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As buildings are now taller, larger, and more complex, it has become increasingly more difficult to secure stockyards for materials and to resolve the surrounding traffic problems, creating an increased need for Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery. To support JIT delivery, it is necessary to build a framework that can facilitate the collection and share of information on construction components and material flow throughout the whole supply chain process. Many researchers have suggested that radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor network technologies could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of JIT management. In addition, service-oriented architecture (SOA), the services of which enable the interfacing of a heterogeneous system environment of parties involved in the supply chain management process, is suggested in the manufacturing industry as one of the solutions for effective collection and sharing of information in supply chain management. However, the construction industry has limits in applying the framework suggested in the manufacturing industry since the supply chain process in the construction industry is extremely dynamic due to frequent changes in the design and plans of construction projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a seamlessly integrated information management framework that can provide logistics information to project stakeholders for their decision making. The pilot test of the framework developed in this research showed that it can improve time efficiency by about 32% compared to the traditional supply chain management. The result of this research is expected to be utilized effectively as a basic framework to manage information in RFID/WSN based construction supply chain management (CSCM) environments.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to shed light on the role played by regional knowledge bases in Industry 3.0 in fostering new technologies in Industry 4.0 in European regions (NUTS 3) over the period 1991–2015. We find that 4.0 technologies appear to be quite related to 3.0 technologies, with some heterogeneity among different technology fields. The paper investigates the geographical implications. We find that the probability of developing Industry 4.0 technologies is higher in regions that are specialized in Industry 3.0 technologies. However, other types of knowledge bases also sustain regional diversification in Industry 4.0 technologies.  相似文献   

阐述了我国开展职业技能鉴定和培训的目的和作用,介绍了防水行业职业技能鉴定和培训工作的开展情况、职业技能鉴定申报的要求、工作流程和鉴定内容。为保障行业从业人员的素质,我国于2007年在苏州成立了主要从事建筑防水行业职业技能鉴定的机构———建材行业特有工种职业技能(040)鉴定站,目前该站已获批准的职业(工种)有改性沥青防水卷材生产工、高分子防水卷材生产工、防水工、化学检验工、材料成分检验工、材料物理性能检验工等6个,并拟新增建筑防水密封材料检验工和建筑密封材料生产工2个工种。  相似文献   

文章分析了建筑行业信用体系建设对于促进建筑业健康可持续发展、建立健全社会信用体系、构建和谐社会具有的重要意义。研究了中国建筑业协会在行业信用体系建设中所作出的卓有成效的努力,以及信用评价工作的具体做法、内容和程序,总结了信用评价工作中积累的有益经验。  相似文献   

将劳务分包业、工程服务类产业囊括进建筑业范围内,建立建筑业细分产业分类体系,选取2011~2013年细分产业营业收入、企业个数、从业人数3项指标对建筑业细分产业结构进行实证分析,并建立偏离—份额模型探求细分产业经济增长速度。结果发现,房屋建筑业是建筑业经济增长的主要推动力;劳务分包业发展薄弱;工程服务类细分产业中,工程监理业、招标代理业、造价咨询业经济规模小、盈利水平低,阻碍了建筑业的整体发展,勘察设计业则盈利高、增速快,发展势头良好。  相似文献   

The construction industry is emerging as the next frontier for computer-integrated technologies, just as the manufacturing industry did 25 years ago. More recently, the emergence of Internet–Intranet technologies is creating new mechanisms for collaborative design and operation that were previously impossible. The advances that have occurred in the manufacturing industry in the areas of collaborative design, intelligent process planning and computer-integrated manufacturing provide significant insights for formulating analogous paradigms for computer-integrated construction. However, in many aspects, the development of enabling technologies (for design, operation and decision-making) to achieve this transformation in the construction industry is not as trivial as repackaging existing technologies and tools that have been developed for the manufacturing industry. In this paper, we draw attention to some of the significant research opportunities and challenges that exist in these areas of collaborative design and computer-integrated construction, and outline some related researches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  相似文献   

工业企业蒸汽凝结水回收可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍蒸汽凝结水回收的两种主要形式,并针对凝结水回收率及能源利用率高的闭式回收系统从经济及技术方面进行了可行性分析。认为闭式凝结水回收技术在工业企业具有很好的节能效益与发展前景。  相似文献   

