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基于光子晶体环形腔缺陷与线缺陷波导之间的共振耦合原理,设计了 一种由新型环形腔和主波导组成的四通道二维三角晶格光子晶体滤波器.运用平面波展开法和时域有限差分法分析了光波在整合结构中的传输特性,并进一步讨论环形滤波器内的内部介质柱半径大小对滤波器传输特性的影响.结果表明:新改进环形的滤波器传输效率达到80%左右.通过实验...  相似文献   

文章提出准周期一维光子晶体的概念,把一维时域有限差分方法用于一维二元准周期光子晶体构成镜像耦合结构的窄带滤波特性设计研究.数值结果表明,用此结构能实现窄带滤波.进一步研究表明,要实现同一波长的滤波,在其他条件不变时,耦合层的折射率越大,则镜像耦合层厚度越小;在耦合层介质一定时,耦合层厚度决定窄带的位置与带宽;在其他条件一定时,入射角大小决定窄带的位置,入射角度越大,窄带位置越向短波方向移动.  相似文献   

设计了一种具有高隔离度的八通道光子晶体滤波器,并应用时域有限差分法分析计算了在晶格常数相同的条件下,点缺陷微腔局域频率与光子晶体介质柱半径之间的变化规律。在此基础上,对该八通道滤波器的传输特性进行了仿真。结果表明,晶格常数取540nm时,该滤波器各信道的中心频率在1 510~1 580nm,信道间隔小于9.5nm,信道间隔离度均大于35dB。  相似文献   

王飞  王洁  王能河  瞿少成 《通信技术》2015,48(11):1238-1241
由于光子晶体存在带隙,只要在完整的二维光子晶体中引入线缺陷,那么原来处于禁带处特定波长的光也能沿着形成的波导传播,从而该光子晶体就具备了滤波的功能,再在线型波导的一侧设计个点缺陷,利用时域有限差分法分析发现,在缺陷处耦合出来的光不仅仅光强增大了,而且半高宽也变小了,这就与窄带滤波器的功能十分吻合。此外,只要根据光子晶体的晶格常数和椭圆介质柱的半径与窄带滤波器的中心波长关系,通过调整光子晶体的晶格常数和介质柱的半径,就可以改变窄带滤波器的中心波长。  相似文献   

为了设计一种高品质因子的光子晶体微腔和研究单缺陷光子晶体微腔谐振模波长随晶格常数的变化规律,使用时域有限差分法(difference time-domain method)和基于Baker算法的Padé近似方法计算了半导体材料上空气孔阵列光子晶体微腔的谐振模波长和品质因子.得到的新型光子晶体微腔的品质因子达246510,单缺陷光子晶体微腔模波长随晶格常数a和孔半径r的近似为线性变化关系:当孔半径r为一常数时,表现为晶格常数改变1nm,谐振波长变化约3nm,为实际制作光子晶体微腔激光器提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

为了设计一种高品质因子的光子晶体微腔和研究单缺陷光子晶体微腔谐振模波长随晶格常数的变化规律,使用时域有限差分法(difference time-domain method)和基于Baker算法的Padé近似方法计算了半导体材料上空气孔阵列光子晶体微腔的谐振模波长和品质因子.得到的新型光子晶体微腔的品质因子达246510,单缺陷光子晶体微腔模波长随晶格常数a和孔半径r的近似为线性变化关系:当孔半径r为一常数时,表现为晶格常数改变1nm,谐振波长变化约3nm,为实际制作光子晶体微腔激光器提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

为了提高无线通信系统的传输质量,提出了一种新型基于二维光子晶体射频带通滤波器,滤波器的结构由线缺陷波导和Aubry-André-Harper (AAH)谐振腔组成。通过改变AAH谐振腔与输出波导间介质柱的半径,增加它们之间的耦合系数,从而实现在1666.64μm处射频波段的滤波。仿真结果表明:该射频滤波器性能优良,通带中心波长为1666μm,透射率为0.99,通带插入损耗为0.06 dB,品质因数Q值为1×104,器件尺寸小,结构简单,易于大规模集成。  相似文献   

