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This study investigates the influence of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) and graphite (C) on the mechanical and tribological behavior of aluminum-based metal matrix composite (AA6061) fabricated through the stir casting. Metal matrix composites (MMC) are prepared with the following weight percentages: 100 % AA; 96 % AA-2 % ZrO2-2 % C; 88 % AA-6 % ZrO2-6 % C; 92 % AA-6 % ZrO2-2 % C; and 96 % AA-2 % ZrO2-6 % C. The microstructure and the mechanical and tribological behavior are characterized, and their correlations are obtained. Microstructural studies of the MMC reveal a uniform distribution of ZrO2 and C particles in the AA6061 matrix. The addition of ZrO2 improves the hardness from 6 % to 12 % (30 HRC to 40.94 HRC) and the ultimate tensile strength from 8 % to 15 % (128 MPa to 166.3 MPa) of the base metal (AA6061). The tribological behavior of wear and the frictional properties of the MMC are also studied by performing dry sliding wear test using pin-on-disc method. Result shows that the minimum and maximum wear rates of MMC are 5 E-9 and 6.2 E-9 (g/mm), respectively, at speed of 850 rpm and constant sliding distance of 1000 m.  相似文献   

A silane coupling reagent (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (abridged as MPTS) was self-assembled on a single-crystal Si substrate to form a two-dimensional organic monolayer (MPTS-SAM). The terminal –SH group in the MPTS-SAM film was in-situ oxidized to –SO3H group to endow the film with good chemisorption ability. Then ZrO2 thin films were deposited on the oxidized MPTS-SAM by way of the enhanced hydrolysis of aqueous zirconium sulfate (Zr(SO4)2·4H2O) in the presence of aqueous HCl at 50 °C, making use of the chemisorption ability of the –SO3H group. The thickness of the ZrO2 films was determined with an ellipsometer, while their morphologies and corresponding friction forces were analyzed by means of atomic force microscopy. The hardness and elastic modulus of the ZrO2 thin films were determined on a Nanoindentation II (MET) instrument. The macro-friction and wear behaviors of the ZrO2 films sliding against an AISI-52100 steel ball were examined on a unidirectional friction and wear tester and the worn surface morphologies observed on a scanning electron microscope (SEM). As the results, the as-deposited ZrO2 thin film at a deposition duration of 100 h is about 100 nm thick, it decreases to 48 nm after annealing at 500 °C and further decreases to 45 nm after heating at 800 °C. The as-deposited ZrO2 film is relatively rougher, with the rms to be about 1.0 nm, while the ZrO2 thin films heated at 500 and 800 °C have surface roughness rms of 0.76 nm and 0.68 nm, respectively. The ZrO2 film annealed at 800 °C has a high hardness to elastic modulus (H/E) ratio (0.062) as compared to the as-deposited ZrO2 film and the film annealed at 500 °C. Both the two annealed ZrO2 films show excellent wear-resistance as they slide against AISI-52100 steel at a normal load below 2.0 N, while the one annealed at 800 °C has better wear-resistance. The differences in the friction and wear behaviors of the as-deposited ZrO2 film, the ZrO2 film annealed at 500 °C and that annealed at 800 °C are attributed to their different micro structures and compositions. Since the ZrO2 films was well adhered to the underlying MPTS-SAM, it might find promising application in the surface-protection of single crystal Si and SiC subject to sliding at small normal load in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).  相似文献   

A MoS3 precursor deposited on anatase nano-TiO2 is heated at 450 °C in an H2 atmosphere to synthesize MoS2/TiO2 nano-clusters. The nano-clusters are then characterized, and their tribological properties are evaluated. MoS2 is found to be composed of layered structures with 1–10 nm thicknesses, 10–30 nm lengths, and 0.63–0.66 nm layer distances. The MoS2 sizes in the MoS2/TiO2 nano-clusters are smaller and their layer distances are larger than those of pure nano-MoS2. The MoS2/TiO2 nano-clusters also present a lower average friction coefficient than pure nano-MoS2, but the anti-wear properties of both the nano-clusters and pure nano-MoS2 are similar. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicates that nano-TiO2 and the element Mo are transferred to the friction surface from the MoS2/TiO2 nano-clusters through a tribochemical reaction. This produces a lubrication film containing TiO2, MoO3, and other chemicals. The nano-MoS2 changes in size and layer distance when combined with nano-TiO2, producing a synergistic effect. This may further be explained using a micro-cooperation model between MoS2 nano-platelets and TiO2 solid nanoparticles.  相似文献   

