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This paper presents a new formulation useful for modelling multilayered microstrip and its geometrical sensitivities with laminated ground plane. New integral equations are formulated, in the spectral domain, using the exact dyadic Green's function of bianisotropic planar media. We have applied a dynamic two‐dimensional least‐square algorithm as an optimization procedure. Obtained results agree well with those of other approaches. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文利用光子晶体带隙(PBG)结构的特点,将特殊设计的 PBG 结构应用于圆柱形微带贴片天线中。在同轴线馈电的圆柱形微带贴片天线的介质上蚀刻出按一定规律排列的 PBG 结构,并基于 HFSS 对特殊设计的 PGB 结构圆柱形微带贴片天线和普通的圆柱形微带贴片天线进行仿真和优化,仿真结果表明,按照一定规律排列的 PBG 结构可以有效抑制天线表面波的传播,明显提高圆柱形微带贴片天线的带宽和增益,有效改善圆柱形微带贴片天线的辐射方向图,实现天线性能的优化设计。  相似文献   

In this work we present a new approach to obtaining the subband structures of arbitrary-shape cross-section quantum wires. The method can be implemented for a general band structure, thus making it possible to introduce the anisotropic and non-parabolic features of the band into the analysis. Finally we compare the results obtained using anisotropic and non-parabolic band models with isotropic and parabolic ones in a triangular cross-section Si quantum wire with several crystalline orientations.  相似文献   

基于暂态主频分量相关性分析的故障选线方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种利用零序电流暂态主频分量相关性来进行小电流接地系统故障选线的新方法,以解决单纯利用零序电流选线效果不佳的问题。通过对故障零序电流特征的分析,提出了采用Prony算法来提取各线路暂态主频分量。利用故障后非故障线路暂态主频分量波形相似,而故障线路与非故障线路之间有着明显区别的特点,对其进行相关性分析,得出综合相关系数,实现正确选线。理论计算及仿真结果表明,该方法准确可靠,抗干扰能力强,无须整定,不受故障初相角、接地电阻、故障距离及接地方式的影响,进一步提高了保护的裕度。  相似文献   

In this work, the resonance and radiation characteristics of a superconducting cylindrical-rectangular microstrip antenna covered with a dielectric layer are studied using an electric field integral equation and the spectral-domain Green’s function. The effect of superconductivity of the patch is modeled by including surface complex impedance in the formulation. In order to validate the present method, numerical results for the cylindrical microstrip antenna with a perfectly conducting patch are presented and very good agreement has been demonstrated between our computed data and those found in the literature. Once the validity of the method is checked, the effect of the superconducting patch on resonance frequency, half-power bandwidth and radiation pattern of cylindrical rectangular microstrip patch is studied. It is found that the resonant frequency is affected significantly by the superconductivity property of the patch and the half-power bandwidth is considerably increased, which improves the narrow bandwidth characteristics of the microstrip structure. Further results show that a thin superconductor patch has a significant effect on the E-plane radiation pattern.  相似文献   

利用谐振接地系统发生单相接地故障后,非故障线路的暂态零序电流波形相似,而故障线路暂态零序电流波形与非故障线路差别较大的特点,提出一种基于故障暂态零序电流波形时频局部特征识别的接地选线新方法。将故障后各线路首个工频周波内的零序电流波形经Hilbert谱带通滤波分解为多频带分量,在时域上对各频带分量做等间隔划分,得等面积的时频小块,以其面积为元素生成各线路的分块时频谱矩阵,进而综合运用相关系数法及欧氏距离法求取各线路相对于其他线路的综合相似系数,结合选线判据确定故障线路。仿真结果表明,该选线方法能适应各种故障条件及影响因素,具有裕度高,选线准确等特点。  相似文献   

In this paper a new automatic approximation method with low-order rational functions for the frequency-dependent characteristics of a high-voltage single-phase transmission line, i.e. characteristic impedance ZC(jP) and transfer function A( jw ) = e - g( jw )L A\left( {j\omega } \right) = {\rm e}^{ - \gamma \left( {j\omega } \right)L} , by a genetic algorithm is presented. The results prove that this method is very likely to find the global optimum, that it is easy to use and has a high efficiency, especially for simulating power systems.  相似文献   