Construction projects are getting bigger and more complex while the average productivity at the industry level is not improving enough. It is essential to look at the means available, in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the construction industry. Technology fusion, which refers to a truly interdisciplinary approach of combining different technology areas, is a new way of sparking off the currently stagnant level of construction technologies. This paper presents a comprehensive technology roadmap developed under the support of Korea Ministry of Construction and Transportation (KMOCT), where the needs for innovative future construction technology are well organized through the interdisciplinary research efforts. To succeed in developing a technology fusion-based construction research plan, four major approaches are adopted: technology foresight, socio-economic prediction, market needs identification, and benchmarking of other efforts. Through these integrated processes, research and development (R&D) programs that cover the entire life cycle of construction projects are proposed. KMOCT is expected to launch 14 of the proposed programs during the next five years on a priority base, funding a total of approximately US$ 5 to 15 million for each program.  相似文献   

建筑业竞争力评价研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以十个省市的建筑业为对象,对建筑业的竞争力进行比较分析.研究工作在三个层面上展开,即初步和直观的比较分析、基于波特的"钻石理论"的比较竞争优势分析和基于建筑业竞争力指数(CICI)的分析.研究结果表明,目前我国还没有一个省市达到"建筑强省"的标准.按照当前的现状和发展趋势,浙江、江苏和山东最有可能率先实现这一目标.  相似文献   

现代空间钢结构高空滑移法施工技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代空间钢结构随计算机技术的发展而被广泛应用,但大跨度大空间钢结构安装施工技术,仍然是建筑技术界的重要课题之一。本文介绍了现代空间钢结构施工的主要方法和特点,并通过实例着重介绍了现代高空滑移技术及其具体的施工方法和成效。实践证明高空滑移技术提高了施工进度和工程质量,保证了结构及施工的安全,取得了显著的技术经济效果,作为大跨度大空间钢结构先进的施工技术,具有良好的应用价值和前景。  相似文献   

在制造业全球化的背景下,我国东部的都市圈目前已成为世界上最年轻的,增长速度最快的制造业聚集区。本文在构造了产业聚集衡量指标体系的基础上,分析了东部都市圈制造业空间聚集的特征,并认为制造业在东部都市圈的聚集是在区位因素、制度因素、历史因素、外商直接投资等因素的综合影响下的必然结果,是在市场化进程逐步推动下形成的,因此对各级政府来说应该按照制造业集聚的市场规律消除市场失灵和阻碍集聚的政府规则,积极推动和促进城市制造业的空间集聚。  相似文献   

中国城市新型制造业评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从现代城市新型制造业发展的趋势、内涵和特点出发,分析回顾了相应评价方法的基础上,给出了基于经济创造能力、科技创新能力和资源环境保护能力的系统评价指标体系及其计量模型,最后对我国30个样本城市制造业科技创新能力进行实证分析,并从发展规划、产业集群和融投资环境等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

通过对中国建筑业技术进步的研究,发现建筑业研发投入不足且缺乏战略性、成果转化能力薄弱、创新阻力较大、企业创新能力较弱、合作创新网络未普遍形成、缺乏国际化的技术标准与技术扩散战略指导等,是我国建筑业技术创新面临的主要问题;明确了未来5 年我国建筑业科技投入与产出、重点发展的技术领域、建设创新型建筑业等战略目标;提出了实现战略目标的总体思路和建议,包括构建中国建筑业科技政策研究的科学路径、改进和完善建筑业科技与创新政策、增进创新体系中相关方的合作伙伴关系、营造健康的创新文化与创新环境、开展自下而上的制度创新和建筑技术标准国际化活动等。  相似文献   

创意产业园区的开发是城市再生的一种新型模式。创意产业园区作为衰退的内城地区城市再生的一种有效途径获得了国内外相关学者的热切关注。纵观国内外研究,目前经济学界与城市规划界对创意产业集群效率均未形成系统研究。本文试图从城市经济学的角度探索理论研究方法,对创意产业园区集聚效率进行概念界定、效率评价流程和指标体系建立、测评方法选取和模型修正。本文选取南京"晨光1865"园区为参照,取样国内其他典型园区进行横向比较研究。尝试通过基于创意产业集聚效率的实证测评,探析物质空间表象背后的园区运营机制及经济要素条件。最后得出结论和优化建议,提供今后园区的规划筹建和高效运作的思路。  相似文献   

