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The effects of stress, temperature, grain size, porosity, and O2 partial pressure on the creep of polycrystalline Fe2O3 were studied in the range 770° to 1105°C by tests in 4-point bending and compression. Deformation rates are controlled by the stress-directed diffusion of either oxygen or iron. Diffusion coefficients computed from the Nabarro-Herring formula modified by including an empirical porosity-correction term are also consistent with the values reported for oxygen and iron.  相似文献   

Solid solutions of Fe304-FeV204 and Fe304-FeCr204 were prepared and equilibrated with Pt under controlled streams of CO/CO, gas mixtures at 1673 K. The concentration of Fe in Pt was used to determine the activity of Fe304 in the solid solutions. The activity of the second component was calculated by Gibbshhem integration. From these data, the Gibbs energy of mixing was derived for both systems. The experimental results and theoretical values which are determined from calculated cation distribution compare favorably in the case of vanadite solid solutions but not in the case of chromite solid solutions. The difference is attributed to a heat term arising from lattice distortion due to cation size difference. The positive heat of mixing will give rise to a miscibility gap in the system Fe304-FeCr204 at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Oxide crystallite formation and growth from freeze-dried sulfates were studied for the representative materials Al2O3 and Fe2O3. Transmission and scanning electron micrographs showed the formation and growth of chainlike aggregates of crystallites. Aggregation occurred as part of the nucleation and growth of the oxide, and discrete oxide particles were never present. Orientation of the chain aggregates was related to the ice structure formed during freezing. X-ray line broadening data showed that crystallite size is a function of the 1/5 to 1/7 power of time for isothermal treatments. A qualitative analysis of material transport favored the surface diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   

The in situ formation of magnetoplumbite-type (M-type) hexaferrites within a 3Y-TZP matrix was examined for the La2O3–ZnO–Fe2O3 and BaO–Fe2O3 systems. The formation of barium hexaferrite (Ba-M) was rapid enough at a temperature of 1300°C for 2 h to result in a uniform dispersion of fine Ba-M particles in a tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (TZP) matrix. However, the formation of lanthanum-substituted hexaferrite (La-M) was rather sluggish, despite the existence of a charge-compensating divalent oxide. The 3Y-TZP/20-wt%-BaFe12O19 in situ composite possessed good magnetic properties, as well as moderately good mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Nucleation and crystal growth rates and properties were studied in a two-stage heat treatment process for Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 glasses. Glass transition (Tg) and crystallization temperatures (T c ) for the glasses lay between about 612.0° and 710.0°C, and 858.5° and 905.0°C, respectively, and magnetite was the main crystal phase. For a glass of 40Fe2O3. 20CaO·40SiO2 (in wt%) the maximum nucleation rate was (68.6 ± 7) × 106/mm3·s at 700°C, and the maximum crystal growth rate was 9.0 nm/min1/2 at 1000°C. The mean crystal size of the magnetite increased from 30 to 140 nm with variation of nucleation and crystal growth conditions. The glass showed the maxima in saturation magnetization and coercive force, 212.1 × Wb/m2 and 30.8 × 103 A/m, when heat-treated for 4 h at 1000°C and 1050°C, respectively. The variation of the saturation magnetization could be quantitatively interpreted well in terms of the volume fraction of the magnetite, whereas that of the coercive forces could be explained only qualitatively in terms of the particle size of the magnetite. Hysteresis losses showed the maximum value of 1493 W/m3 when heat-treated at 1000°C for 4 h prenucleated at 700°C for 60 min, and increased linearly with increasing heat treatment time under a magnetic field up to 800 × 103 A/m.  相似文献   

A partial molar volume technique was used to estimate the coordination number of oxygen ions around a boron ion in PbO·2B2O3 and BaO·2B2O3 melts. The boron coordination number appeared to be lower in the melt than in the crystal of PbO·2B2O3, whereas it was nearly the same in the melt and crystal of BaO·2B2O3.  相似文献   

Solid-state reactions of equimolar mixtures of Bi2O3 and Fe2O3 from 625° to 830°C and their kinetics were investigated. The reaction rates were determined from the integrated X-ray diffraction intensities of the strongest peaks of the reactants and products. The activation energy for the formation of BiFeO3 was 96.6±9.0 kcal/mol; that for a second-phase compound, Bi2Fe4O9, which formed above 675°C, was 99.4±9.0 kcal/mol. Specific rate constants for these simultaneous reactions were obtained. The preparation of single-phase BiFeO3 from the stoichiometric mixture of Bi2O3 and Fe2O3 is discussed.  相似文献   

The defect structure, δ-Fe2O3, was grown epitaxially with ultrafine, activated Al2Si2O5(OH)4. More uniform particle size and consistent structure result with this process than with auto-nucleation. The low ferrimagnetic character is influenced by precipitation parameters. Magnetic properties and crystal order can be promoted by a novel thermal conversion process using a high-boiling aliphatic hydrocarbon. The process induces the formation of a more complex iron oxide. A structure is believed to form of an order higher than δ-Fe2O3 but lower than γ-Fe2O3. Analyses (C, H, CO2, and H2O) are correlated with magnetic properties. Specimens having a mean particle size of 20 mμ were produced with coercivities up to 290 oe and remanent inductions up to 1800 gauss/cm3. Stability tests over a five-year period showed no degradation.  相似文献   