In recent decades, many additives with different characteristics have been applied to strengthen and toughen Al2O3-based ceramic cutting tool materials. Among them, SiC whiskers and SiC nanoparticles showed excellent performance in improving the material properties. While no attempts have been made to add SiC whiskers and SiC nanoparticles together into the ceramic matrix and the synergistically toughening effects of them have not been studied. An Al2O3-SiCw-SiCnp advanced ceramic cutting tool material is fabricated by adding both one-dimensional SiC whiskers and zero-dimensional SiC nanoparticles into the Al2O3 matrix with an effective dispersing and mixing process. The composites with 25 vol% SiC whiskers and 25 vol% SiC nanoparticles alone are also investegated for comparison purposes. Results show that the Al2O3-SiCw-SiCnp composite with both 20 vol% SiC whiskers and 5 vol% SiC nanoparticles additives have much improved mechanical properties. The flexural strength of Al2O3-SiCw-SiCnp is 730±95 MPa and fracture toughness is 5.6±0.6 MPa·m1/2. The toughening and strengthening mechanisms of SiC whiskers and nanoparticles are studied when they are added either individually or in combination. It is indicated that when SiC whiskers and nanoparticles are added together, the grains are further refined and homogenized, so that the microstructure and fracture mode ratio is modified. The SiC nanoparticles are found helpful to enhance the toughening effects of the SiC whiskers. The proposed research helps to enrich the types of ceramic cutting tool and is benefit to expand the application range of ceramic cutting tool.  相似文献   

Al2O3 particles reinforced Cu–Cr–Zr alloy matrix composite was fabricated through a powder metallurgy plus hot extrusion process by using the water atomization Cu–Cr–Zr powder as raw material. The effect of aging treatment on the tribological behavior of the composite was investigated. Experimental results show that tiny coherent precipitated phases were formed in the matrix after proper aging treatment and therefore good combination properties could be obtained. The wear rates of the Al2O3/CuCrZr composite and its matrix alloy were obviously influenced by the aging treatment, wherein the best wear resistance was reached at the aging temperature corresponding to the highest Vickers hardness. The major reason was that the depth of plastic deformation in the subsurface region was dramatically decreased due to the improvement of mechanical properties of the matrix, and therefore adhesion induced surface materials loss could be markedly alleviated. By comparing with the SiC20 vol%/Cu composite, it is indicated that the Al2O3/CuCrZr composite exhibited much better wear resistance as well as higher electrical conductivity.  相似文献   


Nanostructured nickel coatings with molybdenum disulphide particles were electrodeposited to form composite coatings. Three different current densities, i.e. 3, 5 and 7?A/dm2 were investigated initially. The best results were obtained with 5 A/dm2 for codeposition of nanostructured Ni-MoS2 composite coatings. With the addition of 1–4?g/L molybdenum disulphide to the bath, the weight percentages of MoS2 particles in the coatings were 23–38%. This increase of MoS2 content was accompanied with decrease in friction coefficient of the coatings from 0.35 to 0.08. Wear resistance of the coatings was increased with increasing MoS2 content and the weight loss was decreased from 1.4 to 0.7?mg. Hardness was decreased from 585 to 400 VHN with increasing the MoS2 content. By increasing bath agitation speed up to 150?rpm, more MoS2 particles were embedded in the matrix and the coatings showed better wear resistance. However, increase of agitation speed from 150 to 200?rpm caused a decrease of MoS2 particles in the nickel matrix due to the turbulent motion of particles in the bath. Overall, it was shown that the lubricating effect of MoS2 in the coating was more influential than the nanocrystallinity of the nickel matrix in improving tribological properties of these composite coatings.  相似文献   

The nanoscale lubrication mechanism of nanocomposite Au/MoS2 solid lubricant coatings has been studied by conductive atomic force microscopy (c-AFM). A direct visualization of the lubricating process suggests tribomechanical formation of a MoS2 tribofilm to be a key mechanism. The sliding-induced tribofilm formation was visualized by a reduction in local friction and conductivity in nanoscale AFM images. The tribofilm was found to possess considerable crystallinity and orientation, which was not observed in the as-deposited coatings. The observed mechanism is broadly applicable to a range of nanocomposite metal/MoS2 coatings.  相似文献   