Taking Dounan International Flower Industry Park in Chenggong District for example, neighboring environment and other tourism resources are combined on the basis of the five planned functional areas(fl ower trade and expo area, comprehensive service and distribution area, post-harvest treatment and information service area, international fl ower research and exhibition area, international fl ower enterprise exhibition and supporting service area), and recreational functions designed to build it into a comprehensive industrial and recreational park with sightseeing, leisure, and science popularization functions. Integration and adjustment of leisure spaces in Dounan International Flower Industry Park focus on the following aspects: re-plan the layout of leisure spaces; industrial park promotes restructuring of leisure spaces; residential functions are transferred to new leisure spaces; commercial service industry promotes leisure spaces; government transforms its functions and expands functions of leisure spaces; new technology pushes forward the change of residents' leisure time structure, so as to improve leisure functions of Dounan International Flower Industry Park in an all-around way.  相似文献   

运用 2000~2014 年建筑业相关数据,建立技术创新及基础环境与建筑业能源效率的多元回归模型,探究建筑业技术创新及基础环境对能源效率的影响,从而提高建筑业能源利用效率。研究表明:主要技术人员和 R&D 人员全时当量对能源效率的影响较大,即技术人才、创新人才是提高建筑业能源效率的关键,其中技术人才是基础环境的保障,创新人才是技术创新的核心。建筑业 R&D 人员全时当量相当少,目前技术创新对能源效率无显著影响,但从预测值及影响程度分析,技术创新能提升能源效率。中国建筑业最重要的是注重培养技术人才和创新人才,走人才强业、技术兴业之路。  相似文献   

面向工业4.0时代建筑行业信息化和智能化背景下转型升级的新挑战与新机遇,转变建筑类专业教育中“以校为主、以企为辅”的传统校企协同教育理念,探索“校企同行”的“双主体”协同育人新理念,通过人才培养目标与毕业要求的创新、特色实践课程体系的搭建、机制保障与育人平台的打造,全方位构建“立体交融”的建筑类专业“双主体”校企协同培养模式。以行业需求为导向,立足于新工科建设,融通多元学科与多方资源,经过8年的探索与实践,凝练高等教育教学改革的“哈工大范式”,为建筑类专业教育的发展与转型提供了全新的启示与路径。  相似文献   

孙澄  杨阳  韩昀松 《新建筑》2014,(4):136-140
建筑信息模型(BIM)的提出对于建筑行业各个专业和不同环节之间的协同合作及信息集成产生了重大影响,数字化加工制造技术对于提高建筑建造的效率计到数字化加工制造阶段信息模型数据要求的分析息交互框架,并结合实例对该框架进行应用和探讨用。通过对钢结构建筑从设提出基于数字化加工制造的P-BIM应用技术流程与信旨在为进一步针对BIM技术工具软件的开发和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

基于用先进的制造业改造传统建筑业的现实需求,在对影响组织沟通的核心要素分析的基础上,设计问卷及测量问题,并进行了数据收集及其信度、效度检验,应用数理统计方法对建筑业和制造业企业的组织沟通有效性进行了比较研究。研究结果表明:制造业企业信息交流的准确性、及时性和充分性均明显好于建筑业企业;而制造业企业的信息交换量虽大于建筑业企业,但差异并不显著。该研究有助于建筑业企业借鉴制造业的先进经验,通过组织沟通有效性水平的提升促进与其他联盟企业的合作。  相似文献   

应用工作研究原理提高工作效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林强 《工程机械》2005,36(10):66-69
在制造业中推广应用工作研究,有利于不断提高制造系统效率和基础管理水平。在介绍了工作研究基本思路的基础上,详细阐述了工作研究的原理及其方法,给出了工作研究在实施中应注意的问题。结合实例阐述了工作研究的实施步骤及其所取得的效果。  相似文献   

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