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当前高职院校毕业生的就业形势复杂严峻,党和国家高度重视大学生的就业工作。高职院校的就业创业教育越来越重要,如何帮助大学生顺利的就业,帮助大学生正确的认识自我、认识职业、认识社会,是高职院校就业创业研究的重点工作。本文阐述高职院校共青团服务大学生就业创业教育的现状、取得的成绩、指导能力职能发挥、对象定位三方面对共青团大学生就业创业工作进行思考,分析其存在的问题,从以上三方面分别提出了建议,以期发挥共青团的作用,促进大学生就业创业。  相似文献   

培养高职院校大学生创业就业能力具有重要的现实意义,它有利于优化人才资源配置、提高他们的综合素质、保障社会稳定。今后在教学过程中,为了更好的培养高职院校大学生创业就业能力,需要根据实际情况采取相应的策略,突出办学特色,提高高职教学质量、加强学校管理,营造良好教学氛围、深化教学改革,推进职业素质教育,并加强创业就业指导,提高学生的创业就业能力。  相似文献   

党的十八大三中全会提出要深化教育领域综合改革,健全促进就业创业体制机制。高职院校作为技能型人才培养的重要输出部门,在发展和提高学生创业基本素质教育的同时,更应重视就业创业服务保障体系的完善,从强化就业创业师资队伍建设,培养提升学生就业创业技能;积极营造校园创业氛围,系统开展就业创业实践活动;整合校内外资源,开发就业创业基地;开展专业化的就业创业咨询;建立就业创业教育服务评价体系五个方面完善就业创业教育服务保障体系,为社会提供具有创新思想,创业能力的高质素技能型人才。  相似文献   

近年来,世界经济发展萧条,产业升级转型迫在眉睫。而在国内,随着大学不断扩招,大学生群体数量的不断增大,就业环境日趋严峻,如何解决大学生就业问题,缓解高校毕业生就业压力就成了急需解决的难题。显然,大学生自主创业无疑是一条可以缓解大学生就业问题的可行之路。但想要在激烈的市场经济竞争下存活,对于创业者来说并非一件容易的事。文章针对职院校创业学生的创业现状进行了分析,简要剖析其在创业中所面临的问题,并提出一些应对策略。  相似文献   

大学生就业作为时下热点为社会各界所关注,从政府到社会再到每一所高校,各方都在为如何促进大学生就业积极寻找解决途径,提高大学生求职能力和调动大学生求职积极性成为其中的焦点。而大学生就创业社团作为学生间的互助就业促进组织应运而生,成为极具特色的就业推动力量。本文以山东中医药高等专科学校大学生就业与创业协会为例,介绍了高职院校大学生就业创业社团的建设和发展,以期对各高校大学生就业工作提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

近几年,国家高度重视农业类高职院校人才培养工作,重点关注农业类高职院校学生的就业创业工作。本文针对农业类高职院校学生的特点,注重因材施教,从创新就业创业教育机制入手,致力于创建"就业创业全程教育模式",以"就业畅"解决学生切身问题,以实效促进学生思想转变,服务农业类高职院校学生的成长成才。  相似文献   

服务好大学生创新创业教育是高校共青团"凝聚青年、服务大局、当好桥梁"的自身需求。高校共青团具有组织优势、资源优势和活动优势,但在具体服务过程中存在一些问题,包括缺乏统筹指导、校外资源没有充分调动、活动碎片化。根据存在的问题,课题组提出相应策略:优化领导设置、结合"众创众筹众评"制度提升参与度、结合"第二课堂成绩单"制度加强引导、建立评价考核制度、借助校外资源。  相似文献   

由于高校扩招,毕业生基数连年增长;大学生知识结构单一,实际应用能力差;就业理念存在误区;自我创业信心不足等一系列问题造成了目前大学生就业形势日益严峻,使大学毕业生拥有较好的就业创业能力已经迫在眉睫。宏观就业环境不容乐观;政府促进就业、倡导创业的政策措施不完备;高校专业设置不科学;创业机制不健全;用人单位观念落后;考研和就业之间的矛盾成为影响大学生就业创业的主要因素。解决大学生就业创业难问题,政府应加快就业体制改革;高校应加快专业结构调整,优化资源配置,提高教学质量;用人单位应完善招聘制度;大学生应树立科学的就业理念。  相似文献   

高职大学生创业教育存在目标定位不准确、课程与教学流于形式、创业教育运行过程中缺乏与社会和企业的联系、创业教育的评价体系不完善等问题。把高职大学生职业指导体系分为职业规划教育、择业观念教育、求职技能训练、创业素质培养四个构建目标,从职业规划教育、创新创业教育、就业指导训练营及创业实训基地等方面对大学生职业指导体系进行了构建。  相似文献   

