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ABSTRACT: This review focuses on the responses of microbial spores to food processes that incorporate high hydrostatic pressures. While the majority of information deals with spores of Bacillus species, spores of Clostridium and Alicyclobacillus species are also discussed, and a section of the review surveys the responses of fungal spores to high‐pressure processing. The mechanisms of the germination of bacterial spores are outlined in detail with regard to spore physiology and structure, along with molecular aspects of germinants and the interaction with spore receptors. Use of treatments combining pressure and temperature for a range of different food products is reviewed, including examples of hurdle technology employing high hydrostatic pressure. Pressure‐assisted thermal sterilization is also discussed.  相似文献   

超高压技术是近年来食品领域热点研究的高新技术之一,具有广泛的应用前景。本文综述了超高压技术的概念和特点,着重介绍了超高压处理在肉品加工中的应用,并对超高压技术在肉品加工中的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

酶制剂的应用与肉类加工副产品附加值的提升   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了利用酶生物技术,以肉类副产品为原料加工的内类抽提物及其应用。该应用明显提升肉类副产品的附加值。  相似文献   

Fresh juices are highly popular beverages in the global food market. They are perceived as wholesome, nutritious, all‐day beverages. For a fast growing category of premium juice products such as cold‐pressed juices, minimal‐processing nonthermal techniques such as ultraviolet (UV) light and high‐pressure processing (HPP) are expected to be used to extend shelf‐life while retaining physicochemical, nutritional, and sensory characteristics with reduced microbial loads. Also, UV light and HPP are approved by regulatory agencies and recognized as one of the simplest and very environmentally friendly ways to destroy pathogenic organisms. One of the limitations to their more extensive commercial application lies in the lack of comparative effects on nutritional and quality‐related compounds in juice products. This review provides a comparative analysis using 92 studies (UV light: 42, HPP: 50) mostly published between 2004 and 2015 to evaluate the effects of reported UV light and HPP processing conditions on the residual content or activity of bioactive compounds such as vitamins, polyphenols, antioxidants, and oxidative enzymes in 45 different fresh fruit and vegetable juices (low‐acid, acid, and high‐acid categories). Also, the effects of UV light and HPP on color and sensory characteristics of juices are summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of combined treatments of high pressure (300 MPa, for 15 min) and temperature (5, 20, 35, and 50 °C) on microbial inactivation (total bacteria count, lactic acid bacteria, Baird Parker flora, Pseudomonas sp., and enterobacteria) and color in sliced cooked ham and ground pork patties. Microbial reduction due to the pressure/temperature treatments was higher in pork patties. Greater pressure-induced loss viability was observed in gram-negative bacteria. Microbial inactivation was more pronounced when pressurization was applied at 50 °C. Microbial sensitivity to the high pressure treatment was conditioned by the processing temperature, the microorganism group, and the type of meat product.  相似文献   

High‐pressure thermal sterilization (HPTS) and ultra‐high‐pressure homogenization (UHPH) are two emerging sterilization techniques that have not been implemented in the food industry yet. The two technologies apply different acting principles as HPTS uses isostatic pressure in combination with heat whereas UHPH uses dynamic pressure in combination with shear stress, cavitation, impingement, and heat. Both technologies offer significant benefits in terms of spore inactivation in food production with reduced thermal intensity and minimized effects on sensory and nutritional profiles. These benefits have resulted in relevant research efforts on both technologies over the past few decades. This state of the art of the discontinuous HPTS‐based and the continuous UHPH‐based sterilization concepts are assessed within this review. Further, various basic principles and promising future preservation applications of HPTS and UHPH for food processing, that are also applicable in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, and biotechnological sectors, are summarized. In addition, the applications and limitations of these technologies in terms of optimizations needed to overcome the identified challenges are emphasized.  相似文献   

High Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on the Texture of Meat and Meat Products   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT:  High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatment can influence meat protein conformation and induce protein denaturation, aggregation, or gelation. The means whereby HHP treatment exerts effects on meat protein structure change are due to the rupture of noncovalent interactions within protein molecules, and to the subsequent re-formation of intra- and inter-molecular bonds within or among protein molecules. Depending upon the meat protein system, the pressure, the temperature, and the duration of the pressure treatment, meat can be either tenderized or toughened. Muscle texture variation induced by heat treatment is due to breakage of hydrogen bonds, whereas changes from high pressure treatment are due to the rupture of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Pressure treatment has little effect on the toughness of connective tissue. Juiciness, springiness, and chewiness are increased upon HHP treatment. Prerigor HHP treatment tenderizes meat, whereas tenderizing effects of postrigor HHP treatment are only measureable if pressure and heat treatment are combined. The limitations and future applications of high pressure technology are also discussed.  相似文献   

