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王啸  马东堂  李为  熊俊 《信号处理》2016,32(10):1153-1160
本文主要研究了人工噪声辅助的多输入单输出(Multiple-input Single-output, MISO)物理层安全传输系统中的最小反馈比特数问题。论文对信道方向信息采用基于随机矢量量化(Random Vector Quantization, RVQ)的码本反馈方法,首先定量分析了RVQ量化导致的系统保密速率损失,充分考虑不同发送信噪比条件与量化误差的特点,推导出了所需最小反馈比特数的闭合表达式。分析表明为保持恒定的遍历保密容量损失,反馈比特数应随对数信噪比及(Nt-1)线性变化(Nt为发送天线数)。理论分析和仿真结果表明,依据本文得到的闭合表达式调整反馈比特数,可以满足系统的安全性能要求。现有研究没有考虑信噪比较低的情况,而本文的结论适用于各种信噪比情况,对于人工噪声辅助的物理层安全传输策略实用化具有指导意义。   相似文献   

当多用户MIMO系统中的用户数多于或等于发射端天线数时,现有的基于人工噪声的物理层加密算法会导致合法用户无法正常接收。为提高此时的多用户MIMO系统的安全性,该文提出一种新的基于人工噪声的多用户MIMO系统加密算法。首先,发送端对多个合法用户进行联合处理,建立多用户联合信道状态矩阵;然后,将联合信道状态矩阵进行奇异值分解,并根据最小的奇异值进行预编码,以消除人工噪声对合法用户的影响;最后,提出一种优化功率分配的方案。仿真结果表明,该算法将多用户MIMO系统的保密容量平均增加了0.1 bit/(s?Hz),从而提高多用户MIMO系统的安全性。  相似文献   

晏万才  李方伟  王明月 《电讯技术》2023,63(12):1985-1994
针对多天线无线携能通信系统中能量收集节点作为潜在窃听者的信息安全问题,提出了一种智能反射面(Intelligent Reflecting Surface, IRS)和人工噪声辅助的物理层安全传输方案。首先考虑发射功率、能量收集门限以及IRS单位模约束,以最大化系统安全速率为优化目标,在合法用户直射链路不可用的情况下,联合设计发射端波束赋形矩阵、人工噪声协方差矩阵以及IRS相移矩阵,建模一非线性多变量耦合的非凸优化问题;接着利用均方误差准则等价转换非凸目标函数,并利用连续凸逼近方法(Successive Convex Approximation, SCA)处理非凸的能量收集约束;最后基于交替优化框架,分别用拉格朗日对偶方法和基于价格机制的优化最小化(Majorization-Minimization, MM)算法求解发射端变量和IRS端变量。仿真结果表明,与现有方案相比,所提算法能够在保障能量收集需求的同时大幅度提升系统的安全性能。  相似文献   

李为  陈彬  魏急波  熊春林  张晓瀛 《信号处理》2012,28(9):1314-1320
提出了一种实现无线通信物理层安全的新方法,并从信息论的角度进行了性能分析。此方法通过合法接收者发送人工噪声来干扰窃听者信道,同时通过抵消技术使得自身不受人工噪声的影响。此方法无需信道信息的反馈,能够对抗多天线的窃听者,具有强的鲁棒性。此外基于地理位置信息提出了一种“保密区域”的新概念,可以作为物理层安全的评价标准和设计准则。分析和仿真结果表明所提算法对安全性能的提升较为明显,所提“保密区域”概念能够较好的从地理位置的角度评估物理层安全性能。   相似文献   

该文研究智能反射表面(Intelligent Reflecting Surface, IRS)辅助的多用户下行系统中的物理层安全的优化问题。多个用户之间的信息需要相互保密,每个时隙,非信息传输的目标用户视为窃听者,因此这是一个多窃听者的安全传输系统。由于信道的时变性,基站拥有窃听信道的信道状态信息(Channel State Information, CSI)为与真实的CSI间存在误差的过时信息。在此条件下,以系统最坏情况下的保密速率最大化为目标,对基站发射信息信号和人工噪声波束成形矢量,以及IRS的相移矩阵进行联合优化。原始优化问题为非凸半正定规划问题,利用松弛变量、惩罚函数、Charnes-Cooper变换和交替迭代优化等方法将原问题转化为凸问题并求解。仿真结果显示,相较于基准方案,该文所提出的优化算法能有效提高系统的保密速率。  相似文献   

该文研究在采用波束赋形和人工噪声的物理层安全方案中利用人工噪声提高合法接收端性能。发送端根据发送符号和信道系数,判断人工噪声是否对合法接收端的信号检测有益,并针对有益噪声和无益噪声分别设计不同的噪声波束赋形矢量。通过利用有益噪声,在不改变窃听端接收信噪比的条件下,合法接收端的信噪比有较明显的提高。对误比特率和保密容量进行理论分析和仿真,结果显示,与传统的人工噪声方案相比,所提方案可提高合法接收端的性能,改善保密容量。  相似文献   

