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OBJECTIVES: The biotransformation of caffeine has been studied in vitro using human cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes (CYPs) expressed in human B-lymphoblastoid cell lines, namely CYP1A1, 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2D6-Val, 2E1 and 3A4, and microsomal epoxide hydroxylase (EH). In addition, CYP2D6-Met was also studied, in which a valine in the wild type (CYP2D6-Val) has been replaced by a methionine due to a G to A mutation in position 112. RESULTS: At caffeine 3 mmol center dot l-1, five CYPs (1A1, 1A2, 2D6-Met, 2E1 and 3A4) catalysed the biotransformation of caffeine. Among the enzymes studied, CYP1A2, which predominantly catalysed paraxanthine formation, had the highest intrinsic clearance (160 l center dot h-1 center dot mmol-1 CYP). Together with its high abundance in liver, it should be considered, therefore, to be the most important isoenzyme in caffeine metabolism. The affinity of caffeine for CYP1A1 was comparable to that of its homologue 1A2. CYP2D6-Met, which catalysed caffeine metabolism by demethylation and 8-hydroxylation, also had a relatively high intrinsic clearance (3.0 l center dot h-1 mmol-1 CYP), in particular for theophylline and paraxanthine formation, with kM values between 9-16 mmol center dot l-1. In contrast, the wild type, CYP2D6-Val, had no detectable activity. In comparison, CYP2E1 played a less important role in in vitro caffeine metabolism. CYP3A4 predominantly catalysed 8-hydroxylation with a kM value of 46 mmol center dot l-1 and an intrinsic clearance of 0.60 l center dot h-1 center dot mmol-1 CYP. Due to its high abundance in human liver, the latter CYP may contribute significantly to the in vivo formation of TMU. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study indicate that i) microsomes from transfected human B-lymphoblastoid cell lines give results close to those obtained with microsomes isolated from human liver, ii) at least four CYP isoforms are involved in caffeine metabolism, iii) at a substrate concentration <0.1 mmol center dot l-1, CYP1A2 and 1A1 are the most important isoenzymes, iv) at higher concentrations the participation of other isoenzymes, in particular CYP3A4, 2E1 and possibly also CYP2D6-Met, are important in caffeine metabolism, and v) the nucleotide composition at position 1120 of CYP2D6 determines the activity of this isoenzyme in caffeine metabolism.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant, secreted via exocytosis of lamellar bodies (LB) by alveolar type II (AT II) cells, maintains low alveolar surface tension and is therefore essential for normal lung function. Here we describe real-time monitoring of exocytotic activity in these cells by visualizing and quantifying LB fusion with the plasma membrane (PM). Two approaches were used. First, fluorescence of LysoTracker Green DND-26 (LTG) in LB disappeared when the dye was released after exocytosis. Second, phospholipid staining by FM 1-43 resulted in bright fluorescence when this dye entered the LB through the fusion pore. Both processes were restricted to and colocalized with LB and occurred simultaneously. In AT II cells, FM 1-43 offered the unique advantage to independently define the moment and cellular location of single exocytotic events as well as the amount of material released, and to monitor its extracellular fate. Furthermore, both dyes could be used in combination with fura-2. The results indicate considerable diversity in the dynamics of LB exocytosis. In the majority of cells stimulated with ATP and isoproterenol, the first fusion of LB coincided with the rise of [Ca2+]i, but subsequent response of other LB in the same cell considerably outlasted this signal. In other cells, however, the onset of exocytosis was delayed by several minutes. After LB fusion, release of surfactant from LB into an aqueous solution was slow. In summary, stimulated exocytosis in AT II cells occurs at a much slower rate than in most other secretory cells but is still a more dynamic process than predicted from conventional measurements of surfactant released into cell supernatants.  相似文献   

