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绿色设计制造在产品设计中的应用问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李莎菲  乔路宁 《节能》2012,31(5):13-15
产品的绿色设计、绿色制造已成为当前的研究热点。绿色设计就是实现产品绿色要求的设计,绿色制造是人类社会可持续发展战略在现代制造业中的体现,与传统设计要考虑产品的物理性能相比,绿色设计需考虑环境因素,是一种全新的设计概念。讨论绿色设计在产品设计中的具体应用,指出绿色设计的重要意义及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

绿色发展是我国"十三五"时期制造业发展的五大基本方针之一,构建高效、清洁、低碳、循环的绿色制造体系是推动制造业绿色发展的重要抓手。绿色制造体系包括绿色产品设计示范、绿色示范工厂创建、绿色示范园区创建和绿色供应链示范。建设百家绿色园区、千家绿色工厂,推广万种绿色产品,打造一批绿色供应链企业,推动能源资源利用效率明显提升是绿色制造体系建设的目标。目前,已开展了三批绿色制造体系建设示范工作,绿色制造体系助力工业绿色发展成效显现。  相似文献   

绿色制造及实施中的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿色制造是现代制造业发展的趋势,在分析绿色制造产生背景的基础上,讨论了绿色制造的概念和内涵;分析了绿色制造业带来的全新观念.  相似文献   

正作为中国实施制造强国战略第一个十年的行动纲领,《中国制造2025》将绿色发展作为主要方向之一,明确提出全面推行绿色制造。近日,工信部正式对外发布《绿色制造2016专项行动实施方案》,加速了《中国制造2025》的落地。德勤会计师事务所针对全球制造业竞争力研究显示,以预测分析、物联网、智能产品和智能工厂为特征的"工业4.0"以及先进的材料,都是全球制造业竞争力发展至关重要的因素。受  相似文献   

为加快推进生态文明建设,促进工业绿色发展,工业和信息化部制定了《工业绿色发展规划(2016—2020年)》,并于2016年9月首次提出建设绿色制造指标体系,开展绿色工厂、绿色园区、绿色产品、绿色供应链管理等示范创建工作。目前,各地已完成两批四百余家国家级绿色示范评价认定,取得了可喜的成绩。第三方机构评价是绿色示范认定中关键的一环,笔者以对家电行业的第三方评价活动进行简析,以期探讨优化评价的路径。  相似文献   

夏洪伟  王辉 《江西能源》2021,(2):115-118
食堂作为公共机构节能减排重要组成部分,直接影响能源消耗和环境保护,建立科学合理的公共机构绿色食堂评价体系是推动绿色发展的重要手段.通过对现有公共机构绿色食堂评价指标体系的解读,有助于加深对公共机构绿色食堂评价体系的理解,同时给出相关建议:1)在评价指标体系中增加相关措施,做到发挥主动,人人参与;2)公共机构绿色食堂评价标准中做到指标体系与时俱进,科学建标;3)相关主管部门采用"以评促改,以评促建",全面推进公共机构食堂绿色发展.公共机构绿色食堂的创评工作将有助于进一步推动公共机构绿色发展,为全社会的绿色发展发挥表率作用.  相似文献   

绿色制造发展概况及其在机械加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍绿色制造的内含与概况,阐述绿色制造在现代制造业中的重要性.主要讨论绿色机械加工的方法及关键技术,并建立其评价指标体系.  相似文献   

本文梳理了我国节能标准化工作发展历程,介绍了工业领域节能与绿色标准化政策及项目研究情况.重点围绕转变管理模式、构建绿色制造体系、优化能源消费结构、调整技术和产品结构等方面,分析了标准化工作取得的积极成效,并从完善常态化机制、制修订绿色制造体系标准、深入开展两化融合等角度,提出了相关工作建议.  相似文献   