每一年都有成千上百万的毕业生,国内高等学校的毕业生面对的竞争对手不仅仅是其他高校的学生,还有海外留学归来的"海龟族",加上企业面向校园的招聘职位有限,大学生"就业难"问题越来越严峻,整个就业环境呈现供不应求的状态。学生面对沉重的就业压力,承受着巨大的心理压力,对前程也越发迷茫,于是学校里大学生的创业就业服务工作便显得格外重要。而鼓励大学生创业,为大学生提供就业指导对毕业生来说有着重大意义。  相似文献   

The relationship between place and disadvantage, and particularly the question of whether, and how, geographical concentration of disadvantaged households exacerbates disadvantage is of growing concern to social science and urban policy. Despite many calls for a subtle and complex approach to constructing knowledge about these issues, a positivist approach based on statistical indicators, appears to dominate policy making. This approach reifies place and distracts attention from strategies which might effectively address disadvantage at the local level. This article describes two examples of small area redevelopment where such an approach has been used to suggest that redevelopment and dispersal of public housing concentrations are in the interests of current residents, whose lives would be improved through replacement of existing housing forms with more diverse, or at least tenure-mixed, suburbs. Yet the process by which this improvement will occur is yet to be explicated or even adequately theorised by spatial social science. The indicators used to measure the 'success' of redevelopment, such as small area employment, education and crime statistics, are likely to reveal little about the impact of such projects on the lives of the individuals most affected. A more reflexive and 'deeply engaged' research methodology is called for.  相似文献   

Chris Allen 《Housing Studies》2005,20(6):989-1007
The growing interest in reflexive social science has been matched by a voluminous literature on the epistemological consequences of positionality in social research. Inter-subjectivist approaches to positionality emphasise how social interactions within the field produce ‘interpretative moments’ and thereby consciously affect the process of knowledge production. Objectivist approaches to positionality emphasise the ‘background thinking’ that social researchers carry into the field, unexamined, as occupants of social positions that are class, gender etc. based. It follows that this (class, gendered) background thinking unconsciously influences the process of knowledge production. However, since this literature has had little impact on the field of housing and urban research, its relevance to these fields remains to be established and vice versa. In this paper, I discuss both of these approaches and find them helpful but limited in their relevance to housing and urban research. Since housing and urban research tends to be undertaken on behalf of ‘policy funders’, I argue that constant exposure to the ‘disciplinary gaze’ of those funders means that the positionality of housing and urban researchers is also moulded during the course of the academic career. This means that the positionality of housing and urban researchers is not simply established within the field nor carried into the field. Rather, the positionality of housing and urban researchers develops over time of constant exposure to the ‘disciplinary gaze’ of research funders and manifests itself in what Foucault refers to as ‘docility’, i.e. research practices intuitively and uncritically oriented to satisfying the needs and demands of research funders. I draw on my own research career experiences to demonstrate this argument and, in doing so, show how my docility manifested itself during recent ‘policy funded’ research into the housing and urban problems of visual impaired children.  相似文献   

How ready are we to receive robots on our building sites? Antoine Picon , G Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), highlights the mixed cultural reception that robotics in architecture has received, veering from techno-utopianism to techno-pessimism. Is the greatest value in robotics for architecture in fact contained within the discipline, residing in the way that it forces architects to think differently, shifting their mental landscape and making them design truly three-dimensional space? Are we, though, in danger of neglecting to explore and re-imagine the fundamental relationships between men, designers and workers, and machines, computers and robots?  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,戴尔·海姆斯提出交际能力一词,逐渐引起人们对语言的认识的改变,由认为语言是一个结构的、抽象的系统到认为语言是一个社会的、语义系统。这种认识转向对语言学转向至关重要,从此不同语言学流派迅速发展带来学术繁荣。同时,语言学的功能转向给语言教学及二语习得带来启发。在语言教学上,交际教学法兴起并在教学上取得卓越成就。在二语习得上,更加注重语言输入与环境的互动,学生对同伴老师反馈有效策略的选择,对提高学生的交际能力有重要意义。  相似文献   

在复杂管理语境下,"知识"及根植于它的整个学科体系以一种几乎无远不届的力量影响着学界对当代管理的体会与诠释。如想避免对传统思想做出素朴与简单的解释,那么在理解传统之前,反思据以理解的整个框架与境阈,应当是比较审慎稳妥的做法。在不可避免地把管理思想问题化之前,也应尝试着将"知识"问题化。这就要求我们在管理思潮不断的历史流变中,找到那个通常据以判决管理的知识观,并将之变成追问的对象。长期研究表明,根植于隐性知识与显性知识的管理研究逐渐难以推进有意义和创新的对话,从知识由以兴起的重新审视的管理机缘已经成熟,而三元知识的出现正是对此问题恰当的回应和处理。三元知识为不同认识态度提供了新视野,使得复杂管理语境下的三元平衡认识论日渐繁盛,并能够在其大框架下进行多元融合的学术交流和理论构建。因此,如何在复杂管理语境中从认识论的视角挖掘、审视三元知识及其合法性,已经成为管理领域运行的一个基础性问题。  相似文献   

