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This article analyzes why China’s national groundwater policy is implemented in a fragmented way. The question is addressed through a comparative case-study analysis of groundwater management in north-west China. The analysis focuses on the institutional context in which local government agencies responsible for groundwater management operate. It was found that direct pressure from the central government promotes policy implementation. Yet, the distribution of surface and groundwater management responsibilities over different government agencies also influences the importance attached to groundwater regulation. In a conjunctive-use setting the integration of surface water and groundwater management facilitates effective groundwater regulation.  相似文献   

对我国平原区浅层地下水水质现状进行了评价。初步评价结果表明,我国地下水水质形势严峻,劣质水分布面积占平原区面积近60%。高矿化度地下水分布比较广泛,总硬度和矿化度成为地下水主要的超标因子。铁、锰、氟等水文地球化学组分对地下水水质也有明显的影响,除天然因素外,地下水受人为污染的程度十分严重,全国有近25%平原区地下水受到不同程度的污染。在人口和社会经济活动密集的流域,地下水污染已经呈现大范围扩散的态势。地下水保护形势十分迫切,指出要客观认识到地下水水质的先天因素和人为污染的区别,有针对性地进行地下水的保护。  相似文献   

Denmark is making continuous efforts to attain sustainable groundwater management. With groundwater constituting virtually the only resource for all water uses, groundwater management was addressed early on and has progressed over the last century. This article gives an overview of the advances, along with past and present challenges in securing sustainable groundwater utilization. The objective is to document comprehensively the Danish case and to highlight some of the unique conditions and principles that have shaped and facilitated groundwater management in the country.  相似文献   


As a major challenge in building a new and sustainable Silk Road Economic Belt, threats induced by poor groundwater management have raised stress on the groundwater resources in the Yinchuan Plain, north-west China. In the present article, an overview of groundwater development in the plain, along with the associated negative effects, is provided. A fragmented management framework is found responsible for the poor groundwater management. Efficient and effective groundwater management will require proper attention of the local authorities to the inherent interaction among various water systems. Only with enhanced cooperation, an integrated monitoring network, strengthened scientific support and active public participation can the sustainability of groundwater management of the plain be achieved.  相似文献   

根据有机污染物的物理化学性质,估算了91种有机物在土壤中的半衰期和有机碳吸附系数,并分析了这些有机物在土壤中的淋溶迁移性,结果表明:对于所研究的污染物,它们的地下水污染指数与其有机碳吸附系数有着很好的负相关性,这为评价地下水中主要有机污染物的污染指数(淋溶迁移性)提供了简易方法。所评价的91种有机物中,38种具有高淋溶和迁移性,易对含水层造成较大范围的污染。通过分析发现,华北平原区域地下水中主要有机物的检出率与其淋溶迁移性有着一定的相关性。因此,地下水污染指数法的应用将有助于预测有机物对地下水的污染风险。  相似文献   

中国地下水质量评价(Ⅰ)——平原区地下水水化学特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
根据全国水资源第二次调查评价初步结果,对我国地下水水质进行了全面系统的分析,论述了地下水水化学特征。初步评价结果表明,我国地下水以重碳酸型为主,但硬度和总矿化度较大,成为影响天然水质的主要因素。地下水总体上属于中性偏碱类型。地下水水化学评价结果表明,我国地下水水质先天不足,地下水水质保护工作要重视对天然地下水水文地球化学特征的认识。  相似文献   


Poor water resource management is an important factor in soil salinization in arid areas. In this study, the status of soil salinization and its controlling factors are summarized for the Yinchuan Plain, North-West China. The conjunctive use of surface water diverted from the Yellow River and groundwater abstracted from a shallow aquifer is proposed to alleviate soil salinization in the plain. Scenarios are designed and simulated to determine the optimal proportions at which groundwater should be exploited for irrigation in the three cities of the plain. Policies and suggestions regarding sustainable water resources and soil salinization research in the plain are recommended.  相似文献   

基于"六五"至"十二五"期间有关区域地下水演化的国家和省部级重点科技项目主要成果,对近30年来我国地下水演化研究的主要进展进行了综述。我国区域地下水演化研究主要集中在北方地区,项目选题的起源和立项的时代背景具有鲜明的时代性和社会重大需求驱动,包括华北和西北地区流域尺度地下水演化的国家重点项目研究,都是围绕国家目标或区域经济发展重大需求,及时揭示了气候变化和人类活动影响下区域地下水演化的关键科技问题,突显了重大科学研究的时代性和必要性。  相似文献   

This paper reviews water pricing reform in China after 1980, including framework, process, forces and considerations. China collects a water resources fee, a water supply tariff for hydraulic engineering, an urban water supply tariff, a wastewater collection and treatment tariff, and a pollutant discharge fee. The reform has been an exploration process. In theory, a comprehensive, systematic and advanced policy and framework have been developed. However, in practice, the reforms fluctuate among economic, social and environmental targets; do not comply with the reform objectives; and are heavily affected by external social and economic factors rather than by internal factors.  相似文献   

针对华北平原地下水大埋深区面积大,而其地下水垂向补给特征及含水层给水度认识不足的问题,以河北栾城试验站附近某研究区为典型区,基于大田试验的水循环模拟,量化了地下水补给及潜水层给水度大小,并探讨了地下水垂向补给特点等关键问题。研究表明:研究区在两个丰水年2012年及2013年地下水潜在补给量约为236.6mm和223.5mm,当年实际补给量约为144.1mm和129.8mm,日补给量在0.37~0.40mm及0.33~0.38mm之间;经过厚包气带的迟滞和调节作用,地下水补给过程较为平稳,年际年内差异较小;研究区当前地下水埋深条件下潜水含水层给水度约为0.03。  相似文献   

在分析南方地区地下水资源特点的基础上,综合运用理论分析法、专家咨询法和灰色关联度模型,构建地下水功能评价指标体系;以广东省为例探索地下水功能评价指标筛选方法和筛选程序,选择理论分析法和专家咨询法进行第1次指标筛选,选择灰色关联度进行第2次指标筛选。与北方地区地下水功能评价指标进行对比,分析指标的合理性,用得到的广东省地水水功能评价指标体系为依据进行评价,其结果与实际情况基本吻合。  相似文献   

This paper presents a static computable general equilibrium model of the Chinese economy with water as an explicit factor of production. This model is used to assess the broad economic impact of a policy based on water demand management, using water tax charges as a policy-setting tool. It suggests that imposing water taxes can redistribute sectoral water use and lead to shifts in production, consumption, value added, and trade patterns. Another important finding is that water taxes imposed on the agricultural sector drive most of the effects.  相似文献   


This study investigates smallholder farmers’ participation in and knowledge of village-based water user associations in north-western China, and analyzes their interplay with membership in water associations and installation and application of micro-irrigation systems. Using farmer survey data, a multivariate probit model is built to analyze the effects of influential factors. Results show significant effects of farmers’ perceptions of water shortage and its causes, attitudes to water conservation, village-based information, and incentives on the membership in water user associations and installation and application of micro-irrigation. Policies promoting micro-irrigation adoption should target decentralized water management and facilitate farmers’ participation.  相似文献   

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