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Contractors and/or owners frequently need to accelerate the delivery of construction projects. Contractors may have to accelerate in order to benefit from contractual bonus, avoid penalties, recover from delays and/or avoid undesirable weather and site conditions. Owners, on the other hand, may order acceleration to meat business and operational opportunities. This paper presents an algorithm for schedule updating, dynamic rescheduling and optimized acceleration of repetitive construction projects. Schedule updating captures the exact progress on site. Dynamic rescheduling aims at capitalizing on the repetitive nature of the project to fine-tune the remaining portion of the project. Optimized acceleration presents an optimized time–cost trade-off that is tailored for repetitive projects. Through a set of iterative steps, the optimized acceleration procedure divides each activity into segments and identifies the segments that would shorten project duration if accelerated. For those identified segments, the ones with the least cost slope are selected and queued for acceleration. Through the proposed segmentation of activities this algorithm provides optimum allocation of additional acceleration resources, thus is rendered capable of identifying least cost acceleration plans. The algorithm allows users to select among different acceleration strategies such as working overtime, working double shifts, working weekends, and employing more productive crews. The presented algorithm maintains work continuity and accounts for typical and non-typical activities. The algorithm is implemented in a spreadsheet application, which automates calculations, yet allows users to fine tune the algorithm to fit the project at hand. The developed algorithm is applied to a case study drawn from literature in order to illustrate its basic features and demonstrate its accuracy.  相似文献   

In order to control a project, construction management requires project information. This is obtained through accounting, estimating, cost management and scheduling functions which produce project reports. These reports are best obtained by subdividing the project into small parts. The ways in which each of these functions subdivides a project in order to produce its reports is discussed, together with a means of interrelating this information with a technique known as the work breakdown structure.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new method for scheduling repetitive construction projects with several objectives such as project duration, project cost, or both of them. The method deals with constraints of precedence relationships between activities, and constraints of resource work continuity. The method considers different attributes of activities (such as activities which allow or do not allow interruptions), and different relationships between direct costs and durations for activities (such as linear, non-linear, continuous, or discrete relationship) to provide a satisfactory schedule. In order to minimize the mentioned objectives, the proposed method finds a set of suitable durations for activities by genetic algorithm, and then determines the suitable start times of these activities by a scheduling algorithm. The bridge construction example from literature is analyzed to validate the proposed method, and another example is also given to illustrate its new capability in project planning.  相似文献   

Construction control is an essential management function for successful delivery and achieving of construction projects’ goals. Considerable research efforts have been done regarding project control. However, literature suffers from a lack of visualizing the controlling process. With the growth of using visualization techniques in construction, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) have recently attained a widespread contribution in visualization of construction progress. BIM is a process of creating virtual models data that represents building facilities. In this research, BIM represents a platform for nD (n-Dimensional) visualization of construction progress. The advantages of this paper stems from three main contributions for construction projects control: 1) developing of a mathematical model for time control of repetitive construction projects; 2) an automated system to dynamically integrate project progress with BIM technique; and 3) a GIS-based tool to visualize the progress of distributed sites. The developed model provides abundant information to help decision makers take the appropriate corrective actions. An example application is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the developed system.  相似文献   

根据各工期风险因素对大型工程项目工期的多重影响,构建了基于改进PERT(计划评审技术)方法的项目工期风险评价模型。以某大型水利工程项目为研究对象,将辨识的各风险因素对各作业持续时间的影响带入评价模型,并进行了单因素分析和多因素组合分析与评价。结果表明,该评价模型可以直观、方便地预测出单因素及多因素组合对项目工期的影响大小,从而帮助项目进度管理人员明确进度控制的重点,减少工期风险对项目造成的损失。  相似文献   

金德珠 《山西建筑》2011,37(10):208-210
结合生产实践对建设项目用地勘测定界工作的含义、工作程序等进行了初步的探讨和总结,并归纳了勘测定界中常见问题及解决对策,以期指导工程实践。  相似文献   

Current probabilistic scheduling models are based on a single network and assume the sequences (or links or logic) between activities to be fixed. However, some links may be changeable or soft. The presence of a soft link from one activity to another indicates that the execution of these activities has several alternative sequences. This study simulates the duration of an example project by considering uncertain activity durations and probabilistic soft links. The simulated results are compared with those obtained by the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and three other simulation-based models. The comparisons reveal that the results generated by a simulation are close to those of PERT when the simulation incorporates soft logic. Practical lessons learned by activating soft logic also are discussed.  相似文献   