In this article experimental results have been presented on response characteristics of the potential-controlled friction of ZrO2/stainless steel sliding contacts in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) aqueous solutions. Two methods for modifying interfacial potential, by using an electrochemistry station and a signal generator, respectively, of the ball-on-disk contacts, are described firstly. Then friction tests under steady and dynamic potential conditions are reported. From the steady potential experiment result, a potential range in which friction coefficient varies with potential quasi-linearly has been found. The potential range is within the electrochemical window of the system, and neither hydrogen nor oxygen evolution happens. When interfacial potential is modulated within the potential range in the form of a triangular or a sinusoidal wave, by using either an electrochemistry station or a signal generator, friction coefficient varies in the same form between lower and higher levels, as long as the frequency of the applied potentials is lower than a break frequency. When the interfacial potential is changed abruptly from the open circuit potential down to a negative value, a response time ranging between 0.2 and 1.5 s, depending on the magnitude of the potential and the SDS concentration, is observed for friction coefficient to increase from the lower level of about 0.1 to the higher level of about 0.45. When the interfacial potential is elevated suddenly to 0 V by shorting or to a small positive value, friction coefficient can recover from the higher level to the lower level within a short time, 0.5–2 s, depending on the SDS concentration, which is much shorter than the recovery time of friction in the case of just switching-off the voltage. At last, effect of solution temperature on the response time of friction to stepwise changes in potential is also presented.  相似文献   

The microstructure of lamellar liquid crystal composed by nonionic surfactant polyoxyethylene laurylether (Brij30), room temperature ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([Bmim]PF6) and water is investigated by deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) and rheological techniques. And the lubrication properties of the lamellar mesophase are determined to illustrate their relationship with the microstructure. The results show that the structure strength of the lamellar phase is enhanced with increasing amount of Brij30, so the anti-wear capacity of the lamellar phase is improved. But, both of the structure strength and lubrication properties are impaired with increasing water content in the system due to the increased interlayer space and the penetration of water into the amphiphile bilayer. However, though the structure of the lamellar phase is disturbed by [Bmim]PF6, the lubrication properties are still improved due to the inherent lubrication properties of [Bmim]PF6.  相似文献   

We report here on the friction behavior of fine- and coarse-grained Ti3SiC2 against steel and Si3N4 balls. Two successive friction regimes have been identified for both grain sizes and both counterparts. First, Type I regime is characterized by a relatively low (0.1–0.15) friction coefficient, and very little wear. Sliding occurs between a tribofilm on the ball and the Ti3SiC2 plane when against steel. Then, a Type II regime often follows, with increased friction coefficients (0.4–0.5) and significant wear. Compacted wear debris seems to act as a third body resulting in abrasion of the ball, even in the case of Si3N4. The transition between the two regimes occurs at different times, depending on various factors such as grain size, type of pin, and normal load applied. Some experiments under vacuum showed that the atmosphere plays also a major role. The reason for this evolution is not fully clear at that time, but its understanding is of major technological importance given the unusual good properties of this material.  相似文献   

To evaluate friction behaviour and adhesion strength of 130 nm-thick zirconia (ZrO2) film produceded by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on Si substrate, scratch tests were performed at two different scales; micro- and macro-scales. Surface morphology, roughness, crack propagations and interations between the surface and sliding indenter were also investigated. Scratch test was also conducted with Si substrate as a reference. The test results showed that friction coefficient (COF) was influenced by the scale of scratch test regardless of the tested materials. In microscale test, the 130 nm-thick zirconia film failed at the critical load of 96 mN and direct relationship between the generation of micro-cracks and friction coefficient was observed. Based on the Hertzian contact theory and experimental results, the macroscratch width was much greater than that in microscratch test although the maximum contact pressure were comparable in both cases. Further discussion was made with regard to the influence of the contact pressure on COF, crack generation and film removal. Various types of failure mode were identified through analyzing the mechanical response of scratch tracks both at micro- and macroscale tests. This study suggested that 130 nm-thick ALD-ZrO2 film showed better tribological and adhesion properties at microscale contact than macroscale contact.  相似文献   

