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Competitive tendering and contracting out have been adopted throughout the developed world as a mechanism to enhance public sector efficiency, and now form an important part of local government reform programs in Australia. This paper seeks to review competitive tendering and contracting out in Australian local government. It examines the meaning of the terms competitive tendering and contracting out, the development of these instruments in Australia, their economic characteristics, and empirical evidence on the efficacy of competitive tendering and contract out.  相似文献   

国民经济和社会发展规划、城市总体规划及土地利用总体规划(简称"三规")分别由政府的发改部门、规划部门和国土部门负责制定。由于我国特有的条块分割式行政管理体系和中央—地方关系的复杂化,造成"三规"在编制、实施过程中存在许多冲突。研究通过分析"三规"问题的根源,认为地方政府在"三规"协调方面作出的努力与改革尝试,本质上是寻求在中央主管部门管控政策之下的地方自主发展的空间。研究以上海、广州和哈尔滨为例,从组织结构创新的角度,分析了当前地方政府3种不同的协调方法—组织机构合并、正式的协调机制及非正式的协调机制,并从制度经济学交易成本的角度对这些方法及其效果进行了阐述。研究发现,地方政府在中央政府不断增强的控制之下,自行推进的"三规合一"改革是谋求提高发展效率的一种手段。但不论何种方式,地方政府都付出了巨大的协调成本和激励成本。这些城市的做法可以为中央政府的制度设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

柯洪  赵鑫 《工程管理学报》2021,35(5):82-087
为明确政府监管强度对社会资本履约绩效影响的作用机理,通过识别政府监管内容,构建了一个有调节的结构方程模型,考察不同PPP 项目类型下政府监管强度对于社会资本的履约绩效影响。研究发现:政府监管中的准入监管、价格监管、信息监管、合同监管的加强对于社会资本履约绩效的提升有显著作用。其中准入监管中,经营性并不能对该路径效果起到调节作用;价格监管路径的效果随着经营性水平的提高起到明显的正作用调节;信息监管路径随着经营性水平的提高,对路径起到的是削弱的作用;合同监管路径调节效应也是随着经营水平提高而对路径效果削弱。研究结果为政府今后实施PPP监管提供了理论支持,同时可为社会资本选择项目时衡量当地政府监管提供参考,更好地实现PPP 项目目标。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于全面深化改革时期,政府把"简政放权、放管结合"作为改革的重头戏,全力推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。研究从城市规划编制审批和管理工作的现实困境出发,以总体规划编制审批事权改革为突破口,在充分借鉴日、英、美等发达国家发展经验的基础上,提出城市总体规划审批事权重新划分的改革方向和具体方案,并提出地方政府须同步推进项目许可方式、规划建设标准和执业资格等方面改革的要求,以及改革的重点和实施步骤。  相似文献   

费伯斯·列文在核酸研究史上占据的地位举足轻重。在对原始资料进行综合研究与分析的基础上,概括其在核酸化学研究领域的主要贡献。再对列文提出的"四核苷酸假说"进行详细地分析,阐释其产生的影响及提出的原因。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Civic reformers tout consolidation as a means to increase the economy and efficiency of local government functions and services. However, little is known about the actual impact of consolidation due to the small number of governments that have merged. Moreover, the consolidation literature focuses primarily on preconsolidation efforts. The present research seeks to help fill this gap in the literature by focusing on the organizational and personnel effects of the Athens-Clarke County, Georgia, consolidation. The author draws conclusions about the specific case and proposes possible strategies for building a framework to assess the potential viability of future consolidation efforts and to examine retrospectively the organizational and personnel aspects of consolidated governments.  相似文献   

Literature on the local state in Australia is reviewed and several characteristic features are identified. These include the absence of fundamental questions about the place of local government within the overall state; the lack of effort to explain change; and the prevalence of ideological conservatism. It is concluded that alternative futures for local government require a more critical and open literature.  相似文献   