利用时域有限差分法(FDTD)对光子晶体的传输特性进行了研究.计算了不同条件下完整结构阶跃型光子晶体的透过率谱.通过透过率谱的变化,分析了介质层数、介质所占空间配比、介质介电常数比对光子带隙的影响.发现介质层数的增加会使光子带隙拓宽并加深,但是带隙的位置不会移动;介质介电常数比越大,带隙越宽越深,也越容易出现带隙.  相似文献   

基于偏振模式不同的光波在二维光子晶体中的传播特性不同,设计出一个支路半径相同的Y型二维光子晶体偏振光分束器.通过时域有限差分法对该分束器进行数值计算与模拟分析.结果表明,该分束器能够实现TE模和TM模平行、高效分束.当波长为1.55μm的高斯脉冲入射时,TE模透射率可达97%,TM模透射率可达93.5%,且该结构尺寸仅有6.3μm×6.8μm.这些特性使其在未来的集成光路中具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

文中介绍的8通道模拟带通滤波器,是针对水声换能器的前级功率放大而设计的。电路以压控放大芯片VCA810为核心,采用基于四阶切比雪夫带通滤波器的模拟电路设计方法。通过EDA电路电路设计软件完成电路板设计与元器件选取,利用LabVIEW虚拟仪器软件与实验室仪器建立连接,实现软硬件协同测试,从而得到精确的数据和预期的目标。系统测试结果表明:带内输出信号幅度稳定在10Vp-p,在310~490 kHz频带内频谱波动小于0.5 dB。各通道幅度不一致性与相位差均小于5%。  相似文献   

一种基于光子晶体的高效太阳能电池反射器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SiO2和TiO2介质,设计了一种可用于太阳能电池反射器的一维光子晶体。采用传输矩阵法对该光子晶体从可见光至近红外波长范围的反射谱进行了模拟计算,并分别讨论了周期数和入射角不同时反射谱的变化。结果表明:光线垂直入射时,周期数N增加,其反射谱在短波段的禁带数增加、禁带宽度变窄,而长波段的反射率增加。入射角θ增大时,平均反射率增加,因而该光子晶体具有良好的角度宽容性,可作为高效的太阳能电池率反射器。  相似文献   

In this paper, dual L defected hexagonal Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator (PCRR) using Channel Drop Filter (CDF) is designed for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) systems. In this structure, the external rods of the ring resonator are arranged in a hexagon and the internal rods are removed in L arrangement for introducing defects. Scatter rods are used to prevent leakage. By using the L defected hexagonal resonator, a multi-channel CDF is designed, which exhibits multiple wavelengths of CWDM (1500 nm–1600 nm) region. In addition, the selection of rod size and the position of rods in the proposed multi-channel CDF are validated by varying the radius of coupling and scattering rods, as well as the position of resonators, respectively. By using plane wave expansion and opti Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, the electromagnetic wave propagation and the photonic band gap are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, a channel drop filter based on two-dimensional photonic crystal ring resonator (PCRR) is proposed. The proposed structure consists of bus waveguide, dropping waveguide and a ring resonator. We have focused on improving the dropping efficiency and quality factor of the structure by applying different optimization techniques. Optimized channel drop filter using PCRR is designed, and it is extended to drop three different channels by changing the inner rods radius in each ring resonator that act as a demultiplexer. As designed structure drops three different channels such as 1524, 1544 and 1565 nm, the band gap for the structure is calculated and observed by plane-wave expansion method. The normalized transmission spectra and resonance wavelengths for different radius are obtained using two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method. The proposed PCRR-based demultiplexer has the channel spacing of about 20 nm which fulfils the requirements of coarse wavelength-division multiplexing systems. The size of the demultiplexer is small; hence, it can be utilized for photonic integrated circuits.  相似文献   

