal dechlorination of the synthesis products in ammonia atmosphere followed by a crystallization process between 1200 and 1500°C.  相似文献   


SA508 Gr.3 steel has been widely used in nuclear reactor pressure vessels (RPV). Nuclear components are generally combined through arc welding processes, which always produces heterogeneous mechanical properties in heat affected zone (HAZ) of weld joint. In order to study mechanical heterogeneity of weld joint, HAZ was been divided into five small regions (HAZ1 to HAZ5) based on the distance from the weld center line. The elastic modulus, hardness, and creep deformations of five regions in HAZ were measured through nanoindentation, as well as base and weld metals. According to the experimental results, the HAZ2 region (belonging to the fine-grained HAZ) exhibited a significantly lower hardness and creep behavior. Strain rate sensitivities (SRS) in different regions were then estimated from the steady-state creep, and the HAZ2 region showed a relatively higher value. The influence of grain boundary fraction on the creep behavior of weld joints was discussed later. Furthermore, the results of SRS also indicated that the creep mechanism of tested regions could be dominated by dislocation activities.


The tensile creep behavior of two oxide/oxide ceramic–matrix composites (CMCs) was investigated at 1200 °C in laboratory air, in steam, and in argon. The composites consist of a porous oxide matrix reinforced with laminated, woven mullite/alumina (Nextel™720) fibers, have no interface between the fiber and matrix, and rely on the porous matrix for flaw tolerance. The matrix materials were alumina and aluminosilicate. The tensile stress–strain behavior was investigated and the tensile properties were measured at 1200 °C. Tensile creep behavior of both CMCs was examined for creep stresses in the 80–150 MPa range. Creep run-out defined as 100 h at creep stress was achieved in air and in argon for stress levels ≤100 MPa for both composites. The retained strength and modulus of all specimens that achieved run-out were evaluated. The presence of steam accelerated creep rates and reduced creep life of both CMCs. In the case of the composite with the aluminosilicate matrix, no-load exposure in steam at 1200 °C caused severe degradation of tensile strength. Composite microstructure, as well as damage and failure mechanisms were investigated. Poor creep performance of both composites in steam is attributed to the degradation of the fibers and densification of the matrix. Results indicate that the aluminosilicate matrix is considerably more susceptible to densification and coarsening of the porosity than the alumina matrix. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.  相似文献   


MCrAlY (M = Ni, Co) coatings are commonly used on gas-turbine components as oxidation resistant overlay coatings and bondcoats for thermal barrier systems. In the present work the microstructural features and oxidation behavior of an aluminized Co-base MCrAlY-coating on a Ni-based superalloy have been investigated in the temperature range 925–1075 °C. Microstructural studies of the oxidized coatings by SEM/EBSD were complemented with numerical thermodynamic calculations using the software package ThermoCalc. In the as-received condition the outer part of the coating consisted mostly of β-(Ni,Co)Al. Formation of σ-CoCr was observed at the interface between the β-layer and the inner initial CoNiCrAlY. During high-temperature air exposure alumina based surface scales were formed but the oxidation induced Al depletion of the aluminized coating did not result in formation of the γ’-(Ni3Al) phase. Rather, the subscale formation of Co/Cr-rich phases was observed and a direct transformation of β- into γ-Ni phase after longer times. It is expected that these subscale microstructural changes thus affect the alumina formation and growth as well as the critical aluminum depletion in a different manner as in the case of corresponding β-NiAl coatings, although a direct comparison between various coating systems was not possible on the basis of the present results.  相似文献   

Th e interdiffusion between the Pt-modified aluminide coating RT 22 and the single-crystal supera lloys CMSX-6 and SRR 99 has been investigated at 1000 and 1200°C up to 1600 h of exposure time in air and vacuum. Both coating/substrate systems possess remarkable stability at 1000°C, in air as well as in vacuum. It appears that the plate-like precipitates of intermetallics in the interd iffusion zone between coating and substrate act as a barrier layer for interdiffusion. Some inward diffusion of Pt and Al and outward diffusion of Ti occur at 1000°C. Rapid degradation of the coating takes place at 1200°C mainly by interdiffusion. The AI di ffusion into the substrates leads to conversion of β-NiAI into γ'-Ni3AI and finally into γ-phase. Tirapidly diffuses outwards and becomes incorporated into the scale rich in AI. Thus, the Ti content of the substrate affects the scaling behaviour of the coa ting. The intermetallic precipitates are dissolved and, therefore, so is the interdiffusion barrier. The somewhat better behaviour of the RT 22/ SRR 99 system is probably caused by the greater stability of the W-rich intermetallics in this system.  相似文献   

Fine-grained silicon nitride ceramics were investigated mainly for their high-strain-rate plasticity. The preparation and densification of fine silicon nitride powder were reviewed. Commercial sub-micrometer powder was used as raw powder in the “as-received” state and then used after being ground and undergoing classification operation. Chemical vapor deposition and plasma processes were used for fabricating nanopowder because a further reduction in grain size caused by grinding had limitations. More recently, nanopowder has also been obtained by high-energy milling. This process in principle is the same as conventional planetary milling. For densification, primarily hot pressing was performed, although a similar process known as spark plasma sintering (SPS) has also recently been used. One of the advantages of SPS is its high heating rate. The high heating rate is advantageous because it reduces sintering time, achieving densification without grain growth. We prepared silicon nitride nanopowder by high-energy milling and then obtained nanoceramics by densifying the nanopowder by SPS.  相似文献   

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