本文通过对库容与泄流曲线分段线性概化,按数值计算方法推演出新的调洪计算数值-解析计算公式。典型案例检验结果表明,该计算方法不仅简单、程序易实现、适用范围广,且计算精度与陈守煜教授提出的四阶龙格-库塔方法相当,在水库调洪计算中具有一定应用推广价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new and efficient approach to determine security-constrained generation scheduling (SCGS) in large-scale power systems, taking into account dispatch, network, and security constraints in pre and post-contingency states. A novel ramp rate limit is also modeled as a piecewise linear function in the SCGS problem to reflect more practical characteristics of the generating units. Benders decomposition is applied to this constrained solution process to obtain an optimal SCGS problem based on mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP). The formulation can be embedded in two stages. First, a MIP is formulated in the master problem to solve a unit commitment (UC) problem. This stage determines appropriate on/off states of the units. The second stage, the subproblem, is formulated as a NLP to solve a security-constrained economic dispatch (SCED) problem. This stage is used to determine the feasibility of the master problem solution. It provides information to formulate the benders cuts that connect both problems. The proposed approach is tested in the IEEE 118-bus system to show its effectiveness. The simulation results are more realistic and feasible, whilst assuring an acceptable computation time.  相似文献   

A new calculation-experimental approach to improvement of the control of erosion-corrosion wear (ECW) at an NPP and the results of development of optimum technical solutions and methods of diagnostics, prediction, and managing of the erosion-corrosion processes are described. The possibility has been demonstrated of enhancing the reliability and the trouble-free operation of the power equipment of the II circuit of a power unit with a type-VVER reactor due to the implementation of the calculation-experimental monitoring of ECW of NPP pipelines.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to the skewing optimization of permanent magnet poles in a two-phase brushless d.c. motor in order to effectively reduce its cogging torque. The effect of skewing is obtained by a proper angular dislocation of permanent magnet slices. Skewing optimization is carried out with respect to the number of pole slices and their mutual angular dislocation. A natural criterion of optimization is assumed by the minimum standard deviation of the cogging torque. Since employing a full-size three-dimensional (3D) finite element method model of the motor in the skewing optimization problem would lead to prohibitive computational burdens, a new simplified 3D model is developed for the multisliced pole structure. The simplified method for torque calculations makes the optimization task feasible at reasonable computational cost. Solutions obtained clearly exhibit that the torque pulsation can be effectively reduced by appropriate skew-like shaping of permanent magnets. Simulation results on cogging torque minimization are in very good agreement with experimental data obtained from a prototype motor.  相似文献   

Many researchers have attempted to clarify the definitions of active power, reactive power, active current, reactive current, etc. for unbalanced and nonsinusoidal three‐phase situations. The so‐called pq theory has given a new definition of instantaneous reactive power, and it has been discussed and developed by many authors. In this paper, the merits and demerits of the instantaneous reactive power compensator are discussed. It is shown theoretically that applying instantaneous reactive power compensation to unbalanced three‐phase systems has a serious disadvantage in that it causes third‐order harmonic currents on the source side, which problem cannot be avoided. To overcome this problem the authors propose a new approach, and name it the “quasi‐instantaneous” reactive power compensator. It compensates individual‐phase reactive currents. The basic principles of the quasi‐instantaneous reactive current compensator are discussed in detail, and its validity is confirmed using digital simulation. In particular the authors show that the power factor of each phase becomes unity on the source side, but the source currents remain unbalanced when the proposed method is applied. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 139(3): 73–81, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.1162  相似文献   

The electrically excited synchronous motor (ESM) has typically small synchronous inductance values and quite low transient values because of the damper windings mounted on the rotor. Therefore, the torque and stator flux linkage ripples are high in the direct torque control (DTC) drive of the ESM with a torque and flux linkage hysteresis controller (basic DTC). A DTC scheme with space vector modulation (SVM) for the ESM was investigated in this paper. It is based on the compensation of the stator flux linkage vector error using the space vector modulation in order to decrease the torque and flux linkage ripples and produce fixed switching frequency under the principle that the torque is controlled by the torque angle in the ESM. Compared with the basic DTC, the results of the simulation and experiment show that the torque and flux linkage ripples are reduced, the maximum current value is decreased during the startup, and the current distortion is much smaller in the steady-state under the SVM-DTC. The field-weakening control is incorporated with the SVM-DTC successfully. __________ Translated from Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, 2006, 26(7): 152–157 [译自: 中国电机工程学报]  相似文献   