A high-temperature ball-on-flat tribometer was used to investigate dry and oil-lubricated friction and wear of sintered Si3N4 and Si3N4/hexagonal boron nitride (H-BN) fibrous monoliths. The friction coefficients of base Si3N4 flats sliding against Si3N4 balls were in the range of 0.6–0.8 for dry and 0.03–0.15 for lubricated sliding, and the average wear rates of Si3N4 were 10–5 mm3 N–1 m–1 for dry sliding and 10–10–10–8 mm3 N –1m–1 for lubricated sliding. The friction coefficients of Si3N4 balls against composite fibrous monoliths were 0.7 for dry sliding and 0.01–0.08 for lubricated sliding. The average specific wear rates of the pairs were of the same order as those measured for the conventional Si3N4 pairs. However, the fibrous monoliths, in combination with sprayed dry boron nitride, resulted in reduction in the lubricated friction coefficients of the test pairs and significant reduction in their wear rates. The most striking result of this study was that the coefficients of friction of the Si3N4/H-BN fibrous monolith test pair were 70–80 lower than those of either roughened or polished Si3N4 when tests were performed under oil-lubricated sliding conditions over long distances (up to 5000 m). The results indicated that Si3N4/H-BN fibrous monoliths have good wear resistance and can be used to reduce friction under lubricated sliding conditions.  相似文献   

Tribological behaviors and the relevant mechanism of a highly pure polycrystalline bulk Ti3AlC2 sliding dryly against a low carbon steel disk were investigated. The tribological tests were carried out using a block-on-disk type high-speed friction tester, at the sliding speeds of 20–60 m/s under a normal pressure of 0.8 MPa. The results showed that the friction coefficient is as low as 0.1∼0.14 and the wear rate of Ti3AlC2 is only (2.3–2.5) × 10−6 mm3/Nm in the sliding speed range of 20–60 m/s. Such unusual friction and wear properties were confirmed to be dependant dominantly upon the presence of a frictional oxide film consisting of amorphous Ti, Al, and Fe oxides on the friction surfaces. The oxide film is in a fused state during the sliding friction at a fused temperature of 238–324 °C, so it takes a significant self-lubricating effect.  相似文献   

The nonlinear dependence of the relative light output on the energy deposited in single-crystal scintillation materials YAlO3:Ce (YAP:Ce), Y2SiO5:Ce (YSO:Ce), and YPO4:Ce (YPO:Ce) has been studied. The investigations have been conducted under quasi-monochromatic X-ray excitation in the energy range of 9.5–100 keV. In addition to the standard technique for measuring the nonproportional scintillator response based on the dependence of the full-energy peak position on the energy of incident radiation, a method is proposed for measuring the light output by X-ray fluorescence peaks. Using this method for YAP:Ce, it is possible to investigate the nonlinear dependence of the light output on the photon energy in the energy range of 2–40 keV. Along with this method, the K-dip spectroscopy method has been proposed and tested by measuring the dependence of the relative light output on the electron energy in the range of 0.1–80.0 keV. The processes resulting in the loss of the scintillation material efficiency at a high ionization density are considered.  相似文献   

The paper presents an explanation of the improved antifriction properties of MoS2 in vacuum compared to their properties in air. It is shown that the effect of superlow friction upon intensive irradiation results from the formation of a “two-dimensional gas” consisting of sulfur atoms knocked out of their positions. The possibility of the alloying of MoS2 by elements which do not react with sulfur is analyzed. The alloying of MoS2 coatings by an excess number of sulfur atoms to realize the effect of superlow friction in vacuum and air is substantiated.  相似文献   

The tribological properties of room temperature ionic liquids containing tetraalkylphosphonium cations were evaluated on the basis of the chemical structure of their salts. The tribochemistry of these ionic liquids was discussed on the basis of the results of tribo-tests and surface analyses. The tribological properties of the tetraalkylphosphonium salts examined in this work were observed to be better than those of 1,3-alkylimidazolium salts. The structure of the alkyl group in the phosphonium cation also has a slight effect on the tribological properties of the salts. During a friction test carried out under low-load conditions, the phosphonium cation was oxidized to phosphate to form a boundary film. This film inhibited the reaction of the bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide anion that yielded metal fluoride on the rubbed surfaces. The combination of the phosphonium cation with a phosphate anion or thiophosphate anion resulted in a better lubricant than 1,3-alkylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide. The reactions of the phosphate anion and thiophosphate anion yielded a phosphate boundary film that exhibited better tribological properties than those of the fluoride boundary film.  相似文献   

