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The main objective of this study is the investigation of the effect of the optical path of incident beam solar radiation on the performance of a linear Fresnel concentrating solar collector. The requirements regarding the kinematics of the reflectors are examined, allowing the effective focus of the reflected radiation on the receiver cover. A methodology for the calculation of the reflection angles of the sun rays incident on the mirrors, as well as of the incidence angles of the reflected rays on the cover, as a function of the sun position and the geometry of the collector is proposed. Specific scenarios, describing the effect of the solar radiation optical path on the collected heat, are formulated, each of them leading to a different form for the instantaneous efficiency equation. The evaluation and analysis of these scenarios, on the basis of actual operation conditions, has shown that the effect of the reflection and incidence angles throughout the modeling of the collector and the calculation of the useful thermal power cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the experimental investigation and exergy analysis of a modified solar still (MSS) with convex lenses on glass cover to collect the solar radiation at the focus on surface water. A comparative analysis of the performance and yield of the MSS with convex lenses and the conventional single slope SS were carried out for the same climatic condition of Tanta (Egypt). Similarly, the effect of modification in the SS using convex lenses, with or without black stones, on the freshwater yield is experimentally investigated. The results indicated that the lenses focus the solar radiation to the water placed in the basin and increase the water‐glass temperature difference (T w T g). The yield of freshwater from the MSS with the convex lenses is comparatively higher than that of the conventional SS (26.64%). In addition to convex lenses in the inner cover surface, freshwater yield improved by 35.55% by adding blue stones as energy material inside the basin under constant water mass of 30 kg. The maximum exergy efficiency of the SS with lenses and blue stones was 11.7%, while the SS with lenses alone was 4%. The quality of freshwater produced after desalination was well within the World Health Organization standards. The total dissolved solids and pH after desalination were 22 mg/L and 8.08, respectively.  相似文献   

为充分利用建筑屋顶,解决光伏光热一体化(PV/T)集热器光电转换效率的高温减益问题,并提高太阳能综合利用率和集热品位,文章构建了一种基于太阳光谱分频利用技术的光伏/光热模块分离式的小型聚光式PV/T集热器。通过建立其光/电/热理论分析模型及TracePro/Fluent数值仿真模型,以南京地区气象数据为例,综合分析其光/电/热性能,结果表明:该集热器以与安装地纬度等值的倾角南北轴向放置时,其年均光学效率为64.97%,工质出口温度为90℃时的系统光电/光热效率分别为12.47%,40.09%,系统综合热效率达72.91%,且其结构简单、外形轻薄,有望实现与普通建筑的有效结合。  相似文献   

U型管式全玻璃真空管集热器热效率及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田琦 《能源工程》2006,(6):36-40
在能量平衡分析的基础上,建立了U型管式全玻璃真空管太阳能集热器热效率方程,推导了集热器热损系数、效率因子等性能参数的计算公式,理论计算热效率与实验数据吻合良好。计算分析表明,真空管热损系数与吸热管和环境温差并非线性关系,将其关联式按环境温度分段整理将使计算结果更接近实际;涂层发射比对集热器的热效率影响较大,降低涂层发射比是提高集热器效率的有效途径;采取适当的措施降低吸热管与肋片间的接触热阻后,采用U型管连接方式不会时热利用系统集热器效率造成太大影响。  相似文献   

George C. Bakos   《Renewable Energy》2006,31(15):2411-2421
An experimental study was performed to investigate the effect of using a continuous operation two-axes tracking on the solar energy collected. The collected energy was measured and compared with that on a fixed surface tilted at 40° towards the South. The results indicate that the measured collected solar energy on the moving surface was significantly larger (up to 46.46%) compared with the fixed surface. The proposed two-axis Sun tracking system was characterized by a fairly simple and low-cost electromechanical set-up with low maintenance requirements and ease on installation and operation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new configuration of solar concentration optics utilizing modularly faceted Fresnel lenses to achieve a uniform intensity on the absorber plane with a moderate concentration ratio. The uniform illumination is obtained by the superposition of flux distributions resulted from modularly faceted Fresnel lenses. Based on the concept of modularly faceted Fresnel lenses, the cost effective 3-D concentration solar PV system is designed for future applications. Mathematical treatments for deriving the flux distribution and the concentration efficiency at the absorber plane are introduced. As an example, the distribution of the solar flux, at the cell position, is simulated using ray-trace technique for 9, 25, 49, 81, and 121 suns concentration systems. The irradiance distributions at the cell plane are estimated to be uniform within 20%, with a transmission efficiency larger than 70% for low and medium concentration ratios (less than 50 suns).  相似文献   