赵伟  宋茂忠 《电讯技术》2011,51(7):30-33
为了提高无线传输过程中通信信息被窃听的难度,提出了一种采用多波束发射人工噪声干扰来实现物理层安全传输的方法.发送端同时发送通信信息和两组人工噪声,通过天线加权系数调整使通信信息的方向图主瓣对准期望方位,而人工噪声的方向图在期望方位形成零陷.仿真结果表明,该方法可实现在空间某一期望方位的可靠通信,而偏离该方位的接收机误码...  相似文献   

当MISO(Multi Input Single Output)系统存在的加性人工噪声服从一般分布时,系统保密容量讨论难度较大。为推导一般意义多天线系统下的保密容量,引入了信道等效特征的概念。利用信道特征阐明了人工噪声方法的物理概念,并推导出了具有普适性的人工噪声方法保密容量上下限,进一步结合熵功率,推导出AWGN信道下的保密容量解析式。理论分析和仿真得出,通过人工噪声可使平均保密容量增大,从而提高MISO系统的安全性。  相似文献   

为保证MIMO异构网络面临多天线主动窃听时的安全性,该文提出一种基于人工噪声的抗主动窃听者的鲁棒安全传输方案。首先,考虑窃听者发送上行导频干扰的情形,研究了其发送的上行导频干扰对合法用户信道估计的影响。随后,基于信道估计结果对宏基站、微基站的下行数据与噪声信号的预编码矩阵进行设计,并推导了此种情形下系统安全速率的表达式。然后,以系统安全速率最大化为目标对基站的下行数据与噪声信号的发送功率进行优化设计,并提出一种基于1维线性搜索的求解方法。进一步地,考虑窃听者在发送上行导频干扰后,继而发送噪声干扰用户下行通信的情形,提出一种基于离散零和博弈方法来获取最优的发送功率设计。仿真结果验证了所提方案的安全性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

吉江  金梁  黄开枝 《通信学报》2012,(10):138-142
对MISO系统的发射功率分配和噪声形成方法进行讨论。首先建立MISO系统的人工噪声模型,将人工噪声等效为加性信道噪声,指出当人工噪声服从高斯分布是具有最大保密容量,并给出其保密容量表达式。然后在总发射功率受限的条件下,利用向量空间投影的方法推导保密容量最佳的功率分配方案。最后采用Box-Muller变换方法结合向量空间投影给出最佳功率分配方法下服从高斯分布的人工噪声生成方法。  相似文献   

A comprehensive performance analysis of artificial noise (AN) assisted secure transmission in multiple-input single-output (MISO) wiretap channels was presented.It was shown that the AN scheme did not always improve the security,and provided an exact signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold below which AN did not work.An explicit result of the optimal power allocation (OPA) using the lower bound to the ergodic secrecy rate (ESR) was presented and the OPA for the worst case without the knowledge of the eavesdropper’s relative distance was also provided.Simulations demonstrate that the proposed power allocation result achieves a higher ESR than the equal one.  相似文献   

针对随机波束成形(RBF)只有在包含大量用户的系统中才能获得较好性能的局限性,提出了一种新的收发联合波束成形方案,用于多用户多入多出(MIMO)下行链路传输。该方案有效地结合了RBF与接收天线合并技术。分析及仿真结果表明,即使在用户数为中等甚至较小时仍然能获得较高的和速率性能。由于每个用户的反馈开销没变,从而使获得同样和速率时系统的总反馈开销明显减少。仿真结果还显示,所提方案的和速率性能不仅优于原RBF,也比RBF结合最大比合并或者等增益合并的性能有明显改善,同时还保持了最优的随用户数变化的增长速度。  相似文献   

This paper considers a full-duplex (FD) secure transmission scheme with aid of the artificial noise deployed at both transmitter and receiver under imperfect self-interference cancellation. The expressions of secrecy and connection outage probabilities are derived, and hence, the secrecy throughput of the proposed scheme is evaluated. The results show that the performance of the proposed FD scheme outperforms that of conventional half-duplex and FD receiver schemes in terms of the secrecy outage probability. In addition, the proposed FD scheme can achieve high secrecy throughput under various locations of the eavesdropper. Especially when the eavesdropper is located close to the transmitter, the secrecy throughput of the proposed FD scheme is nearly double that of the half-duplex scheme with artificial noise injection while that of the scheme with FD jamming receiver goes to zero.  相似文献   