The environmental obligations of manufacturing industries have resulted in the development of new cutting tools during metal machining without cutting fluids. According to the green manufacturing principles and to further improve the cutting performance of tools in dry cutting, novel cutting tools combined with nanotextures and WS2/Zr coatings (AN-AW) are developed, and cutting tests without cutting fluids on hardened steel exhibit that the AN-AW tool is the most effective in reducing the cutting forces compared with the WS2/Zr-coated tool (AS-W) and conventional tool (AS). Based on the experiments and theoretical models, the tool-chip interface characteristics are further investigated quantitatively to analyze the mechanism of the AN-AW tool. Results show that the AN-AW tool has a significant effect on the tool-chip interface characteristics. The AN-AW tool is the most effective in reducing the friction coefficient and tool-chip contact length; meanwhile, it changes the stress distribution at the tool-chip interface. The reduced tool-chip contact length and sticking-total contact length ratio as well as the lubricant film formed by the WS2/Zr coatings at the tool-chip interface may be responsible for the changes of friction and stress distribution for the AN-AW tool.  相似文献   

The effect of various nanofillers (nanofibers of Al2O3 and carbon, nanopowders of copper and SiO2) on the physico-mechanical and tribotechnical properties of superhigh-molecular polyethylene is investigated. It is determined that the modification of superhigh-molecular polyethylene by nanofibers and nanoparticles within the limits of 0.1–05 wt % results in a substantial rise in its deformation-strength characteristics and a multifold increase in its tribotechnical characteristics. By the methods of X-ray structure analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and electron microscopy, it is shown that modification of the polymer by the mentioned nanofillers results in the formation of an ordered (lamellar) permolecular structure. It is revealed that nanofibers form a stable film of friction transfer more quickly in comparison with nanoparticles. The optimum compositions of nanofillers, which determine the high wear resistance and the low constant of friction for polymer, are determined. The mechanical activation of the binder and filler powders provides a uniform distribution of the nanopowder within the binder and additionally enhances the physico-mechanical and tribotechnical properties of the composite.  相似文献   

Results of tribotests of copper-carbon films formed by combining plasma-enhanced chemical vacuum deposition of carbon from a mixture of reaction gases and the physical sputtering of a copper target yield basic regularities of their tribological behavior. The wear resistance of the composites is governed by the type of plasma-forming gas that influences their surface morphology and structure state. The films deposited from a mixture of 50% acetylene and 100% methane possess the best wear resistance. The composites can be used in electrical engineering as interrupting (sliding) contacts, in instrument making, and in machine building as antifriction, wear-resistant, and high-strength protective layers with high adhesion characteristics.  相似文献   

The novel Ta2AlC–20 vol.% Ag (TaAg) and Cr2AlC–20 vol.% Ag (CrAg) composites were tribologically tested versus a Ni-based superalloy Inc718 (SA) by dry sliding at a sliding speed of 1 m/s at room temperature in air at loads from 3 N to 18 N. The TaAg composites were also tested at 8 and 18 N at 550 °C, and at a 3 N load against the SA with different surface roughnesses at 26 °C and 550 °C. At room temperatures, the coefficients of friction, μ’s, decreased from ~0.8–0.9 to ~0.3–0.4 for both the TaAg and CrAg composites as the applied normal force increased from 3 N to 8 N. Further increases in load to 18 N did not change the μ’s. The specific wear rates, sWR, increased with increased loads for the TaAg composite; they remained almost unchanged for the CrAg composite. This behavior was attributed to the formation of glaze tribofilms—similar to ones observed previously in these tribocouples at elevated temperatures and 3 N—promoted by the increased loads. Preconditioning of the SA surface by sliding against the TaAg composite at 550 °C and 8 N resulted in μ’s of <0.2 and sWR < 10−6 mm3/N-m in subsequent room temperature sliding at 3 N. Somewhat higher, but stable room temperature μ’s of ~0.3 and sWR of ~3 × 10−5 mm3/N-m were observed when the TaAg composites were slid versus a sandblasted SA surface at 500 °C and 3 N. It follows that in situ preconditioning of the tribo-surfaces is a powerful tool for improving the properties of the MAX/Ag-SA tribocouples. The relationship between sliding conditions, chemistries of tribofilms, and their properties are discussed.  相似文献   

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