In this paper, the effectiveness of ferrofluid as a working fluid for solar flat plate collectors (FPCs) is studied. A mini-ferrofluid-based solar FPC is designed and tested under laboratory conditions. The thermal performance of the designed solar FPC is evaluated under different conditions and it is observed that it provides higher efficiency for the case of ferrofluid in the presence of a magnetic field. The thermal efficiency is observed to increase by 54% for ferrofluid in presence of a magnetic field as compared to no magnetic field. The thermal efficiency is observed to increase further with the increase in the magnetic field. The increase in thermal efficiency is attributed to the combined effects of higher thermal conductivity and magnetohydrodynamics of ferrofluid, which result in higher convective heat transfer from the riser tube walls into ferrofluid. The higher heat transfer for ferrofluid with a magnetic field is established by calculating the Nusselt number numerically using COMSOL. Simulation results show an increase in Nusselt number for ferrofluid with magnetic field and hence higher thermal efficiency for the solar FPC. The designed FPC provides simple modifications to conventional FPCs to use ferrofluid with magnetic field for higher thermal efficiencies.  相似文献   

Building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) systems may be utilized to produce useful heat while simultaneously generating electricity from the same building envelope surface. A well known highly efficient collector is the open-loop unglazed transpired collector (UTC) which consists of dark porous cladding through which outdoor air is drawn and heated by absorbed solar radiation. Commercially available photovoltaic systems typically produce electricity with efficiencies up to about 18%. Thus, it is beneficial to obtain much of the normally wasted heat from the systems, possibly by combining UTC with photovoltaics. Combination of BIPV/T and UTC systems for building facades is considered in this paper - specifically, the design of a prototype façade-integrated photovoltaic/thermal system with transpired collector (BIPV/T). A full scale prototype is constructed with 70% of UTC area covered with PV modules specially designed to enhance heat recovery and compared to a UTC of the same area under outdoor sunny conditions with low wind. The orientation of the corrugations in the UTC is horizontal and the black-framed modules are attached so as to facilitate flow into the UTC plenum. While the overall combined thermal efficiency of the UTC is higher than that of the BIPV/T system, the value of the generated energy - assuming that electricity is at least four times more valuable than heat - is between 7% and 17% higher. Also, the electricity is always useful while the heat is usually utilized only in the heating season. The BIPV/T concept is applied to a full scale office building demonstration project in Montreal, Canada. The ratio of photovoltaic area coverage of the UTC may be selected based on the fresh air heating needs of the building, the value of the electricity generated and the available building surfaces.  相似文献   

Thermal performance of the four identical trapezoidal cavity absorbers for linear Fresnel reflecting solar device were studied and compared. The absorbers were designed for operating in conjunction with a prototype Fresnel solar reflector. Rectangular and round pipe sections were used as absorber by placing in the trapezoidal cavity. The absorber pipes were coated with ordinary dull black board paint and black nickel selective surface. The bottom of the cavity was provided with plane glass to allow the solar radiation to be reflected from the Fresnel reflector. The other three sides of the cavity absorber were insulated to reduce heat loss. Thermal performance of the Fresnel reflecting concentrator with each trapezoidal cavity absorber was studied experimentally at different concentration ratio of the reflector. The study revealed that the thermal efficiency was influenced by the concentration ratio and selective surface coating on the absorber. The thermal efficiency decreased with the increase in the concentration ratio of the Fresnel reflecting collector. The selective surface coated absorber had a significant advantage in terms of superior thermal performance as compared to ordinary black painted absorber. The round pipe (multi-tube) receiver had higher surface area to absorb solar energy as compared to rectangular pipe receiver. Thermal efficiency of the solar device with round pipe absorber was found higher (up to 8%) as compared to rectangular pipe absorber.  相似文献   

构建表面积为1.50 m×1.50 m的小型实验用盐梯度太阳池,并与平板太阳能集热器配合使用,分别对普通太阳池和集热增强型太阳池进行了储热、放热实验。实验研究与理论分析表明:单独盐梯度太阳池的放热量为3.5×103k J,热效率为13.6%;集热增强型太阳池放热量可以达到4.8×103k J,且热效率增至28.1%。另外后者下对流层温度最高可提升10℃以上,从而证明太阳能集热器可以有效提高太阳池热效率,增加下对流层储热量。此外,考虑了放热过程换热器对太阳池下对流层的扰动,对比实验前后的溶液浓度,可以看出实验后太阳池盐度曲线合理,非对流层呈良好梯度分布,太阳池稳定性并未遭到破坏。  相似文献   