康小磊  季新生  黄开枝 《通信学报》2015,36(10):149-156
A secure communication scheme based on artificial noise assisted from base station(BS)was proposed to improve the system secrecy rate of the D2D underlaying cellular.Firstly,the system secrecy rate was modeled.Then the BS with multi-antennas added artificial noise(AN)in cellular user’s signal as well as designed beam vectors of the desired signal and artificial noise to maximize system secrecy rate.In the end,a joint optimization scheme based on the fairness constraint was introduced to optimize beam vectors of the desired signal,the power allocation for BS’s information signal and AN and the D2D power control.Simulation results show that the system ergodic secrecy rate can be improved 2.7 bit·s?1·Hz?1more than the schemes based on SVD and zero-forcing at most.  相似文献   

多天线无线数据通信系统中多用户分集的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究当接收天线不少于发送天线时多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的多用户分集能力。首先从理论上分析了发送天线个数等于1和2时最大似然接收和迫零接收系统的平均吞吐量和调度增益,以及仿真分析了发送天线个数大于2时系统性能。理论分析和仿真表明:在多用户的MIMO系统中,接收的平均信噪比、用户个数、收发天线个数、接收机的结构等对于多用户分集有很大的影响。当发送天线个数为1时,接收天线较少(1,2,3)和平均信噪比为.10dB时调度增益很大,但调度增益随着天线个数和发送功率增大急剧下降。和最大似然接收相比,迫零接收具有更大的多用户分集增益,因此迫零接收机的吞吐量可以很容易超过最大似然接收机。  相似文献   

This study investigates artificial noise aided Multiuser Multiple-Input Single-Output(MU-MISO) broadcast wiretap system designs in slow fading channel environment. We adopt a beamforming technique with artificial noise to achieve secure multiuser communication and optimize system performance. To overcome the complexity of this model, a novel optimization scheme using semiclosed-form expressions and Monte Carlo method is employed to derive the relationship between transmission parameters and secu...  相似文献   

The broadcast nature of communications in wireless communication networks makes it vulnerable to some attacks, particularly eavesdrop attack. Hence, information security can have a key role to protect privacy and avoid identity theft in these networks, especially in distributed networks. In the wireless systems, the signal propagation is affected by path loss, slow fading (shadowing), and fast fading (multi‐path fading). As we know, there is a correlation between communication channels in the real radio environments. This correlation is defined by the correlation between their shadowing and/or multipath fading factors. So when there are several channels in the wireless systems, there is certainly a correlation between the channels. In this paper, we assume that the transmitter knows the full channel state information (CSI), it means the transmitter knows both the channel gains of the illegitimate (ie, eavesdropper) and the legitimate receivers and study the performance of secure communications of single‐input single‐output (SISO) systems consisting of single antenna devices, in the presence of a single antenna passive eavesdropper over correlated slow fading channels, where the main (transmitter to legitimate receiver) and eavesdropper (transmitter to illegitimate receiver) channels are correlated. Finally, we present numerical results and verify the accuracy of our analysis by Monte‐Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of channel estimation in a multiuser multi-cell wireless communications system in which the base station (BS) is equipped with a very large number of antennas (also referred to as “massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)”). We consider a time-division duplexing (TDD) scheme, in which reciprocity between the uplink and downlink channels can be assumed. Channel estimation is essential for downlink beamforming in massive MIMO, nevertheless, the pilot contamination effect hinders accurate channel estimation, which leads to overall performance degradation. Benefitted from the asymptotic orthogonality between signal and interference subspaces for non-overlapping angle-of arrivals (AOAs) in the large-scale antenna system, we propose a multiple signals classification (MUSIC) based channel estimation algorithm during the uplink transmission. Analytical and numerical results verify complete pilot decontamination and the effectiveness of the proposed channel estimation algorithm in the multiuser multi-cell massive MIMO system.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous network with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer under the stochastic channel state information (CSI) error was considered.In this network,to guarantee the security and reliability of information and energy transmission,an artificial noise (AN)-aided robust secure information and power transmission scheme was proposed.By jointly designing the downlink information beamforming and AN matrix of macrocell base station and femtocell base stations,the eavesdroppers were jammed and the energy receiving performance of system was improved simultaneously.The problem of maximizing the energy receiving performance was modeled under the constraints on the base station power,the outage probability of information transfer and confidential information eavesdropped.Due to the probabilistic and rank-one constraints,this problem was non-convex.To obtain the solution,the original problem was first transformed into an equivalent form,which was easy to process.Then,the Bernstein-type inequality and the Large-deviation inequality was utilized to transform the outage probability limits into convex linear matrix inequalities,respectively.Finally,the rank-one beamforming constraints were processed with quadratic equality constraint procedure.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has higher energy receiving performance and feasible performance in comparison with compared schemes,which validates the effectiveness and the robustness of our proposed scheme.  相似文献   

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