A new method is presented to identify faulty lines in distribution systems equipped with current transformers only in two phases. The transmission characteristics of transient current traveling wave and the electromagnetic coupling relationships among phase wires are analyzed. The wavelet decomposition technique is used to retrieve the transient fault current information. The proposed method is verified by simulation results in which single phase-to-ground faults (SGF) in any phase can be identified in a fast, accurate and reliable way.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies have shown that sulfur vacancies in monolayer \(\hbox {MoS}_{2}\) are mobile under exposure to an electron beam and tend to accumulate as sulfur line vacancies (Komsa in Phys Rev B 88: 035301, 2013). In this work, we designed a new resonant tunneling diode (RTD) based on this natural property. Two rows of sulfur vacancies are introduced into armchair \(\hbox {MoS}_{2}\) nanoribbons (\(\hbox {A-MoS}_{2}\) NRs) to tune the nanoribbons’ bandgap to obtain the double-barrier quantum well structure of the resonant tunneling diode. This arrangement has a unique benefit that will result in very little physical distortion. A tight-binding (TB) model, with five 4d-orbitals of the Mo atom and three 3p-orbitals of the S atom, is employed for calculations. In the TB model, which is described in terms of Slater–Koster parameters, we also incorporate the changes of edge bonds. Density functional theory is used to determine all the necessary parameters of the TB model. They are obtained by an optimization procedure which achieves very fine parameter values, which can regenerate the most important energy bands of \(\hbox {A-MoS}_{2}\) NRs of different widths, with highly satisfactory precision. The introduction of these new parameters is another contribution of this work. Lastly, the nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism based on the TB approximation is used to explore the properties of the new RTD structures based on \(\hbox {A-MoS}_{2}\) NRs. Negative differential resistance with peak to valley ratio (PVR) of about 78 at room temperature is achieved for one RTD, having peak current \(I_\mathrm{p}=90\) nA. We show that the PVR can exceed 120 when increasing the barrier length of the RTD at the expense of lower \(I_\mathrm{p}\).  相似文献   

配电网高阻接地故障选相和选线一般较为困难。为解决这两个问题,提出了一种基于柔性接地装置的不对称配电网接地故障选相选线方法。首先详细分析各馈线零序电流在中性点零序电压调控前后的变化情况。利用不同调控状态下故障与健全馈线零序等值导纳的离散程度来辨识故障馈线,得出故障馈线辨识函数并构造了选线判据。其次,根据分相调控过程中馈线零序等值导纳与故障前馈线对地导纳差值的相角关系进行故障相判别,得出故障选相函数并构造了选相判据。理论分析和PSCAD/EMTDC仿真实验表明:配电网三相对地导纳不对称情况对所提方法并无影响,低、高阻接地故障时均有较高灵敏度,故障选相与选线结果准确,且选相和选线方法得到有效结合。  相似文献   

Experimental data on detection of black-ice accretions on wires of a power transmission line by a method of location through increasing the delay and decreasing the amplitude of returned impulse signals are presented.  相似文献   

Journal of Computational Electronics - Gallium nitride (GaN) substrates are promising candidates for GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) because of their epitaxial layer growth with low...  相似文献   

Switched‐capacitor DC‐DC converters (SC DC‐DC) are analyzed for loss sources, voltage regulation integrity, start‐up latency, and ripple size, while the trade‐offs between these metrics are derived. These analyses are used to design a SC DC‐DC that achieves high efficiency in a wide load current range. Four‐way interleaving was employed to reduce the output ripple and efficiency loss due to this ripple. The design can be reconfigured to achieve gains of 1/3 and 2/5 for inputs ranging between 1.4 and 3.6 V to generate output voltage range of 0.4 to 1.27 V and can supply peak load current of 22 mA. It uses thin‐oxide MOS capacitors for their high density and achieves 75.4% peak efficiency with an input frequency of 100 MHz and a load capacitor of 10 nF. An augmenting LDO that only regulates during sudden load transients helps the converter respond fast to these transients. The chip was implemented using a 65‐nm standard CMOS process.  相似文献   

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