The effect of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection on the viability of healthy (control) human alveolar macrophages was evaluated by staining with ethidium homodimer and calcein to discriminate live from dead cells. Infection with M. tuberculosis H37Ra or H37Rv increased macrophage mortality at 6 days from the control level of 3.8% +/- 0.7% to 28.7% +/- 6.9% or 12.6% +/- 3.1%, respectively (P < 0.001 for comparisons of all conditions). A role for tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in the M. tuberculosis-induced cytolysis of alveolar macrophages was demonstrated by increased cytotoxicity following the addition of exogenous TNF-alpha to the cultures and by enhancement of macrophage survival when M. tuberculosis-infected alveolar macrophages were treated with pentoxifylline or anti-TNF-alpha antibody. The cytolytic mechanism was determined to be apoptosis by the demonstration of a characteristic internucleosomal ladder of genomic DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis, by finding nuclear fragmentation and condensation by electron microscopy, and by in situ terminal transferase-mediated nick end labeling of fragmented DNA in alveolar macrophages infected with M. tuberculosis in vitro. The latter technique was employed to reveal extensive apoptosis within caseating granulomas from lung tissue samples from clinical tuberculosis cases. The induction of apoptosis in alveolar macrophages by M. tuberculosis may play a role in the macrophage-pathogen interaction of tuberculosis in vivo.  相似文献   

Using a retroviral vector expressing the adenoviral 12S E1A gene product the authors have immortalized rat type II alveolar epithelial cells. For a period of time, the immortalized cells retain many of the ultrastructural characteristics of type II cells in situ, including the presence of lamellar bodies. By 250 days in culture, however, neither lamellar bodies, SP-A, nor a phospholipid profile characteristic of surfactant were present. The cell bind the lectin Maclura pomifera and stably express cytokeratins and the E1A gene product. The cell line also has a diploid karyotype, exhibits contact inhibition of growth, and does not grow in soft agar. E1A-immortalized cell lines should prove useful as models for study of certain aspects of type II alveolar epithelial cell function.  相似文献   

The experiment used Morris hepatoma 5123 series growing in muscles of the Buffalo rats. A suspension of 3 x 10(6) neoplastic cells was injected into the right hind leg of the animals. After fourteen days, TNF-alpha was administered into the tumour in a dose of 1.5 x 10(4) U/24 hours in 0.5 ml PBS solution. The group I animals were injected for 4 days and group II for 8 days. Control groups consisted of rats with injected Morris hepatoma which were given PBS solution instead of TNF-alpha (group III A and B) and animals without the hepatoma, given 4 or 8 TNF-alpha, respectively (groups IV A and B). In the present study, we have explored the effect of intratumor TNF-alpha administration on the composition of cells isolated from the lungs through multiple bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL). Ultrastructural evaluation of the pulmonary tissue was done using a transmission electron microscope (TEM), with special attention paid to type II alveolar epithelial cells and free alveolar cells. Examinations in TEM in groups I, II and IV (A and B) found, in the lumen of alveoli, an increase in the number of alveolar macrophages (AM) with morphological features of intensified activity and AM with numerous secondary lysosomes containing material of phospholipid structure. Also, numerous type II alveolar epithelial cells with emptied lamellar bodies were observed. The above mentioned changes were especially marked after eightfold TNF-alpha administration. In groups I, II and IV (A and B), compared with group III, a significant increase was found in the total number of cells isolated by BAL as well as in the number of cells with positive reaction in staining according to Beckstead's method. It may indicate that the changes in the parameters mentioned above are related to TNF-alpha action. The results obtained indicate the possibility of systemic effect of TNF-alpha after its administration into the experimental Morris hepatoma.  相似文献   

