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In gradient elasticity strain gradient terms appear in the expression of virtual work, leading to the need for C1 continuous interpolation in finite element discretizations of the displacement field only. Employing such interpolation is generally avoided in favour of the alternative methods that interpolate other quantities as well as displacement, due to the scarcity of C1 finite elements and their perceived computational cost. In this context, the lack of three‐dimensional C1 elements is of particular concern. In this paper we present a new C1 hexahedral element which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first three‐dimensional C1 element ever constructed. It is shown to pass the single element and patch tests, and to give excellent rates of convergence in benchmark boundary value problems of gradient elasticity. It is further shown that C1 elements are not necessarily more computationally expensive than alternative approaches, and it is argued that they may be more efficient in providing good‐quality solutions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ‘variable‐element‐topology finite element method’ (VETFEM) is a finite‐element‐like Galerkin approximation method in which the elements may take arbitrary polyhedral form. A complete development of the VETFEM is given here for both two and three dimensions. A kinematic enhancement of the displacement‐based formulation is also given, which effectively treats the case of near‐incompressibility. Convergence of the method is discussed and then illustrated by way of a 2D problem in elastostatics. Also, the VETFEM's performance is compared to that of the conventional FEM with eight‐node hex elements in a 3D finite‐deformation elastic–plastic problem. The main attraction of the new method is its freedom from the strict rules of construction of conventional finite element meshes, making automatic mesh generation on complex domains a significantly simpler matter. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is common in solving topology optimization problems to replace an integer‐valued characteristic function design field with the material volume fraction field, a real‐valued approximation of the design field that permits ‘fictitious’ mixtures of materials during intermediate iterations in the optimization process. This is reasonable so long as one can interpolate properties for such materials and so long as the final design is integer valued. For this purpose, we present a method for smoothly thresholding the volume fractions of an arbitrary number of material phases which specify the design. This method is trivial for two‐material design problems, for example, the canonical topology design problem of specifying the presence or absence of a single material within a domain, but it becomes more complex when three or more materials are used, as often occurs in material design problems. We take advantage of the similarity in properties between the volume fractions and the barycentric coordinates on a simplex to derive a thresholding, method which is applicable to an arbitrary number of materials. As we show in a sensitivity analysis, this method has smooth derivatives, allowing it to be used in gradient‐based optimization algorithms. We present results, which show synergistic effects when used with Solid Isotropic Material with Penalty and Rational Approximation of Material Properties material interpolation functions, popular methods of ensuring integerness of solutions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A flexible computational procedure for solving 3D linear elastic structural mechanics problems is presented that currently uses three forms of approximation function (natural neighbour, moving least squares—using a new nearest neighbour weight function—and Lagrange polynomial) and three types of integration grids to reproduce the natural element method and the finite element method. The addition of more approximation functions, which is not difficult given the structure of the code, will allow reproduction of other popular meshless methods. Results are presented that demonstrate the ability of the first‐order meshless approximations to capture solutions more accurately than first‐order finite elements. Also, the quality of integration for the three types of integration grids is compared. The concept of a region is introduced, which allows the splitting of a domain into different sections, each with its own type of approximation function and spatial integration scheme. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study documents the first attempt to extend the singular boundary method, a novel meshless boundary collocation method, for the solution of 3D elasticity problems. The singular boundary method involves a coupling between the regularized BEM and the method of fundamental solutions. The main idea here is to fully inherit the dimensionality and stability advantages of the former and the meshless and integration‐free attributes of the later. This makes it particularly attractive for problems in complex geometries and three dimensions. Four benchmark 3D problems in linear elasticity are well studied to demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. The advantages, disadvantages, and potential applications of the proposed method, as compared with the FEM, BEM, and method of fundamental solutions, are also examined and discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As in the case of two‐dimensional topology design optimization, numerical instability problems similar to the formation of two‐dimensional checkerboard patterns occur if the standard eight‐node conforming brick element is used. Motivated by the recent success of the two‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in completely eliminating checkerboard patterns, we aim at investigating the performance of three‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in controlling the patterns that are estimated overly stiff by the brick elements. To this end, we will investigate how accurately the non‐conforming elements estimate the stiffness of the patterns. The stiffness estimation is based on the homogenization method by assuming the periodicity of the patterns. To verify the superior performance of the elements, we consider three‐dimensional compliance minimization and compliant mechanism design problems and compare the results by the non‐conforming element and the standard 8‐node conforming brick element. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Boundary Node Method (BNM) is developed in this paper for solving three‐dimensional problems in linear elasticity. The BNM represents a coupling between Boundary Integral Equations (BIE) and Moving Least‐Squares (MLS) interpolants. The main idea is to retain the dimensionality advantage of the former and the meshless attribute of the later. This results in decoupling of the ‘mesh’ and the interpolation procedure.For problems in linear elasticity, free rigid‐body modes in traction prescribed problems are typically eliminated by suitably restraining the body. However, an alternative approach developed recently for the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is extended in this work to the BNM. This approach is based on ideas from linear algebra to complete the rank of the singular stiffness matrix. Also, the BNM has been extended in the present work to solve problems with material discontinuities and a new procedure has been developed for obtaining displacements and stresses accurately at internal points close to the boundary of a body. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extended finite element method (X‐FEM) for three‐dimensional crack modelling is described. A discontinuous function and the two‐dimensional asymptotic crack‐tip displacement fields are added to the finite element approximation to account for the crack using the notion of partition of unity. This enables the domain to be modelled by finite elements with no explicit meshing of the crack surfaces. Computational geometry issues associated with the representation of the crack and the enrichment of the finite element approximation are discussed. Stress intensity factors (SIFs) for planar three‐dimensional cracks are presented, which are found to be in good agreement with benchmark solutions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approximate level set method for three‐dimensional crack propagation is presented. In this method, the discontinuity surface in each cracked element is defined by element‐local level sets (ELLSs). The local level sets are generated by a fitting procedure that meets the fracture directionality and its continuity with the adjacent element crack surfaces in a least‐square sense. A simple iterative procedure is introduced to improve the consistency of the generated element crack surface with those of the adjacent cracked elements. The discrete discontinuity is treated by the phantom node method which is a simplified version of the extended finite element method (XFEM). The ELLS method and the phantom node technology are combined for the solution of dynamic fracture problems. Numerical examples for three‐dimensional dynamic crack propagation are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a parallel three‐dimensional numerical infrastructure for the solution of a wide range of time‐harmonic problems in structural acoustics and vibration. High accuracy and rate of error‐convergence, in the mid‐frequency regime,is achieved by the use of hp‐finite and infinite element approximations. The infrastructure supports parallel computation in both single and multi‐frequency settings. Multi‐frequency solves utilize concurrent factoring of the frequency‐dependent linear algebraic systems and are naturally scalable. Scalability of large‐scale single‐frequency problems is realized by using FETI‐DP—an iterative domain‐decomposition scheme. Numerical examples are presented to cover applications in vibratory response of fluid‐filled elastic structures as well as radiation and scattering from elastic structures submerged in an infinite acoustic medium. We demonstrate both the numerical accuracy as well as parallel scalability of the infrastructure in terms of problem parameters that include wavenumber and number of frequencies, polynomial degree of finite/infinite element approximations as well as the number of processors. Scalability and accuracy is evaluated for both single and multiple frequency sweeps on four high‐performance parallel computing platforms: SGI Altix, SGI Origin, IBM p690 SP and Linux‐cluster. Results show good performance on shared as well as distributed‐memory architecture. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A non‐iterative, finite element‐based inverse method for estimating surface heat flux histories on thermally conducting bodies is developed. The technique, which accommodates both linear and non‐linear problems, and which sequentially minimizes the least squares error norm between corresponding sets of measured and computed temperatures, takes advantage of the linearity between computed temperatures and the instantaneous surface heat flux distribution. Explicit minimization of the instantaneous error norm thus leads to a linear system, i.e. a matrix normal equation, in the current set of nodal surface fluxes. The technique is first validated against a simple analytical quenching model. Simulated low‐noise measurements, generated using the analytical model, lead to heat transfer coefficient estimates that are within 1% of actual values. Simulated high‐noise measurements lead to h estimates that oscillate about the low‐noise solution. Extensions of the present method, designed to smooth oscillatory solutions, and based on future time steps or regularization, are briefly described. The method's ability to resolve highly transient, early‐time heat transfer is also examined; it is found that time resolution decreases linearly with distance to the nearest subsurface measurement site. Once validated, the technique is used to investigate surface heat transfer during experimental quenching of cylinders. Comparison with an earlier inverse analysis of a similar experiment shows that the present method provides solutions that are fully consistent with the earlier results. Although the technique is illustrated using a simple one‐dimensional example, the method can be readily extended to multidimensional problems. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an original method for multimaterial topology optimization with elastic and thermal response considerations. The material distribution is represented parametrically using a formulation in which finite element–style shape functions are used to determine the local material properties within each finite element. We optimize a multifunctional structure that is designed for a combination of structural stiffness and thermal insulation. We conduct parallel uncoupled finite element analyses to simulate the elastic and thermal response of the structure by solving the two-dimensional Poisson problem. We explore multiple optimization problem formulations, including structural design for minimum compliance subject to local temperature constraints so that the optimized design serves as both a support structure and a thermal insulator. We also derive and implement an original multimaterial aggregation function that allows the designer to simultaneously enforce separate maximum temperature thresholds based upon the melting point of the various design materials. The nonlinear programming problem is solved using gradient-based optimization with adjoint sensitivity analysis. We present results for a series of two-dimensional example problems. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm consistently converges to feasible multimaterial designs with the desired elastic and thermal performance.  相似文献   

The FFT‐based homogenization method of Moulinec–Suquet has recently emerged as a powerful tool for computing the macroscopic response of complex microstructures for elastic and inelastic problems. In this work, we generalize the method to problems discretized by trilinear hexahedral elements on Cartesian grids and physically nonlinear elasticity problems. We present an implementation of the basic scheme that reduces the memory requirements by a factor of four and of the conjugate gradient scheme that reduces the storage necessary by a factor of nine compared with a naive implementation. For benchmark problems in linear elasticity, the solver exhibits mesh‐ and contrast‐independent convergence behavior and enables the computational homogenization of complex structures, for instance, arising from computed tomography computed tomography (CT) imaging techniques. There exist 3D microstructures involving pores and defects, for which the original FFT‐based homogenization scheme does not converge. In contrast, for the proposed scheme, convergence is ensured. Also, the solution fields are devoid of the spurious oscillations and checkerboarding artifacts associated to conventional schemes. We demonstrate the power of the approach by computing the elasto‐plastic response of a long‐fiber reinforced thermoplastic material with 172 × 106 (displacement) degrees of freedom. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The topology design optimization of ‘three‐dimensional geometrically‐non‐linear’ continuum structures is still difficult not only because of the size of the problem but also because of the unstable continuum finite elements that arise during the optimization. To overcome these difficulties, the element connectivity parameterization (ECP) method with two implementation formulations is proposed. In ECP, structural layouts are represented by inter‐element connectivity, which is controlled by the stiffness of element‐connecting zero‐length links. Depending on the link location, ECP may be classified as an external ECP (E‐ECP) or an internal ECP (I‐ECP). In this paper, I‐ECP is newly developed to substantially enhance computational efficiency. The main idea in I‐ECP is to reduce system matrix size by eliminating some internal degrees of freedom associated with the links at voxel level. As for ECP implementation with commercial software, E‐ECP, developed earlier for two‐dimensional problems, is easier to use even for three‐dimensional problems because it requires only numerical analysis results for design sensitivity calculation. The characteristics of the I‐ECP and E‐ECP methods are compared, and these methods are validated with numerical examples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new BEM for level‐set based topology optimization. In the proposed BEM, the nodal coordinates of the boundary element are replaced with the nodal level‐set function and the nodal coordinates of the Eulerian mesh that maintains the level‐set function. Because this replacement causes the nodal coordinates of the boundary element to disappear, the boundary element mesh appears to be immersed in the Eulerian mesh. Therefore, we call the proposed BEM an immersed BEM. The relationship between the nodal coordinates of the boundary element and the nodal level‐set function of the Eulerian mesh is clearly represented, and therefore, the sensitivities with respect to the nodal level‐set function are strictly derived in the immersed BEM. Furthermore, the immersed BEM completely eliminates grayscale elements that are known to cause numerical difficulties in topology optimization. By using the immersed BEM, we construct a concrete topology optimization method for solving the minimum compliance problem. We provide some numerical examples and discuss the usefulness of the constructed optimization method on the basis of the obtained results. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a three‐dimensional finite‐deformation cohesive element and a class of irreversible cohesive laws which enable the accurate and efficient tracking of dynamically growing cracks. The cohesive element governs the separation of the crack flanks in accordance with an irreversible cohesive law, eventually leading to the formation of free surfaces, and is compatible with a conventional finite element discretization of the bulk material. The versatility and predictive ability of the method is demonstrated through the simulation of a drop‐weight dynamic fracture test similar to those reported by Zehnder and Rosakis. The ability of the method to approximate the experimentally observed crack‐tip trajectory is particularly noteworthy. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new approach to linear plate theory for layered structures is introduced. The new theory distances itself from the classical strategy where through the thickness displacement functions are assumed a priori. Instead, the homogenization is based on a single assumption that the plate response is a superposition of fundamental states. An equivalent single‐layer (ESL) formulation is presented, which, for the first time, allows accurate three‐dimensional stress and strain fields to be recovered through a postprocessing strategy that is consistent with the theory's assumptions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, the extended finite element method (XFEM) is for the first time coupled with face‐based strain‐smoothing technique to solve three‐dimensional fracture problems. This proposed method, which is called face‐based smoothed XFEM here, is expected to combine both the advantages of XFEM and strain‐smoothing technique. In XFEM, arbitrary crack geometry can be modeled and crack advance can be simulated without remeshing. Strain‐smoothing technique can eliminate the integration of singular term over the volume around the crack front, thanks to the transformation of volume integration into area integration. Special smoothing scheme is implemented in the crack front smoothing domain. Three examples are presented to test the accuracy, efficiency, and convergence rate of the face‐based smoothed XFEM. From the results, it is clear that smoothing technique can improve the performance of XFEM for three‐dimensional fracture problems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the analysis of elastodynamic problems in 3D‐layered systems which are unbounded in the horizontal direction. For this purpose, a finite element model of the near field is coupled to a scaled boundary finite element model (SBFEM) of the far field. The SBFEM is originally based on describing the geometry of a half‐space or full‐space domain by scaling the geometry of the near field / far field interface using a radial coordinate. A modified form of the SBFEM for waves in a 2D layer is also available. None of these existing formulations can be used to describe a 3D‐layered medium. In this paper, a modified SBFEM for the analysis of 3D‐layered continua is derived. Based on the use of a scaling line instead of a scaling centre, a suitable scaled boundary transformation is proposed. The derivation of the corresponding scaled boundary finite element (SBFE) equations in displacement and stiffness is presented in detail. The latter is a nonlinear differential equation with respect to the radial coordinate, which has to be solved numerically for each excitation frequency considered in the analysis. Various numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy of the new method and its correct implementation. These include rigid circular and square foundations embedded in or resting on the surface of layered homogeneous or inhomogeneous 3D soil deposits over rigid bedrock. Hysteretic damping is assumed in some cases. The dynamic stiffness coefficients calculated using the proposed method are compared with analytical solutions or existing highly accurate numerical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents improvements to three‐dimensional crack propagation simulation capabilities of the generalized finite element method. In particular, it presents new update algorithms suitable for explicit crack surface representations and simulations in which the initial crack surfaces grow significantly in size (one order of magnitude or more). These simulations pose problems in regard to robust crack surface/front representation throughout the propagation analysis. The proposed techniques are appropriate for propagation of highly non‐convex crack fronts and simulations involving significantly different crack front speeds. Furthermore, the algorithms are able to handle computational difficulties arising from the coalescence of non‐planar crack surfaces and their interactions with domain boundaries. An approach based on moving least squares approximations is developed to handle highly non‐convex crack fronts after crack surface coalescence. Several numerical examples are provided, which illustrate the robustness and capabilities of the proposed approaches and some of its potential engineering applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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