为解释以往关于信任对项目绩效正向或负向影响的研究分歧,以 PPP 项目为背景,构建以信任(能力信任和善意信任)为自变量、项目绩效为因变量、合作行为(角色内行为和角色外行为)作为中介变量的理论模型。通过结构方程模型分析 286 份有效问卷,结果表明:能力信任和善意信任对 PPP 项目绩效起正向促进作用,角色内行为和角色外行为对 PPP项目绩效起正向促进作用。同时,角色内行为和角色外行为在能力信任、善意信任与 PPP 项目绩效间均发挥部分中介作用。研究结果有助于深入理解中国 PPP 情境下不同维度信任对项目绩效的影响,也为 PPP 项目实践中面临的绩效低下问题提供了管理建议。  相似文献   

柯洪  罗高峰 《建筑经济》2012,(10):97-100
通过对社会资本、公共项目管理绩效相关文献的回顾,凝练出知识共享、心理契约等管理绩效的内在影响因素,以此作为中介变量构建出"社会资本→中介变量→公共项目管理绩效"的作用机理,并加以解析,为进一步探讨二者的影响路径奠定基础。  相似文献   

Construction project teams require social capital. When present in appropriate forms, it creates the social cohesion through which individuals accept project goals as their own. It lets team members share knowledge when present and reveal when it is missing. In education, social learning helps students appreciate the need for social capital appropriate to team performance. In practice, social capital enables the project team learning that overcomes project-specific challenges. Despite this importance, little is known about how students perceive social capital or the compatibility of that understanding with construction project needs.

To characterise this aspect of ‘graduateness,’ collective understanding of social capital was elicited from construction students in a Scottish university by free recall. Analysis was structured around four dimensions of social capital: cohesion, legitimacy & authenticity, sharing, and safety. Notions of friendship were found to dominate student understanding of their social capital even though this understanding derived from settings where the need for capital to support team performance is emphasized. The potential for misalignment between the capital that graduating students bring into practice with that required by project teams was apparent. The case for further investigation of this influence on early career development was established.  相似文献   

城市形态设计准则在美国已经拥有三十余年的发展历史,其具有灵活性、综合性和易读性等多种特点。研究在总结美国当前普遍使用的城市形态设计准则的基本内容和特点及其应用的成果——城市设计控制标准文件的基础上,提出类型学的组织框架和设计控制矩阵这一核心设计控制方法,以期在对城市开发的理性控制、城市空间质量的提升、城市公共环境的保护、对接城市规划管理和加强公众参与等方面为中国的城市规划设计与规划管理提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

如何签订一个有利的建筑工程承包合同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重视投标及谈判过程中的各项活动 ,是取得一个有利的建筑工程承包合同的关键  相似文献   

Redevelopment and relocation procedures in large American cities frequently benefit the redevel-oper and his tenants more than the site residents. In the project analyzed here, the neighborhood chosen for clearance is a low-rent area, rather than a slum, since the majority of the structures and facilities cannot be proved to be harmful to their inhabitants or to the city. In addition to losing their neighborhood, the 2,800 households on the site are subsidizing the redevelopment by the involuntary payment of a number of economic, social, and psychological costs because of inadequate relocation planning. Recommendations to correct serious inequities in all phases of renewal procedures are suggested.  相似文献   

《易经》有云:“夫大人者,与天地合其德。”当前,我国转型时期出现的资源紧张、环境恶化以及某种程度的生态危机,可以说是一场文化浩劫、人道浩劫和自然生态浩劫。吴良镛教授等在《北京宪章》中描绘道:在城市规划和建设中,我们却没有领会和珍惜自然的功能,反而用极其恶劣的方式,摧毁和毒害大地“女神”的肌体。肢解她的躯体-田园和草原,毁损其筋骨-山脉,毁坏她的肾脏-湿地系统,切断她的血脉-河流水系,毒化她的肺-林地和各种生物栖息地,……使她丧失服务功能,生物多样性降低。我们现在所面临的严峻的生态问题,正演变成社会问题和政治问题。  相似文献   