The recently developed procedure of chromosomal DNA loop excision by topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage at matrix attachment sites (S. V. Razin, R. Hancock, O. Iarovaia, O. Westergaard, I. Gromova, and G. P. Georgiev, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 58:25-35, 1993; I. I. Gromova, B. Thompsen, and S. V. Razin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:102-106, 1995) has been employed for mapping the DNA loop anchorage sites in a 500-kb region of the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome. Eleven anchorage sites delimiting 10 DNA loops ranging in size from 20 to 90 kb were found within this region. Ten of these 11 anchorage sites colocalize with previously mapped scaffold attachment regions. However, a number of other scaffold attachment regions are found to be located in loop DNA.  相似文献   

Cultures of Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts and explants of 20-day-old rat lungs were exposed to 95% oxygen with 5% CO2 in vitro. The Chinese hamster cells had stopped dividing after 17 hours exposure and cell death occurred at a mean time of 67 hours (s.d. 15 hours). The rat lung explants showed macrophages moving over a monolayer of alveolar type II epithelial cells. Both cell types appeared to function normally for 24 hours but cell division in the type II cells was about 50% of control between 12 and 24 hours of exposure and virtually ceased after 26 hours. Cell death commenced after 4 days and was complete in 9 days. Macrophages divided freely in the control cultures but only one division was seen during exposure to oxygen and that occurred during the first 24 hours. Motility was reduced by 50% during the second day of exposure and stopped during the 3rd day. No live macrophages were seen after 4 days exposure. These culture systems appear very suitable for screening drugs for their protective effect against oxygen toxicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of guinea pig alveolar epithelial type II cells to generate significant amounts of reactive oxygen species to inactivate alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI). Inactivation of alpha 1-PI was evaluated by its inhibitory activity against porcine pancreatic elastase and was expressed as a percentage. The same experiments were performed in parallel with alveolar macrophages (AM) obtained from the same animals and with MRC-5 fibroblasts. Both type II cells and AM released significant amounts of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide, whereas the fibroblasts did not. Unstimulated type II cells (0.5 +/- 2%), AM (1.2 +/- 1.5%), and fibroblasts (0.5 +/- 0.5%) were unable to inactivate alpha 1-PI. Addition of phorbol myristate acetate did not increase their ability to inactivate alpha 1-PI. In contrast, type II cells (79.7 +/- 7%) and AM (80.1 +/- 8%) dramatically inactivated alpha 1-PI in the presence of myeloperoxidase (25 mU/ml), whereas fibroblasts did not. Addition of catalase to the reaction significantly prevented the inactivation of alpha 1-PI. Western blot analysis of alpha 1-PI did not reveal a significant proteolysis of alpha 1-PI, which supports the hypothesis that, in the presence of neutrophil-derived myeloperoxidase, type II cells may oxidatively inactivate alpha 1-PI.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated the potential of bradykinin (BK) to induce the release of neutrophil and monocyte chemotactic activity (NCA and MCA) and cytokines from an alveolar type II epithelial cell line, A549 cells. BK stimulated A549 cells to release NCA and MCA in a dose- and time-dependent manner (P < 0.001). Checkerboard analysis revealed that both NCA and MCA involved chemotactic and chemokinetic activity. Molecular sieve column chromatography showed three molecular weight masses (near 19 kd, 8 kd, and 400 d) for NCA and several molecular weight peaks (near 66 kd, 25 kd, 19 kd, 16 kd, and 400 d) for MCA. The release of NCA and MCA was inhibited by cycloheximide and lipoxygenase inhibitors (P < 0.01). The NCA and MCA were inhibited by leukotriene B4 (LTB4) receptor antagonist (P < 0.01), and the concentration of LTB4 was high enough for NCA and MCA. Antibodies to interleukin (IL)-8 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) attenuated NCA (P < 0.01), and antibodies to monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), G-CSF, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta attenuated MCA (P < 0.01). The levels of IL-8, G-CSF, MCP-1, and TGF-beta increased time dependently (P < 0.01). BK also stimulated the release of ILeukin-6 from A549 cells (P < 0.001). The receptors responsible for the release of NCA, MCA, and individual chemokines involved both BKB1 and BKB2 receptors. These data suggest that BK may stimulate alveolar type II pneumocytes to release inflammatory cytokines, which then may modulate the lung inflammation.  相似文献   

