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温银堂  高亭亭  张玉燕 《计量学报》2020,41(9):1077-1081
针对3D打印的复杂点阵结构容易出现裂纹、未熔合或孔洞等缺陷,严重影响结构件的功能性能问题,开展了对3D打印的一种复杂点阵结构件的缺陷三维可视化检测方法研究。基于CT图像中结构件内部缺陷的灰度值差异特征,采用集合灰度值法自动识别一类缺陷并分割提取,由光线投射法对分割得到的缺陷序列图像进行三维重构。实验结果表明:所提方法有效获得了点阵结构件内部一种典型缺陷的三维可视图,从三维角度可对缺陷的形状、大小等形貌细节信息进行描述,为进一步分析缺陷对结构性能的影响提供了有力的依据。  相似文献   

高分子3D打印材料和打印工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
3D打印技术亦称为增材制造,是基于三维数学模型数据,通过连续的物理层叠加,逐层增加材料来生成三维实体的技术。3D打印技术与传统材料加工技术相比有许多突出的优势,吸引了国内外工业界、投资界、学术界、新闻媒体和社会公众的热切关注。目前制约3D打印技术发展的因素主要有两个:打印工艺和打印材料。高分子聚合物在3D打印材料中占据主要地位。介绍了当前3D打印常用的高分子材料(热塑性高分子和光敏树脂)和与之相适应的打印工艺(FDM、SLS、SLA、Polyjet等),并对它们的特性和优缺点进行了评述,讨论了这些3D打印材料和工艺的开发面临的问题和挑战。  相似文献   

The synergistic integration of nanomaterials with 3D printing technologies can enable the creation of architecture and devices with an unprecedented level of functional integration. In particular, a multiscale 3D printing approach can seamlessly interweave nanomaterials with diverse classes of materials to impart, program, or modulate a wide range of functional properties in an otherwise passive 3D printed object. However, achieving such multiscale integration is challenging as it requires the ability to pattern, organize, or assemble nanomaterials in a 3D printing process. This review highlights the latest advances in the integration of nanomaterials with 3D printing, achieved by leveraging mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, or thermal phenomena. Ultimately, it is envisioned that such approaches can enable the creation of multifunctional constructs and devices that cannot be fabricated with conventional manufacturing approaches.  相似文献   

开源运动帮助推进3D打印的便利性是最有影响力的。RepRap项目是大量低成本打印机配套元件的起源,包括现在相当著名的Makerbot。现在又有了一个新产品面市:Bukobot,开发人员将其描述为下一代的开源3D打印机。加州帕萨迪纳的Diego Porqueras,正定义他进入开放源码的3D打印机世界,需要解决的两个常见问题:易于使用、装配和可扩展性。Porqueras说,不像其他基于RepRap项目的很难组装的开源3D打印机,Bukobot(见以下视频)已经被设计为框架  相似文献   

探析立体印刷技术   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
李晓春  王莉 《包装工程》2008,29(4):175-177
立体印刷具有如同实物的立体感,在商品包装、产品广告、烟酒防伪商标上的应用日益扩大.文章主要对立体印刷的发展、原理、特点、印刷材料和印刷工艺进行分析,使读者对立体印刷技术有较深入的认识.  相似文献   

金属3D打印技术依照三维模型进行复杂几何形状构件的制造,可以制造传统制造手段无法实现的复杂结构,已经成为复杂高温合金构件成形的重要技术手段。然而,当采用3D打印工艺制备镍基高温合金构件时,存在原料/能量源/熔池之间的相互作用,并在大温度梯度、极快冷等条件下会进行非平衡凝固,这些特殊的过程决定了3D打印镍基高温合金有着不均匀的微观组织与各向异性的力学性能。现阶段,对增材镍基高温合金微观结构-性能-使役行为的理解比较欠缺,严重限制了其在工业领域的广泛应用。本文讨论了3D打印镍基高温合金的特点;归纳了不同制粉方式、粒径比、粉末成分、缺陷、流动性等粉末原材料特性对3D打印镍基高温合金冶金质量的影响;梳理了3D打印激光能量、扫描速度、扫描间距等工艺参数对镍基高温合金晶粒、析出相及偏析等微观组织的影响;讨论了影响3D打印镍基高温合金拉伸、蠕变及疲劳性能的因素。最后,总结了3D打印镍基高温合金发展过程中面临的问题及可能的对策,提出了一些值得探索的方向。  相似文献   

Boosted by the success of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) manufactured by conventional processes in various applications, the development of HEAs for 3D printing has been advancing rapidly in recent years. 3D printing of HEAs gives rise to a great potential for manufacturing geometrically complex HEA products with desirable performances, thereby inspiring their increased appearance in industrial applications. Herein, a comprehensive review of the recent achievements of 3D printing of HEAs is provided, in the aspects of their powder development, printing processes, microstructures, properties, and potential applications. It begins with the introduction of the fundamentals of 3D printing and HEAs, as well as the unique properties of 3D-printed HEA products. The processes for the development of HEA powders, including atomization and mechanical alloying, and the powder properties, are then presented. Thereafter, typical processes for printing HEA products from powders, namely, directed energy deposition, selective laser melting, and electron beam melting, are discussed with regard to the phases, crystal features, mechanical properties, functionalities, and potential applications of these products (particularly in the aerospace, energy, molding, and tooling industries). Finally, perspectives are outlined to provide guidance for future research.  相似文献   