1月13日,上海市经济信息化委节能与综合利用处处长陆寅等一行7人赴安徽省经济和信息化厅开展调研。安徽省经济和信息化厅节能与综合利用处处长戚军、安徽省节能监察中心薛柏主任参加调研。会上,双方就本省市"十三五"节能工作情况及"十四五"节能工作思路分别做了介绍。戚军处长表示,"十三五"期间,安徽省主要以绿色制造体系为抓手,创建了107个国家级绿色工厂,305个绿色产品,完成强度下降18%的"十三五"节能目标,"十四五"期间将围绕"5个100"继续深化绿色制造体系工作,把安徽省打造成科技强省。  相似文献   

从绿色性、经济性和技术性等3方面对空气源热泵热水器进行绿色度评价。采用可拓层次分析法,用可拓区间数来确定相对重要性程度,并将判断矩阵一致性要求融合到权重向量的求解之中,使评价结果更加合理、有效。根据评价过程和结果找到影响热水器绿色度的相应指标,从而改进产品的设计及制造工艺,提高空气源热泵热水器作为新型节能环保产品的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

张建国  谷立静 《中国能源》2012,34(12):19-24
我国"十二五"期间要大力发展绿色建筑,发展绿色建筑是转变城乡建设模式和建筑业发展方式的重要举措,我国目前尚处于自愿发展的起步阶段,绿色建筑相关的法规制度、标准、激励政策、技术支撑等还不健全,本文提出今后要明确绿色建筑发展的方向和目标,因地制宜,并从法规、标准、政策、监管等各方面,全面促进绿色建筑的发展。本文重点解读了绿色建筑的内涵,阐述了我国发展绿色建筑的重要意义,分析了我国绿色建筑发展的现状和面临的挑战,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

吴永平 《中国能源》2010,32(11):16-17,20
本文综述了大同煤矿集团坚定不移地走新型工业化道路,以"绿色循环"、"绿色科技"、"绿色文化"为主题,探索新模式,创造新标准,推动煤炭工业发展,实现绿色转型。  相似文献   

With the proposal of carbon neutral goals in various countries, the deepening of global action on climate change and the acceleration of green economy recovery in the post epidemic era, building a low-carbon and clean hydrogen supply system has gradually become a global consensus. In order to promote the development of clean hydrogen market, the standards of green hydrogen have been discussed at global level. The quantitative definition of different hydrogen production methods based on the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission of life cycle assessment (LCA) methods is gradually recognised by the industry. China issued the “Standard and evaluation of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen and renewable hydrogen” in December 2020. This is the first formal green hydrogen standard worldwide, which provides calculation methods for GHG of different hydrogen production paths. This chapter discusses the major green hydrogen standards initiative in the world, analyses the key factors of the global green hydrogen standard, and introduces how to establish the quantitative standards and evaluation system of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen, and renewable hydrogen by using the method in China.  相似文献   

面对全球气候变化的挑战,节能减排、低碳经济等已成为人类社会可持续发展的重要内容.对于我国印刷行业来说,使用绿色原料、实施绿色工艺的绿色印刷已经是印刷企业的共识.阐述了绿色印刷目前在国内外的发展现状,预测绿色印刷的未来发展方向将是对印刷工业废气、废液和固体废弃物的清洁、降解处理的先进环保技术,印刷废料的回收以及整个流程中...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the political economy of establishing bilateral trade in green certificate markets as one step towards harmonization of European green electricity support systems. We outline some of the economic principles of an integrated bilateral green certificates market, and then discuss a number of issues that are deemed to be critical for the effectiveness, stability and legitimacy of such a market. By drawing on some of the lessons of the fairly recent intentions to integrate a future green certificate market in Norway with the existing Swedish one, we highlight, exemplify and discuss some critical policy implementation and design issues. These include, for instance, the system's connection to climate policy targets, the role of other support schemes and the definition of what green electricity technologies should be included. Furthermore, the establishment of an international market presumes that the benefits of renewable power (e.g., its impacts on the environment, diversification of the power mix, self-sufficiency, etc.) are approached and valued from an international perspective rather than from a national one, thus implying lesser emphasis on, for instance, employment and regional development impacts. A bilateral green certificate system thus faces a number of important policy challenges, but at the same time it could provide important institutional learning effects that can be useful for future attempts aiming at achieving greater policy integration in the European renewable energy sector.  相似文献   