We examined the synthesis, transport, and localization of surfactant protein A (SP-A) in primary cultures of alveolar type II cells. In type II cells maintained in culture for 6 h, 39% of the SP-A pool detected with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was found in lamellar bodies (LBs). After 24 h in culture, 53% of the cellular SP-A pool was found in LBs. The absolute amount of SP-A in the LB compartment was almost identical at 6 and 24 h of culture. In contrast to the results obtained with ELISA, 35S labeling of newly synthesized SP-A revealed that less than 7% of the cellular SP-A pool was in LBs at either 6 or 24 h of culture. In the 6-h cultures, 17% of the total (i.e., cells and media) [35S]SP-A pool was extracellular. In the 24-h cultures, 70% of the [35S]SP-A pool was extracellular. The secretion of [35S]SP-A was blocked by brefeldin A at all times. When medium containing newly secreted [35S]SP-A was incubated with alveolar type II cells maintained in culture for 24 h, the protein was taken up and incorporated into the LB fraction. More than 80% of the internalized SP-A was associated with the LB compartment after a 6 h incubation. The uptake of [35S]SP-A was blocked at 4 degrees C and was promoted by addition of unlabeled SP-A at 37 degrees C. These findings support a pathway of extracellular routing of SP-A prior to its accumulation in LBs in cultured type II cells.  相似文献   

Naja kaouthia venom appeared in circulation rapidly after intramuscular injection into mice. The venom concentration attained a maximum level with all doses examined after 20 min. The half value of the maximum level was obtained 1 min after injection when a dose of 4LD50 was used. A critical venom concentration endangering mice was assessed from venom concentration in the sera of mice envenomed with sublethal dose (LD50). A fatal condition was produced within 30 min at a venom concentration of 200-300 ng/ml or within 50 min at a venom concentration of 100-150 ng/ml.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of chemokines during the initial local response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the human lung, we studied chemokine production by the human alveolar epithelial cell line A549 after infection with M. tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis-infected A549 cells produced mRNAs and protein for monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) but not mRNAs for macrophage inflammatory protein 1alpha (MIP-1alpha), MIP-1beta, and RANTES. Chemokine production in response to M. tuberculosis was not dependent on production of tumor necrosis factor alpha, IL-1beta, or IL-6. Two virulent clinical M. tuberculosis isolates, the virulent laboratory strain H37Rv, and the avirulent strain H37Ra elicited production of comparable concentrations of MCP-1 and IL-8, whereas killed M. tuberculosis and three Mycobacterium avium strains did not. The three virulent M. tuberculosis strains grew more rapidly than the avirulent M. tuberculosis strain in the alveolar epithelial cell line, and the three M. avium strains did not grow intracellularly. These findings suggest that intracellular growth is necessary for mycobacteria to elicit production of MCP-1 and IL-8 by alveolar epithelial cells but that virulence and the rate of intracellular growth do not correlate with chemokine production. Alveolar epithelial cells may contribute to the local inflammatory response in human tuberculosis by producing chemokines which attract monocytes, lymphocytes, and polymorphonuclear cells.  相似文献   

Effects of erythromycin on surfactant synthesis, secretion, and recycling by rat alveolar type II cells were examined. Type II cells were isolated from rat lungs and incubated with 3H-choline, a precursor of surfactant. Synthesis was quantified from the amount of 3H-phosphatidylcholine and from the distribution to lamellar body fractions as measured with sucrose density gradients. Secretion was quantified from the percent of synthesized 3H-phosphatidylcholine released into the medium over 3 hr. Recycling was quantified from the percent uptake over 1 h of 3H-labeled synthetic liposomes. Type II cells incubated with erythromycin (5-50 micrograms/ml) for 22 hrs secreted less surfactant in response to PMA and ATP than did control cells. Erythromycin did not affect synthesis or recycling of surfactant by type II cells. These results show that erythromycin inhibits surfactant secretion from type II cells, and suggest that erythromycin may be effective in surfactant-excess states such as alveolar proteinosis.  相似文献   

Alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) is a major acute phase protein in rat and human. AGP has important immunomodulatory functions that are potentially important for pulmonary inflammatory response. The liver is the main tissue for AGP synthesis in the organism, but the expression of AGP in the rat lung has not been investigated. We show that AGP mRNA was induced in the lung of dexamethasone-, turpentine-, or LPS-treated rats, whereas AGP mRNA was not detected in the lung of control rats. In the lung of animals treated intratracheally with LPS, in situ hybridization showed that AGP gene expression was restricted to cells located in the corners of the alveolus, consistent with an alveolar type II (ATII) cell localization. The inducible expression of the AGP gene was confirmed in vitro with SV40 T2 cells and rat ATII cells in primary culture: maximal expression required the presence of dexamethasone. IL-1 and the conditioned medium of alveolar macrophages acted synergistically with dexamethasone. Rat ATII cells secreted immunoreactive AGP in vitro when stimulated with dexamethasone or with a combination of dexamethasone and the conditioned medium of alveolar macrophages. In vivo, in the human lung, we detected immunoreactive AGP in hyperplastic ATII cells, whereas we did not detect AGP in the normal lung. We conclude that AGP is expressed in the lung in cases of inflammation and that ATII cells are the main source of AGP in the lung.  相似文献   

This study has investigated the relative involvement of cholinergic, adrenergic, nitric oxide and tachykininergic transmission in extrinsic neural influences on the lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) in urethane anaesthetized ferrets. A micromanometric assembly (OD 1.75 mm) incorporating a sleeve sensor was used for high-fidelity oesophageal, LOS and gastric pressure measurement at low perfusion rates (< 0.1 ml/min). The LOS response to vagal and splanchnic nerve stimulation (0.5 ms pulse width, 10 s duration) was frequency- and voltage-dependent. LOS responses to stimulation at 20 V, 10 Hz were investigated in separate groups of animals with either L-NAME (100 mg/kg), hexamethonium (15 mg/kg), guanethidine (5 mg/kg), CP96,345 (NK-1 antagonist, 4 mg/kg), atropine (0.4 mg/kg) or propranolol (1 mg/kg). Propranolol treatment was followed by yohimbine (1 mg/kg) and prazosin (0.25 mg/kg). Vagal stimulation caused an immediate decrease in LOS pressure, followed by increase on cessation of stimulation, followed by a prolonged decrease (77 +/- 2%) for up to 5 min. L-NAME did not affect inhibition, but increased excitation 4-fold (p < 0.001). Guanethidine and CP96,345 had no major effect. Hexamethonium decreased the inhibitory (p < 0.05) and excitatory (p < 0.01) responses. Atropine reduced the excitatory response (p < 0.05). Some inhibition still remained if all treatments were combined. Splanchnic stimulation reduced LOS pressure by 70 +/- 6% for 101 +/- 17 s. L-NAME, guanethidine, hexamethonium and CP96,345 all independently significantly reduced inhibition. The combination of guanethidine and CP96,345 usually abolished splanchnic-induced inhibition. Atropine was without effect. Propranolol (1 mg/kg) changed the splanchnic-induced response from mainly inhibition to excitation (100 +/- 44% increase). LOS responses to noradrenaline (1-10 micrograms close IA) showed similar features to responses to splanchnic stimulation. We conclude that vagal stimulation evokes LOS relaxation via activation of established cholinergic and NANC mechanisms and other, unidentified mechanisms. Splanchnic stimulation activates adrenergic neurones probably via nicotinic and non-nicotinic ganglionic mechanisms, which in turn elicit beta adrenergic inhibitory effects on the LOS. Splanchnic stimulation also antidromically activates spinal afferent fibres. These may release substance P from peripheral myenteric plexus and prevertebral ganglionic endings causing activation of myenteric NANC inhibitory neurones and sympathetic neurones, respectively.