超高压作为一种新型冷杀菌技术,不仅具有杀菌、灭酶、保留产品特色风味和色泽等特点,还可以显著改善肉制品的质构和保油保水性,可以生产适合厌食症患者食用的新型口感的低温凝胶类肉制品,这是通过对蛋白质等肌肉化学组成分的高压修饰实现的.本文对超高压技术的原理进行简单介绍,并综述了超高压对肉及肉制品各组织结构(肌肉组织、结缔组织和脂肪组织)及化学成分(水分及蛋白质)影响的研究进展,旨在为该新技术在肉及肉制品中的应用提供相应理论参考.  相似文献   

High‐pressure processing (HPP) technology is a novel, nonthermal processing technology for food. This special processing method can inactivate microorganisms and enzymes in food at room temperature using ultra‐high pressures of above 100 MPa, while the original flavor and nutritional value of the food are maintained, with an extended refrigerated shelf‐life of the food in distribution. In recent years, because of the rising prevalence of food allergies, many researchers have actively sought processing methods that reduce the allergenicity of food allergens. This study describes the effects of the current HPP technology on allergen activity. Our main goal was to provide an overview of the current research achievements of the application of HPP to eliminate the allergenicity of various foods, including legumes, grains, seafood, meat, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. In addition, the processing parameters, principles, and mechanisms of HPP for allergen destruction are discussed, such as the induction of protein denaturation, the change in protein conformation, allergen removal using the high‐pressure extraction technology, and the promotion of enzymatic hydrolysis to alter the sensitization of the allergens. In the future, the application of HPP technology as a pretreatment step for raw food materials may contribute to the development of food products with low or no allergenic ingredients, which then can effectively reduce the concern for consumers with allergies, reduce the risk of mistaken ingestion, and reduce the overall incidence of allergic reactions from food.  相似文献   

肉与肉制品加工中的栅栏技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘冠勇  罗欣 《肉类研究》2000,14(1):37-40
本文在介绍栅栏技术、分析肉制品中主要栅栏因子的同时,结合与其密切相关的微生物学知识,阐述了其应用于肉制品加工中的意义.  相似文献   

肉制品加工中的烟熏技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
烟熏在中西式肉制品加工广泛运用。烟熏工艺的采用,使肉制品发生一系列的变化,不同的烟熏方式带来不同的烟熏效果。本文简述了烟的有效成分,以及传统中式产品、西式制品加工中的烟熏工艺。  相似文献   

肉制品加工过程中潜在的危害分为微生物的、化学性的、物理性的。HACCP体系应用将有效控制这些危害。  相似文献   

超高压技术在低温肉制品加工中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍了以超高压处理时,超高压对肉的微生物、肉的组织结构、风味、贮存期的影响。同时介绍了低温肉制品超高压处理的研究现状、存在问题与发展方向。  相似文献   

腊肉制品的加工方法及风味形成的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
腊肉类与咸肉类、酱肉类、风干肉类并属于中式肉制品中的腌腊制品,是我国传统肉制品的典型代表,有着悠久的历史。有着独特的风味物质,深得消费者的喜爱。本文概述了传统与工业的腊肉加工方式,探讨了肉制品的风味物质的形成。  相似文献   

超声波技术在肉及肉制品中的应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
超声波作为一种新型绿色食品加工技术,具有缩短加工时间、降低生产成本和改善肉及肉制品品质等优势,在肉及肉制品行业中的应用受到广泛关注。本文综述超声波技术对肉及肉制品理化特性(嫩度、持水性、色泽、氧化稳定性和pH值)的影响及其机理,此外,对超声波技术在腌制、冷冻和解冻、杀菌等肉制品加工工艺中的应用和影响机制进行总结,为其在肉及肉制品实际生产中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在肉制品加工中,调味品是一种不可缺少添加剂,具有改善肉制品滋味、质感和色泽,提高人的食欲,增加产品的营养等作用。本文简要介绍了加工肉制品中常用调味品、调味品在加工肉制品中应用现状以及应用趋势。  相似文献   

酱卤类肉制品的制作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详尽介绍了二十六种具有独特风味的酱卤类肉制品的原料、配料、制作工艺流程  相似文献   

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