Solar photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) collectors, are hybrid collectors used to convert solar radiation into usable thermal and electrical energy. Recently, the field of research on PV/T is has focused on improving the efficiency of the PV/T collector by replacing the conventional heat transfer fluids (HTFs) with nanofluids. This article investigates the effect of hybrid nanofluids mixture ratio on the useful energy and overall efficiency of a PV/T collector operating with Al2O3-ZnO water nanofluid as the HTF. Experiments to measure the thermophysical properties of the hybrid nanofluids were conducted for various temperatures, volume concentrations, and mixture ratios, furthermore, accurate correlation models were proposed. Metrological data and energy output readings collected from the PV solar farm at Cyprus International University were used to validate our model. The study observed that at the optimum mixture ratio (0.47 of Al2O3 in the hybrid), the electrical, thermal, and exergy efficiencies of the PV/T collector are 13.8%, 55.9%, and 15.13% respectively. Also, the cell temperature drops by 21% when the mass flow rate is 0.1 kg/s as compared to when it is 0.01 kg/s. Finally, the study concludes that by using the Al2O3-ZnO hybrid nanofluid an overall peak thermal efficiency of 91% can be attained, and this represents a 34% enhancement in the collector's performance when compared to water.  相似文献   

A new type of greenhouse with linear Fresnel lenses in the cover performing as a concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) system is presented. The CPV system retains all direct solar radiation, while diffuse solar radiation passes through and enters into the greenhouse cultivation system. The removal of all direct radiation will block up to 77% of the solar energy from entering the greenhouse in summer, reducing the required cooling capacity by about a factor 4. This drastically reduce the need for cooling in the summer and reduce the use of screens or lime coating to reflect or block radiation.All of the direct radiation is concentrated by a factor of 25 on a photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) module and converted to electrical and thermal (hot water) energy. The PV/T module is kept in position by a tracking system based on two electric motors and steel cables. The energy consumption of the tracking system, ca. 0.51 W m−2, is less than 2% of the generated electric power yield. A peak power of 38 W m−2 electrical output was measured at 792 W m−2 incoming radiation and a peak power of 170 W m−2 thermal output was measured at 630 W m−2 incoming radiation of. Incoming direct radiation resulted in a thermal yield of 56% and an electric yield of 11%: a combined efficiency of 67%. The annual electrical energy production of the prototype system is estimated to be 29 kW h m−2 and the thermal yield at 518 MJ m−2. The collected thermal energy can be stored and used for winter heating. The generated electrical energy can be supplied to the grid, extra cooling with a pad and fan system and/or a desalination system. The obtained results show a promising system for the lighting and temperature control of a greenhouse system and building roofs, providing simultaneous electricity and heat. It is shown that the energy contribution is sufficient for the heating demand of well-isolated greenhouses located in north European countries.  相似文献   

An experimental model of a solar hybrid system including photovoltaic (PV) module, concentrating Fresnel lens, thermoelectric generator (TEG), and running water heat extracting unit was created and studied. The PV module used was of c‐Si and TEG of Bi2Te3; the Fresnel lens (solar concentrator) and TEG share an optical train, whereas PV module was illuminated separately with non‐concentrated light. Heat extracting unit operated in thermo siphon mode. In climatic conditions of Mexico (Queretaro, 20o of North latitude, summer time), the Fresnel lens accepted 120 W of solar radiation power, and the system generated 7.0 W of electric power and 30 W of thermal one. The discussion is made of the possible characteristics of a hypothetical hybrid system where all its elements share the same optical train. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the thermal performance of a double-pass solar collector with and without porous media in the second or lower channel of the collector. The experimental setup has been designed to study the thermal performance over a range of design and operating conditions. Several important relationships between the design and operating conditions have been obtained. These relationships effect the thermal performance of the double-pass solar collector. The relationships include the effect of changes in upper and lower channel depth on the thermal efficiency with and without porous media. Moreover, the effects of mass flow rate, solar radiation, and temperature rises on the thermal efficiency of the double-pass solar collector have been studied. The study concluded that the presence of porous media in the second channel increases the outlet temperature, therefore increases the thermal efficiency of the systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the performance of an inexpensive integrated solar collector and storage system. The flow of fluid and heat capacity of the storage material in the container is considered simultaneously and an evaluation is made for the resulting outlet fluid temperature for various flow rates and materials by solving the Fourier heat conduction equation with appropriate boundary conditions in different regions. This evaluation, combined with energy balance considerations, yields an expression for the transient rate at which heat can be retrieved—by keeping flow rate constant. Numerical calculations, corresponding to a typical winter day in Delhi have been carried out. The heat retrieval efficiencies are of the order of 50-25%. A phase difference of about 12–18 h is obtained between the maxima of solair temperature and outlet water temperature. The efficiency of the system increases with flow rate and decreases with depth of plane of heat retrieval. Concrete is found to be the best inexpensive sensible heat storage material out of those materials considered.  相似文献   