The influence of La2O3 doped on the microstructure and dielectric properties, including the phase structure, temperature dependence of permittivity, and the hysteresis loop of BaTiO3–Nb2O5–Fe2O3 (BTNF) materials has been investigated in X-ray diffraction, SEM, and LCR analyzer, respectively. Experiments revealed that incorporation of proper content of La2O3 basically soluted in the lattice of BaTiO3 and can control the grain-growth, reduce the dielectric loss of the BTNF materials. The development of microstructure promoted by the additives can result in the improvement of the dielectric constant. When the doping concentration of La2O3 was 3.846 wt%, the relative dielectric constant of the sample sintered at 1280°C only for 2 h could reach 4308, and improve the dielectric-temperature characteristics markedly. As a result, a novel Y5P can be achieved in the BTNF ceramics, which is very promising for practical use in Y5P multilayer ceramic capacitors.  相似文献   

The dissociation pressures of solid solutions from Fe3O4 to 0.4Fe3O4·0.6CoFe2O4 have been determined as a function of temperature. Within experimental error, solid solutions within this range are thermodynamically ideal.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of temperature and ternary composition for coexisting liquid and crystalline phases on the air isobar in the system Fe2O3-Fe3O4-YFeO3 with particular regard to the stability range and compositional limits of yttrium iron garnet. Phase equilibrium relations were determined by conventional quenching techniques combined with measurements of loss in weight at the reaction temperature to locate true ternary compositions. The intersection of the air isobar with the ternary univariant boundary curve for coexisting magnetite, garnet, and liquid phases results in a eutectic-type situation at the composition Y0.27Fe1.73 O2.87 and 1469°± 2°C. A similar intersection of the isobar with the boundary curve for coexisting garnet, orthoferrite, and liquid phases gives rise to a peritectic-type reaction at 1555° 3°C. and Y0.44Fe1.56 O2.89 The yttrium iron garnet crystallizing from liquids within these temperature and composition limits contains up to 0.5 mole % iron oxide in excess of the stoichiometric formula in terms of the starting composition 37.5 mole % Y2O3, 62.5 mole % Fe2O3. At 1470° C. the garnet phase in equilibrium with oxide liquid contains 2 mole % FeO in solid solution. The small solubility of excess of iron oxide and partial reduction of the garnet phase in air are unavoidable during equilibrium growth from the melt.  相似文献   

The sintering of acicular Fe2O3 powder has been studied in comparison with an ordinary equiaxed powder. The acicular powder gave a dense material more than 99 % theoretical even from the relatively low green density. Oriented granular structures were observed in the 1200°C compacts. The observed densification behavior has been attributed to the pore configuration in the green compact.  相似文献   

The phase relations in the pseudo-ternary system La2O3–SrO–Fe2O3 have been investigated in air. Isothermal sections at 1100° and 1300°C are presented based on X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis of annealed samples. Extended solid solubility was observed for the compounds Sr n +1− v La v Fe n O3 n +1−δ ( n =1, 2, 3, and ∞) and Sr1− x La x Fe12O19, while only limited solubility of La in Sr4− z La z Fe6O13±δ was observed. At high Fe2O3 content, a liquid with low La2O3 content was stable at 1300°C.  相似文献   

Sintering and microstructural evolution were studied in Fe3O4 as a model system for spinel ferrites. Fe3O4 powder, purified by the salt-crystallization method, was sintered to ∼99.5% density in a CO-CO2 atmosphere. The p O2 Of the sintering atmosphere drastically affects the microstructure (grain size) of sintered Fe3O4 without significantly affecting density. The measured grain-boundary mobilities, M , of Fe3O4 fit the equation M=M 0( T ) p O2−1/2 with M 0( T ) = 2.5×105 exp[-(609kJ·mol-1/ RT ](m/s)(N/m2)−l. The grain-boundary migration process appeared to be pore-drag controlled, with lattice diffusion of oxygen as the most likely rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

Diffusion couples are used to study the reaction between CaO powder and Fe2O3 All heat treatments were performed in air. The growth and morphology of calcium ferrites is studied at different temperatures. It is shown that CaO·2Fe2O3, starts to form at about 1125°C, while the accepted phase diagram for equilibrium with air predicts a temperature of 1155°C.  相似文献   

Phase relations in air at 1300°C were determined for the system MgO-Cr2O3−Fe2O3 by conventional quenching techniques. Details of the phase equilibria were established for: (1) the sesquioxide solid solution between Cr2O3 and Fe2O3, (2) the spinel solid solution field between MgCr2O4 and MgFe2O4, and (3) the periclase solid solution field for MgO. Selected tie lines connecting coexisting compositions were established with X-ray diffractometer data. Diffuse reflectance spectra, diffractometer intensity ratios, and lattice parameter measurements were obtained for quenched samples to study the structural inversion in the spinel series MgCr2O4-MgFe2O4.  相似文献   

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