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) play an essential role in the initiation of primary T cell responses to foreign Ag. It is likely that these potent APC are critical in the initiation of immune responses to pathogens, such as bacteria or parasites. However, little is known about the interaction of these important APC with pathogens. To address this issue, the interaction of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis with human DC was studied. DC generated from human peripheral blood by short term culture in medium containing recombinant human cytokines granulocyte-macrophage-CSF and IL-4 were capable of phagocytosing M. tuberculosis. Infection of DC with live M. tuberculosis bacilli resulted in increased APC surface expression of the costimulatory molecules CD54, CD40, and B7.1, as well as MHC class I molecules. In addition, infected DC secreted elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-alpha, IL-1, and IL-12. M. tuberculosis-infected human monocytes also secreted inflammatory cytokines, but exhibited no enhancement of costimulatory or MHC class I molecule expression. These data indicate that infection with M. tuberculosis results in the direct activation and maturation of these DC. In vivo, such activation may facilitate migration to the lymph nodes, and enhance presentation of Ag to T cells, thereby facilitating the induction of the immune response against this pathogen.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A) binds to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and induces phospholipid vesicle aggregation. It also regulates the uptake and secretion of surfactant lipids by alveolar type II cells. We introduced the single mutations Glu195-->Gln (rE195Q), Lys201-->Ala (rK201A) and Lys203-->Ala (rK203A) for rat SP-A, Arg199-->Ala (hR199A) and Lys201-->Ala (hK201A) for human SP-A, and the triple mutations Arg197, Lys201 and Lys203-->Ala (rR197A/K201A/K203A) for rat SP-A, into cDNAs for SP-A, and expressed the recombinant proteins using baculovirus vectors. All recombinant proteins avidly bound to DPPC liposomes. rE195Q, rK201A, rK203A, hR199A and hK201A function with activity comparable to wild type SP-A. Although rR197A/K201A/K203A was a potent inducer of phospholipid vesicle aggregation, it failed to stimulate lipid uptake. rR197A/K201A/K203A was a weak inhibitor for lipid secretion and did not competed with rat [125I]SP-A for receptor occupancy. From these results, we conclude that Lys201 and Lys203 of rat SP-A, and Arg199 and Lys201 of human SP-A are not individually critical for the interaction with lipids and type II cells, and that Glu195 of rat SP-A can be replaced with Gln without loss of SP-A functions. This study also demonstrates that the SP-A-mediated lipid uptake is not directly correlated with phospholipid vesicle aggregation, and that specific interactions of SP-A with type II cells are involved in the lipid uptake process.  相似文献   

Immunosenescence involves modifications of humoral and cellular immunity. Here we report the analysis of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression on T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and monocytes of 58 healthy subjects aged 23-95 years old. Using a double staining immunofluorescence and flow cytometry analysis, we have determined the percentages of cells expressing HLA class-I and HLA-DR antigens. The number of antigenic sites expressed per cell were evaluated for HLA-ABCw, HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DR locus with a flow cytometry quantification technique. With advancing age, we observed: (i) a significant decrease of the percentage of T cells and B cells expressing HLA-A products; (ii) a decrease of the number of HLA class-I antigenic sites expressed per cell on the three populations tested, predominantly on B cells and in a locus-dependent fashion; (iii) a decrease of the number of HLA-DR molecules expressed per T cell, although the percentage of T cells expressing DR products was increased; (iv) a significant diminution of the percentage of B cells expressing HLA-DR molecules, without changes of the number of HLA-DR antigenic sites per cells. These changes in HLA expression with increasing age could contribute to the decreased level of immunologic responsiveness observed with ageing and contribute to the modification of antigen recognition.  相似文献   

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