章明  张姿 《时代建筑》2003,(3):60-63
本文是对建筑及建筑创作态度的省思,探索历史脉络、自然环境因素、社会背景及设计师心态与建筑创作的关系。  相似文献   

Subsurface transport of Cd, Cr, and Mo mediated by biosolid colloids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential of biosolid colloids to transport metals associated with organic-waste amendments through subsurface soil environments was investigated with leaching experiments involving undisturbed soil monoliths. The monoliths (25 cm in height and 18 cm in diameter) were carved from the upper solum of an Alfisol, a Mollisol, and an Entisol in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. Biosolid colloids were fractionated from two municipal wastes (lime-stabilized/LSB, and aerobically-digested/ADB), and a poultry-manure (PMB) organic waste and applied onto the monoliths at a rate of approximately 0.7 cm/h. Eluents were monitored for soluble and sorbed Cd, Cr, and Mo concentrations over 16-24 pore volumes of leaching. Colloid-free solutions with metal concentrations similar to those of the biosolid colloids were used as controls. The results indicated significantly (P<0.05) higher (up to 4 orders of magnitude) cationic and anionic metal elutions in association with the biosolid colloids in both, total and soluble fractions, over the control treatments. The elution of significant soluble metal loads in association with the biosolid colloids is attributed to increasing organic-metal complexation and exclusion processes, and emphasizes their importance as contaminant carriers and facilitators. Eluted metal loads varied with metal, colloid, and soil type, following the sequences Mo>Cd>Cr for the metals, and ADB>PMB>LSB (Cd and Cr) or ADB>LSB>PMB (Mo) for the colloids. Metal elution was generally enhanced by soil macroporosity and increasing OM content, while pH and Fe-Al oxides had significant, but opposite effects for the elution of cationic and anionic metal forms. Colloid and metal breakthrough curves were correlated well, being mostly asymmetrical with several maxima and minima caused by multiple clogging and flushing cycles. Soil- and colloid-metal sorption affinities were not reliable predictors of metal attenuation/elution loads, underscoring the dynamic nature of transport processes. The findings demonstrate the important role of biosolid colloids as contaminant carriers and the significant risk they pose, if unaccounted, for soil and ground water contamination in areas receiving heavy applications of biosolid waste amendments.  相似文献   

在设计人工智能主体的社会时,可以通过定义社会价值和规范来约束主体的行为。当不同规范之间发生冲突时,主体依据他/她对价值的排序做出决定,选择违反一些规范,遵守更重要的规范。关于规范的推理具有可废止性和非单调性。为研究非单调推理,20世纪80年代以来,出现了缺省逻辑、自认识逻辑、限定推理等形式系统。这些系统在实际应用中存在不少问题,比如,计算复杂性高、缺乏动态处理机制等。针对这些问题,本文引入基于价值排序的一种抽象规范系统,给出一种基于可废止逻辑的偏好规范推理模型和一种基于论辩逻辑的偏好规范推理模型,并比较了这两种模型的优缺点。前者适合于持谨慎态度的主体的认知推理,但在实践推理中可能导致某些规范系统的外延为空。后者不仅支持怀疑性推理,也支持轻信推理,在实践推理中具有优势。此外,基于论辩逻辑的偏好规范推理模型还能够发挥其抽象框架的优势,对不同论证之间的动态关系进行推理和研究。  相似文献   

困难家庭的社会资本是这一弱势群体社会行为范式和社会关系的综合体现,关乎生活中的"获得感"。本文利用2015年"中国城乡困难家庭社会政策支持系统建设"项目的调查数据,分析了社会救助的获得对城市困难家庭社会资本的影响。研究发现性别、年龄、政治面貌、受教育水平、家庭特征等因素能对受访者的社会资本产生不同程度的影响。在控制以上因素后,社会救助的不同项目对城市困难家庭的社会资本表现出一定的异质影响。对城市困难家庭而言,最低生活保障的获得降低了他们的社会资本,同时福利领取时间会强化这种负面影响;住房救助和临时救助带来了社会资本的显著提高,其他专项救助并未对其产生负面影响。本研究认为,作为社会保护政策,社会救助应在保障困难群体生活的基础上,进一步提升社会资本积累。可通过完善就业、教育、医疗、住房方面的救助来建设积极的社会救助体系,助力于经济社会发展和社会稳定。  相似文献   

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