做好重点文物建设工程的档案管理工作在文物建设中具有重要的地位和作用。本文从三大方面对如何做好重点文物建设工程的档案管理进行了详尽的阐述。一是重点文物建设工程项目档案的特殊性。二是重点文物建设项目档案管理现状。三是做好重点文物建设项目档案管理的方法。此外我还结合自己的工作实际经验总结了重点文物工程档案的归档内容以供参考。 附:重点文物工程档案归档内容一览表(仅供参考)  相似文献   

周青 《城建档案》2006,(1):29-30
本文总结了作者多年从事重点工程城建档案工作的成功经验,就城建档案工作如何抓住机遇切入重点工程进行了较为详细的阐述、分析,并希望藉此对其他城市的重点工程城建档案工作起到一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

基于PERT及仿真技术的工程项目总工期控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于工程项目,特别是大型石化项目,由于涉及的专业、单元众多,其总工期估算及控制一直是一个较难的问题。通过关键路径法(CPM)及计划评审技术(PERT)建立数学模型,并应用crystal ball工具进行模拟仿真,较准确地对项目总工期进行了预测。  相似文献   

Different project goals provide different prerequisites for project work and team processes. Two important aspects of project goals are technological certainty/uncertainty and adequacy of goal definition. Product development projects and construction projects are different in these respects. The study explores differences between the two types of projects with regard to psychosocial aspects of the work situation. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire study (n=98). The items in the questionnaire were designed to investigate social processes, individual work environment, and input/output factors. Results indicate that there were more developed team processes in the product development projects, and that co-workers on such projects experienced development of professional skills to a greater extent. In general, social processes requiring conceptual co-operation and communication were less pronounced in the construction projects investigated. The paper discusses how the differences found between the two kinds of projects can be related to work settings. Possible implications for future research are considered.  相似文献   

武晋生 《山西建筑》2009,35(2):202-203
针对太原市城市建设拆迁工作中问题越来越多的现状,结合拆迁经验,具体分析了拆迁问题产生的原因,提出了太原市城市建设项目前期拆迁工作的开展思路,以避免干群矛盾激化和上访事件的频频发生,从而使拆迁工作进入良性循环。  相似文献   

招标工作在我国已经有了20多年的发展历程,随着《中华人民共和国招投标法》的颁布实施,招标方式在建材行业得到广泛认知和普及。以水泥厂工程建设为例,从设计、设备和原材料采购、土建施工、安装施工、调试和性能考核等等过程,都可通过招标来确定承包方,也可以采用国际上通行  相似文献   

基于施工合同在项目中的重要性,从合同策划、实施计划、实施控制、索赔管理及合同后评价五方面,分析了建设工程施工合同管理的策略,从而提升合同的管理水平,实现工程建设目标。  相似文献   

梁俊珍 《山西建筑》2011,37(13):230-231
针对建设工程项目的施工成本管理进行了探讨,从施工准备阶段、施工阶段、工程竣工阶段三方面入手介绍了施工成本管理的内容及要点,并着重阐述了如何更好地进行施工成本控制和管理,以指导实践。  相似文献   

An important topic addressed in the Emerson report in 1962 and the Latham report in 1994 is the issue of productivity in the construction industry. However, attention has only been focused on phases other than the conceptual phase of construction projects. The conceptual phase is of strategic importance in the project environment. Understanding this phase is a prerequisite for improving productivity on site. The paper discusses the conceptual phase of construction projects. An extensive literature review and interviews with four experienced practitioners from major client and construction organisations identified the definition, relationships and tasks for the conceptual phase. These characteristics of the conceptual phase will be the basis of an a priori hypothesis, which will be tested through a postal survey of 144 companies throughout Europe. Case studies will be carried out of six major projects: a nuclear power station, a petrochemical plant, a sewage treatment plant, an off-shore North Sea oil project, a major international airport, and a motorway project.  相似文献   

杨钊 《山西建筑》2006,32(12):211-212
论述了施工安全的重要性,指出建筑施工安全要有一定的资金投入,分析了施工安全与文明施工的关系,探讨了建筑施工安全管理的组织技术措施,以保障和提高建筑施工现场的安全性。  相似文献   

针对我国目前建设工程的结算状况,从工程量清单的编制、工程中期结算、索赔签证三方面分析了建设工程结算工作存在的问题,同时介绍了相应的解决措施,从而提升建设工程的结算水平,有效控制建设工程造价。  相似文献   

介绍了目前建筑施工技术的发展状况与不足之处,分析了建筑工程中施工流水技术的优点,并从施工项目信息分析与施工步骤两方面,阐述了流水施工方法,以促进流水施工技术在工程中的应用。  相似文献   

介绍了建筑工程主要的施工技术,分析了建筑工程施工技术与管理中存在的问题,并从施工现场组织、工作人员素质、施工监管机制、成本管理等角度,提出了加强建筑施工技术的管理建议,从而提高建筑工程的生产效益。  相似文献   

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