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Itiswellknownthatrecurringrelationsplayanimportantroleinthetheoreticalstudyandengineeringapplicationofcryptologyanderrorcorrectingcodes.TheBerlekampMasseyalgorithmhasbeendevelopedforcomputingageneratingpolynomialofalinearrecurringrelation[1],andtheconc…  相似文献   

A new family of windows——convolution windows and their applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurement of harmonic parameters, including frequency, magnitude and phase, is a key step in of analyzing and solving of harmonic problems. In electrical power system, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has been widely used in harmonic analysis. Due to the requirement for real time implementation and/or the random shift of signal period, a sampling sequence usually contains only several cycles of the signal and the windowingtime width generally does not strictly equal to multiples of signal …  相似文献   

A new method for production of ammonium metatungstate (AMT) directly from ammonium tungstate solution—Donnan dialysis method is advanced. Laboratory experiments are conducted by a Donnan dialysis cell with the membrane area of 140 mm ×200 mm. The result shows that the transformation rate of AMT reaches 370 g-WO3/(m2·h), the recovery ratio of AMT by the Donnan dialysis method is nearly 100%, and the loss of tungsten is less than 0.2%. It has been proved that the Donnan dialysis method is effective for production of AMT. Synopsis of the first author Zhou Kanggen, professor, born in March 1963, majoring in extraction matallurgy of rare metals, application of membrane technology in metallurgical process.  相似文献   

By using a well known result in combinatorics, named Knig Lemma, this paper generalized the method of constructing measure by repeated subdivision, which was a basic tool for fractal geometry. A more general method was presented to construct measure, which was an essential improvement to the existing result. The proof employed a skill similar to that for Knig Lemma, which helped to avoid using the compactness in Euclidean space. Two conditions of the existing method were found not necessary.  相似文献   

A new family of windows is constructed by convolutions via a few rectangular windows with same time width and is thus referred to as convolution windows. The expressions of the second-order up to the eighth-order convolution windows in both the time and frequency domains are derived. Their applications in high accuracy harmonic analysis of periodic signals are investigated. Comparisons between the proposed windows and some known windows with the same width shows that, when the synchronous deviation of data sampling is slight, the proposed ones have the least effect of spectral leakage. Therefore, the new windows are well suited for high accuracy harmonic analysis and parameter estimation for periodic signals. The error analysis and computer simulations show that the estimation errors, corresponding to frequency, amplitude and phase of every harmonic component of a signal, are proportional to the pth power of the relative frequency deviation in case of the pth-order convolution window is applied to windowing signal of approximately p cycles. By introducing real time adjustment in sampling interval, the proposed algorithm can adaptively trace signal frequency and lead to less sampling synchronous deviation. The proposed approach has the advantages of easy implementation and high measure precision and can be used in harmonic analysis of quasi-periodic signals whose fundamental frequency drifts slowly with time.  相似文献   

Backfilling represents an environmentally friendly mining waste disposal technique. It is increasingly used in underground mines all over the world. However, its primary purpose remains to improve ground stability and to reduce ore dilution. Previous investigations have shown that fill drainage plays a key role in backfill and barricade design. With a poor drainage system in the backfilled stope, the required dimension of barricade, which is constructed at the base of the stope near the drift entrance, has to be increased. A poor backfill drainage system can also lead to a significant increase in drainage waiting time and further reduction in mining productivity. In this paper, the drainage of conventional backfill design in backfilled stopes is briefly reviewed. For the first time, the application of the wick drain is introduced in the backfill within mine stopes. The drainage improvement from the introduction of the wick drain is illustrated using numerical modeling.  相似文献   

Conventionally,brewery wastewaters are alwaystreated by combining anaerobic and aerobic biologicalprocesses in China and the quality of effluent satisfiesthe discharge standard[1~4].But there are two mainproblems in the treatment process according to the in-vestigation of dozens of brewery wastewater treatmentplants.One problem is that the present brewerywastewater treatment processes are over-complicatedand the total hydraulic retention time(HRT)in thesystem is too long,often more than20hour…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Thestayed cablesofcable stayedbridgesare mainload bearingcomponents.Cabletensionis oneofthemostimportantcriterionforjudgingwhetheracable stayedbridgeisinorder[1].So,if thecabletensionofcable stayedbridgecanbemo nitoredon line,thepracticalsit…  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONAdoubleloopnetwork(DLN)denotedbyG(N;1,s)formedbyNnodesandlabeledby0,1,…,(N-1)insuchawaythateachnodeiisadjacenttothetwonodesi 1(modN)andi s(modN)anditisveryusefulindesignoflocalareanetwork,multimodulememoryorganization,dataalignmentinparallelmemorysy…  相似文献   

A new hydrometallurgical process for the refractory gold arsenosulfide concentrates under normal temperature and pressure was presented. The experimental results of a refractory gold concentrate show that the total consumption of NaOH in alkaline leaching is only 40% of those theoretically calculated under the conditions of full oxidization at the same oxidation of arsenic to ar-senate and sulfur to sulfate. After alkaline leaching, cyanidation and adsorption were carried out for 24 h. The dissolution of gold by NaCN is increased to 95.3% from 12.8% before pretreatment, and meanwhile 99.3% of the adsorption of gold by activated charcoal. The consumption of NaCN for one ton ore is 10 kg, which is 1.2 times less than that before pretreatment. As it is carried out under normal temperature and pressure, the investment of installations is also decreased.  相似文献   