Limited energy is the most critical factor that restricts the persistent presence of underwater vehicles in the oceans; thus, harvesting the ocean's thermal energy that is stored in the water column between the sea surface and deep water is a particularly promising solution for the current power shortage. This paper has designed a new ocean thermal energy conversion system which using phase change material as energy storage medium, and proposed a novel maximum efficiency point tracking (MEPT) method for energy conversion. This new method, which is integrated with a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the proportion integration differentiation (PID) control method, could effectively improve the efficiency of energy conversion. Compared with the power generation system that does not use the MEPT method, experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the efficiency of the power generation from less than 19.05% to more than 34.3% and has higher stability (using this method: the efficiency changes from 34.3%-34.7%; without using this method: the efficiency changes from 13.56% -19.05%) when the load changes. This novel method can be used in many conditions, especially when the mathematical model of the generation system is unknown or researchers want to use fewer sensors for maximum efficiency point tracking.  相似文献   

In this study, the optical and thermal performance of a Parabolic Trough Collector PTC system is investigated theoretically. A series of numerical simulations and theoretical analysis has been conducted to investigate the effect of the receiver geometry and location relative to the focal line on its optical performance. The examined receiver geometries are circular, square, triangular, elliptical and a new design of circular- square named as channel receiver. The thermal performance of PTC is studied for different flow rates from (0.27 to 0.6 lpm) theoretically. Results showed that the best optical design is the channel receiver with an optical efficiency of 84% while the worst is the elliptical receiver with an optical efficiency of 70%. Thermally the best design is the elliptical receiver with a thermal efficiency of 85% while the worst is the circular receiver with a thermal efficiency of 82%.  相似文献   

Electric energy production with photovoltaic (PV)/thermal solar hybrid systems can be enhanced with the employment of a bifacial PV module. Experimental model of a PV/thermal hybrid system with such a module was constructed and studied. To make use of both active surfaces of the bifacial PV module, we designed and made an original water-heating planar collector and a set of reflecting planes. The heat collector was transparent in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions, which makes it compatible with the PV module made of crystalline Si. The estimated overall solar energy utilization efficiency for the system related to the direct radiation flux is of the order of 60%, with an electric efficiency of 16.4%.  相似文献   

Integration of solar concentrators with photovoltaic (PV) systems reduces the required number of PV panels, which often account for the major costs of PV systems. The linear Fresnel reflector mirror is considered more effective because of its simplicity and effortless fabrication. An experimental test rig of a concentrated PV/thermal system that employs a linear configuration and horizontal absorber was built for evaluating its electrical and thermal performances. The considered concentrator consists of various widths of flat glass mirrors, which positioned with different angles, and with sun light focusing on the PV cells that fixed over an active cooling system. The experimental investigation of the proposed concentrated PV/thermal system shows that higher electrical and thermal efficiencies can be achieved at comparatively high temperature levels than that typically utilized in a nonconcentrated PV/thermal system. The characteristics of PV cells also indicate that the electrical efficiency values in case of no concentration and with concentration ratio of 6.0 are 9.6%, and 11%, respectively. The measured values for the inlet and outlet cooling water temperatures of the receiver showed that the maximum outlet temperature reached was 75°C with a flow rate of 0.025 L/min, and the product thermal efficiency was 62.3%. These obtained results illustrate an adequate and good thermal and electrical performance under the meteorological weather conditions of the province of Al‐Karak in Jordan.  相似文献   

The collector efficiency factor F, besides the collector heat loss coefficient UL, characterizes the thermal quality of a solar collector. As F is strongly influenced by the tube distance w and the absorber plate thickness δ, F is also correlated with the material content of absorber plus tubing. Due to the future mass production of collectors and to the restricted copper resources (in the literature, a range until 2026 is given), the role of material savings can be expected to become more and more important. This paper focuses on the correlations between F and the material content of absorber and tubing for flat-plate collectors with the fin-and-tube geometry. The correlations between w, δ, F and material content are presented in a new type of nomograph. This nomograph indicates the values of w and δ that minimize the material content (for a given F). For a typical absorber with F=0.90, material savings of 25% can theoretically be achieved without any deterioration of F, by reducing the absorber plate thickness and the tube distance. The resulting plate thickness is below 0.1 mm; the respective tube distance will be about 7 cm. Practical restrictions are discussed. In a sensitivity analysis, the influence of different parameters on F is investigated. The most important parameters are w, UL,δ and the Reynolds number. The technique chosen for contacting tube and absorber has only a minor influence on F.  相似文献   

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