王珂  刘扬 《包装工程》2019,40(14):25-30
目的 对定制化产品应用3D打印技术的服务设计进行研究与实践。方法 对比分析定制化产品与3D打印技术的特点,以服务设计的基本原理为基础,提出定制化产品的3D打印服务设计,并以定制领结产品的服务设计"APP?TIE"予以设计实践。结果 在设计方案生成系统和设备材料支持系统的配合下,定制化产品的3D打印服务设计方案得以节省开模、仓储、物流环节的成本,并提升需求调研、设计、生产环节的效率。结论 随着3D打印材料和技术的不断进步,结合从用户角度设置服务的理念不断进行的服务设计创新,将推动各行业定制化产品的发展。  相似文献   

With the FDA approval of the first 3D printed tablet, Spritam®, there is now precedence set for the utilization of 3D printing for the preparation of drug delivery systems. The capabilities for dispensing low volumes with accuracy, precise spatial control and layer-by-layer assembly allow for the preparation of complex compositions and geometries. The high degree of flexibility and control with 3D printing enables the preparation of dosage forms with multiple active pharmaceutical ingredients with complex and tailored release profiles. A unique opportunity for this technology for the preparation of personalized doses to address individual patient needs. This review will highlight the 3D printing technologies being utilized for the fabrication of drug delivery systems, as well as the formulation and processing parameters for consideration. This article will also summarize the range of dosage forms that have been prepared using these technologies, specifically over the last 10 years.  相似文献   

Among the various electrohydrodynamic (EHD) processing techniques, electrowriting (EW) produces the most complex 3D structures. Aqueous solution EW similarly retains the potential for additive manufacturing well-resolved 3D structures, while providing new opportunities for processing biologically derived polymers and eschewing organic solvents. However, research on aqueous-based EHD processing is still limited. To summarize the field and advocate for increased use of aqueous bio-based materials, this review summarizes the most significant contributions of aqueous solution processing. Special emphasis has been placed on understanding the effects of different printing parameters, the prospects for 3D processing new materials, and future challenges.  相似文献   

Donor shortages for organ transplantations are a major clinical challenge worldwide. Potential risks that are inevitably encountered with traditional methods include complications, secondary injuries, and limited source donors. Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology holds the potential to solve these limitations; it can be used to rapidly manufacture personalized tissue engineering scaffolds, repair tissue defects in situ with cells, and even directly print tissue and organs. Such printed implants and organs not only perfectly match the patient’s damaged tissue, but can also have engineered material microstructures and cell arrangements to promote cell growth and differentiation. Thus, such implants allow the desired tissue repair to be achieved, and could eventually solve the donor-shortage problem. This review summarizes relevant studies and recent progress on four levels, introduces different types of biomedical materials, and discusses existing problems and development issues with 3D printing that are related to materials and to the construction of extracellular matrix in vitro for medical applications.  相似文献   

3D打印技术提供了一种先进的制造方法,实现了从3D计算机模型出发直接制造复杂形状的工件。其中,金属3D打印技术在生物医疗、航空航天、自动化、汽车零部件、军工等领域的有效应用得到了印证。介绍了金属3D打印技术的基本情况和金属3D打印专用金属粉末特征,简述了金属粉末的分类及应用,并对金属3D打印技术存在的问题和面临的挑战与机遇进行了分析。  相似文献   

打造首栋3D打印建筑的竞赛已经开始。在伦敦·在阿姆斯特丹在中国·建筑师们竞相争取这项殊荣。他们采用的技术将会彻底改变延续了千年的房屋建造方式。但有一点值得注意·虽然他们都有相同的目标,但却在分别研究着截然不同的材料和方法。  相似文献   

The development of an engineered non-contact multicellular coculture model that can mimic the in vivo cell microenvironment of human tissues remains challenging. In this study, we successfully fabricated a cell-container-like scaffold composed of β-tricalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (β-TCP/HA) bioceramic that contains four different pore structures, including triangles, squares, parallelograms, and rectangles, by means of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. These scaffolds can be used to simultaneously culture four types of cells in a non-contact way. An engineered 3D coculture model composed of human bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HBMSCs), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), human umbilical vein smooth muscle cells (HUVSMCs), and human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) with a spatially controlled distribution was constructed to investigate the individual or synergistic effects of these cells in osteogenesis and angiogenesis. The results showed that three or four kinds of cells cocultured in 3D cell containers exhibited a higher cell proliferation rate in comparison with that of a single cell type. Detailed studies into the cell–cell interactions between HBMSCs and HUVECs revealed that the 3D cell containers with four separate spatial structures enhanced the angiogenesis and osteogenesis of cells by amplifying the paracrine effect of the cocultured cells. Furthermore, the establishment of multicellular non-contact systems including three types of cells and four types of cells, respectively, cocultured in 3D cell containers demonstrated obvious advantages in enhancing osteogenic and angiogenic differentiation in comparison with monoculture modes and two-cell coculture modes. This study offers a new direction for developing a scaffold-based multicellular non-contact coculture system for tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

木质基复合材料3D打印高端定制包装结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为了顺应全球范围的高效、节能、低碳、环保的可持续发展要求,满足消费者对于高端、可定制个性化包装产品的需求,研究开发一种高价值可持续型木质基材料-红木/聚醚砜复合材料作为包装材料。方法采用激光烧结3D打印技术作为具有复杂结构的可定制个性化包装产品制造的先进成型技术,结合力学性能测试和微观结构表征技术研究制件性能,以及加工参数对性能的影响。结果红木/聚醚砜混合材料粉末组分分布均匀,具有良好的铺粉流动性,激光烧结制件具有天然红木的外观和芳香,木纤维与聚醚砜界面间以机械互锁形式粘接,制件具有较好的力学性能及成型精度。制件的拉伸强度及弯曲强度在激光功率为9 W时达到最大,分别为4.88,7.87 MPa。结论红木/聚醚砜复合材料用于激光烧结技术,具有很好的可加工性能,实现了珍贵材料加工剩余物的高附加值利用。采用3D打印技术可以实现高端定制复杂结构包装产品的设计制作。  相似文献   

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