A new type of piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve system was proposed. And then multilayer piezoelectric actuator based on new piezoelectric ceramic material was used as the electricity-machine converter of the proposed piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve. The proposed piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve has ascendant performance compared with conventional ones. But the system is of high nonlinearity and uncertainty, it cannot achieve favorable control performance by conventional control method. To develop an efficient way to control piezoelectric electro-hydraulic servo valve system, a high-precise fuzzy control method with hysteresis nonlinear model in feedforward loop was proposed. The control method is separated into two parts: a feedforward loop with Preisach hysteresis nonlinear model and a feedback loop with high-precise fuzzy control. Experimental results show that the hysteresis loop and the maximum output hysteresis by the PID control method are 4.22% and 2.11 μm, respectively; the hysteresis loop and the maximum output hysteresis by the proposed control method respectively are 0.74% and 0.37 μm, respectively; the maximum tracking error by the PID control method for sine wave reference signal is about 5.02%, the maximum tracking error by the proposed control method for sine wave reference signal is about 0.85%.  相似文献   

Most traditional assessment methods, which have complicated mathematic formulas, are difficult for calculation and application in water resources system assessment. A new approach to water resources system assessment, the set pair analysis method (SPAM), has been proposed based on the principle of set pair analysis (SPA). The basic ideals and steps of SPAM are discussed. The proposed method can take fuzzy property of threshold values for grade standards into full account and avoid determining the discrepanc...  相似文献   

A new synthetic reagent DPTUHP [diphenyl α-(3-phenylthioureido) hexylpbosphonate] containing a hydrocarbon chain nonpolar group, a thioureido, and a phosphonate easter chelating group, has proven to be an effective collector for the flotation of cerussite mineral. The synthetic method utilized the Mannich-type reaction of an N-monosubstituted thiourea, an aldehyde, and triphenyl phosphate in glacial acetic acid solution. The experimental results of flotation of the cerussite mineral show that the collector has stronger collecting ability and higher selectivity in a neutral and a slightly alkaline medium, especially in the pulp of pH=8. Using the measurements by infrared spectroscopy (IR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the cerussite mineral, the collector, as well as the cerussite treated with the collector, the flotation mechanism of cerussite has been discussed. It is concluded that the adsorption of collector on cerussite is a chemical adsorption through the electron donor atoms of the collector chelating the Pb ( Ⅱ ) of cerussite to form chelate.  相似文献   

Starting from normalized generators' equations of rotor motion with respect to the center of inertia of power systems, post-fault power system dynamic is analogized as a motion of a particle with 1.0 mass in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. A rotational coordinate axis is defined for the moving particle. Transient stability of a multi-machine power system is transformed into a simple one-dimensional motion of particle on the axis. Based upon the above new idea, a new concept transient energy function (NCTEF) is proposed for transient stability assessment of power systems. Case studies on the 10-generator New England power system verified the rationality of NCTEF.  相似文献   

Tundish is the last refractory vessel in the steelmaking process. The fluid flow phenomena in tundish have a strong influence on the separation of non-metallic inclusions. The dispersive bubble wall (DBW) is a new method in tundish metallurgy. A water model of a multi-strand tundish has been set up based on the Froude number and Reynold number similarity criteria. The effect of DBW+weir on the flow pattern has been studied. The results show that this new structure of DBW+weir is beneficial not only to uniform the temperature among different submerge entry nozzles but also to separate non-metallic inclusions from liquid steel. The DBW can capture the particles of non-metallic inclusions and make them float up to the surface.  相似文献   

Motion compensation is a key and difficult step in inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) . The calibration of initial phase errors, which is well known as autofocus, requires very high precision, so it determines the quality of the reconstructed image to a great extent. A new autofocus method called the local dominant scatterer synthesis (LDSS) is presented. It has the capability to sufficiently reduce the errors induced by clutter and noise, and the advantage of having wide applications. Experiments of real measured data have shown its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Thermal mechanical cyclic strain tests were carried out under in-phase and out-of-phase conditions on a Nickel-base Super-alloy GH4133 in the temperature range of 571-823℃. Based on analyzing the present models of TMF (thermal mechanical fatigue) life prediction, a new model for predicting nickel-base superalloy TMF lifetime was proposed. TMF life of superalloy GH 4133 was calculated accurately based on the new model. Experimental TMF life has been compared with the calculated results and all results fall in the scatter band of 1.5. The calculating results show that the new model is not only simple, but also precise. This model will play great roles in life prediction of the metal materials and the engineering components subjected to non-isothermal service conditions.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to eliminating the noise from the measuring of directional thermal radiation for ground objects. Specifically, we think that the noise is mainly due to the variance of components in the field of view of the sensor with the view angle changing and to the heat balance change on the ground during the period of measurement. The authors present two new observation methods named as "constant area method by thermal camera" and "concurrent method by dual sensors" respectively. The experiments show that the data obtained by these methods abide by some regularly directional distribution, which is totally different from the data from the former methods. The analysis of the major factors in the directionality of thermal radiation is also made in the paper.  相似文献   

On the basis of the coherence theory a new method is presented to analyze the sampled chirped fiber gratings (SCFG). With this method, more results on the SCFG are obtained, including not only the characteristics of reflectivity, transmission and time delay, but also the simplified reflectivity formula, the channel's number, wavelength spacing and channel's bandwidth. Therefore, this method is more systematic and perfect than the usual transfer matrix method and can well guide the design of the SCFG.  相似文献   

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