降低碳排放,发展低碳经济已经是摆在发动机行业面前的一个重要课题,本文通过总结潍柴动力股份有限公司在绿色研发和绿色制造中的几点做法和经验,介绍了绿色产品在节能、减排、低碳方面取得的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

With support from the Chinese government, the Chinese wind power generation industry is experiencing rapid development. The quick growth of the wind power generation industry has promoted the development of the Chinese wind turbine manufacturing industry. Similarly, the quantity and the productivity of the local Chinese Wind Turbine Manufacturers (WTMs) have also undergone a quick and significant expansion. This is resulting in an increase in competition amongst the WTMs in China. Being relatively new, this creates a fertile environment for local Chinese WTMs that is ripe for study and analysis. Based on the niche theory of industrial ecosystem and enterprise, this paper investigates the Chinese wind turbine manufacturing industry, and proposes a wind turbine manufacturing industry ecosystem model and a WTMs’ ecological niche evaluation index system (WENEIS). Use is made of a catastrophe theory model evaluation method to evaluate the ecological niche status of the 6 main local Chinese WTMs selected and a spider diagram is established to compare the status of the different enterprises’ ecological niche. The proposed WENEIS aids WTMs in finding the competitive advantage and disadvantage factors for their development, as well as providing a valuable reference for the WTMs to improve their business environment and to formulate their competitive strategy in the future.  相似文献   

集成化的设计环境及现代设计方法学是目前产品设计研究的热点和前沿 ,提出设计仓库的体系 ,对于提高计算机辅助设计系统的功能具有重要意义。在设计仓库的支持下设计人员能及时准确地获取产品开发的信息与帮助 ,利用Web机制 ,可以实现信息共享与交换 ,解决产品设计中对知识的需求的问题。对基于知识资源信息化、集成化的面向虚拟制造的现代设计学方法和技术进行了探讨 ,在设计仓库的支持下 ,使用虚拟产品开发工具软件 ,产品开发人员可以进行并行协同产品设计。  相似文献   

解决生态环境问题需要运用绿色金融,研究政府引导市场的绿色金融创新机制与制度安排,以绿色激励手段撬动市场力量,提高环保资金使用效率,对于我国建立生态文明制度体系的战略目标具有重要支持性意义。本文探讨性地提出通过建立"221绿色金融创新机制"来打造生态文明制度的产业基础,旨在建立绿色金融创新的政策组合拳,通过完善的政策体系达到发展绿色金融,支持绿色产业经济,实现生态文明健康发展的目标。  相似文献   

Levulinate compounds are the biomass derived important energy products which are primarily used as diesel-blending components. These levulinates are the oxygenated fuel additive which promote complete combustion of fuel and reduces emission of pollutants like particulate matters and nitrogen oxides. In the present study, we have investigated sustainable synthesis of biomass derived levulinate compounds catalyzed by Cal B lipase in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) as a green biocatalyst in green reaction media which provided an excellent mass yield. Various reaction parameters were optimized in details such as butanol, levulinic acid, biocatalyst, co-solvent, temperature and pressure to obtain 99% mass yield of the desired product. Moreover various green metric parameters (e.g. E-factor, carbon efficiency and mass productivity) of present methodology were evaluated. The green metrics evaluation suggested that developed procedure is a promising and a greener alternative as compared to various reported conventional synthetic protocols. The biocatalyst was efficiently recycled up to the five cycles. Moreover, the developed protocol can be used for synthesis of various industrially important levulinate compounds which also provided excellent mass yield. Thus, the present protocol demonstrated (i) robust biocatalytic application for transformation of renewable biomass derived levulinic acid (LVA) into value added chemicals and (ii) various green metric evaluation study for the sustainability.  相似文献   

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