本文引入社会学中的概念,并与社区发展的新趋势相结合,探求在提升我国住区物理环境的同时积极塑造住区"软"环境的规划设计之路.  相似文献   

Possessing different land rights and distinct landscapes, and separated from the rest of the city by invisible institutional boundaries, China's urban villages are unusual enclaves for landless farmers, rural migrants and other urban hukou (citizenship rights) holders in a period of rapid urbanization. Although urban villages are well known for their disorder and unruliness, they provide temporary livelihood for indigenous villagers and inexpensive shelter for migrants and other urban residents. Urban villages are typically perceived as homogeneous low-income neighbourhoods characterized by low quality and high density housing. In fact, housing differentiation has emerged in urban villages among residents who possess different quantities and types of capital, rights/entitlements, skills and other assets. This paper aims to understand the social groups and the housing differentiation among them in the Chinese urban villages from an institutional perspective. It is based on a large-scale household survey in 11 urban villages in six Chinese cities. Empirical data show evidence of significant housing differentiation within these enclaves: indigenous villagers have become a petty rentier class; rural migrants pay the highest rents while enduring the lowest housing conditions; and housing conditions for urban hukou holders lie between those of the other two groups. Regression analysis suggests that urban villages share similar dynamics of housing differentiation as wider urban spaces, i.e. the combination of strong institutional constraints and emerging market influences leads to housing differentiation and inequality. Residents in urban villages are also highly mobile. The inflows and outflows of population form an important part of the urban socio-spatial restructuring process.  相似文献   

近期,国内相当一部分城市提出了建设“生态城市”的目标,这是落实“科学发展观”、引导城市实现可持续发展的应有之意和必然要求。然仅有理论指导而缺少可操作的经验加以借鉴,势必使生态城市的规划、建设仅停留于“热炒概念”的层面,而难以收到预期成效。故我刊将陆续邀请一些专家学者对境外一些城市在生态城市规划、建设方面的经验进行介绍和探讨,以期为国内生态城市建设提供借鉴与参考。受本刊之邀,新加坡国立大学建筑系杨沛儒博士,特撰写了“生态城市设计专题”系列文章,已于今年2-3合刊上发表了第一篇《国外生态城市的规划历程1900~1990》,本期继续发表该系列第二篇文章《生态城市的总体策划——台北生态城市的规划架构》。此外,台湾高雄大学都市发展与建筑研究所所长曾梓峰教授亦结合德国生态社区规划案例,对可持续发展生态社区规划中的社会资本观念的应用进行了探讨,以期对读者有所启发。  相似文献   

困难家庭的社会资本是这一弱势群体社会行为范式和社会关系的综合体现,关乎生活中的"获得感"。本文利用2015年"中国城乡困难家庭社会政策支持系统建设"项目的调查数据,分析了社会救助的获得对城市困难家庭社会资本的影响。研究发现性别、年龄、政治面貌、受教育水平、家庭特征等因素能对受访者的社会资本产生不同程度的影响。在控制以上因素后,社会救助的不同项目对城市困难家庭的社会资本表现出一定的异质影响。对城市困难家庭而言,最低生活保障的获得降低了他们的社会资本,同时福利领取时间会强化这种负面影响;住房救助和临时救助带来了社会资本的显著提高,其他专项救助并未对其产生负面影响。本研究认为,作为社会保护政策,社会救助应在保障困难群体生活的基础上,进一步提升社会资本积累。可通过完善就业、教育、医疗、住房方面的救助来建设积极的社会救助体系,助力于经济社会发展和社会稳定。  相似文献   

420.5m的金茂大厦在结构施工中采用了一系列高新技术,如一次连续浇筑13500m^3大体积高标号混凝土承台,380m高泵送混凝土,自行设计的钢平台模板系统等等。  相似文献   

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