带反射腔的光子晶体分插复用器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杜科 《量子电子学报》2009,26(4):489-493
提出一种由二维光子晶体构成的四端口滤波器。该滤波器含三个微腔,其中两个是参数完全相同的波长选择性反射腔,用于波长选择性的反射反馈。另外一个是下载腔,用于下载特定的波长光波。利用耦合模式理论(CMT)分析了该滤波器的滤波特性,得出了实现完全下载滤波的条件,即通过改变两波长选择性反射腔到下载腔之间的距离,使之满足晶格周期的奇数倍。并且用FDTD方法对该器件进行了数值分析,显示了该器件上下载的的可行性。  相似文献   

Photonic Network Communications - In this paper, 2-channel and 4-channel optical demultiplexers have been designed based on photonic crystal nano-ring resonator. The structure of both...  相似文献   

In the present work, a nanostructure of trapezoid photonic crystal ring resonator-based channel drop filter is designed for wavelength division multiplexing systems (WDM) to drop a channel at a center peak wavelength of 1543 nm. The proposed channel drop filter is composed of bus waveguide, drop waveguide, trapezoid nanoring resonator and reflector in a two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal lattice with circular rods arranged in air host. The trapezoid nanoring resonator is playing a very important role in WDM systems for dropping a single channel over a wide wavelength range. The photonic band gaps of perfect lattice structure and non-perfect lattice structure are absolutely calculated by plane wave expansion method. The functional properties of the designed filter are evaluated by finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The functional properties are center peak wavelength, dropping efficiency, passband width and quality factor. The FDTD method results show dropping efficiency is 100%, and quality factor is about 514.33 which are highly suitable for WDM systems. Further, lattice constant, inner and outer rod radius and refractive index difference of the structure are varied to tune the filter center peak wavelength and its corresponding functional parameters effects are investigated. The proposed nanoring resonator-based optical filter is ultra-compact size around \(14\, \upmu \hbox {m} \times 8.4\, \upmu \hbox {m}\); hence, it is extremely suitable for WDM-based photonic communication systems and photonic integrated circuits.  相似文献   

A reconfigurable 16-channel 100-GHz spacing wavelength-division-multiplexed drop module for use at 1550 nm was demonstrated using silicon microelectromechanical system (MEMS) optical switches and arrayed waveguide grating routers. Through-channel extinction was greater than 40 dB and average insertion loss was 21 dB, Both drop-and-retransmit of multiple channels (11-18 dB contrast, 14-19-dB insertion loss) and drop-and-detect of single channels (>20-dB adjacent channel rejection, 10-14-dB insertion loss) were implemented  相似文献   

This paper describes a theoretical and experimental analysis of the channel drop filter using a single defect formed near the two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystal slab waveguide. First, we calculate the transmission spectrum of a 2-D photonic crystal waveguide and show that high transmittance for a wide wavelength range (/spl sim/60 nm) is obtained in the 1.55-/spl mu/m region. We also show that a defect state having a wavelength within the high transmission wavelength range can be formed in the photonic bandgap by introducing a single defect of appropriate radius. Next, we fabricate several devices and show that the emission wavelength from each defect can be tuned by changing the defect radius. The measured tuning characteristics coincide well with the calculated results. From the near-field pattern of the device, we estimate the emission efficiency of the present device at almost a few tens percent. We clarify the structural condition in order to obtain the maximum output efficiency and show that tuning of emission wavelength while maintaining high output efficiency is possible by selecting appropriate defect radius and position. Based on these results, we propose an ultrasmall channel drop filter for a wavelength-division-multiplex optical communication system.  相似文献   

Design and fabrication of highly efficient GaN-based light-emitting diodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A promising fabrication method and an innovative geometrical design for highly efficient GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were investigated based on the current spreading phenomenon. Based on theoretical considerations, it was possible to determine the critical transparent-electrode thickness, which resulted in significant improvements in the electrical and optical characteristics of LEDs. In addition, we were able to define conditions for an ideal geometrical design and the resulting product exhibited significant improvements in characteristics in spite of the fact that a transparent electrode, acting as a p-type current spreader, was not used. Considering the simple fabrication process and good device performance, the proposed fabrication methods, as well as the innovative geometrical design, have considerable promise for use in practical applications.  相似文献   

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